Realisasi Program Konversi Motor Listrik Jauh dari Target

  • 6 months ago
Anggota Komisi VII DPR RI mengkritik, keseriusan pemerintah dalam melaksanakan program konversi motor listrik. Pasalnya, realisasi program yang bergulir sejak Maret 2023 ini, masih jauh dari target yang ditetapkan atau baru mencapai 495 unit dari target 55.000 unit.


00:00 The 7th Commission of the DPRRI criticized the seriousness of the government in implementing the electric motor conversion program.
00:07 The reason is that the implementation of the program, which has been in progress since March 2023, is still far from the target set or has only reached 495 units from the target of 50,000 units.
00:23 The DPRRI head of the Sejahtera Diah Nulwitastari party criticized the seriousness of the government in implementing the electric motor conversion program.
00:30 The reason is that the implementation of the program, which has been in progress since March 2023, is still far from the target set.
00:37 Until now, the implementation of the electric motor conversion program has only reached 495 units from the target of 50,000 units.
00:45 He asked the Ministry of Education and Human Resources to give serious training and evaluate the electric motor conversion program.
00:53 I also want to comment on the electric motor conversion program.
01:01 The target is 50,000 units, but it has only reached 495 units.
01:06 So, if the target is not reached, there is a level of reasonableness.
01:10 But if it is not reached, it is very far.
01:14 This means that there is a seriousness or a big obstacle, until the level of realization does not reach 1%.
01:28 The same is true for the electric motor conversion program.
01:31 The Ministry of Industry also has the same problem.
01:33 The achievement is also very low, below 10%.
01:38 So, in my opinion, there must be a serious evaluation.
01:44 As we know, the electric motor conversion program has been in progress since March 2023.
01:51 In December, the government revised the conversion rules.
01:54 One of them is to change the value of the subsidy from 7 million per unit to 10 million per unit.
02:00 The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Regulation No. 13 of 2023 also abolished the motor certification limit that can be converted.
02:07 And expanded the target of receiving subsidies outside the budget.
02:10 From Jakarta, Tim Wibutan, AIDA Action Group.
02:14 AIDA Action Group.
02:15 AIDA Action Group.
02:18 AIDA Action Group.
02:20 (chimes)
