The Sea Beast Full Movie Watch Online 123Movies

  • 8 months ago
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00:01:09 - There was a time when children dreaded the night
00:01:26 for the sleeping hours brought visions of horror.
00:01:29 The dark times when those terrible sea beasts
00:01:33 would ravage our shores and no ship was safe on the sea.
00:01:38 But thanks to the hunters, those days are over.
00:01:43 Today, these valiant warriors battle the beasts
00:01:47 far beyond the horizon, risking their lives
00:01:50 to rid the seas of those nightmare creatures.
00:01:54 And the greatest of the hunting ships is the inevitable.
00:01:58 - And the greatest of the hunters is Captain Crow!
00:02:01 (cheering)
00:02:03 - Hey, who's reading this story?
00:02:09 - Oh my word, what's this?
00:02:11 Lights out was an hour ago.
00:02:13 Oh, you'll be the death of me.
00:02:15 Come on, along, along you go.
00:02:17 And Miss Maisie, the king and queen care for you
00:02:22 hunter orphans out of their kindness.
00:02:24 When you disobey the house rules, you disrespect them.
00:02:28 So we're not going to have any more attempts, now are we?
00:02:33 - Absolutely not.
00:02:36 - Hmm.
00:02:39 (gentle music)
00:02:44 (footsteps)
00:02:46 (clicks)
00:02:52 - Fair travels, me swabs.
00:03:00 And remember, live a great life and die a great death.
00:03:07 - Bye bye, Maisie. - Bye bye, king.
00:03:09 - Miss you. - See you tomorrow.
00:03:11 (upbeat music)
00:03:14 (upbeat music)
00:03:16 - All hands on deck!
00:03:38 (bell ringing)
00:03:40 All together now, heave away!
00:03:44 (bell ringing)
00:03:46 (shouting)
00:03:51 - Where'd you see it? - Dead ahead, Jacob.
00:03:57 - Hmm, are you sure?
00:03:59 - Aye, a red tail, biggest I ever saw,
00:04:02 just under the surface.
00:04:03 - Then today's the day.
00:04:05 (grunts)
00:04:11 - It's the red bluster, I know it in me bones.
00:04:15 See there, the birds follow it.
00:04:18 - We come all this way for a proper fight.
00:04:21 - And we'll get it, me boy.
00:04:22 - It's been 30 years since that thing took me dead light.
00:04:25 Now I'll have me revenge. - Aye.
00:04:28 - Well, we've passed Rum Pepper Island.
00:04:32 It's heading for the Dredmor Sea.
00:04:35 (bell rings)
00:04:40 - If we're gonna do battle with the greatest
00:04:42 and most terrible thing in the sea,
00:04:44 it's best not to wait till after.
00:04:46 - There might not be an after.
00:04:49 (shouting)
00:04:54 (shouting)
00:04:56 - Captain, it's another hunting ship, under attack!
00:05:03 - It's Jim Nickelbones' ship.
00:05:08 It looks like he's found a brickleback.
00:05:10 - Can't say it found him.
00:05:12 - We have to help him.
00:05:14 - Walk course, Captain.
00:05:21 - We press on. - What?
00:05:25 - If Jim Nickelbones were half the sea dog he says he is,
00:05:28 he wouldn't be in this mess.
00:05:30 - Captain, you know the code.
00:05:32 It binds us to all who come before
00:05:35 and all who come after.
00:05:38 - They will not rum-goggle Jim Nickelbones.
00:05:41 Esmeraldo, set a new course.
00:05:44 - Aye, Captain. Strike the spanker!
00:05:47 - Stew up for his reign!
00:05:49 - 30 years I've waited.
00:05:52 30 years. Blast!
00:06:04 - Put your rudder to the kitchen and cover up!
00:06:07 - Don't worry. We'll be to the bluster in no time, Captain.
00:06:10 - Drive her down, Mr. Chris.
00:06:13 - It's too much, Captain! We're going down!
00:06:23 - This is it, mates.
00:06:25 It's been the honor to serve with you.
00:06:28 - Pull yourself, pull away!
00:06:32 - My God, it's the inevitable!
00:06:35 - How about it, blackbirds?
00:06:38 - Let it know we're here.
00:06:44 - No!
00:06:46 - We're joined. - We have weather gauge.
00:07:08 Shall we draw it upwind? - Aye. And cross the T.
00:07:11 - Hard to port, Mr. Chris.
00:07:13 I'll hammer into the wind as high as she'll bear, Miss Marino.
00:07:16 - Furl the main and port!
00:07:18 And ease your headsails, boys!
00:07:21 Make your hauls!
00:07:24 - Here we go! Heads up.
00:07:28 Aim low.
00:07:30 - All right, you fish killers.
00:07:36 We come all this way for a proper fight.
00:07:39 And now we'll get it!
00:07:42 - Nearly there, Captain. - Aye, Sarah.
00:07:57 - No! Support Miss Marino and cross the T!
00:08:05 - You heard him, you lovers!
00:08:07 - Pull your mizzen! Main and port!
00:08:10 - Make it scream, Piper!
00:08:13 - Here we go. - Fire!
00:08:27 - Fire!
00:08:30 - We've not discouraged our prey. Quite the opposite, I'm afraid.
00:08:44 - Not to worry, Jacob. Kluhopola for Miss Marino.
00:08:47 - Haul away your main and mizzen!
00:08:50 Copsail flea line! Haul away!
00:08:53 - Loose!
00:08:56 [roaring]
00:08:59 - It's diving!
00:09:06 - Ah!
00:09:14 - Ah!
00:09:18 - Ah!
00:09:24 - Ah!
00:09:26 - Get under the companionway, and don't come out till it's settled.
00:09:38 - Clever fish. It's gone upwind.
00:09:43 - Stand to! Wait for the word!
00:09:46 - You heard the Captain. Arms to braces! Stand by all!
00:09:52 - No birds.
00:09:54 - It's smarter than we think. The line's been severed.
00:09:58 - It's below us!
00:10:04 [roaring]
00:10:07 - Ah!
00:10:09 - Ah!
00:10:11 - Ah!
00:10:21 - Ah!
00:10:23 - Ah!
00:10:30 - Ah!
00:10:32 - Fire!
00:10:40 [screaming]
00:10:43 - Ah!
00:10:54 - Ah!
00:10:56 - Ah!
00:11:00 - Ah!
00:11:02 - Ah!
00:11:07 - Ah!
00:11:09 - Ah!
00:11:11 - Ah!
00:11:22 - Ah!
00:11:27 - Ah!
00:11:30 - Ah!
00:11:36 - Ah!
00:11:38 - Don't worry, lad. We got it right where we want it.
00:11:41 - Jacob, look out!
00:11:43 - Ah!
00:11:45 - Ah!
00:11:47 - Jacob!
00:11:49 - Man overboard! Hard support! Pull the line!
00:11:52 - Hard support!
00:11:54 - Ah!
00:11:58 - Ah!
00:12:01 - Ah!
00:12:03 - Ah!
00:12:08 - Ah!
00:12:10 - Ah!
00:12:28 - Ah!
00:12:30 - Ah!
00:12:42 - Ah!
00:12:44 - Ah!
00:12:46 - Ah!
00:12:48 - Ah!
00:12:50 - Ah!
00:12:52 - Time has come, you devil!
00:12:57 - Ah!
00:12:59 - Ah!
00:13:02 - Ah!
00:13:05 - Ah!
00:13:07 - Ah!
00:13:22 - Jacob, listen to me.
00:13:25 [♪♪♪]
00:13:28 [♪♪♪]
00:13:30 [♪♪♪]
00:13:32 [♪♪♪]
00:13:54 [♪♪♪]
00:13:56 - Captain.
00:14:16 - Captain! Captain!
