La Promesa Capitulo 277 Vidéo Dailymotion

  • 8 months ago
La Promesa Capitulo 277 Vidéo Dailymotion


08:22 Maria.
08:23 And I'm afraid that, because of this rush to get to work, I may end up doing worse.
08:28 Don't worry. I've already told you that, with a day or two that I'm eating well and sleeping well, I'll be completely recovered.
08:34 I do wish that would happen. But we shouldn't rush. We can manage our tasks perfectly.
08:40 Yes, I see you do manage very well.
08:43 Good afternoon.
08:45 Good afternoon. You still don't know each other, right?
08:48 No.
08:50 She is Vera, the new maid.
08:52 You are Maria Fernández, right?
08:54 Exactly.
08:55 I'm very glad that you are here and that you have recovered.
08:59 Yes, I'm recovered and working as always.
09:02 You look good.
09:04 It's just that it could be that my skin has stretched and everything.
09:07 Have you been with Mrs. Pia and Mr. Rómulo?
09:11 Yes, I've come to talk to them.
09:13 Well, I'm sorry that you are going to lose your job, but I'm sure you'll get one soon.
09:18 No, no. If I don't lose my job, I'll stay here.
09:21 They haven't fired you?
09:25 No. Mr. Baeza and Mrs. Darre have told me that I can stay.
09:28 Stay? But I'm already working.
09:33 Well, it seems that there is enough work for both of you.
09:35 Yes, of course. In the promise, there is never a lack of work.
09:39 That's what they've told me, yes.
09:40 But well, the most important thing is that you have come out of your trance well.
09:44 It wasn't a trance. It was a kidnapping.
09:47 That, that yes. Well, Lope has told me everything that happened and the truth is that it was something very serious.
09:54 I almost died. So no trance.
09:58 There was nothing else to see poor Lope. He was devastated and with a bad face.
10:03 He has a golden heart, right?
10:06 Yes, the truth is that he is a heaven.
10:10 Well, I leave you to serve the ritual, gentlemen. I have loved meeting you, María Fernández.
10:16 And this? What a way to talk about Lope. As if I knew him all my life.
10:28 He has only said that he has a golden heart.
10:31 You don't talk like that about someone if you don't know him well.
10:39 You're the first one to talk like that.
10:41 I just don't understand why you get like that. People fall in love. People fall in love by accident.
10:51 It's as if you had never fallen in love.
10:53 I think that love of yours has you so stunned that you don't realize anything.
10:56 I've already told you that I don't care that you are unemployed.
10:59 Well, I think you do care because otherwise you wouldn't be so angry with me.
11:02 No. What bothers me a lot is that neither of you were able to tell me anything.
11:07 Cousin.
11:08 No.
11:09 Really.
11:10 Not a cousin or anything. You didn't trust me. As if I were a stranger.
11:13 That we were going to tell you. Really. But I didn't find the time.
11:17 Yeah. As if it takes a long time to tell something like that.
11:20 But nothing. If I didn't see you, you would still be hiding it from me right now.
11:25 Leonor, do you understand?
11:26 No. I don't understand anything. I've always told you everything. Everything. Even the most unconfessable.
11:33 Isn't that so?
11:34 Well, yes.
11:37 Didn't I write to you every time something important happened to me?
11:39 How many letters did you receive from me in these months?
11:42 Many.
11:43 Didn't I even tell you about me with ...
11:47 About me with Mauro?
11:49 Well, yes. But ...
11:51 There are no more buts or excuses that are worth.
11:53 And this is not the first thing you hide from me.
11:55 What? What else have I hidden from you?
11:57 Now do the one that is new.
11:59 No, I'm not doing anything. What have I hidden from you? I don't know.
12:01 No?
12:02 No.
12:03 What's wrong with your commitment to that boy?
12:05 Did you tell me something about that?
12:07 I didn't want to bother you with my problems.
12:11 Yeah.
12:12 You send me to Paris pretending to be you.
12:15 And then you hide all this from me.
12:17 The truth is that I look at you and I don't recognize you.
12:20 I no longer see you as the cousin I trusted so much.
12:23 But rather the opposite.
12:25 You seem to me a person I should never trust again.
12:28 And that's exactly what I'm going to do.
12:33 What are you going to do?
12:35 Demand that they get me out of here.
12:37 Well, then ...
12:38 You have already heard your mother.
12:40 They won't let us out until we reconcile, so ...
12:43 Leave me.
12:45 We have already reconciled.
12:52 So he can let us out, idiot.
12:56 [Music]
12:59 I don't think we should take our eyes off him at any time.
13:11 It shows that he is hardworking and that he has a good heart too, but ...
13:15 Good afternoon.
13:17 What are you doing with the uniform, Maria?
13:19 We told you it was better if you rested.
13:21 They told me that I was not recovered and I am very recovered.
13:24 Are you sure? Because I thought I saw you snoring.
13:27 Well, it almost doesn't hurt me anymore.
13:29 And I already tell you that locked in my room alone I will never recover.
13:33 Maria, there is no hurry.
13:35 And if you are bored, you can go to the kitchen with Simona and Candela to chat or go out to the patio and get some fresh air.
13:40 Don't talk about what I need, Mrs. Pia.
13:42 I need to work and make some profit.
13:45 Hey, it's not necessary. Things need their time.
13:48 Yes, because you have not waited long.
13:52 What is Maria Fernández talking about?
13:54 It takes very little time to look for a substitute.
