Week in the Life of a Dental Student _ First Week of Classes!

  • 9 months ago
Welcome to another dental school vlog! I am a first year dental student and I vlogged by first week of classes in the spring semester! This week we started drilling, learned how to use a dental handpiece, got introduced to perio lab, and more! I also talked about how to get into dental school!

What other questions do you have about dental school/life as a dental student? Leave questions below!
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00:50 - Hey guys, and welcome back to my channel.
01:02 It's currently Monday morning
01:03 and I am starting a new semester of dental school today.
01:06 This will be my second semester.
01:08 Just finished my first semester a couple weeks ago.
01:11 If you didn't see my finals vlog, it was rough.
01:13 So yeah, starting a new semester
01:15 with all new classes and everything.
01:17 Super exciting.
01:17 They blessed us with a 9 a.m. class today,
01:20 so I didn't have to be there until nine, which is so great.
01:23 I am just getting ready to go.
01:24 I'm gonna pack up my bag real quick.
01:26 Just made myself my greens for the car ride over.
01:30 I just finished these, as you can see,
01:32 but I have a new one on the way,
01:33 so hopefully not without them for too long.
01:35 I'm feeling like I'm fighting off
01:36 the tiniest little sickness.
01:38 You know, that just like little,
01:39 like that little thing in the back of your throat
01:41 that's like, hey, you know, we're trying to be sick,
01:43 and I'm like, no thanks.
01:44 So the greens and reds have really helped me
01:46 like fend off any sicknesses.
01:48 I don't know what it is, but I really think they have.
01:50 And they also help me with bloating throughout the day.
01:53 I prep my lunch the night before always.
01:55 I have my overnight oats, got my new flavor.
01:57 I'm trying the cinnamon cookie batter flavor.
02:00 So far, it's been really good.
02:02 I don't know, cinnamon oats just sound good to me.
02:04 So I have my overnight oats like every morning.
02:06 Got some grapes for a little snacky poo.
02:09 I just meal prepped a little like teriyaki rice bowl
02:11 last night for myself today.
02:13 So that is what I'm bringing to class.
02:15 By the way, if you're new to my channel,
02:16 my name's Kathryn, and I do dental school vlogs
02:19 about like two to three times a month.
02:21 I am a first year dental student, like I mentioned.
02:23 And in my videos, I try to show you like what it's like
02:25 being a dental student, and also talk about
02:27 certain dental school related things.
02:29 Also, I don't know what's going on with my face here,
02:31 but I figured I might as well not cover it up
02:33 'cause that could make it worse.
02:34 You guys always leave me questions on my videos.
02:36 So after class, hey, Peach.
02:38 So after class, I'll talk about one of the questions
02:40 you guys asked me.
02:41 For now, I just wanted to tell you
02:42 which classes I have today.
02:44 So for an hour, I have micro and immuno.
02:47 And then I have human structure and function,
02:48 which is kind of just like biochemistry stuff/physiology.
02:53 And then I have head and neck anatomy,
02:56 which I think this semester is more neuroscience.
02:58 And this semester, head and neck anatomy,
03:00 we only have it for six weeks, and we like cram it in.
03:03 And then we switch to like our karyology class,
03:06 which is like cavities and whatnot.
03:08 And then I have the American dental patient.
03:10 This semester, I have a lot more clinic-y classes.
03:12 I'm in class more.
03:13 I don't get out before four any day of the week.
03:17 So I'm basically in class from like eight to five most days.
03:20 I'm in 30 credits and 13 classes.
03:23 So apparently this semester's supposed to be better
03:25 than last semester,
03:26 even though that's definitely more than we had.
03:28 I think we had 25 credits last semester.
03:30 But I'm in like my didactic courses less.
03:32 And if you don't know what didactic means,
03:34 I really don't either, to be honest.
03:36 Everyone throws around that word.
03:37 But it's really like our biomedical science classes.
03:40 Your typical pre-med, pre-dental class,
03:42 like biochemistry, that kind of stuff.
03:44 So I'm sitting in those classes less,
03:46 and I have more like clinical class.
03:48 We have an operative class.
03:49 We have radiology.
03:50 We have perio.
03:52 We have a community outreach class.
03:54 Anyways, I'm gonna check in on Peach one more time,
03:56 and then I'm gonna head to class,
03:57 'cause it'd be nice to not be late the first day.
03:59 I'm never late, guys, but like,
04:00 I don't really wanna have to park
04:01 in the overflow parking lot, so I'm gonna go now.
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04:39 Okay, I just got back from class,
04:41 and I'm sitting outside with Peach,
04:42 because she likes to go outside
04:45 and have some little, I don't know,
04:46 fresh air time when I come back.
04:48 I'm just on like my little patio thing,
04:50 'cause she doesn't actually go outside outside,
04:52 but she likes to be here.
04:53 So it's about 4.20 right now.
04:55 I just got back from class for the day.
04:57 We ended a couple minutes early.
04:59 So today was a lot of class.
05:00 I haven't just like sat and been lectured at
05:02 for like five straight hours in a while.
05:04 Might have even been six hours.