00:14:18 [coughing]
00:14:20 - Ah!
00:14:22 - Soapy.
00:14:24 [coughing]
00:14:35 [sighs]
00:14:37 - Captain, the mizzen's in splinters,
00:14:59 and I don't like the main.
00:15:01 - She can't fight.
00:15:03 - She'll be back when she can.
00:15:05 The repairs shouldn't take too long.
00:15:07 - Set a course for three bridges.
00:15:09 - We're going home.
00:15:11 - If you know what's good for you,
00:15:29 you'll keep clear of the captain.
00:15:31 - I know enough to smell that red devil.
00:15:33 - But if he can't have the bluster's hide,
00:15:35 he'll have ours, to be sure.
00:15:38 - Well, it's gloomy as the Hellguard trenches in here.
00:15:47 We've taken some right proper monsters on this hunt,
00:15:50 and the royals will pay us accordingly.
00:15:53 And then we'll come back, and we'll take that red devil.
00:15:56 - Can we be it, Jacob?
00:15:58 They say the bluster moves the very sea.
00:16:01 - Aye, and it shoots fireballs out of the tires, they say.
00:16:04 It's enough to make your knees wobble.
00:16:08 But I ain't afraid,
00:16:10 'cause I'm on the inevitable with you lot.
00:16:13 This ship has taken more of them beasts than any other,
00:16:16 and she's got the scars to prove it.
00:16:18 - As do we, Jacob. [laughs]
00:16:22 - Aye, and every hunter's scar is a life saved.
00:16:27 A merchant sailor on their first voyage.
00:16:32 A mother.
00:16:35 A son.
00:16:37 All hunters die at the same thing.
00:16:40 - Aye, being a hunter. [laughs]
00:16:43 - That's right, being a hunter.
00:16:46 But every hunter dies a great death.
00:16:51 Because every hunter lives a great life!
00:16:55 [all chattering]
00:16:58 - Jacob!
00:17:00 Captain would like a word.
00:17:03 - Speaking of dying a great death...
00:17:06 - Nice knowing you, Jacob!
00:17:08 [all laughing]
00:17:10 - We'll think of you often and fondly!
00:17:14 [all laughing]
00:17:17 [knocking]
00:17:19 [door opens]
00:17:21 - You wanted to see me, Captain?
00:17:24 Sit.
00:17:26 [knocking]
00:17:27 - Captain, we'll get the bluster.
00:17:29 We know where it is now, and you will have your revenge.
00:17:34 I'm--I'm just sorry it wasn't today.
00:17:37 - Jacob, I hate that devil with every fiber in me being,
00:17:42 but saving Jim Nickelbones was the right thing to do.
00:17:46 You steered me right today.
00:17:49 - Well, I'm--I'm glad you see it that way.
00:17:53 So we'll go home, collect our bounty,
00:17:56 and repair the ship.
00:17:58 Then we'll come back for that beast
00:18:00 and bring hell down upon it.
00:18:04 [sighs]
00:18:06 And then what?
00:18:14 What is to become of the inevitable
00:18:17 after I'm gone?
00:18:22 [sighs]
00:18:23 Through battle and wear,
00:18:25 every beam, block, and spar
00:18:28 has been replaced since the day she was launched.
00:18:33 Yet she lives on.
00:18:37 It's an eternal thing.
00:18:40 But I am not.
00:18:43 [door opens]
00:18:45 [door closes]
00:18:47 Come.
00:18:49 [door opens]
00:18:51 Here is my greatness.
00:18:54 My father's before me,
00:18:56 and his father's before him.
00:18:59 On the day we take the Red Bluster,
00:19:02 I will make my last entry as captain.
00:19:06 And then it'll be your time.
00:19:11 I've known it since the day I pulled you from the sea.
00:19:16 [water bubbling]
00:19:20 You've been out there for days,
00:19:23 but there was something in you, Jacob.
00:19:26 A fire that wouldn't die.
00:19:29 And I held you.
00:19:31 And I knew.
00:19:34 Fate had brought me a son.
00:19:37 And that one day,
00:19:39 you would be captain of the inevitable.
00:19:48 [paper rustling]
00:19:51 The day you found me,
00:19:57 I swore I would do everything in my power
00:20:00 to keep people safe from them demons.
00:20:03 If you would grant me this ship,
00:20:06 I would accept.
00:20:08 And it would be my honor.
00:20:11 [laughs]
00:20:13 My boy.
00:20:17 You're gonna do great things.
00:20:44 It's the inevitable! The inevitable's back!
00:20:47 What a sight!
00:20:48 She's got a belly full of horns.
00:20:50 [crowd murmuring]
00:20:53 It's good to be home at last!
00:21:04 But it will be a short stay, I'm afraid.
00:21:07 Captain Crow will visit the king and queen at first light.
00:21:11 And when the ship is ready,
00:21:13 we'll be off to kill a monster!
00:21:17 We're going after the Red Bluster.
00:21:20 So if this be our last visit to Three Bridges,
00:21:23 I expect some right proper debauchery!
00:21:27 [crowd cheering]
00:21:30 Go on, then. Make way for the hunters.
00:21:33 Here we go, lads!
00:21:38 [laughs]
00:21:40 The crown will pay well for them horns.
00:21:42 So the drinks are on us!
00:21:45 No one goes thirsty tonight, slummies!
00:21:48 Come on, then!
00:21:50 ♪ Captain Crow is our hero ♪
00:21:56 ♪ He keeps the oceans clear ♪
00:21:58 ♪ He stabs and shoots and kills ♪
00:22:00 ♪ And busts the monsters that were near ♪
00:22:02 ♪ He stabs and shoots and they squeal ♪
00:22:04 ♪ And he lacks a spear ♪
00:22:06 ♪ He cuts off their horns and no one more ♪
00:22:08 ♪ Is the monster that we fear ♪
00:22:10 ♪ He's the one that's got the demon's dust ♪
00:22:12 ♪ The worst craziest we've ever been compared to ♪
00:22:16 ♪ The one that's got the demon's dust ♪
00:22:22 [laughing]
00:22:24 Hello!
00:22:33 Hello.
00:22:34 Me name's Maisie. Maisie Brumble.
00:22:37 Well, it's a pleasure to meet you.
00:22:39 I'm Jacob Holland, who once killed four of them beasts
00:22:42 in a span of two days.
00:22:44 Is it true you done that? Four in two days?
00:22:47 Don't believe everything you hear, lass.
00:22:49 Four in two days?
00:22:51 Hm. It was five.
00:22:53 I heard...
00:22:55 I heard there was a time them beasts used to come right up to shore,
00:23:02 pluck a lady right out of her veggie patch,
00:23:05 and swallow her up, but not no more.
00:23:08 And it's 'cause of the hunters.
00:23:10 There's not a nobler profession, I says.
00:23:13 I come from a long line of hunters meself.
00:23:15 Is that so?
00:23:17 Aye. Me parents were lancers.
00:23:19 They served on the monarch.
00:23:21 The monarch?
00:23:23 So they're...
00:23:25 Aye. That's just the way for a hunter, ain't it?
00:23:29 You live a great life and die a great death.
00:23:32 Hm. Come on.
00:23:37 So, uh, who's looking after you, then?
00:23:40 I'm staying at a children's home in Geaston up the way.
00:23:43 Except I ain't staying exactly.
00:23:46 I'm on the run, you see.
00:23:48 And I ain't going back.
00:23:51 Cos I'm joining your crew.
00:23:54 Oh, no, you ain't.
00:23:57 A hunting ship ain't no place for a kid.
00:23:59 But you joined the ship when you and me age, and look at you now.
00:24:02 You're a weapon against nature's justice.
00:24:05 You're a weapon against nature's darkest design.
00:24:08 It says so on page 92.