13:56 You have not been looking for a substitute, Maria. And much less us, please.
14:01 Ah, so who?
14:03 Well, actually nobody.
14:05 Miss González has come here, but not to replace her, but to expand the squad.
14:10 We always say that we do not give up with the work there is and they never bring anyone.
14:14 And now I'm missing four days and that one comes.
14:16 Yes, it is true, yes, it is true that we need people here and that the gentlemen always refuse to hire anyone.
14:21 But this is a direct decision of the Marquise.
14:25 Maria, it is true that the lady did not have much hope of finding you alive and she wanted a maiden, well ...
14:31 Meanwhile.
14:33 Well, meanwhile it's over. And the "so much" too. So get out of here.
14:39 Maria Fernández, do you agree with me that this decision does not belong to you?
14:43 I'm sorry, Mr. Baeza. I didn't mean to bother you.
14:51 But now that the new one is here, I understand that they can decide that someone will be left over.
14:59 And I will be left over too. And I don't like to be left out anywhere.
15:03 Don't be ridiculous, Maria. Nobody is left out here, much less you, for God's sake.
15:07 So the Marquise doesn't want me to leave?
15:10 She has not spoken about it. She has only asked someone in your absence. That's it.
15:16 Am I going to lose my job?
15:22 No. What you can lose is your head if you continue to act with those fans.
15:27 Please understand, Mr. Baeza, that my job is all I have.
15:34 And to think that I can lose it, well ...
15:38 That's not going to happen, Maria. So please go to work, well, I mean, to rest.
15:43 Miss González is not here to replace her. You have to treat her like another companion.
15:49 You'll see that she's a good girl, Maria. When you treat her, I'm sure you get along.
15:54 Excuse me.
16:03 [Music]
16:05 Well, we've left them there. Locked up and under surveillance. Let's see if they get better at once.
16:19 Do you want a little more sugar, ma'am?
16:22 Yes, I was just going to ask you. You're in everything, thank you.
16:26 Maybe the remedy is worse than the disease. Maybe they're still arguing.
16:30 But there was something to be done. Alonso, it's very uncomfortable to see them like this.
16:34 Yeah, well, if they're angry and you lock them up, I don't know if ...
16:38 Well, I'm sure that when they've been there for a while, they'll get tired and make up their minds.
16:42 Well, that's what I think. Maybe up to this point, they've already done it.
16:46 I'll put a little more biscuit, ma'am.
16:49 Yes, girl. Thank you. Good attention.
16:52 There was something to be done, Alonso.
16:54 Besides, I'm convinced that this idea of ​​Leonor leaving the United States is because of her anger with Martina.
17:00 When you told me about her departure, I still can't believe it.
17:03 I don't think that because of a young man's anger, she made such an important decision.
17:08 Well, sometimes at that age, you let yourself be carried away by passion.
17:12 Passion? The lack of a stop and the desire to worry, I would say.
17:17 Precisely to the United States, thousands of kilometers. And all for a rage. Come on, man.
17:22 Honestly, sister-in-law, I don't think she's going that far for a rage with my daughter.
17:26 Well, then why?
17:28 What is your explanation? Because we can't find her.
17:31 Well, I don't deny that those girls have been a nail and flesh since they were little, but ...
17:36 They are no longer the ones they were. Especially Leonor.
17:39 And what has my daughter changed?
17:41 What do you mean? You haven't noticed?
17:44 We don't know what you mean.
17:47 It is very clear. She is not the girl who left. She has changed a lot. She is a woman now.
17:52 But it seems to me that you don't want to see her.
17:55 For me, she will always be my little girl. Even if she has been living in Paris.
18:00 I understand you. Alonso, sometimes it hurts a lot to see them grow up so fast.
18:04 But that is something for which there is no remedy.
18:07 It is true that since she returned, I have seen her more confident and more determined.
18:15 Or with more stubbornness.
18:17 That trip to Paris has not been in vain. She is no longer the one who left. There is nothing more to compare her with my daughter.
18:21 She is still about to mature.
18:23 Well, she should, really.
18:25 Especially after her father's death and what happened to the son of the dukes of Carvajal and Cifuentes.
18:32 Yes, but that is something that she no longer faced alone, because she did not have us.
18:36 However, Leonor has been alone in a foreign country all this time.
18:40 Yes, I suppose that such an experience can mark you.
18:43 Well, that's what I think.
18:45 Now she is a responsible woman who makes her own decisions.
18:48 And I think that's how you should treat her and talk to her.
18:50 If you want her to be brave.
18:52 But if you keep treating her like a capricious girl, it seems to me that ...
18:56 that there will not be much to do.
18:58 Sir, are you here?
19:11 Were you doing the hangar, busy with some of your projects?
19:14 Yes, I was, but I needed to rest a bit, clear my head.
19:19 Do you want a soda? A chocolate cake has just come out of the oven,
19:23 which between you and me looks impressive.
19:26 I appreciate it, Romulo, but I'm not hungry.
19:29 Have you found everything to your liking, your return?
19:34 Do you mean if Salvador is still my camera assistant?
19:37 That's right, sir.
19:39 It was difficult for him to adapt at first, that's the truth, but he's getting better.
19:44 I'm glad to hear that, sir. Otherwise, I would have been very embarrassed.
19:48 Yes, he is still without being Mauro and has a lot to learn, but I have no complaints.
19:53 He has a very good disposition.
19:55 Yes, it is true. And he supplements his lack of knowledge with desire.