05:06 So it was definitely a lot.
05:08 Definitely got a little tired at points.
05:10 So yeah, just gotta get back into the swing of things.
05:13 Not every day is like this.
05:14 Like I'm not always just lectured at forever.
05:16 Tomorrow morning I have operatory, operative dentistry,
05:21 where we're starting to learn our class one preps.
05:23 Don't ask me what that means yet,
05:25 'cause I really don't know.
05:26 So yeah, we're doing that for like four hours
05:28 in the morning from like eight to 12.
05:29 And then I have lectures, I think, from like one to five.
05:34 So it's less sitting time, which is always appreciated.
05:37 And for my class tomorrow,
05:39 they make us like read all of the PowerPoints
05:41 and like a lot of textbook reading before class.
05:44 And like, don't get me wrong,
05:45 like I know dental school is supposed to be a lot of work,
05:47 but when we're in 13 different classes,
05:50 I just wish they would like consolidate the information
05:53 a little more for us,
05:54 because like honestly all we can handle
05:56 is being taught like the need to know things.
05:59 And he gave us like six PowerPoints
06:01 that we're gonna be quizzed on tomorrow.
06:03 And that's just like a lot.
06:05 So like this quiz better not be like super detailed
06:07 because like I'm just not gonna be able
06:08 to learn all of that.
06:09 Quizzes quickly become something
06:11 that are kind of an afterthought,
06:13 especially during heavy exam weeks.
06:15 You can't like spend more than like an hour on a quiz
06:18 if you're studying for like a big exam.
06:20 If I have exams, I honestly may just study
06:22 like 20 minutes for a quiz.
06:24 So I'll see how much time this gets today.
06:27 We picked up our operative like kits today.
06:29 That's what you saw like after my lunch.
06:32 I don't even know what they're called,
06:33 but one of them is the dental dam kit
06:36 'cause we use dental dams,
06:37 which is basically like a rubber thing
06:38 you put in the patient's mouth
06:40 to kind of isolate the tooth
06:41 and make sure nothing goes down their throat.
06:43 Not used a lot in private practices, I don't think.
06:45 So it'll be interesting to learn.
06:47 And then we got like a bunch of burrs
06:49 and like little tools to take out teeth and whatnot.
06:53 So I guess I'll learn how to use those tomorrow.
06:55 A lot of dental school is just kind of being thrown
06:57 into things without really know what's going on.
06:59 I still don't really entirely know
07:02 what caries are slash cavities.
07:04 I mean, like I know the basic concepts,
07:06 but we haven't even really learned that.
07:08 Anyways, I wanted to answer some questions
07:10 from my last video.
07:12 So a lot of you guys ask how to get into dental school.
07:16 I personally was a psychology major and a chemistry minor,
07:19 but most of my classmates are bio majors.
07:22 And after seeing who like gets in every year,
07:24 I honestly just think they're looking for like good students
07:27 who are passionate about dentistry.
07:29 I think that you can do things
07:31 to set your application apart,
07:32 but at the end of the day,
07:33 you want people who actually want to become dentists.
07:35 If your reasoning for wanting to go to dental school
07:38 and become a dentist is a little blurry,
07:40 then I would really make sure,
07:41 oh my gosh, Peach, you stole my beauty blender again.
07:44 Peach, you gotta stop.
07:45 Just got a new beauty blender and she always takes them.
07:48 It's literally in a drawer in my bathroom.
07:51 And she managed to find it.
07:52 Peach, I don't know how you do this.
07:54 Anyways, you need to have a really solid reason
07:56 about why you want to become a dentist.
07:58 It can't be like, oh, I wanted to be a doctor
08:01 and then didn't want to be.
08:02 Like, they don't really like to hear that.
08:04 And to be honest, I don't know if having another major
08:06 is really helpful either,
08:08 because honestly, like the people who were bio majors
08:11 took a lot of the classes that I didn't take.
08:14 I ended up doing fine in them,
08:15 but like if you just get introduced to things
08:17 a little earlier on, it can be helpful.
08:19 Okay, I should stop talking now.
08:20 I'm gonna open some packages, have a little snack,
08:23 and then I'm gonna edit a video.
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09:13 So I just made myself some dinner,
09:15 just steamed some cauliflower and broccoli.
09:18 Got some salmon with my favorite chili lime seasoning
09:21 from Trader Joe's.
09:22 The stuff is so good on salmon.
09:25 And then I just have some rice.
09:28 And then I'm also taking my vitamins.
09:30 I take four fish oil pills.
09:32 I take the ones from FirstForm.
09:34 I personally get dry eye very easily,
09:36 and I don't really like to use like eye drops a whole lot,
09:39 and I don't do compresses as much as I should.
09:41 But my eye doctor recommended I take fish oil pills.
09:43 And my mom actually saw a different eye doctor
09:45 for dry eye as well, and they also recommended fish oil.
09:48 So it's definitely something that doctors recommend a lot,
09:50 which is why I personally like to take them
09:52 and know that it's a good supplement to take.
09:54 Some supplements I'm kind of like meh on.
09:56 Fish oils are like my main guys.