00:24:11 Look, kid, I'm clever with a spear,
00:24:14 but I've been lucky more than once.
00:24:16 There's no guarantee of making it to page 92.
00:24:19 Trust me.
00:24:21 Now you should run along.
00:24:24 Right, then. I'll talk to Captain Crow.
00:24:27 That's a man with real authority.
00:24:30 Do you know where I might find Captain Crow?
00:24:34 I have authority, all right?
00:24:36 You ain't captain, are you?
00:24:38 No, but I am Captain Material.
00:24:42 Captain Material?
00:24:45 Sorry. It just sounds funny.
00:24:48 I mean, I will be captain. Someday.
00:24:52 Well, I intend to get on that ship.
00:24:54 So if you don't mind, I'll take it up with captain now.
00:24:58 Not captain someday.
00:25:01 Hey, put me down! Let me go!
00:25:04 Monster hunters are supposed to be heroes.
00:25:07 Yeah, and here's me saving you.
00:25:09 Evening, Rosie. You go for a geastin'.
00:25:11 Right.
00:25:12 Right. Later out there, not before.
00:25:15 If that's not too much trouble.
00:25:17 Right.
00:25:18 Hey! This is kidnapping!
00:25:21 No, love. It's the opposite of kidnapping.
00:25:25 [MUSIC]
00:25:35 New friends, Jacob?
00:25:37 Ah, just some kid.
00:25:39 Ugh. Horrible things, children.
00:25:42 You could say that again.
00:25:44 [MUSIC]
00:25:50 [GROAN]
00:25:54 [MUSIC]
00:26:03 [CHATTER]
00:26:07 [MUSIC]
00:26:13 Well, if it isn't Captain Crow and his loyal mates.
00:26:19 Your Grace, as you can see, the oceans have offered abundant prey.
00:26:24 And I see you've taken a full-grown brickleback.
00:26:28 A specimen like that garners quite a bounty.
00:26:31 But there's something I don't see.
00:26:35 The horn of the Red Bluster.
00:26:38 Admiral Hornigold has reported a rumor.
00:26:42 Admiral Hornigold?
00:26:45 That you spotted the Red Bluster, but abandoned your pursuit because of a certain code.
00:26:54 The Royals don't pay you to honor such codes.
00:26:59 They pay you to kill monsters.
00:27:03 How many more ships will be lost because you let the Bluster slip away?
00:27:11 This was once a small kingdom with a big idea.
00:27:16 To send hunters out to repel the beasts from our shores and usher in a new era of peace.
00:27:24 It's been hundreds of years since the Dark Times.
00:27:28 But as long as the Bluster lives, people will still look to the seas with fear.
00:27:34 So today marks the beginning of a new era.
00:27:38 The Crown will no longer support the hunters.
00:27:42 She's quite a sight, isn't she?
00:27:44 The Imperator is the most heavily armed ship ever to set sail.
00:27:48 The Royal Navy will push deep into the unknown world and eradicate every sea beast in our path.
00:27:56 Knowing that thing, she rests too low.
00:27:59 And them fixed cannons is useless.
00:28:02 And her captain is an ass.
00:28:05 It's time for you to leave, Captain.
00:28:09 Your time is up.
00:28:11 Admiral, have you ever seen one of them beasts that wasn't hanging from a ceiling?
00:28:18 Don't send your soldiers to die in a ship like that.
00:28:21 It's not built for hunting.
00:28:24 And neither are you.
00:28:25 I assure you, I am not afraid of those beasts.
00:28:30 Then you're a fool! And you'll take a lot of good sailors down with you!
00:28:34 General, see the hunters out. We're done with them.
00:28:38 We hunters have shed blood while you lot hid behind walls and drew lines on maps.
00:28:44 You're cowards! The lot of you!
00:28:46 General, the captain is to be placed under arrest and the inevitable decommissioned.
00:28:55 Wait, wait!
00:28:59 Your Grace.
00:29:01 The captain is well known for his temper.
00:29:05 But his talents as a hunter have served you well.
00:29:08 He's opened the seas and made your empire the envy of the known world.
00:29:13 Now, I believe the world still needs the hunters.
00:29:18 So prove me wrong.
00:29:20 Give us one more try for the bluster.
00:29:23 If we take it, you keep your promise and we continue our alliance.
00:29:28 If the Imperator takes the bluster, well, you can tear down the inevitable for scrap.
00:29:33 And the days of the hunters will be over.
00:29:36 Either way, you win.
00:29:39 I for one would relish the opportunity.
00:29:44 Then we have a contest.
00:29:49 Get set.
00:29:52 Go.
00:29:53 We'll take the bluster and bring it to your doorstep.
00:29:58 The days of hunters are not over. Not nearly.
00:30:09 When we reach the dragmore, we'll follow the trenches.
00:30:12 We stay battle ready, clear decks, sharpened flints and fresh cartridge.
00:30:17 The bluster's hide will be plenty thick. Best to use long spears.
00:30:22 Them archers won't do any good, but we've got plenty of carcass shot.
00:30:27 We'll hit it with fire, then go for a sleigh ride. That's the way with something like this.
00:30:33 We're ready, Captain.
00:30:34 We'll take that red demon.
00:30:36 For we are hunters, and we will bring all of our skill and all of our rage down upon this beast.
00:30:46 And there will be justice!
00:30:49 But that will not be the end of this great ship, for no one has sailed beyond the dragmore sea.
00:30:58 No one knows what dangers lurk in that terrible unknown.
00:31:03 But it will be this ship and a Jacob Holland that will face the darkness.
00:31:12 Let's drink to a successful hunt. There's many more to come.
00:31:40 You stowed away?
00:31:42 I stowed away.
00:31:44 You stowed away.
00:31:46 I... yeah.
00:31:49 Well, we're dropping you off at the nearest port.
00:31:52 We're going after the bluster, and we can't have a kid mucking about.
00:31:55 What's this then?
00:31:58 The name's Maisie Brumble, but you need no introduction.
00:32:05 You've been swallowed whole, shot through the heart, and cut to pieces.
00:32:11 But the worms won't eat you, and hell won't take you, so here you are!
00:32:15 The right, proud commander of the second greatest hunting ship whatever sailed!
00:32:20 Second greatest? Which then, may I ask, is the greatest?
00:32:25 I'm partial to the monarch, for it's the ship me parents served on.
00:32:31 I see. Then they died heroes, didn't they?
00:32:36 Aye.
00:32:38 I like this kid. She's old vinegar.
00:32:42 But, Captain...
00:32:43 Sarah, be good enough to take her in, would you?
00:32:46 Aye, Captain.
00:32:48 Congratulations, Captain Sundell.
00:32:52 Yep.
00:32:55 Cheers.
00:33:23 Sleep there.
00:33:26 You're... Sarah Sharp.
00:33:30 They say no first mate is more loyal than...
00:33:35 That's enough. I've heard your speeches, miss.
00:33:39 My speeches kept me on this boat.
00:33:42 You're on this boat, because Captain Crow won't stop to put you off it.
00:33:47 The hunt is all. So give him your absolute obedience.
00:33:54 Or fall on that yourself, because I'll visit worse than death on you.
00:34:02 You're... amazing.
00:34:08 [Sigh]
00:34:10 If we pass Rumpepper Island in the night, we've reached the Dreg Moor.
00:34:29 Aye. Then we'll find that thing.
00:34:31 Soon enough.
00:34:34 [Sword clanging]
00:34:37 I wonder if I might need something a little... larger.
00:34:42 Hey, where'd you get that knife?
00:34:44 Sarah gave it to me. 'Cause I'm a hunter now.
00:34:47 A hunter who needs to go to bed.
00:34:49 But I'm too much awake to sleep. I'm on the inevitable with Captain Crow.
00:34:54 Them pictures of me books come to life. An exacting bloody revenge.