19:59 It's not a bad start.
20:01 No, it is not.
20:03 Besides, it is normal for him to start off badly.
20:05 After all, his girlfriend was missing, so ...
20:08 We have all been very accepted, but especially him and Miss Expósito.
20:13 Jana and María are very good friends.
20:18 A lot, a lot. From the beginning, since they started sharing a room.
20:22 Sure. And how is María recovering?
20:25 Well, she thinks she's doing very well. In fact, she has started working today.
20:30 Look, we asked her to keep on resting.
20:33 Yes, she seems a very nervous person.
20:35 Unable to stay hand in hand.
20:37 Yes, yes. Maybe she notices through the corridors.
20:39 Nothing, there has been no way for her to stay resting in her room.
20:43 And that reminds me of someone.
20:45 Rómulo, don't you remember when she had lung infection and was asking you to please let her go back to work?
20:52 Look, it was too many days in bed, hand in hand.
20:55 I know I'm not someone to scold María Fernández for doing the same thing I did.
21:00 Please, if you see her, tell her to come up. I want to talk to her.
21:05 Of course, sir. I'll go get her right now.
21:08 Father, am I bothering you?
21:25 What's the matter?
21:27 I wanted to apologize.
21:30 Please.
21:31 You know what I'm here to tell you, right?
21:38 Yes. But I'd like to hear it from you.
21:42 I'm very sorry I brought Mr. Cavendish to make the sauce bowl without his consent.
21:48 Is that all?
21:49 No. I also told him, I repeat, that it will not happen again.
21:52 I hope so. Because I will not allow him to ignore me again in that way.
21:57 I know. And he was right about everything when he got angry.
22:00 At least I'm recognized for that.
22:02 I'm really sorry. And more when all you wanted was to keep this house neutral, without getting involved in politics.
22:09 I've told you a hundred times that I don't want anyone to associate us with the English side and with anyone else.
22:14 I know. And I've been explaining it very well from the beginning.
22:16 And what did I get out of it?
22:18 I repeat, it will not happen again. But I do want to warn you.
22:24 I already knew that. Now the trouble is coming.
22:27 Not exactly. Although I do want to go with the truth first.
22:31 We will continue to do business with Mr. Cavendish.
22:33 Not in my house.
22:34 Of course. But our agreements with him are being very beneficial.
22:38 And more if we can sell him the canned goods.
22:41 What do I suppose you're going to do?
22:43 Well, he liked it. And he's going to buy us several games.
22:47 And that can make the business grow a lot, father.
22:49 Yes, also the problems for this family.
22:51 We will keep him out of it. And we will do it because neither his name nor that of the farm appear anywhere.
22:56 And that is possible?
22:57 It will be. I assure you.
22:59 Father, this business is not only good for me, for Pelayo. It is also good for the promise and for the families in Lujan.
23:05 Yes, I understand your motives, daughter. And I know that this company is a good idea.
23:08 But I'm not going to give in to the English.
23:11 Don't worry. We'll see where and how we meet with him. Without you having any problem.
23:16 I hope so.
23:17 Catalina, it is vital. It is very important that we are not involved and all this is over.
23:22 I know. I understand perfectly. And it will be.
23:26 And now I leave you with your things, father.
23:29 Excuse me, sir.
23:46 María.
23:48 What a joy to see you so recovered after everything you've been through.
23:52 I'm also happy to see you. And to recover, of course, because I wasn't going to be happy.
23:56 What an adventure you have lived, huh?
23:58 A nightmare, rather.
24:00 I thought I was stretching my leg and not telling it.
24:03 And if I'm telling it, I don't stop telling everyone who asks me.
24:07 You know what I've been doing is to shut up.
24:10 Then I'm not going to ask you anything else. You must be tired of repeating the same thing over and over again.
24:14 No, sir. I'll tell you if you ask me.
24:16 No, no, woman. It's really not necessary.
24:18 Yes, sir. I told the muse of Cuadras. I'm not going to tell you.
24:21 That the son of the Marquis ...
24:23 Okay. Well, tell me.
24:26 Because I think I know almost everything, but they haven't told me yet how that bastard managed to kidnap you.
24:31 Well, the fact is that the maid was stupid or innocent. A little of both.
24:36 And I went to Luján and there I saw Valentín.
24:38 And he told me that he knew a shortcut to get to the promise and that if he followed it, he would arrive earlier.
24:43 And you did it?
24:45 Yes. Because the maid has no malice.
24:48 Who would have thought that man loved me so badly?
24:51 Yes, I have already been told that no one saw him coming.
24:54 The fact is that when I saw that the path I was taking had nothing to do with a shortcut to the promise, I got lost.
25:03 And that's when I stood up and Valentín threw himself on me.
25:09 And he got me in that hole.
25:12 And then when he started not bringing me food or water, I thought he wanted to kill me of hunger.
25:18 Actually, he wasn't going because he had been shot.
25:21 Yeah. But I found out about that later.
25:24 What I thought was that he wanted to give me a bad death for not having loved him as a suitor.
25:29 Poor thing.
25:32 You can't imagine how bad it was, sir.
25:34 I got into that cave that I thought I was going to die in there.
25:37 And that they were not going to find me or give me that holy burial.
25:41 María, the good thing about all this is that they found you.
25:46 Yes. Thank God.
25:48 Well, and the service that went out to look for me and your father, who remembered that cave.
25:54 You don't know how I feel not being able to be here those days, María.
