• 7 months ago
00:00:00 [music]
00:00:16 1909, the Edwardian Golden Age.
00:00:18 Genteel civilization had come to England, the continent, and the eastern United States.
00:00:22 New York rivaled London and Paris as one of the great metropolises of the world.
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00:00:29 Albert Einstein had expounded his theory of relativity back in 1905.
00:00:33 And science had brought us the wonders of the modern world.
00:00:36 [music]
00:00:44 Culture and refinement had arrived on the east coast of America.
00:00:46 Caruso was singing Pagliacci at the Met.
00:00:49 Arturo Toscanini was conducting.
00:00:51 The Barrymores were performing.
00:00:54 And the Ziegfeld Girl was the rage.
00:00:57 1909, in the western part of the 46th United States, was not so refined.
00:01:01 [music]
00:01:04 The surviving Indian warriors were now being rounded up by the U.S. Army.
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00:01:11 In Washington, William Howard Taft, 300 pounds of pure Republican, was president.
00:01:15 And life was comfortable.
00:01:16 In other parts of the country, men were fighting each other and the elements.
00:01:21 [music]
00:01:26 In the New York department stores, a lady could buy maxis and boots and live in style.
00:01:31 Out west, they didn't think about style.
00:01:32 Just living.
00:01:35 [music]
00:01:39 Eastern empire builders had secured their fortunes.
00:01:42 The Morgans, Vanderbilts, Carnegies.
00:01:43 There were empires in the west, too.
00:01:46 Such as the great McCandles Ranch.
00:01:48 [music]
00:01:51 But these huge ranches were held together only by having enough men and guns.
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00:02:00 Notre Dame teams were playing football with Enn Newt Rockne catching the forward pass.
00:02:03 In the Arizona territory, another team, the Arizona Rangers, were busy just trying to keep the peace.
00:02:10 [music]
00:02:12 Anna Pavlova, prima ballerina of the Russian ballet, was dancing Swan Lake.
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00:02:21 The dance hall girl in the Klondike Gold Rush Saloon was somewhat different.
00:02:24 [music]
00:02:27 By 1909, still photographs had come to life.
00:02:30 Motion pictures had been born with the great train robbery.
00:02:32 [music]
00:02:37 While that make-believe drama was on the movie screens,
00:02:40 nine men crossed the Rio Bravo into Texas.
00:02:42 [music]
00:02:48 The turbulent years between the Civil War and the turn of the century
00:02:52 brought out the best in some people, but in others, it brought out the worst.
00:02:56 Example, O'Brien, a half-breed Apache born of a Cherokee mother and Irish father.
00:03:02 A professional gunfighter, one of the last of his kind.
00:03:05 Pop Dawson, rode with the James Boys in Kansas and Missouri.
00:03:10 Said to have murdered more than a dozen men, one for as little as seven dollars.
00:03:14 [music]
00:03:17 Trooper, name unknown. A back shooter, considered a coward.
00:03:22 Reputed to have been a cavalry soldier sometime in the past,
00:03:25 but not to the personal knowledge of his confederates.
00:03:27 William Fane, younger of the Fane brothers, favors a shotgun,
00:03:31 a greener for its bloody killing effect at short range.
00:03:34 James William Duffy, at age 14, killed his first man,
00:03:39 who was an admirer of his prostitute mother, dead shot with a rifle.
00:03:44 William DeVries, young Billy, not quite 21.
00:03:48 This raid was thought to have been his first outlaw act.
00:03:50 Walt DeVries, his older brother by 20 years.
00:03:55 He looks more like an Iowa farmer than a professional killer.
00:03:58 John Goodfellow, maybe the worst of them.
00:04:03 An indiscriminate killer, women, children, no consequence at all.
00:04:06 Prefers to work close, favors a razor-edged machete.
00:04:11 John Fane, sometimes peace officer and bounty hunter,
00:04:14 served with distinction during the Spanish-American War.