00:34:59 Go. Get your rest.
00:35:02 Aye, Captain. We's gonna kill that thing, ain't we?
00:35:07 And they'll make statues of us.
00:35:09 We'll kill it, all right. Now get.
00:35:12 [Clears throat]
00:35:14 The monsters I can handle. But that one, she'll be the death of me.
00:35:21 You recall the hunter's code binds us to all who come before and all who come after.
00:35:28 [Chuckles] I see a fire in her. Same fire I saw in you.
00:35:34 Lead the quarters!
00:35:45 Heads up, everybody! Today's the day we do what we do!
00:35:51 [Shouting]
00:35:55 [Shouting]
00:35:58 Harpooners! Tie up them darts! We're going for a stay ride!
00:36:03 Rise!
00:36:19 [Shouting]
00:36:22 The ocean has sent us its worst, and we'll send it right back.
00:36:38 Kirk is shot if he bleeds, Gunners! Protect our broadside!
00:36:43 All right, you fish fillers. We've come all this way for a proper fight.
00:36:49 Jacob! What's happening?
00:36:52 Mason, get back to your room.
00:36:55 Go.
00:36:57 Stay away from the window.
00:37:08 [Shouting]
00:37:13 Hurry, lad!
00:37:15 Fire!
00:37:32 [Shouting]
00:37:35 Now's our chance! Spears!
00:37:48 [Shouting]
00:37:51 You got it hot? Now we'll wear it down. Full sail, Miss Marino!
00:38:10 Where are the yards? Get it off your fence!
00:38:13 It'll fight the very wind till there's no foot left in it!
00:38:18 [Shouting]
00:38:21 On your double! There will be!
00:38:24 Captain!
00:38:45 [Laughing]
00:38:48 We've got you now!
00:38:52 [Shouting]
00:38:56 [Shouting]
00:39:00 [Rumbling]
00:39:26 The ship can't take it! We have to cut the lines!
00:39:30 I've never run from a fight, and I won't start now!
00:39:33 We must! Even dead, it'll drag us to the bottom!
00:39:54 Time has come for you, ye devil!
00:39:57 Lady Brembo! Cut those lines, and I'll kill you for a coward!
00:40:10 Jacob, stop her!
00:40:15 [Grunting]
00:40:18 Jacob!
00:40:39 [Shouting]
00:40:43 [Shouting]
00:40:46 [Rumbling]
00:40:50 [Rumbling]
00:40:53 [Coughing]
00:41:18 Jacob!
00:41:20 Bring her to me!
00:41:27 What are you gonna do?
00:41:29 I said bring her to me!
00:41:31 She's just a child!
00:41:33 I'm giving you an order!
00:41:35 Please, Captain!
00:41:37 Bring her to me!
00:41:40 Jacob!
00:41:46 [Rumbling]
00:41:49 [Rumbling]
00:42:17 Are we gonna die in here?
00:42:21 No.
00:42:31 Well, yeah.
00:42:41 Is it gonna chew us, or will we get digested slowly with acid?
00:42:50 I don't know, Maisie. This is all new territory for me.
00:42:53 Haven't you hunted these things your whole life?
00:42:56 We kill 'em less. We don't study 'em.
00:42:59 I guess it's time to start.
00:43:06 [Grunting]
00:43:09 Jacob, what if it swallows you?
00:43:20 Cut the rope.
00:43:24 [Rattling]
00:43:27 [Grunting]
00:43:39 [Rumbling]
00:43:51 [Rumbling]
00:43:54 [Grunting]
00:44:07 [Grunting]
00:44:14 [Grunting]
00:44:20 [Rumbling]
00:44:23 [Rumbling]
00:44:42 [Rumbling]
00:44:45 [Grunting]
00:45:00 [Giggling]
00:45:10 [Grunting]
00:45:13 What are you going to do?
00:45:15 I'm going to kill it.
00:45:16 Kill it? How?
00:45:18 I don't know. I just get pumped up and kind of wing it.
00:45:21 Look, I don't want to overthink this, all right? I'm just gonna kill it.
00:45:24 I don't know about this!
00:45:26 I'm Jacob Holland, remember?
00:45:28 Who killed five of them beasts in the span of two days.
00:45:31 And this is just another beast.
00:45:34 There has to be another way!
00:45:38 Break that glass!
00:45:40 Well, can you kill it from the inside?
00:45:43 [Screaming]
00:45:47 [Gunshot]
00:45:49 [Screaming]
00:45:52 [Screaming]
00:45:55 [Screaming]
00:46:06 [Grunting]
00:46:09 [Grunting]
00:46:12 [Screaming]
00:46:15 [Grunting]
00:46:18 [Growling]
00:46:21 Hold on, lass!
00:46:28 [Growling]
00:46:31 Huh?
00:46:33 [Growling]
00:46:36 Jacob!
00:46:38 [Screaming]
00:46:41 [Growling]
00:46:44 [Growling]
00:46:47 [Grunting]
00:46:50 [Growling]
00:46:53 [Gasp]
00:46:55 [Growling]
00:46:58 [Gasp]
00:47:00 [Panting]
00:47:03 [Growling]
00:47:06 [Panting]
00:47:09 [Panting]
00:47:12 [Growling]
00:47:15 [Panting]
00:47:18 [Panting]
00:47:21 [Grunting]
00:47:24 [Gunshot]
00:47:26 No! Wait!
00:47:29 [Screaming]
00:47:32 [Grunting]
00:47:35 [Screaming]
00:47:38 [Screaming]
00:47:41 [Grunting]
00:47:44 [Growling]
00:47:47 [Panting]
00:47:50 Wait, Jacob, no! Stop!
00:47:53 [Panting]
00:47:56 [Panting]
00:47:59 [Growling]
00:48:02 Oh, bloody hell.
00:48:04 [Gasp]
00:48:06 [Growling]
00:48:09 [Growling]
00:48:12 [Growling]
00:48:15 [Gasp]
00:48:17 [Coughing]
00:48:20 [Panting]
00:48:23 [Panting]
00:48:26 [Growling]
00:48:29 [Panting]
00:48:32 You could have killed me!
00:48:34 What? I could have killed you?
00:48:36 [Groan]
00:48:38 You got it backwards, lads. I had it dead to rights and you bollocked it up.
00:48:42 Dead to rights? I must have been watching a different fight.
00:48:46 Well, we wouldn't have been fighting at all if you hadn't cut them lines.
00:48:49 We cut them lines.
00:48:51 You cut them lines.
00:48:53 You didn't stop me, did you?
00:48:55 That's not the same thing.
00:48:57 Isn't it?
00:48:59 No, it isn't.
00:49:02 [Growling]
00:49:05 [Growling]
00:49:08 [Squeaking]
00:49:10 [Growling]
00:49:13 [Growling]
00:49:15 [Gasp]
00:49:17 We'd best find shelter.
00:49:46 Get your strength. We're leaving in the morning.
00:49:51 Me book says the beast used to come right up to shore.
00:50:08 That nowhere was safe.
00:50:11 Is that true?
00:50:13 Of course it's true.
00:50:16 You saw it?
00:50:18 It was before my time, but everyone knows it's true.
00:50:22 What if them things ain't as bad as they say?
00:50:26 I mean, the sea is their home.
00:50:29 We went after her, didn't we?
00:50:32 What if we just left him alone?
00:50:35 We kill them because they kill us.
00:50:37 Do I need to remind you that one of them things took your parents?
00:50:41 That you just left the monsters alone?
00:50:44 I...don't know.
00:50:47 Oh, you are lost, girl. Your parents died heroes.
00:50:52 I don't want to believe that,
00:50:55 but maybe you can be a hero and still be wrong.
00:51:01 You're not making...
00:51:04 You're not making any sense.
