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Video Information: 05.04.2020, Month of Awakening, Greater Noida


यो मामजमनादिं च वेत्ति लोकमहेश्वरम् |
असम्मूढ: स मर्त्येषु सर्वपापै: प्रमुच्यते ||3||
yo māmajam anādiṁ cha vetti loka-maheśhvaram
asammūḍhaḥ sa martyeṣhu sarva-pāpaiḥ pramuchyate
He who knows Me, Birth less and Beginning less,
the Great Lord of Worlds-he, among mortals,
is undeluded, he is freed from all sins.
~ Shreemad Bhagvad Gita (Chapter - 10)

~ If Krishna exist in human form then why Krishna says himself birth less?
~ Who is freed from all sins?

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 [Music]
00:07 Srimad Bhagavad Gita, Chapter 10, Verse 3
00:15 He who knows me birthless and beginningless,
00:22 the great Lord of worlds, He among mortals,
00:27 is undiluted, He is freed from all sins.
00:32 The question says,
00:35 It's being said that the person who knows Him
00:38 as birthless and beginningless is freed from all sins.
00:42 I was under the impression that
00:45 everyone is supposed to settle their bills in this human life.
00:50 Why this verse seems to be giving a clean chit to even a sinner?
00:56 Don't be taken in by the simplicity of these words.
01:15 Because we are used to complexity,
01:20 so simplicity can delude us, mislead us.
01:28 The verse simply says,
01:31 The one who knows me as birthless and beginningless is freed from all sins.
01:39 And we say, wow, that's so easy.
01:43 Liberation in all of 10 words.
01:45 The one who knows me as birthless, beginningless is freed from all sins. Done.
01:52 Done.
01:56 It's the equivalent of saying the one who jumps
02:05 with a velocity of 20 km/s
02:12 is freed from the gravitation of earth.
02:20 Because this speed is higher than the escape velocity that is needed.
02:25 So simple.
02:28 The one who jumps up with a speed of 20 km/s is freed of all gravitation. Done. Simple.
02:35 How simple is it?
02:37 How simple is it?
02:41 But then these words are
02:46 disarmingly deceptive.
02:53 Whenever something is said
02:58 from a point of simplicity
03:04 addressed to complexity,
03:09 it is usually misunderstood by complexity.
03:16 All that the verse says is,
03:18 The one who knows me as birthless, beginningless is freed of all sins.
03:21 And we say, oh, it's so easy.
03:24 Two minute noodles.
03:27 Just know me as birthless, beginningless.
03:29 How will you know him as birthless, beginningless, sir?
03:36 Is it a minute's job?
03:40 Will you snap your fingers and be done?
03:45 Because you do not understand
03:48 the absolute requirement
03:53 that this statement is posing to you,
03:57 therefore you proceed to ask the next part of your question, which says,
04:01 I used to think that everybody is supposed to settle their wills in the human life, in the current life.
04:06 Then why is this verse giving a clean sheet even to a sinner?
04:10 Look at your assumption.
04:12 Your assumption is,
04:14 Knowing is information gathering.
04:19 The verse says, you have to know me as birthless, beginningless and deathless.
04:26 Because we do not know knowing.
04:31 Because we do not know what it means to really know.
04:35 Therefore we think that knowing is information gathering.
04:41 So the questioner here feels that now I have read that Krishna is birthless and deathless,
04:48 so I also know that he is birthless and deathless because I have received this information.
04:52 Nonsense.
04:54 To know that Krishna is birthless and deathless, you will have to invest your entire life.
05:02 It's not as if somebody came and uttered a few things, whispered something into your ears,
05:08 and you got to know the essence of Krishna.
05:12 Knowing is not this kind of an easy affair.
05:23 It's simple, but difficult.
05:29 Difficult for us because we are complex people.
05:34 For 20-40 years you try.
05:42 Do your best, try your hardest.
05:46 And then if you can come to the realization that there is the beginningless and endless truth,
05:57 then you should call yourself lucky.
06:04 It's not as if you read something in Gita and you have known it.
06:10 These are revelations, these are realizations.
06:14 These are not data bits.
06:18 This is not something that you can transfer from your mobile phone to your laptop.
06:23 That's called information, that's data.
06:27 This is realization, this is understanding.
06:31 It requires sacrifice, it requires investment of an entire lifetime.
06:38 And then you come to the point where you start saying, yes, the truth is indeed beginningless and endless.
06:47 Why do I say that it requires a great sacrifice to come to that point?
06:52 Because you are mired in stuff that begins and ends.
07:00 You live your entire life from the center of beginning and ending.
07:06 Is there anything in your life that didn't begin and won't end?
07:11 Your entire life is about stuff that begins and ends.
07:14 Now if you are to come to a point where you say the truth doesn't begin and doesn't end,