09:59 But this is definitely something I always remember
10:01 to take consistently during the school year,
10:03 because I'm staring at things for so long
10:05 that my eyes just get really dry and stiff.
10:07 So the fish oils definitely help with that.
10:10 And another thing to note,
10:11 do not get just like any fish oil pill,
10:13 because my doctor specifically recommended,
10:15 she was like, "Do not just get anything.
10:16 "You need to look at the dosages."
10:18 Because the Costco fish oils,
10:20 you would need to take like eight pills
10:23 to get the same dosage as like two of the FirstForm ones.
10:26 There's honestly no point in even taking a fish oil pill
10:29 if it's not high quality and a good dose.
10:31 So that's why I take these ones.
10:33 I'll link them down below.
10:34 Okay, now I'm gonna eat my dinner.
10:36 I'm almost done with my video,
10:37 and then I'm going to finally study.
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11:17 So that was like the longest day ever.
11:20 We literally went from 8 a.m. to 4.50 p.m.,
11:24 maybe a little bit after.
11:25 So basically eight to five.
11:27 Our first four hours was our operative class,
11:30 which we had six PowerPoint lectures,
11:34 and they gave us like one five minute break.
11:37 And I'm the type of person who needs to be like
11:39 constantly drinking water or else I get headaches
11:41 and I get super dehydrated.
11:43 So that was literally miserable for me
11:44 because I couldn't drink any water
11:46 because you're in a lab
11:47 and you can't have water bottles there, which I just...
11:50 Then we had our first little exercise
11:51 to prepare us for drilling.
11:53 It was the first time drilling, guys.
11:55 Super excited.
11:56 It was harder than I thought.
11:58 My little square, guys, on the side,
12:00 like I could just not get the edges to be sharp.
12:02 But honestly, I don't know when I'm gonna be doing
12:04 like a sharp square drilling.
12:07 Like you don't really do that for fillings,
12:08 at least I don't think.
12:09 Don't hold me to that, I don't know.
12:11 It was cool to start using the hand piece
12:13 for the first time.
12:14 It was harder than I thought,
12:15 but I guess, you know, practice makes perfect.
12:17 Gotta improve there.
12:19 So that was long.
12:20 Then we had an anatomy lecture, which is also long.
12:23 And this semester in anatomy, we're doing more neuro
12:26 and it's so much brain stuff that you know,
12:28 I'm just, that I will just never use in actual dentistry,
12:31 but they make you learn it.
12:33 And then we had our radiology class, which was so long.
12:36 But the good news is I thought I was in class
12:38 from eight to five every day this semester,
12:40 but I only have Friday afternoon class
12:42 one time this entire semester.
12:44 So I have half day Fridays yet again.
12:47 Those were literally my saving grace.
12:48 Like you can actually like go to doctor's appointments
12:50 and like get stuff done that like you want to do
12:52 during like a weekday day for once,
12:54 'cause you can't do the most days.
12:56 I'm probably not gonna vlog like a ton more this week
12:58 just 'cause I don't wanna bore you guys.
13:00 But I will just show like the fun highlights
13:02 just so you get like a full week kind of example thing.
13:05 ♪ And your mom's a old hatchback ♪
13:08 ♪ And we were in too deep ♪
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13:54 So I just got back home from the gym.
13:56 I have to take Peach out for a second,
13:58 but I'm just making myself,
13:59 just making myself a little protein shake.
14:01 I'm using the First Form Chocolate Milkshake Protein.
14:06 First of all, this one's just so good.
14:07 'Cause like, I don't know,
14:08 it just tastes like chocolate milk.
14:09 I love it.
14:10 I did kind of like an intense workout today.
14:11 I did some full body and I definitely feel like
14:14 my muscles are a little shaky.
14:15 So the Formula One's like a more fast absorbing protein.
14:18 So it absorbs really quickly and like gets right
14:20 to your muscles and helps with recovery.
14:22 So that's what I'm having right now.
14:23 So I didn't end up vlogging that much today
14:25 because honestly we just sat in class
14:27 and got lectured at for like seven hours.
14:29 Last semester, we just weren't in class
14:31 like this many hours being lectured at.
14:33 So it's just like a little bit much for us right now
14:35 to be in class from eight to 5 p.m.
14:38 like two days in a row.
14:40 Hey.
14:40 Then I actually motivated myself to go to the gym
14:45 and it was super packed.
14:46 So I kind of had to do more like dumbbell,
14:48 like cable movements.
14:49 I couldn't get a barbell.
14:50 I think I'm gonna end the vlog here
14:51 'cause I don't know how much interesting stuff
14:52 we're doing tomorrow or the next day.
14:54 But don't worry, I'll be back with another vlog
14:56 in like another week or so.
14:57 And if you're not already, please make sure to subscribe
14:59 and give this video a thumbs up so I know you like it.
15:02 Let me know down below what you'd like me to talk about
15:04 in the next video so I can like have a little chat
15:06 with you guys, talk about dental school, admissions,
15:09 really anything.
15:10 Thank you guys so much for watching
15:11 and I'll see you next time.