00:51:08 Why did Red swallow us?
00:51:10 She, not it. I think it's a she,
00:51:13 and I think she was protecting us from Crow.
00:51:15 You're giving that beast way too much credit.
00:51:18 He was pointing a gun at you, and he...
00:51:20 He was pointing it at you through me, because you cut them lines.
00:51:24 And I don't want to argue about it, all right?
00:51:26 'Cause I don't want to attract any of the multitude of monsters on this island
00:51:30 that I wouldn't be on if you hadn't cut them lines.
00:51:35 So we're not arguing.
00:51:37 So what are we doing?
00:51:40 I'm going to gather supplies.
00:51:46 I'll take you to Geaston, and when I get back to the ship,
00:51:50 we'll finish what we started.
00:51:53 Don't get killed out there.
00:51:58 I won't make any promises.
00:52:01 Jacob...
00:52:05 Promise.
00:52:07 All right. I promise.
00:52:11 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:52:38 Captain, the beast is gone.
00:52:42 We can't stay out there.
00:52:45 That thing took Jacob.
00:52:47 And I want it dead, same as you.
00:52:50 But we'll found her if we don't get to port.
00:52:53 She's making more water than we can pump out,
00:52:58 and the patch we've fathered keeps slipping.
00:53:01 If we stay out here much longer, we'll be sunk.
00:53:04 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:53:07 Save a course for Muckish Island.
00:53:12 But the closest port is--
00:53:15 Muckish!
00:53:17 It'll be Muckish by thunder or the ocean floor.
00:53:20 Would you be planning a visit to Gwen Batterby by any chance?
00:53:27 Captain, her wares come at too steep a price.
00:53:32 To make covenant with the likes of her is against the Hunter's Code.
00:53:36 Yes, whatever code would buy me my revenge.
00:53:39 There'll be no charter over me own.
00:53:42 I'll use Batterby's methods.
00:53:44 I'll do whatever it takes.
00:53:46 I'll cleave the very sea and destroy everything that swims, scuttles, or bubs if I have to.
00:53:53 But I'll have vengeance.
00:53:55 I'll have vengeance.
00:53:59 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:54:05 [SIGHS]
00:54:13 [FOOTSTEPS]
00:54:16 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:54:19 [GRUNTS]
00:54:22 [PANTING]
00:54:24 [MEN SHOUTING]
00:54:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:54:30 [SIGHS]
00:54:40 [DOG BARKING]
00:54:43 [DOG BARKING]
00:54:47 [DOG GROWLING]
00:54:50 [DOG BARKING]
00:54:53 [DOG BARKING]
00:54:56 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:54:59 [DOG WHINING]
00:55:08 [DOG GROWLING]
00:55:09 Hey, little guy.
00:55:11 [DOG BARKING]
00:55:14 [DOG BARKING]
00:55:17 [DOG GROWLING]
00:55:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:55:23 [DOG BARKING]
00:55:26 [DOG GROWLING]
00:55:29 [DOG BARKING]
00:55:32 [DOG BARKING]
00:55:35 [DOG BARKING]
00:55:37 These things ain't so bad.
00:55:39 [DOG BARKING]
00:55:41 [CRUNCH]
00:55:43 [DOG BARKING]
00:55:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:55:49 What are you doing?
00:55:51 I, uh--
00:55:53 I'm afraid anything I say will upset you.
00:55:56 You're probably right.
00:55:58 Just don't move.
00:56:00 I'm sorry, but I've always wanted a pet.
00:56:07 That's not a pet.
00:56:09 It's a monster, and we're not keeping it.
00:56:12 But I already named it.
00:56:14 Let me guess.
00:56:15 Blue.
00:56:17 Aw.
00:56:18 You name that one red, you name this one blue.
00:56:21 We stay here much longer, and we'll
00:56:22 have a whole rainbow of critters that want to eat us.
00:56:24 But he's so cute.
00:56:26 Look at this face.
00:56:27 [DOG GROWLING]
00:56:29 You and I have a different idea of cute.
00:56:32 [GASPING]
00:56:33 [SCREAMING]
00:56:35 And when we get to Gheeston, I'll get you a cat.
00:56:39 And you can name it to gray or white, ginger if you like.
00:56:43 You're too young to be this mean.
00:56:45 And you're too old to be given into childish temptations.
00:56:48 It ain't childish to want a pet.
00:56:51 Lots of people have pets.
00:56:52 Not pets that will lay eggs in your mouth that hatch and burst
00:56:56 out through your chest cavity.
00:56:58 That is so specific.
00:57:01 Well, I've seen some things, all right?
00:57:04 Point is, we don't know what he'd do.
00:57:06 We don't know anything about this island,
00:57:07 except we've got to get off it by thunder.
00:57:10 [GRUNTING]
00:57:12 [GRUNTING]
00:57:14 [GRUNTING]
00:57:16 [GRUNTING]
00:57:18 [GRUNTING]
00:57:20 [GRUNTING]
00:57:22 [GRUNTING]
00:57:25 [COW MOOING]
00:57:28 [COW MOOING]
00:57:31 [COW MOOING]
00:57:35 This be going.
00:57:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:57:39 [COW MOOING]
00:57:42 [GRUNTING]
00:57:45 [GRUNTING]
00:57:47 Maybe that bun did to us, like Geese.
00:57:50 It's the mother goose I'm worried about.
00:57:52 [GRUNTING]
00:57:54 [COW MOOING]
00:57:56 [GASPING]
00:57:57 [CRASHING]
00:57:59 [GROWLING]
00:58:00 There she is.
00:58:01 Come on, lass.
00:58:02 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:58:04 [GRUNTING]
00:58:06 [COW MOOING]
00:58:08 [CRASHING]
00:58:09 [GRUNTING]
00:58:11 [CRASHING]
00:58:14 [GRUNTING]
00:58:17 [COW MOOING]
00:58:19 [GASPING]
00:58:21 [GROWLING]
00:58:24 [GROWLING]
00:58:25 [COW MOOING]
00:58:27 [CRASHING]
00:58:30 Hmm.
00:58:32 [GIGGLING]
00:58:34 Hold the rudder.
00:58:35 If we can make it to Rum Pepper Island,
00:58:40 we'll be able to flag a ship.
00:58:42 Drakemore's thick with monsters, but don't worry.
00:58:45 There's one of them things within a mile of us.
00:58:47 Oh, sensei.
00:58:50 Maybe a little off my game here.
00:58:52 [GRUNTING]
00:58:54 [SCREAMING]
00:58:56 [CRASHING]
00:58:57 [GASPING]
00:58:59 Jacob!
00:59:00 [GRUNTING]
00:59:03 [CRASHING]
00:59:06 [GRUNTING]
00:59:07 [COW MOOING]
00:59:09 [GRUNTING]
00:59:12 [GRUNTING]
00:59:15 [GRUNTING]
00:59:18 [GRUNTING]
00:59:20 [CRASHING]
00:59:24 [GROWLING]
00:59:26 [GASPING]
00:59:28 [SCREAMING]
00:59:30 [CRASHING]
00:59:31 [GRUNTING]
00:59:36 [GROWLING]
00:59:38 [GROWLING]
00:59:41 Hold on, Maisie!