25:57 To help you in your search.
25:59 Don't worry about that, sir.
26:01 You were where you had to be.
26:03 With your wife, Doña Jimena.
26:05 Right?
26:08 Of course. Of course.
26:11 I guess they told you that I spent a few days with her and her family.
26:15 Yes. Hanna told me something.
26:21 I guess Hanna, as far as I can tell, must have had a really bad time during the days of your disappearance.
26:28 They told me something. That I was crazy.
26:31 I couldn't even sleep.
26:33 But I would have missed her as much.
26:37 You know, María, I haven't seen her in the palace all day.
26:41 Do you know where she is?
26:43 No, but I would have sent her to Luján to buy something.
26:48 Sure.
26:51 Yes, maybe.
26:53 Can I ask you a little favor?
26:56 If you see Hanna at any time, please tell her to come to the hangar at the last hour of the afternoon.
27:03 You see, I want to give her some instructions about the cleaning that she will have to do from now on.
27:10 Of course, sir. I'll tell her. If you don't need anything else.
27:14 María.
27:16 Miss Lino.
27:18 I'm so glad to see you.
27:20 I'm glad you're finally here safe and sound.
27:23 Let me see you.
27:25 Well, you don't look so bad after everything that criminal did to you.
27:29 You said it. At least I look good.
27:31 I thought you were going to be stoned in that cave, that you didn't even see the moles.
27:34 But that hasn't happened. And I'm sure you'll get Lustre in a few days.
27:37 Yes. Well, if it's Candela and Simona's doing, I'm sure it is.
27:40 And every time I go through the kitchen, they try to bait me, like a rabbit for the slaughter.
27:45 Well, I think the same thing happens to all of us if we let ourselves be fooled.
27:49 Yeah, but you don't need Lustre. She's beautiful.
27:53 If I dare to say, I see her different.
27:56 You can. Keep in mind that time has passed and I've grown up.
28:00 I'm older and prettier still.
28:03 Well, I think I'm done here.
28:07 If you'll excuse me, I'm going.
28:10 Maria.
28:11 Mara.
28:12 So, tell me. How are you?
28:19 Can you make your dream come true?
28:22 Hey.
28:26 [Sighs]
28:28 Hello.
28:43 Hello.
28:45 Do you have a lot of work?
28:49 As always. When I finish tidying up, I have to take the firewood to the kitchen.
28:54 But you shouldn't do it with your hand like that.
28:56 I'll do it. I just have to go on a few more trips.
29:00 And you?
29:03 I'm almost done.
29:06 Felicia, I would not like to apologize for telling you that you should get on well with Mrs. Petra.
29:16 I did it just because I thought it was best for you.
29:20 I know that none of what you do is right, Teresa.
29:24 But lately you've been very insistent with the matter.
29:26 I know.
29:28 And I also know that only you can decide whether to forgive her.
29:31 And above all, you have to decide when to do it.
29:35 Well, yes. But it seems that no one understands it here.
29:38 I will do it from now on.
29:41 Then everything is settled between us.
29:45 I would not like us to be upset about something like that.
29:48 Yes, my life. As long as we don't talk about it anymore, everything will be fine.
29:53 I see. It's just that we just started dating and we're already having an affair.
30:00 It hasn't been that bad either.
30:02 I know. But it hurt to see you get like this with me.
30:06 It's just that lately I'm holding up a lot, Teresa.
30:11 I see.
30:13 But you have to understand that two boyfriends, no matter how much they love each other, as we do,
30:20 there are things in which they do not agree. And that's not why you have to get angry.
30:26 Well, forgive me. Because maybe I did lose my nerves a bit.
30:31 And the last thing I want is to disgust you.
30:34 You are excused.
30:37 I'm going to continue with the task.
30:42 Teresa.
30:45 Yes?
30:48 I think you're right.
30:52 And maybe it's good for me to get on well with Petra.
30:57 I know it's not easy.
31:04 But little by little.
31:09 At least I know I have you by my side.
31:12 And as you said, we are two boyfriends who love each other.
31:15 And a lot.
31:18 Don't forget that ...
31:21 I will always be by your side for whatever it takes.
31:26 [Music]
31:30 [Music]
31:33 [Music]
31:36 Come help you with the blankets.
32:02 But what are you going to help me with?
32:04 You have to sit down, you've worked a lot.
32:06 Well, don't believe it.
32:08 As everyone asks me how I am, I spend the whole day chatting.
32:11 What I get tired of is the tongue.
32:13 And of course, since you don't like to talk at all.
32:17 The truth is that I left that cave wanting to talk to the geraniums.
32:21 I've even talked to Don Manuel.
32:23 By the way, he gave me a tip for you.
32:25 María Fernández, can we talk for a moment?
32:29 Of course, Simona. It never happened in a moment like that at Menester. You know that.
32:33 This is serious.
32:36 Simona, if you are also going to give me the tip that I can't work again ...
32:40 No, that's not it.
32:43 I wanted to apologize to you because ...
32:47 I was the one who put Valentín in the promise.
32:50 Well, it was actually Miss Catalina who gave him the roof and work.
32:54 Yeah, but why did he come saying he was a friend of my son?
32:58 Because of me, that animal almost kills you.
33:02 Simona, we have already told you many times that you were not to blame for anything.
33:06 I think so.
33:08 You have had a very bad time. We all know that.
33:12 But I have a position of conscience that doesn't let me live.