00:04:17 Professional soldier thereafter, now between wars.
00:04:20 Currently, banks, trains, killings,
00:04:24 and responsible for organizing the infamous McCandles Raid.
00:04:27 [music]
00:04:42 Morning, Pancho.
00:04:44 Good morning.
00:04:45 [music]
00:04:59 Ciao, young lady.
00:05:01 [music]
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00:05:40 [music]
00:06:03 [music]
00:06:19 Time to get up, Mr. Jeff.
00:06:20 Delilah, I'm naked.
00:06:25 I seen you naked the day you was born and many times thereafter.
00:06:28 Rioter's coming.
00:06:31 - Is you getting up? - Yes, ma'am.
00:06:33 Hold, hold, hold.
00:06:45 Grab his head, grab his head.
00:06:51 Hold him, hold him, hold him.
00:06:52 Hold him, hold him.
00:06:53 Chico!
00:06:56 Chico!
00:06:57 Chico!
00:06:58 Chico!
00:06:58 Chico!
00:06:59 That boy.
00:07:01 Chico!
00:07:04 Chico!
00:07:06 Hey, hey!
00:07:08 Come on!
00:07:09 Now I know you'd like to see Miss Stubby ride that bronc again,
00:07:15 but go fetch me them eggs like I asked you to.
00:07:18 Go ahead now.
00:07:18 Hurry up.
00:07:20 [music]
00:07:30 Huh.
00:07:31 Strange is coming.
00:07:39 [music]
00:07:54 Mr. Jeff will be a little late.
00:07:56 You make sure you have a half a dozen or so fresh eggs for him, Moses Brown.
00:07:59 I've already done that, woman.
00:08:00 Miss Martin.
00:08:02 I'll take care of that boy.
00:08:04 Yes, ma'am.
00:08:09 Why, this is ridiculous.
00:08:11 Breakfast, Miss Martha.
00:08:12 Nice and hot.
00:08:13 Thank you, Delilah.
00:08:14 But it's hot.
00:08:15 Just a minute, Delilah.
00:08:17 But this is 1909.
00:08:20 There just can't be rustless.
00:08:22 Can be, Miss McCandles.
00:08:24 I'm 42 years old and I fought in the Lincoln County War.
00:08:28 It's just not that long ago that...
00:08:29 Why, it's just 15 years ago himself, Mr. McCandles hung...
00:08:34 Your breakfast is getting cold, Miss Martha.
00:08:38 There's some lovely flowers in the garden, Delilah.
00:08:42 I wonder, would you ask Maria to cut them for me?
00:08:44 Yes, ma'am.
00:08:46 You were saying, Bert?
00:08:49 I'm just saying, Miss McCandles.
00:08:52 We're close enough to that Mexican border to...
00:08:54 Spit.
00:08:56 Yes, ma'am.
00:08:59 That close.
00:09:00 And we're losing a lot of cattle.
00:09:01 Let me think about it.
00:09:04 All right, ma'am.
00:09:06 Oh, Bert.
00:09:07 Bert.
00:09:13 There are some men riding in.
00:09:15 We could use some short help.
00:09:16 If you like the look of them.
00:09:17 Yes, ma'am.
00:09:31 Oh,
00:09:44 oh,
00:09:46 time again.
00:09:57 So,
00:10:11 so,
00:10:21 so,
00:10:34 so,
00:10:43 the ranch sure is a deserted looking place during a roundup.
00:11:03 Can I help you, men?
00:11:04 We heard you was hiring.
00:11:07 Was, but you're late.
00:11:09 Too late?
00:11:12 Right so.
00:11:14 Now, this place surely does bespeak of a great deal of money, don't it?
00:11:22 Anything else I can do for you?
00:11:25 Trouble with money, though,
00:11:28 is that there's always somebody wants to take it away from you.
00:11:32 I said, is there anything else I can do for you, mister?