00:59:42 [SCREAMING]
00:59:44 [GRUNTING]
00:59:46 [GROWLING]
00:59:48 [GROWLING]
00:59:51 [GROWLING]
00:59:53 [SCREAMING]
00:59:56 [GROWLING]
00:59:58 [GRUNTING]
01:00:01 [GROWLING]
01:00:04 [SCREAMING]
01:00:06 [GRUNTING]
01:00:08 [GROWLING]
01:00:10 [GROWLING]
01:00:13 [SCREAMING]
01:00:15 [GROWLING]
01:00:18 [CRASHING]
01:00:20 [GROWLING]
01:00:22 [GROWLING]
01:00:25 [PANTING]
01:00:28 [CRASHING]
01:00:30 [GROWLING]
01:00:33 [SCREAMING]
01:00:34 [GROWLING]
01:00:37 [PANTING]
01:00:40 [GROWLING]
01:00:43 [GRUNTING]
01:00:46 [GROWLING]
01:00:49 [PANTING]
01:00:53 [GRUNTING]
01:00:55 [SCREAMING]
01:00:58 [SCREAMING]
01:00:59 [CRASHING]
01:01:01 [GROWLING]
01:01:05 [GRUNTING]
01:01:08 [CRASHING]
01:01:11 [GROWLING]
01:01:14 [PANTING]
01:01:17 [GROWLING]
01:01:18 [CRASHING]
01:01:19 [GROWLING]
01:01:22 [CRASHING]
01:01:25 [GROWLING]
01:01:29 [CRASHING]
01:01:32 [PANTING]
01:01:37 Maisie?
01:01:38 Maisie?
01:01:43 Maisie?
01:01:45 Maisie?
01:01:46 [COUGHING]
01:01:53 Good boy.
01:01:54 [PANTING]
01:01:57 We have to go back.
01:02:12 We'll never make it.
01:02:14 Depends on how fast you can bail.
01:02:16 [GRUNTING]
01:02:19 [GRUNTING]
01:02:22 [PANTING]
01:02:25 Maybe Red can take us.
01:02:27 Back to the island?
01:02:28 No, back home.
01:02:30 You have really lost it.
01:02:32 She saved us from that thing, didn't she?
01:02:34 Wait, she-- are you--
01:02:37 I think I did the saving, right?
01:02:39 I mean, I threw the-- the--
01:02:41 get bailing.
01:02:42 The water's coming in.
01:02:43 Hey, Red!
01:02:49 See this little guy?
01:02:54 This is you.
01:02:56 You're wasting your time.
01:02:58 And this is me, and this is him.
01:03:03 Are you putting on a puppet show?
01:03:05 We're sinking here.
01:03:07 We need to get way over there.
01:03:10 And I wonder if you might be good enough to take us.
01:03:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:03:17 [PANTING]
01:03:23 Well, if she does understand you, she don't want to help.
01:03:37 Bright side, she didn't eat you.
01:03:39 Now, get bailing.
01:03:41 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:03:44 [HOWLING]
01:03:47 [GASPING]
01:03:49 [SCREAMING]
01:03:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:03:55 [GROANING]
01:03:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:04:01 [PANTING]
01:04:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:04:07 I told you she was more than a beast.
01:04:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:04:14 [PANTING]
01:04:17 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:04:20 [LAUGHING]
01:04:22 [SCREAMING]
01:04:24 [LAUGHING]
01:04:26 The world is wide, Jacob, and you don't know everything.
01:04:31 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:04:34 [HOWLING]
01:04:37 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:04:40 [SCREAMING]
01:04:43 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:04:46 [CLOCK TICKING]
01:04:49 [FOOTSTEPS]
01:04:52 Oh, with the right heading, we'll be there in three days.
01:04:57 [GRUNTING]
01:05:00 [GROWLING]
01:05:03 All right, beast.
01:05:04 I need you to turn, OK?
01:05:07 Can you turn?
01:05:08 Can you turn to starboard, yeah?
01:05:13 To the right.
01:05:15 Right, you dumb beast.
01:05:16 Right.
01:05:17 Can you turn to the right?
01:05:19 That way.
01:05:20 You can scream all day.
01:05:21 She don't understand you.
01:05:23 Oh, she understands, all right.
01:05:26 She's just being monstrous.
01:05:28 [GROWLING]
01:05:32 I need you to turn to the starboard.
01:05:34 Over there, right where I'm pointing, that's starboard.
01:05:37 That's the right.
01:05:38 More to the right.
01:05:39 Look, see, over there, right.
01:05:41 Turn to the right, you infernal bloody sea beast.
01:05:45 He's wondering if you might turn a smidge, like this.
01:05:49 See?
01:05:52 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:05:55 [GIGGLING]
01:05:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:01 That's it.
01:06:03 Thanks, girl.
01:06:04 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:07 Not so hard.
01:06:13 She ain't no pet.
01:06:14 Just don't let your guard down, all right?
01:06:17 You can relax, Captain.
01:06:18 She's a friend.
01:06:19 Yeah, right.
01:06:20 Till she gets hungry.
01:06:21 Oh, will you just--
01:06:23 [GROWLING]
01:06:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:29 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:32 [GROANING]
01:06:47 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:06:54 [GIGGLING]
01:07:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:07:17 [GROWLING]
01:07:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:07:23 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:07:29 [GROANING]
01:07:44 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:07:47 [GROANING]
01:07:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:01 [INAUDIBLE]
01:08:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:14 Captain, we don't need this.
01:08:20 We're hunters.
01:08:22 Only if we kill it.
01:08:24 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:08:53 I know why you're here, Captain.
01:08:57 It's always the same reason, you see.
01:09:03 And I can give you what you need--
01:09:07 a poison powerful enough to take down the greatest of beasts
01:09:13 and a weapon strong enough to deliver it deep.
01:09:20 You know what they say about me, Captain.
01:09:24 Them what come see Gwen Batty get what they want,
01:09:29 but won't see a good day after.
01:09:33 Yet here you are.
01:09:36 I don't believe in them superstitions.
01:09:39 No, I don't suppose you do.
01:09:42 But you will.
01:09:47 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:09:50 It's me most terrible creation.
01:09:54 The hand of God, I calls it.
01:09:59 What will it cost me?
01:10:01 Everything, Captain.
01:10:03 I take everything.
01:10:08 So do we have a deal?
01:10:11 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:10:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:10:17 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:10:20 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:10:23 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:10:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:10:30 [GULPING]
01:10:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:10:36 [GRUNTING]
01:10:47 [GRUNTING]
01:10:58 [GRUNTING]
01:11:01 Yeah, well, you know, I'm used to a bigger target, right?
01:11:10 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:11:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:11:30 [GIGGLING]
01:11:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:11:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:03 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:15 [GRUNTING]
01:12:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:24 [GROANING]
01:12:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:30 [GROWLING]
01:12:33 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:36 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:51 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:54 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:12:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:13:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:13:03 It says here that during the dark times,
01:13:06 the beast destroyed a town on the coast of Krazuul.
01:13:09 But we've been up and down that coast,
01:13:11 and I ain't never seen no town destroyed or otherwise.
01:13:16 And-- and we don't say "yar" half this much.
01:13:19 Every other page was shown "yar."
01:13:21 I mean, this is just nonsense.
01:13:24 Says you.
01:13:26 But the book says otherwise, and it's
01:13:29 going to outlast both of us.
01:13:32 So people will believe the beast destroyed
01:13:34 towns that don't exist.
01:13:36 And hunters like to say "yar."
01:13:42 But if that ain't true, then how are you
01:13:46 supposed to know what is?
01:13:48 And how do we know the sea beasts ever plucked ladies
01:13:51 out of their veggie patches?
01:13:53 That there really were the dark times?
01:13:57 Maybe they didn't start this war.
01:14:02 Maybe, but why would we?
01:14:19 Looks like a real shipwrecker.
01:14:28 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:14:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:14:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:15:07 Nicer down here, I'd say.
01:15:11 Aye, nicer down here.
01:15:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:15:35 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:15:39 [GASPS]
01:15:42 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:15:45 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:15:48 I don't know how the war started.
01:16:12 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:16:15 Maybe all that matters is how it ends.
01:16:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:16:30 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:16:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:16:42 It's a blood moon.
01:16:45 Batterby's watching.
01:16:47 Honor is the currency of hunters, it is.