33:18 Well, don't worry, Simona.
33:21 Because I'm already here. I'm fine.
33:25 And if you believed the lies of that scammer, it was because ...
33:30 you wanted to know about your son.
33:33 I was very stupid and I didn't realize he was a fraud.
33:37 Neither you nor anyone. Here no one noticed the first server.
33:42 María is right. She hurt you and all of us.
33:47 Yeah, but she told me some things about my son that didn't marry me.
33:51 And it took me a long time to realize.
33:53 You are a mother. And a mother who has not seen her son for many years.
33:59 And if I had believed anyone who brought her good news about him ...
34:03 Yes. That was taken advantage of.
34:08 So ... do you forgive me?
34:13 Well, no.
34:15 But because there is nothing to forgive.
34:17 And enough of regret and asking for forgiveness, huh?
34:19 That in the end, the one who will end up getting angry will be me.
34:23 Thank you very much, María.
34:25 Thanks to the clowns. You have nothing to be grateful for.
34:28 On the contrary.
34:30 Let me at least bring you some cookies, I've been very hungry.
34:34 A little bit, you say. And if I bring it whole, you won't complain.
34:39 I'll be right back.
34:42 María, come.
34:48 What did Manuel tell you?
34:52 Yes. He told me he wanted to see you at the hangar at night.
34:56 Well, no. At the last hour of the afternoon.
34:59 What's wrong? And that face? Don't you feel like it?
35:03 Well, no, I don't feel like it.
35:05 At another time, you would have put a smile from ear to ear.
35:08 Instead of having some time alone with Don Manolito.
35:10 Well, it could be, but ...
35:13 A lot has happened while you were away.
35:17 And today, I don't feel like talking to him.
35:21 Nothing else.
35:24 Who's there?
35:34 Come on, open up.
35:37 [Door opens]
35:40 Any news?
35:47 Nothing. It's clear that Mr. Cavendish can't come back here.
35:51 You've tried everything.
35:53 Of course I have. I managed to convince the Marquess to help us again, but ...
35:58 Alonso is still resentful about the salsa cat toy.
36:02 And Catalina can make him look like his father?
36:05 No. In fact, I have apologized again for bringing Mr. Cavendish back here.
36:10 The Marquess is very stubborn and there will be no way.
36:13 But what else will that man who is English give him to come here to buy?
36:17 Jam, sauces or sardines?
36:20 As if all of Europe was aware of the promise.
36:22 I know, but he is the owner of the farm and it is his decision.
36:25 And if he gets like that for the canned goods, imagine if he knew about the weapons.
36:28 Well, but he doesn't have to find out if we are discreet.
36:33 So what do we do?
36:35 We have a delivery of pending weapons.
36:38 Catalina has negotiated with her father that we can continue trading with Mr. Cavendish, but he can't come here.
36:43 Well, very good, because it's absolutely useless.
36:46 I know. That's why we have no choice but to launch the plan B.
36:50 But that won't be easy, kid.
36:55 Besides, it will be very expensive.
36:58 I know. And I also know that we have no choice.
37:02 As soon as we fail, we will appear on all the covers of Spanish newspapers.
37:08 It won't go wrong.
37:09 Okay?
37:10 Besides, we have to risk big evils, big remedies.
37:14 Yeah, but more than a big remedy, it seems like a suicide.
37:17 Do you have a better idea?
37:19 Not now.
37:21 But we still have to think.
37:23 Our time is running out and Mr. Cavendish has no patience.
37:27 Jerónimo, this is not the time to think more.
37:29 Yeah.
37:32 I'm going to need you to head to Villalquino.
37:34 The person we're looking for is there.
37:37 Okay.
37:39 If there is no other option ...
37:41 No, there isn't.
37:42 And if it were me, Ester, you would spend the night in some hostel on the way.
37:47 If they ask you for the name, don't give yours.
37:49 I know, kid. I'm not that stupid.
37:52 We have to get it at all costs, is that clear?
37:55 More than water.
37:58 But if you want Barta to come today, you'll have to give me the rooms.
38:01 Here you go.
38:11 (Music)
38:37 Genia, what do you think of the new girl?
38:39 Well, neither good nor bad, really. I haven't even crossed four words with her.
38:43 And what do you think?
38:44 Well, I think the same as you. I've barely spoken to her.
38:48 But the one who hasn't liked her has been María Fernández.
38:51 Did she tell you?
38:52 No, but she was there when they met and I think she's been a little indigested.
38:57 Well, she must have a reason, because María is not the kind to get angry about anything.
39:00 Well, I'm not surprised that she doesn't like the new girl.
39:04 Because she did something that wasn't right?
39:07 For now, she'll be here all of a sudden with some strange references.
39:12 And what else? I didn't even bring any references.
39:16 I know, I know. Don't think I've forgotten.
39:20 But I'm not convinced by what she said.
39:24 Well, it's not a surprise that you don't like someone.
39:28 I think you were the first one to say that if Mrs. Marquesa liked him,
39:33 we weren't the right person to discuss it.
39:36 And I'm not the one who discusses a decision of Mrs. Marquesa.
39:40 But that doesn't mean I have to like him.
39:42 Well, as I can see, you're already discussing it.
39:45 No, I'm discussing it here with you.
39:49 What does that matter?
39:51 No, of course, Mrs. Arcos, because you have so much wisdom that I suppose you can only discuss certain issues with the kings of Spain, for example.
40:01 Anyway, I hope Maria gets over the anger she's got.
