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00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - When we launched Afar 10 years ago,
00:20 our goal was to inspire people to have deeper,
00:24 richer, and more fulfilling travel experiences.
00:26 And along the way, we've connected
00:29 with so many incredible thought leaders.
00:32 We created the Afar Travel Vanguard Awards
00:35 to celebrate visionaries who have done so much
00:38 to harness the power of travel
00:40 to make a positive difference in the world.
00:42 - Every day I witness firsthand how travel connects us,
00:48 challenges us, and changes us.
00:50 - You can do good in the world, and that is good business.
00:54 We're put in this earth to make each other better,
00:58 to lift each other up.
01:00 Traveling helps us do that.
01:02 It's really just a coming together of humanity.
01:05 We are always looking for the connection
01:09 of the human spirit.
01:10 - We really believe that to know and connect
01:14 to all these places locally is really
01:17 to become a global citizen,
01:19 and to create something that moves people.
01:23 - Do the right thing.
01:24 They're simple words,
01:25 but we built a culture of empowerment.
01:28 Be kind-hearted.
01:30 - It was about the culture, the food, the people,
01:33 the languages that you were able to learn
01:36 to connect to each other.
01:37 - Everybody was touched by travel,
01:39 the connections that they made,
01:41 and how it really allowed them to grow, develop,
01:44 and do a lot more good in the world.
01:46 So with Chase and Marriott,
01:47 we believe in the good of travel.
01:49 The more people travel, the better they become.
01:52 - How a blind man could be connected
01:54 to the unseen sights of an unseen place
01:57 would be Alan's challenge for the next seven days.
02:01 Then, squish, squish, I hadn't seen it,
02:04 but I'd already smelled and heard my way
02:06 into some of the marvelous biology around me.
02:09 - Nature and culture are the things that we must protect.
02:15 We want to gather like-minded people
02:17 from every part of the travel industry
02:19 to not just focus on adventure,
02:21 but focus on making travel healthy for the planet.
02:24 - I rather strongly believe that from our little dream
02:27 three years ago of reducing plastic
02:29 in the tourism industry, something major has grown.
02:33 - There is no space for industry or conservation
02:38 to be working at odds with one another.
02:40 We are past the point of imagining
02:42 that conservation is only the work of conservationists.
02:46 - We have spent so much time and energy
02:50 ensuring that we balance the gender on our ships,
02:53 because it is good for our culture
02:56 and it is good for our business.
02:58 - What we're trying to do with our School of Conservation
03:00 is to really develop a new generation of African leaders.
03:04 We started the African Leadership University
03:06 and set out on a mission to develop three million leaders
03:09 for the continent of Africa,
03:11 and that's where tourism and travel comes in.
03:13 - The travel industry is the most important
03:18 economic engines of our time,
03:20 contributing over 10% to our global GDP
03:24 and employing one in 10 jobs worldwide.
03:27 - When we started Travel Vanguard several years ago,
03:30 it was a small gathering,
03:32 and to see what it's become today is pretty powerful,
03:36 and I think it speaks to the idea
03:38 that travel really can be a force for good.
03:41 (upbeat music)
03:44 (upbeat music)
03:47 you