01:16:50 And dealing with her ain't honorable.
01:16:54 Aye, there'll be a payment due.
01:16:56 And it's the ship and all aboard who'll suffer the cost.
01:16:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:17:02 [FOOTSTEPS]
01:17:05 Look there.
01:17:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:17:12 Riddlebacks.
01:17:14 Aye, they don't come this far north,
01:17:18 unless they're swimming away from something.
01:17:21 And there's only one thing what scares a riddleback.
01:17:25 The blister.
01:17:26 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:17:32 [FOOTSTEPS]
01:17:35 [SCREAMS]
01:17:37 Miss Merino, shape a new course.
01:17:39 Two south, if you please.
01:17:41 Ali of Rumpepper Island.
01:17:42 Aye, Captain.
01:17:44 You heard him.
01:17:45 Get it off the pins.
01:17:47 All the way now, all the way on.
01:17:52 We'll find you.
01:17:54 We'll find you soon enough.
01:18:07 That ain't you no more.
01:18:14 You're not Jacob Holland, who killed four of them
01:18:17 beasts in a span of two days.
01:18:19 It was five.
01:18:20 You're Jacob Holland, who befriended a beast,
01:18:23 saved me life, and led us all the way to Rumpepper Island.
01:18:28 [GIGGLING]
01:18:30 We made it.
01:18:32 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:18:35 This is as far as Red goes.
01:18:40 It won't be safe for her beyond the dreg moor.
01:18:42 But we can flag a passing ship.
01:18:45 And then what?
01:18:48 Well, then I'll, uh, take you to Geeston, won't I?
01:18:53 And what about you?
01:18:58 [SIGHS]
01:19:00 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:19:03 Geeston is a place.
01:19:08 It ain't a family.
01:19:10 I ain't going back there.
01:19:12 And you ain't going back on that ship.
01:19:14 So all you have is me.
01:19:18 And all I have is you.
01:19:21 And I don't sound so bad.
01:19:23 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:19:29 So what do you say?
01:19:33 Should we give it a go?
01:19:36 You mean, uh, you mean like a family?
01:19:40 Sure.
01:19:42 I don't know.
01:19:44 Maybe if we pretend long enough, it could feel real.
01:19:49 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:19:52 Never mind.
01:19:54 It's stupid.
01:19:56 What, are you picturing us on a farm or something?
01:19:58 I said never mind, you donkey.
01:20:01 So never mind.
01:20:03 It's just, I don't think I'm--
01:20:05 You got something in your ears?
01:20:07 All right.
01:20:08 All right.
01:20:09 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:20:12 Well, I guess we better pack up.
01:20:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:20:21 [BEEPING]
01:20:24 Well, girl, this has been an improbable adventure.
01:20:42 And I thank you for all you've done.
01:20:45 But it's time to go home now.
01:20:48 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:20:51 And I promise I'll never hunt sea monsters again.
01:21:03 No more monster hunting.
01:21:07 [GRUNTING]
01:21:10 [GROWLING]
01:21:15 Hang a belt.
01:21:18 OK.
01:21:20 No more.
01:21:21 [GRUNTING]
01:21:24 No more.
01:21:26 [GRUNTING]
01:21:28 Jeez.
01:21:29 You understand the point I'm trying to make here, right?
01:21:35 So it's a symbolic gesture.
01:21:37 [GROWLING]
01:21:40 I think she understands.
01:21:42 [GROWLING]
01:21:46 [GROWLING]
01:21:49 [GIGGLING]
01:21:53 All right, then.
01:21:55 Time to go home.
01:21:57 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:22:00 [GROWLING]
01:22:13 [GROWLING]
01:22:16 Go on, girl.
01:22:23 Go home.
01:22:24 [GROWLING]
01:22:31 Red?
01:22:35 Red!
01:22:39 [GROWLING]
01:22:43 [GROWLING]
01:22:46 Oh, no.
01:22:47 [INAUDIBLE]
01:22:54 Red, listen to me.
01:23:02 Just leave.
01:23:04 This doesn't have to be a fight.
01:23:06 [GROWLING]
01:23:10 [GROWLING]
01:23:12 No, Red.
01:23:13 Go.
01:23:14 Go on, Red.
01:23:15 Just leave them be.
01:23:16 Red, we have to go.
01:23:17 Please.
01:23:18 [GUNSHOT]
01:23:27 [GROWLING]
01:23:30 Oh, Red!
01:23:31 No!
01:23:32 [GROWLING]
01:23:35 Red, come back!
01:23:37 Hold hand!
01:23:38 [INAUDIBLE]
01:23:39 [GUNSHOTS]
01:23:42 Maisie!
01:23:49 No, Red!
01:23:53 Stop!
01:23:54 Maisie!
01:23:55 [GROWLING]
01:24:07 Maisie!
01:24:10 Are you all right, Les?
01:24:12 Is Red OK?
01:24:14 Hold fast!
01:24:18 [GUNSHOTS]
01:24:21 [GROWLING]
01:24:24 [GUNSHOTS]
01:24:27 [GROWLING]
01:24:30 [GASPS]
01:24:35 [GROWLING]
01:24:38 [GASPS]
01:24:40 [GASPS]
01:24:43 [GROWLING]
01:24:45 [GUNSHOT]
01:24:46 [GASPS]
01:24:47 [GROWLING]
01:24:50 [GUNSHOT]
01:24:55 [GROWLING]
01:24:58 [GROWLING]
01:25:02 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:25:05 Stay back, beast.
01:25:17 Leave her be.
01:25:18 [GROWLING]
01:25:21 [GUNSHOT]
01:25:22 [GUNSHOT]
01:25:23 [GROWLING]
01:25:27 [GASPS]
01:25:28 [GUN CLICKS]
01:25:29 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:25:32 [GROWLING]
01:25:35 Mr. Red Bluster, the beast has delivered.
01:25:39 [GROWLING]
01:25:42 [GASPS]
01:25:48 No, Les.
01:25:50 There's nothing to be done.
01:25:53 She doesn't have to do this.
01:25:56 Yes, she does.
01:26:02 [INAUDIBLE]
01:26:10 [INAUDIBLE]
01:26:11 [GROWLING]
01:26:13 Ready the hands of God.
01:26:15 [GROWLING]
01:26:20 [GROWLING]
01:26:23 Now is the reckoning.
01:26:44 For all who've been lost.
01:26:49 I strike my knee, devil.
01:26:52 [GROWLING]
01:26:55 [GROWLING]
01:27:00 [THUNDER]
01:27:03 [THUNDER]
01:27:06 [THUNDER]
01:27:09 [THUNDER]
01:27:12 [SIGHS]
01:27:15 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:27:19 [HOWLING]
01:27:22 Don't fight.
01:27:33 You'll make the poison flow faster.
01:27:36 I don't want you to die.
01:27:38 Not yet.
01:27:39 Not till you've been immortalized
01:27:41 at Castle White Rock.
01:27:43 [GROWLING]
01:27:47 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:27:49 Captain, it might be wiser to let the poison finish the job.
01:27:53 No, Sarah.
01:27:55 I made a promise to the king and queen.
01:27:58 [GROWLING]
01:28:01 [THUNDER]
01:28:04 [CHATTER]
01:28:15 But I'd not worry.
01:28:17 There's no fight left in it.
01:28:19 Yes, there is.
01:28:26 [CHATTER]
01:28:29 Raise the studding sails.
01:28:33 The starboard, Captain.
01:28:35 It's uphold.
01:28:36 Hold.
01:28:43 By the powers--
01:28:45 Jacob.
01:28:46 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:28:49 [PANTING]
01:28:53 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:29:03 [PANTING]
01:29:12 [GASPING]
01:29:14 Here we are.
01:29:15 It's, uh--
01:29:16 [PANTING]
01:29:17 --shoulder.
