POWER - Season 4 - Ep. 5 - Don't Thank Me - Extra Credit (SPOILERS)

  • 8 months ago
POWER - Season 4, Episode 5 Recap - Beware of SPOILERS!

SOHH.com staff reviews the Starz TV Series Power.

Background music provided by The Passion HiFi
00:00 Alright we are back for our extra credit segment.
00:07 You sound terrible by the way, your voice. What's wrong with you?
00:10 Well I'm still recovering from when Tommy stabbed the guy.
00:15 Oh my god.
00:16 Yeah, I was kinda screaming.
00:19 Yeah man that was crazy.
00:20 Okay, extra credit where we talk about what we think based upon your psychedelic, your psychoanalysis of the storyline.
00:37 You're good at this type of stuff. I go to the movies with you, you always know what the hell is going to happen at the end of the movie.
00:42 I hate that. But it could be useful for us here. Use your power.
00:46 Alright.
00:47 What's happening?
00:48 Well, the first thing is Angela.
00:51 So we saw at the very end of episode 4, Angela sees clearly that Ghost did not have the gun.
01:00 Or at least he did not put it into that, into the area where the feds found it.
01:05 Right. So basically as they looked at the footage, as she looked at the footage, she was able to see that Ghost never, during the entire time on the footage, went into that area.
01:14 Right.
01:15 To put anything anywhere.
01:16 Right.
01:17 So she says it's not his gun.
01:21 Right. It's not his gun or at least he surely, whatever gun they found, he didn't put it there.
01:27 Right, right, right.
01:28 Well, I wonder if his, I mean his prints are not even on the gun. Of course when you do a shooting you don't keep your prints on a gun.
01:36 Right, right, right.
01:37 The only thing that connects the gun to Ghost is that it was found, that it's the same gun that shot Knox.
01:42 Right.
01:43 And it was found on Jamie's property.
01:45 I think that might be considered circumstantial evidence. I mean I'm not, I'm not a lawyer of course, but it seems to me that's pretty circumstantial.
01:54 You're so happy that the gun was found where you live even though your prints are not on it. So it becomes circumstantial.
02:01 But anyway, so they're filling the gun evidence out anyway. But Angela, I think it, she's in this predicament where she, you know, I feel like Angela has to make a choice about which way she's going to ride at this point.
02:14 Right. So the question becomes is Angela riding with the prosecution or is she going to ride for the defense?
02:22 Right. I mean I think at the end of the day Angela rides for herself. Like she's always been out for herself. You know, she's always been very highly motivated.
02:33 She's a smart, savvy, you know, ADA. And she ultimately always wants to do what's right. You know, I think that she just falls, her default, even though she may get herself mired in the wrong situations from time to time.
02:55 And her judgment gets a little cloudy, you know, from time to time from love or whatever. She always defaults back to, I'm, you know, a U.S. attorney and this is what I was born to do.
03:13 This is what I love. This is what I know. This is what I believe in. I believe in justice. I believe in the truth. And, you know, I think that she always defaults back to that.
03:22 I think she's going to come around for Ghost. I mean, not necessarily for him, but for the sake of the truth.
03:28 Right. Well, you know, I guess would it also be coming forward to clear Greg Knox?
03:35 Right. You know, at the end of the day, she's strategic. She's like, yo, if Ghost didn't do it, I get to exonerate him and I get to try to figure out who the hell did do it.
03:47 Well, at least he won't die. You don't want somebody's blood on your hands that didn't deserve it for that particular crime. Now, Ghost does deserve to die, but not for this crime.
03:58 Yeah. I predict, and I think you're going with me on this, she's going to come around for Ghost. I think that was pretty clear. Anybody would see that.
04:06 Right. She's going to come around for Ghost and then come in after Ghost.
04:09 Right. But I mean, like, here's the last part of my prediction. She's going to piss off the entire fence.
04:21 Well, they already, you know, at the end of the day, like.
04:25 It's a male-orientated club.
04:27 Right.
04:28 And she ain't invited.
04:29 She knows she ain't really a part of them, you know, so I feel like she's like, I don't got nothing to lose.
04:33 And she's a minority. She's a minority woman in a male club.
04:39 Right. She ain't got nothing to lose if she hasn't already bought. They don't respect her. They only keep her around because of what she can bring to the table when they need her.
04:48 So I don't feel like she's got anything to lose.
04:51 Right.
04:52 In the past, she's exhibited these same type of behaviors. You see, you know, she will go all out, you know, in previous episodes.
04:59 You know, remember when she met with that other ADA, that female, in like a previous, like last season.
05:04 Right.
05:05 You know, they had that woman-to-woman kind of conversation.
05:07 Right.
05:08 You know, like, like she know what it's all about, you know, and I think at the end of the day, she's going to go and she's going to do her.
05:14 Right.
05:15 It's funny because she always talks about Ghost doing him. She's just as selfish as he is.
05:19 Oh, yeah.
05:20 She does her.
05:22 Right.
05:23 You know. All right. What else?
05:24 All right. So the next thing becomes, you know, they just froze all of Ghost's assets.
05:30 Right. Anything affiliated with him has been frozen.
05:34 What are you going to do for some money?
05:35 Right. The kids got to pay their tuition by the end of the week.
05:38 I'm sure mortgages do whatever they own. I mean...
05:43 Canaan is still looking for... Nobody don't know nothing about that. Right. Right. Right.
05:48 Ghost don't know about that. Right.
05:50 But, you know, like at the end of the day, like his family don't have no money.
