Penjualan Motor Listrik Jauh dari Target

  • 8 months ago
Pemerintah terus memberikan insentif potongan, harga Rp7 juta untuk mendongkrak penjualan motor listrik. Dimana tercatat hingga 2023, penjualan motor listrik hanya mencapai 15.000 unit
jauh dari target pemerintah sekitar 200.000 unit.


00:00 The government continues to give incentives for the price of 7 million rupiahs to boost the sales of electric motorcycles,
00:06 where it was recorded that until 2023, the sales of electric motorcycles only reached 15,000 units, far from the government's target of around 200,000 units.
00:15 The government targets the sale of 200,000 electric motorcycle units throughout 2023.
00:24 Various steps are taken to boost the sales of electric motorcycles through incentives of several price segments as large as 7 million rupiahs.
00:32 However, the policy has not yet been able to boost the sales of electric motorcycles.
00:37 Based on the data of the Indonesian Electric Motor Industry Association, until the end of November 2023, only 15,000 electric motorcycles were sold from the target and established.
00:46 However, even though the sales of electric motorcycles last year were still far from the target, the government targets the sale of electric motorcycles this year to reach 600,000 units.
00:55 The electric motorcycle industry is estimated to have a number of aspects that affect the sales of electric motorcycles.
01:02 One of them is the level of public trust that is still low due to the limited infrastructure of supporters such as the SPKU and the electric vehicle workshop.
01:10 The reason is that the Indonesian people use motorcycles for economic activities, so the existence of infrastructure is very needed to support the activity of the use of electric motorcycles on the ground.
01:20 The sales of electric motorcycles, the implementation of the electric motorcycle conversion program throughout 2023 is also far from the expected target.
01:29 The implementation of the electric motorcycle conversion has just reached 181 units from the expected target of 50,000 units.
01:36 From 181 units, the government has converted 145 units of BBM motorcycles into electric motorcycles with a government subsidy of 1.4 billion rupiah.
01:47 From that amount, 8 units received subsidies of 7 million rupiah and the rest received 10 million rupiah.
01:53 While 36 units are still in the process of testing the certification of the type test and registration certificate of the type test.
02:01 Jakarta, covered by IDX Channel
02:05 Jakarta, covered by IDX Channel
02:09 Jakarta, covered by IDX Channel