01:29:18 [PANTING]
01:29:20 Oh, shit.
01:29:21 [PANTING]
01:29:24 I see.
01:29:26 That's quite a story, Jacob.
01:29:29 The hunter what befriended a beast.
01:29:31 Hm.
01:29:34 The beast what took me dead light.
01:29:37 What am I to make of you, Jacob?
01:29:40 That thing and I, we had an understanding.
01:29:47 A truce.
01:29:48 Hm.
01:29:50 But it cannot be a truce without war.
01:29:53 Whatever happened out there is nothing
01:29:56 against hundreds of years of war.
01:29:59 I've always known what I was, Jacob.
01:30:04 I'm the son of a captain who was the son of a captain.
01:30:07 And if we are born to fight, then by God, let's fight.
01:30:12 That we may be tested and find our greatness.
01:30:17 So I ask you, Jacob, my son, are you my enemy?
01:30:23 [GRUNTING]
01:30:31 [COUGHING]
01:30:34 Let her go.
01:30:37 [LAUGHING]
01:30:39 Seize all vinegar.
01:30:40 Easy, lass, easy.
01:30:47 There you go.
01:30:48 You need to help Red.
01:30:54 She's our friend.
01:30:56 I'm sorry.
01:30:57 She needs her rest.
01:31:02 She's a Pentecostal.
01:31:05 You'll be safe.
01:31:06 You'll have a good, long life.
01:31:10 First, we'll pay a visit to Castle of White Rock.
01:31:13 We have a date with the king and queen.
01:31:15 Jacob, I imagine you could use a drink.
01:31:21 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:31:48 You're home, Jacob.
01:31:50 Let's toast the many adventures that
01:31:52 lay ahead of you as captain of the inevitable.
01:31:55 [CHEERING]
01:31:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:32:01 You're getting your strength back.
01:32:22 Too late.
01:32:24 Maybe.
01:32:27 It's not right what they're doing to Red.
01:32:30 She saved us.
01:32:31 You have to believe me.
01:32:33 Please.
01:32:34 I believe you.
01:32:38 Then help me stop them.
01:32:41 I've been fighting them beasts all me life.
01:32:45 And I've seen things that will never go away.
01:32:50 This ship is all I know.
01:32:55 I'm the first mate more loyal than Sarah Sharp.
01:32:58 [BELL RINGING]
01:33:05 Christ on it!
01:33:18 He's off the blaster!
01:33:24 [GROANING]
01:33:27 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:33:30 The whole world will know what we've done, me boy.
01:33:48 This ship, your ship, will live on.
01:33:52 Nothing can stop it.
01:33:54 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:34:19 Let's see a cat do that.
01:34:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:34:25 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:34:53 It was them.
01:34:55 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:34:58 Oh, girl.
01:35:05 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:35:08 Don't worry, Red.
01:35:17 I'll get you out of here.
01:35:19 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:35:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:35:25 [CHATTER]
01:35:42 What is all this?
01:35:48 Why is everyone--
01:35:49 [GROANING]
01:35:52 [CHATTER]
01:35:55 He's done it!
01:35:57 He's got the red blaster!
01:35:59 [CHEERING]
01:36:02 That'll do, Miss Marino.
01:36:04 You heard the captain.
01:36:05 You're off anchor.
01:36:06 [GUNSHOT]
01:36:07 [EXPLOSION]
01:36:10 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:36:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:36:17 Captain Crow.
01:36:23 Well, it looks like we have our winner.
01:36:28 When I last visited White Rock, you
01:36:31 told me that the days of hunters were over.
01:36:35 But the Imperator was no match for the beast.
01:36:39 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:36:43 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:36:46 All of your wealth and power, all of this
01:36:55 is nothing compared to a hunter's fury.
01:36:59 [MUSIC PLAYING]
01:37:02 And it's the inevitable what will lead the way
01:37:08 into the Dreadmoor and beyond until the bones
01:37:14 of every one of them beasts lies at the bottom of the sea.
01:37:19 Captain.
01:37:23 [GROANING]
01:37:26 Jacob, get back on the ship.
01:37:33 I can't let you do it.
01:37:36 You dishonor me, boy.
01:37:38 As you dishonor all them hunters what come before,
01:37:41 all them what died heroes.
01:37:44 Aye, they were heroes.
01:37:48 But you can be a hero and still be wrong.
01:37:53 Hmm.
01:37:55 Now give me the lance.
01:37:59 I thought of you as a son.
01:38:02 But I don't know you.
01:38:05 [GRUNTING]
01:38:08 I gave you everything.
01:38:14 I gave you life.
01:38:15 You've laid down your lance and think it's made you strong.
01:38:22 But you've turned your back on your own kind.
01:38:28 [GRUNTING]
01:38:32 [GRUNTING]
01:38:35 Jacob!
01:38:39 Jacob!
01:39:00 I should have given you a bigger knife.
01:39:03 [GRUNTING]
01:39:06 [GROWLING]
01:39:09 [SCREAMING]
01:39:22 [SCREAMING]
01:39:25 The hunters brought the beast to the very heart of our kingdom.
01:39:51 For your queen, for all that is good, strike it down.
01:39:56 Cannoneers, take position.
01:40:18 Prepare the fire.
01:40:21 [GROWLING]
01:40:30 [SHOUTING]
01:40:46 [GROWLING]
01:40:49 No!
01:41:05 [GROWLING]
01:41:15 [GROWLING]
01:41:18 If you do this, it never ends.
01:41:36 [GROWLING]
01:41:39 No more monster hunting!
01:42:03 [GRUNTING]
01:42:06 Impossible.
01:42:23 [GROWLING]
01:42:26 You did good, kid.
01:42:47 I ain't done.
01:42:48 [GROWLING]
01:42:51 Our books, our history is a lie.
01:43:09 I don't believe the beast ever threatened our shores.
01:43:16 It was just a story.
01:43:18 A story told by them.
01:43:21 For generations, they've taught us to hate the beasts
01:43:32 and sent the hunters out to destroy them.
01:43:35 And the beasts learn to fear us and hate us.
01:43:40 And they fought back.
01:43:42 Who are you to malign your king and queen with such falsehoods?
01:43:46 You have no right to speak--
01:43:48 I have every right!
01:43:50 I come from a long line of hunters that died your great death.
01:43:59 Your kingdom was paid for with their blood and their blood.
01:44:04 Enough!
01:44:05 General, give the command.
01:44:10 This war was started by the kings and queens what come before.
01:44:15 And with every lie, their empire grew.
01:44:19 Now this lot stands on the same perch and tells the same lies.
01:44:26 For their greed!
01:44:28 General!
01:44:29 Let it end.
01:44:36 Let it end.
01:44:38 Let it end.
01:44:40 Let the beast go!
01:44:47 Listen to the child!
01:45:00 Now I'm done.
01:45:08 (SIGHS)
01:45:09 All right, Red. We best go.
01:45:14 What are you doing?
01:45:20 Fire! Your queen demands it!
01:45:23 General, shouldn't we fire?
01:45:34 My brother was on the monarch, Sergeant.
01:45:37 And I want to know how this war started.
01:45:46 That hurt, didn't it?
01:45:57 You have no idea.
01:46:00 (SOMBER MUSIC)
01:46:03 Two lives were saved that day.
01:46:27 One man and one beast.
01:46:30 And with that, the world began to change.
01:46:33 No ship would ever sail the Dreg Moor again.
01:46:38 And the mysteries beyond would remain undisturbed.
01:46:42 I don't think about it much, though.
01:46:51 Red is safe.
01:46:53 And I have everything I need right here.
01:46:57 I'm going to live a great life.
01:47:12 (LIVELY MUSIC)
01:59:21 [BLANK_AUDIO]