00:11:34 Steel.
00:11:35 That's the only problem with it.
00:11:38 And ain't that the awful bloody truth?
00:11:40 Billy, you stay close to me here.
00:11:45 Real close.
00:11:49 So,
00:12:04 so,
00:12:12 run, little Jake, run.
00:12:31 Miss McCandles, you want that kid alive?
00:12:34 Don't you be a damn fool.
00:12:49 Hey, Sonny.
00:13:08 Hey, Trooper.
00:13:15 Yeah.
00:13:27 Hey, O'Brien.
00:13:39 The boy.
00:13:53 So,
00:14:02 so,
00:14:11 why you mangy little...
00:14:24 Breathe.
00:14:25 You're no good to us, Dad.
00:14:30 I can wait.
00:14:33 Fane, I don't like the name "Breathe."
00:14:38 I'll try and remember that.
00:14:41 Give me that.
00:14:44 Come here, little one.
00:14:55 All right.
00:15:13 All right.
00:15:26 Let me down.
00:15:39 Come on, let me down.
00:15:51 Get the doctor, then find my son.
00:15:53 And himself, your husband?
00:15:55 I have no husband.
00:15:56 Take him to my bed.
00:16:01 Please be careful with him.
00:16:18 [Music]
00:16:30 [Music]
00:16:40 Oh, Mexico.
00:16:51 There ain't nothing they can do to us here.
00:16:53 The Mexicans can.
00:16:55 [Music]
00:17:07 Jeffrey McCandles, can you hear me?
00:17:09 This fool doctor says you're going to die.
00:17:13 But I say you are not.
00:17:23 I taught you better manners than to make a liar out of your mother, Jeffrey McCandles.
00:17:27 He's just sleeping, Martha.
00:17:34 I know that.
00:17:36 Delilah, there's a big red strong box in the attic.
00:17:50 I want it.
00:17:51 Yes.
00:18:01 We're seeking permission from the Mexican government at the highest possible levels,
00:18:18 Mr. McCandles.
00:18:20 When we receive that permission, we are prepared to enter Mexico with howsoever many troops
00:18:24 are acceptable to the Mexican government, and to deliver the ransom wherever and to
00:18:31 whomever directed.
00:18:32 I am told that there is one million dollars in that box.
00:18:37 Buck, what about you?
00:18:42 Speaking for the Rangers or for myself?
00:18:45 For yourself.
00:18:46 I get ten of my best men with me.
00:18:50 I'd like to go after the boy myself.
00:18:52 If you say so, Martha, I'll take that box.
00:18:53 I am grateful to you both.
00:18:58 But I don't think this is a job for the Rangers, Buck.
00:19:02 Nor for the army, sir.
00:19:04 It is, I think, going to be a very harsh and unpleasant kind of business.
00:19:12 And will, I think, require an extremely harsh and unpleasant kind of man to see to it.
00:19:19 [Music]
00:19:36 No, sir.
00:19:36 No, sir, I ain't.
00:19:39 I haven't butted into anybody's business since I was 18 years old.
00:19:44 At which time it almost got me killed.
00:19:48 I ain't gonna start that again.
00:19:49 What's the matter?
00:19:52 Oh, what do you have to go and do that for?
00:19:59 You got any last words, Scotsman?
00:20:02 Aye.
00:20:04 Give me my bonnet.
00:20:06 My head's cold.
00:20:06 [Music]
00:20:21 All right, now let's get on with the hanging.
00:20:23 Howdy.
00:20:27 Got you kind of surrounded, haven't they?
00:20:32 [Horse whinnying]
00:20:37 This your business, mister?
00:20:38 What is he, a murderer or a horse thief?
00:20:40 He's a sheep farmer.
00:20:42 Phew, that's where that horrible odor comes from.
00:20:46 That's right.
00:20:49 How about the boy?
00:20:50 You gonna hang him too or just beat him up some more?