40:05 Anyway, getting to a new place where you don't know anyone and making a hole is very difficult.
40:10 In fact, it was quite difficult for me.
40:12 Well, I think that has more to do with the qualities of each one.
40:16 Maybe that's why it was so difficult for you.
40:17 Oh, really?
40:19 I understand that a while ago, a Zagal came to work at La Promesa and it was also a bit difficult for him.
40:23 But now he's taking everyone with him, except for one person.
40:28 (Music)
40:40 I think that if she doesn't have malice and is prepared, she'll get over it soon.
40:46 Well, yes. Anyway, Maria Fernández, with how badly she's been lately, shouldn't be bothering herself with these nonsense.
40:54 After all, Mrs. Marquesa hired her when she was still missing.
40:57 Yeah, but I think that here at La Promesa there's work for both of them.
41:02 Of course. If they hired two or three more girls, there would still be plenty of work.
41:08 Anyway, with Maria's good heart, she'll stop being stubborn quickly and I think they'll even be good friends.
41:17 (Music)
41:28 Chiquilla, what are you doing?
41:36 Ironing.
41:38 That's not ironing. That's ruining the clothes.
41:40 I don't know why you say that.
41:41 Why do I say that? Because you're going too slow and you're leaving the iron there, which is going to ...
41:46 Which is going to leave the men's clothes stained or burn them.
41:49 I'm sorry, I didn't know, Maria. I'll go faster.
41:52 Yes, because we just had a fire and if you cause another one, you're going to end up on the street.
41:58 Yes, yes, be careful. I'll be more careful.
42:01 Well, yes.
42:02 And now what are you doing? What are you doing?
42:08 Can't you see that you're going too fast? Huh? You're not going to take off the wrinkle like that.
42:15 I didn't want to burn any garment.
42:17 You're going from bad to worse and you don't know what to moisten the clothes with, huh?
42:21 So that it looks better. Like this, look. Like this.
42:24 Or do you think the basin is full of water? Of ornaments.
42:26 Yes. Sorry, sorry, Maria. I had gone too far.
42:29 You had gone too far. You had gone too far.
42:30 What's wrong? What's wrong? What are those voices?
42:32 No, nothing, nothing. Maybe we were talking a little loud.
42:35 A little? I can hear you from the patio. Especially you, Maria. What's wrong?
42:39 You like to exaggerate, Salvador.
42:41 Yes, exaggerate.
42:44 Hey, I thought that if you finish early we could go for a walk, you and me.
42:50 We have it pending.
42:51 A walk?
42:52 Yes.
42:53 Us?
42:54 No, you don't remember?
42:55 Of what?
42:57 That when you were in bed you told me that when you recovered we could go for a walk and pick up the oranges.
43:03 But I thought you were dreaming, how you were so happy.
43:07 Well, no. It's not a dream.
43:09 And I've finished. If you finish early too, we have time until we have to serve dinner.
43:14 What do you think?
43:15 I would like that. But I have a lot of things to fold.
43:20 If you want, I can fold it as soon as you finish ironing.
43:23 No need, daughter.
43:24 Yes.
43:25 No.
43:26 Yes.
43:27 No.
43:28 Yes, Maria. Besides, you're doing us a favor.
43:29 Come on, go get ready and I'll go get wine and cheese and we'll have a snack in the meadow.
43:32 Thank you very much, Vera.
43:38 Maria, go when you want. I'll take care of folding all the clothes.
43:41 Be careful with the iron, huh? And I hope this folding clothes thing goes well.
43:47 I think so.
43:49 [Music]
44:02 Hanna, have you just finished work?
44:13 Yes, I had dinner.
44:14 Ah, it's just that, as I've seen you around here, I thought you'd have some work to do.
44:17 No, no, I'm just going out for a moment from the house.
44:19 And where are you going? If you can tell me.
44:21 I'm going to the hangar.
44:23 Ah, to see Manuel, right?
44:25 Maria told me she wanted to talk to me.
44:27 Yeah, and what are you going to do there?
44:29 I can't deny myself, Abel.
44:31 No, I guess not, because he's the man of the house.
44:34 I don't do it because I'm the man of nothing.
44:36 Excuse me.
44:38 But well, I guess you know what he's going to ask you.
44:41 Well, no, the truth is no.
44:42 Come on, Hanna, what is he going to ask you?
44:44 Well, that you take back what you had before he left.
44:47 I don't know, we'll see.
44:50 Maybe.
44:51 It doesn't seem to make you very excited.
44:54 I'm too serious.
44:57 Quite.
44:59 Well, uh ...
45:01 It would be better if I finished this as soon as possible.
45:04 Wait, Hanna.
45:05 Can I have some advice?
45:08 I'm sure it will be good for me.
45:12 The best thing you can do, whatever Manuel tells you, is ...
45:15 be selfish.
45:17 I don't understand you.
45:20 Well, think only about yourself.
45:22 What suits you, what suits you.
45:24 And if you think it's being with Manuel, then ...
45:27 go ahead.
45:30 Yeah, maybe going back to what we had before is not good for anyone.
45:34 That's what I think.
45:36 But the heart sometimes leads us to do what is least convenient for us.
45:41 That's good.
45:42 Look, Hanna, it's not to speak ill of a friend.
45:45 Manuel has many virtues, but ...
45:47 in matters of the heart, well ...
45:49 it's quite complicated.
45:51 Maybe.
45:52 And as a friend too, huh?