05:55 Right.
05:56 They can't pay their bills. And again, here we go back to... That's what I love about Courtney because the characters are very persistent.
06:02 You know, at the end of the day, though Ghost may cheat on you, he's still going to take care of his family.
06:07 Right.
06:08 You know, and I think that's what we talked about in previous episodes about the marriage contract.
06:12 It don't have nothing to do with love sometimes. It's about a contract.
06:15 Yo, I'm supposed to do this and I will do this.
06:18 So I think that he's concerned, you know, about his family in this particular situation.
06:22 He's going to do what he's got to do.
06:24 Now, his legal money, his legal hustle is the club.
06:30 Right.
06:31 The clubs are closed, you know.
06:33 And I think that as we've seen in previous episodes, like the clubs have been used as pawns.
06:41 You know, in advancing his game.
06:44 So in previous episodes we saw he used the clubs to get out of the drug game.
06:49 You know, he was trying to basically get himself clean.
06:53 The clubs became his avenue to do that.
06:57 So they become these assets that he's able to juggle in order to get and advance his game.
07:04 The problem now is that the clubs are stopped and he can't have that.
07:09 He's got to get some damn things back moving.
07:12 You know, he can't have the clubs closed.
07:15 So I definitely see something, he's going to have to do something drastic in order to get those clubs open again.
07:21 I mean, when Fed sees your assets, you know, they actually never explained what was the basis of them seizing the assets, did they?
07:29 The basis would be that Proctor was working both sides of the law.
07:34 Because in the beginning of that scene, Mike tells the judge he has some new information that he wants to bring forth.
07:43 And Proctor and the new lawyer, they're like, "Yo, what's going on?"
07:49 Like they didn't tell us anything as to why they closed your assets.
07:53 So they're waiting to find out what's going on.
07:56 And then of course once they go behind closed doors, that's when Mike brings up the whole conflict of interest thing.
08:03 I still don't understand how that...
08:06 They didn't really explain it to me.
08:08 Yeah, I don't know if that was a big hole for Courtney because I don't get how, you know, the assets are frozen.
08:15 Usually it's because it's somehow linked to the crime, but at this point I don't really get that, you know.
08:25 But, you know, we got to get the assets unfrozen.
08:28 Right. We have to watch that ending part again just to get a better understanding.
08:32 But we know that something's going to give.
08:34 Right.
08:35 You know, we got a whole... Tommy knows and Ghost knows and everybody knows that there's a whole world moving around this club.
08:42 Right.
08:43 So hold on. So there was three pieces of evidence keeping Ghost locked up.
08:48 Right.
08:49 Fingerprints on the window.
08:50 Yup.
08:51 The gun.
08:52 That's been thrown out. The fingerprints have been thrown out.
08:54 Why were the fingerprints...
08:55 Weren't the fingerprints thrown out?
08:56 No, the fingerprints were not thrown out.
08:58 Oh, that's right. The fingerprints were.
08:59 No, they weren't because the fingerprints... Oh, the DNA evidence was thrown out.
09:03 The DNA was thrown out.
09:04 Okay. Right, right.
09:05 So, hold on. Let me just back up.
09:06 It was three things holding Ghost in court.
09:08 The fingerprints on the window, the DNA under his nail of Greg Knox, and the gun.
09:16 The DNA was thrown out because it was proven that Greg Knox stopped Jamie in a traffic thing.
09:25 And the feds didn't report it. And they showed that Ghost grabbed Greg Knox and stopped him or whatever.
09:32 Right, right.
09:33 Second thing is the gun was just thrown out.
09:35 Right.
09:36 Once they show that... Once Angela does what she's going to... What we're thinking she's going to do, which is pretty much implode the damn case.
09:50 Right.
09:51 The only thing they were going to have him was fingerprints.
09:55 Right, the fingerprints.
09:56 So, what does that mean? Can Ghost... Does Ghost go free? Does he stay in jail?
10:03 No, I think he goes free. I mean, on what basis... What is their case basis on? Fingerprint evidence? That's it.
10:09 I mean, what you doing outside of his window?
10:12 Right.
10:13 I mean, you climbed up the fire escape and just so happen that your fingerprints are on the window the night that this man was murdered?
10:20 Yeah. But I think that the only way to get the fingerprint evidence eliminated is basically to determine who really did it.
10:28 And that's what she's going to have to do. She's going to have to figure out who the hell are being motivated.
10:32 And establish a real question in the mind of the judge as to really, is he... Did he have a motive to kill him? You know, and who has more of a motive? This mole, you know, or Jamie?
10:48 So, I think that she's going to go after that fingerprint evidence. She's going to establish exactly who the real mole is. And don't we already know?
10:56 Marcus the mole.
10:57 Right. But wasn't that the Homeland Security guy, wasn't he about to say something about, we have some idea, he has some idea who the mole might be?
11:06 Yeah, he did.
11:07 But that was before Tommy killed him?
11:09 Yeah.
11:10 Damn Tommy.
11:11 Tommy jumped the gun on that one.
11:13 Tommy keep jumping the gun. Just killing people for no reason. All right, well.
11:18 Rolling over people, killing people.
11:20 Yeah, that's extra credit. What else? Is there anything else you've seen coming down the pipe?
11:24 Nah, I think that's it. I think that's all our users can take right now.
11:27 Yeah, they can't take no more of that good good like that you've given.
11:31 Right.
11:32 All right, well we'll see you next time.
11:34 See you next time for episode 5.
11:36 Episode 5, be there.
11:37 SOUL.com.
