• 2 months ago
Full Video: How should India raise its daughters? || Acharya Prashant, with MMMUT (2023)


00:00It's the mothers that destroy their daughters the most.
00:03Sometimes you find fathers being liberal and they do not want the daughter to develop into
00:11the typical woman.
00:12More liberal and broad-minded fathers.
00:15And it's the mother who wants to confine the daughter and turn her into the stereotypical
00:21So, that's the worst thing that can happen.
00:24She does not need to develop herself as a toy for the man.
00:29She is consciousness.
00:31She deserves to know, learn, explore, experience.
00:34Learning is the purpose of her life.
00:37Growth is what she is born for.
00:39She does not exist to serve the husband or the kids or somebody else.
00:44Her primary purpose is to serve her own existential internal need.
00:49And that is for liberation.
00:51She has to stop believing that being a wife and being a mother are very important things.
00:56Only then can there be liberation for the woman.