45:53 I mean, one day he gives you everything and the next day, well ...
45:56 he doesn't even remember your existence.
45:58 I think you're exaggerating.
46:00 Sure?
46:01 Hanna, think about it.
46:02 He seduces you when he is interested, but when Ximena needs him,
46:05 he leaves and does not say goodbye to you.
46:09 Maybe he couldn't.
46:10 Hanna, but here you don't have five minutes for a goodbye.
46:13 Maybe leave it because I can't be fair in this matter.
46:17 Hanna, you know enough about everything I feel for you.
46:23 And I don't like it when they hurt you.
46:26 I appreciate your intention.
46:30 I've seen you very sad lately or ...
46:33 or am I wrong?
46:34 No, it's not that.
46:35 I've been very sad.
46:36 I imagine it's because of everything about María Fernández, but ...
46:38 I think there is a part of which Manuel is very responsible.
46:41 And it breaks my heart to see you like this and not being able to do anything.
46:45 You are already doing something with your advice.
46:48 Well, I hope they are useful.
46:51 And don't think they are interesting words.
46:53 I know you don't love me, but that doesn't mean that ...
46:57 I wish you the best.
47:00 I know you don't love me, but that doesn't mean that ...
47:03 I wish you the best.
47:05 I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Abel.
47:07 Well, then, go. I've already talked about more.
47:11 No, I really appreciate you being honest with me.
47:15 And be well.
47:17 Thank you.
47:20 [Music]
47:34 Rémulo told us you wanted to meet us.
47:38 Something to drink?
47:39 Thank you.
47:41 Do you mind if we go to the point?
47:43 I'm disgusted that you called us by surprise when we had all the dinner to talk.
47:48 I just wanted a little privacy.
47:50 Here I am, uncle.
47:55 Ah, my son is also summoned.
47:58 Yes. In fact, that's the reason for the meeting.
48:01 Sit down.
48:02 I want to inform you that soon a letter will arrive that will deal with the change of titularity of the barony of the lineage of Manuel Acurro.
48:15 I hope that doesn't mean we're going to run with the dispatch.
48:18 It will take some paperwork, but it is not expensive.
48:21 Manuel's resignation is firm, so it only takes a few papers to be completed for the king to appoint a new baron of the lineage.
48:30 We can call you soon for your title.
48:33 Thanks for everything, uncle.
48:36 Yes, congratulations.
48:39 Really, this has no feet or a head.
48:42 You're going to give up a higher-ranking title for accepting a simple barony.
48:45 It's much more than that for me, captain.
48:47 Yes, because you think it hurts me.
48:50 Well, go to your job. Go to your job. I don't care what you do.
48:55 Lorenzo, brother-in-law, don't treat me like that either.
48:59 Anyway, that was all. Good night.
49:11 Well, I'll leave you too. Have a good night.
49:15 No, Candela. I'm not going to prepare rice with rabbit for tomorrow. I know you don't like Miss Italian, right?
49:30 What a hand, with the good taste that gives you rabbit to rice.
49:32 Have a manzanilla, Mrs. Candela.
49:35 And your fabric.
49:37 Thank you.
49:39 Have you had a good day?
49:40 It hasn't been bad.
49:42 Between breakfast, lunch, snack, standing, dinners ... we don't stop.
49:49 And tell me, Vera, did you work so much in your old house?
49:54 Well, like in all of them.
49:56 And please tell me what was his name, I think I've forgotten it.
50:01 Or maybe you never got to say it.
50:06 I've worked in several houses, but the one I spent the most time in was in the Palace of the Dukes of Carles.
50:11 In my life I have heard of those dukes.
50:13 I'm sure they have the same thing with you, Petra.
50:17 I already told you that they live in Huelva, flirting with Portugal.
50:20 So it doesn't seem strange to me that I don't know them.
50:23 And what is the Palace of those dukes like? Does it have many rooms?
50:28 It's not as big as this one. It has two rooms, with several rooms for the gentlemen and their guests, and a few for the service.
50:35 Well, it's not small, because I think about it, and it takes a long time to clean it, and all the palaces seem big to me.
50:41 It's not that big, but it's full of all kinds of luxuries inside.
50:46 There's nothing to envy in that.
50:48 I doubt it has better paintings than the promenade, because there are paintings hanging from the walls of this palace that are worth several thousand pesetas.
50:55 In the one of the dukes too. There is even one of some famous painter.
50:59 They also have some fine ceramics that cost a fortune.
51:03 I don't like ceramic faces.
51:05 Because I'm afraid to go around and hit it by accident and break it.
51:09 Rather, the dukes were more worried in case someone from the service stole a vase from them.
51:14 It's just that with the rooms that a vase of that is worth, one is removed.
51:20 There was a colleague of mine, Ana María, who only by seeing the face of fright of the dukes, changed a vase from place to place from time to time.
51:28 They would have to see the face that the dukes had left until that vase reappeared.
51:32 None of us is going to suffer from that.
51:34 Because we are not going to suffer. Because they break or steal something that is worth a lot of rooms.
51:38 Some advantage has to be poor.
51:40 Yes. As a maid said in that house when the gentlemen came sad, "It is better to have heart wealth than sadness of possession."
51:48 Bye, auntie.
51:59 It's really moving to see how you congratulate Curro for his future title.
52:04 A crazy thing, yes.
52:06 And how long are you going to be pretending that this slap is good for you?
52:09 You know very well how much I hate the idea.