07:19 that is the same as saying that your entire life is false.
07:29 In your life everything begins and everything ends.
07:33 And then you come to the realization, truth doesn't begin and doesn't end.
07:37 What does that imply? Your life is false.
07:41 And that's why it requires a tremendous sacrifice to come to this realization.
07:45 And that sacrifice is not merely verbal or intellectual.
07:49 That sacrifice then has to show up in your life, in your actions.
07:52 If everything about your life is false, then you have to back your claim that you realize
07:59 by giving false the treatment that falseness deserves.
08:06 You cannot just say, "Oh, I have realized that everything about me is false
08:10 and yet I continue to patronize it."
08:14 If you are honestly admitting that everything about you is false, then reject it.
08:20 Reject everything about your life.
08:23 Stop giving value to stuff that you have valued so far.
08:28 Don't merely reject. Despise it.
08:36 "How can I despise so many things there are that I love in this world?"
08:43 That means that your realization is a big sham.
08:51 On one hand you say the truth is beginningless and endless.
08:56 On the other hand you are totally charmed by stuff that begins and ends.
09:01 Then do you realize anything?
09:03 That's why this realization requires practice over decades.
09:10 And I said even if you succeed after that, you should consider yourself lucky.
09:18 That's the general problem that we face with the truth.
09:25 You don't come to the truth.
09:27 You actually come to see that you are false.
09:30 And that's why truth is so very difficult.
09:37 The truth by itself is nothing.
09:39 What you have to see is that you are false.
09:44 Seeing the truth and seeing your falseness will always go hand in hand.
09:49 And that's why seeing the truth is so difficult.
09:52 Truth could have been seen had it not demanded the prize that you will have to concurrently admit that you are false.
10:01 That we do not want to admit.
10:05 Getting it?
10:07 So no clean shit is being given to sinners.
10:10 Sinners are being told to repent over decades.
10:14 What is repentance?
10:16 What else is repentance?
10:20 How do you stop being a sinner?
10:27 What is sin in the first place?
10:33 Operating from the wrong center is sin.
10:37 Forgetting your real nature is sin.
10:42 Calling your limited personality and your limited world and your limited concepts as the truth is the sin.
10:50 All these things that I am saying about sin are not different.
10:53 They are one.
10:59 Therefore, to stop being a sinner, you have to stop calling yourself as real.
11:10 And that cannot just happen on your demand.
11:18 You can't wish yourself to be false.
11:21 You have to see yourself as false.
11:33 That has implication on every aspect of your life.
11:42 This realization will require cleansing in every moment that you live.
11:52 Therefore, it is not an easy task.
11:54 Therefore, no clean shit is being given. Therefore, no shortcut is being suggested.
12:03 Liberation is difficult, arduous, time taking and will always remain so.
12:20 Yes, I understand there are several snake oil salesmen who promise instant liberation.
12:27 But then that's snake oil.
12:32 People are obsessed with snakes. What else will they sell you? Snake oil.
12:37 And we buy that, right?
12:39 Instant liberation, do this, do that.
12:42 And in the name of sadhana, you are told stuff like sit here, do this.
12:49 Utter these words strictly for 32 and a half minutes.
13:14 You are saying you are under the impression that everyone is supposed to settle their bills in this human life.
13:19 Of course.
13:23 And it's tougher than that.
13:26 You're not supposed to settle your bills in this human life.
13:29 You may decide not to settle any bills.
13:33 It's just that when you do not settle your bills,
13:37 then the amount is extracted from you with interest and penalty.
13:44 Either you willingly settle or you pay through your nose.
13:59 When you willingly settle it, it's sadhana.
14:06 When double the amount is extracted from you,
14:12 then it is life.
14:19 What else is life?
14:26 Continuous, unrepentant payment for your unending follies.
14:43 Practice, practice and practice.
14:48 Continue questioning, continue seeing.
15:01 You will not be able to see Krishna or truth
15:07 as timeless, formless, beginningless, endless
15:13 unless you willingly give up your obsession
15:21 with forms, names, shapes, sizes, all products of time.
15:32 You'll have to work on yourself.
15:39 Working on yourself, that is Krishna worship.
15:49 Attaining Krishna is just a fancy name given to basic
15:57 self-inquiry and self-purification.
16:04 Krishna is nowhere outside. The outside is just a projection of the inside.
16:09 And the insides are quite dirty. Then how can Krishna be outside?
16:19 Getting rid of the dirt inside, that's Krishna sadhana.
16:32 That's what also is meant by settling your bills.