52:13 But it's stupid to keep fighting in a battle that is already lost.
52:18 Very soon you have surrendered the weapons, being as you are.
52:21 I had my husband and my son against me. It was useless to keep facing them.
52:26 If it wasn't you who said we had lost a battle but not the war, you seem to have forgotten it.
52:32 I haven't forgotten it, no.
52:34 Well, you shouldn't have moved a finger to avoid this nonsense.
52:37 What do you mean no?
52:38 I've done everything I could to prevent your son's bastard from getting away with his own.
52:44 There was no way.
52:45 We are going to give up now, Cruz.
52:47 We are going to let that brat laugh at you and laugh at me.
52:51 And that your husband and Manuel are always on his side.
52:53 No.
52:56 Not in what concerns me, of course.
52:58 I think there is something we can do that would end our problem forever.
53:06 What?
53:09 Kill him.
53:13 You were already taking too long.
53:20 [Dramatic music]
53:22 [Dramatic music]
53:24 [Dramatic music]
53:35 [Sad music]
53:37 Jara.
53:49 We finally meet alone.
53:51 Finally, yes.
53:53 You have no idea how eager I was to talk to you.
53:58 And even more so since Maria Fernández told me how bad you had it with her kidnapping.
54:03 It wasn't a good day, was it?
54:05 Well, fortunately that's over now.
54:09 Jana, I'm very sorry I couldn't be here.
54:13 I had to go visit Ximena.
54:15 Of course, of course.
54:18 [Sad music]
54:20 You can't imagine how slow the days I've spent in that palace have been, Jana.
54:25 For not having you close and ...
54:28 Well, for Ximena's condition.
54:32 It doesn't get better.
54:34 No.
54:36 There were times when I even smiled, but ...
54:42 What I said didn't make much sense and ...
54:45 It varied.
54:46 Yes.
54:47 Most of the time I spent telling her how happy we were in our marriage,
54:51 the good times we had together.
54:53 It didn't seem like it.
54:55 Jana, it never was.
54:58 But let's not talk about me anymore.
55:04 How are you?
55:06 Have you recovered from ...?
55:08 I'm better, yes.
55:09 And have you missed me?
55:14 Because I assure you I was counting the days to return to the promise and have you close.
55:19 For what?
55:21 In case you need something else, as you said yesterday.
55:25 Jana, if I said that, it was ...
55:30 It was because it was the only thing that came to mind to hold you back.
55:35 Or knowing that I was going to be there, planned,
55:39 like a maid at the orders of your lord, right?
55:43 I assure you that the only thing behind those words was ...
55:47 My desire to be by your side.
55:51 I've already told you, I've missed you a lot.
55:54 You don't.
55:57 Well, since you ask me.
56:01 No.
56:03 I didn't want to see you.
56:06 In fact, Manuel, I don't want to see you again, ever again.
56:12 Never.
56:13 The delivery of the shipment is going as agreed.
56:19 Excellent. That means I could send the truck to the promise ...
56:24 The day after tomorrow, as we agreed.
56:26 I was totally broken when he left.
56:29 Although it is also true that when Maria disappeared, I was completely devastated, so ...
56:36 Maybe I'm not being fair to him.
56:40 I don't know, Hanna, I think you have every right in the world to feel disappointed.
56:44 That's not well done.
56:46 What do you mean?
56:47 Well, it has a stain. I can't see it.
56:50 Sorry, I thought these more resistant stains would come off later.
56:53 Later when?
56:55 What do you think we're doing here with the clothes, woman?
56:58 Give him a bath to cool off.
56:59 Nobody can help me.
57:01 Are your sorrows so serious, sir?
57:04 In short, I could say that I am immensely unhappy.
57:09 The truth is that there is no longer a Manuel and me. At least not together.
57:12 And I feel it.
57:15 Well, I don't know if I feel it so much.
57:18 She's saying out there that the girl is not exactly good at work.
57:21 I also got that rumor.
57:23 That she doesn't know how to wash, that she doesn't know how to iron, that she doesn't know how to do anything.
57:25 But I don't think it's for so long, right?
57:27 Does anyone know where it comes from?
57:29 What do you mean it's not there?
57:30 And that?
57:31 I don't know. Ask the new one.
57:33 The new one?
57:38 The new one?
57:39 She never smiles, but she's not good at work.
57:45 She claims to be Alejandro Solomando.
57:47 Illusionist and pres-di-gi-tator.
57:51 Pres-di-di-tator.
57:52 That's it, sir.
57:54 Let her in.
57:55 A personal matter between you and me, I don't see what it could be.
58:00 It's about your son, Diego.
58:03 I know you're angry with Hanna because she confessed her secret to me.
58:07 Sir, I have a lot to do, so if you don't mind, I'll continue with my work.
58:10 Mrs. Darre, I understand your discomfort.
58:12 It's easier to get along than to get along badly.
58:15 So you think the problem is that I give her too many turns in her head, right?
58:19 Or maybe it's not. Don't you think so?
58:21 No, what I think is that you sell advice, but you don't have it for yourself.
58:24 But don't you see, Leonor, that they're all chimeras.
58:26 I'm telling you they're not.
58:28 Enough already!
58:29 I'm not going to give you permission to go to the United States or anywhere.
58:32 And not even for a set of empty words, Leonor.
58:36 This is a serious proposal.
58:38 And I'm going to prove it to you.
58:42 [♪♪♪]
58:44 (upbeat music)