00:20:54 Mister, you shouldn't butt into something that's none of your business.
00:20:57 You really shouldn't.
00:20:58 I think you're right, friend.
00:21:00 Man shouldn't butt into anything that ain't his own affair.
00:21:03 Sheep farmer, you want to sell them sheep?
00:21:07 Yes, sir.
00:21:08 Well, let's see.
00:21:11 I'll give you a hundred now and three hundred when I get them to market.
00:21:16 That's highway robbery.
00:21:18 Well, maybe you think you're gonna get a better offer for them today.
00:21:22 I'll take it.
00:21:24 With one proviso.
00:21:26 What's that?
00:21:29 I'll go with the sheep.
00:21:30 Good.
00:21:32 You're working for me.
00:21:34 You go ahead.
00:21:36 You go right ahead.
00:21:38 If there's anything I enjoy more than hanging a sheep,
00:21:42 it's hanging somebody who sticks his nose into my business.
00:21:44 Go on.
00:21:46 You try to cut that rope.
00:21:48 No, you got me scared.
00:21:52 You do it.
00:21:55 Dog!
00:21:59 Get him off!
00:22:03 Dog!
00:22:06 Just who in the hell do you think you are?
00:22:08 Jacob McCandles.
00:22:10 Oh, I uh...
00:22:13 I thought you were dead, Mr. McCandles.
00:22:17 Not hardly.
00:22:18 You gonna cut him down?
00:22:22 Now his hands.
00:22:28 200 miles south, Bar M.C.
00:22:33 Foreman's name's Gonzalez.
00:22:36 Tell him I sent you.
00:22:37 Take the boy with you.
00:22:38 Thank you, sir.
00:22:39 Come along, son.
00:22:40 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:42 You take care of the sheep.
00:22:43 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:44 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:45 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:46 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:47 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:48 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:49 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:49 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:50 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:51 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:52 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:53 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:53 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:54 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:55 I'll take care of the sheep.
00:22:56 You follow him.
00:22:57 I'll hunt you down and kill you.
00:22:58 Every mother's son of you.
00:23:00 Come on, Dog.
00:23:19 Senor McArdle.
00:23:20 Hello, senor.
00:23:26 Hello, senor.
00:23:40 Hello, senor.
00:23:54 Hello, senor.
00:24:08 Here you are, Mr. McArdle.
00:24:22 Thanks, Joe.
00:24:24 Thanks, Joe.
00:24:24 Hank, she's in there, Mr. McArdle, waiting.
00:24:32 What happened to your spurs?
00:24:34 Oh, they don't work on these newfangled velocipedes.
00:24:38 Oh.
00:24:39 Well, see that they get my gear out of that car.
00:24:42 Yes, sir.
00:24:49 Martha?
00:25:00 It's been a long time.
00:25:05 It's good to see you again.
00:25:08 You've changed, Jacob.
00:25:11 Not you.
00:25:13 You're as young and lovely as ever.
00:25:17 I called you, Jacob, because your grandson has been kidnapped.
00:25:20 You didn't know you had a grandson?
00:25:23 You have, by your son, Jeffrey.
00:25:25 And Jeffrey has been badly wounded by the kidnappers.
00:25:27 Well, he lived.
00:25:28 This is the ransom note.
00:25:30 The blood on it is Jeffrey's.
00:25:32 Well, he lived.
00:25:34 Yes.
00:25:35 I will not contemplate otherwise.
00:25:44 Do we have...
00:25:55 You have a million dollars?
00:25:58 Yes, and many times that.
00:26:00 Hank?
00:26:02 Yes, ma'am?
00:26:03 Will you bring in the strongbox, please?
00:26:13 Set it down here on the table.
00:26:14 That's all.
00:26:16 Yes, ma'am.
00:26:17 Is this the way you want it?
00:26:28 Yes.
00:26:30 They're very dangerous men.
00:26:32 They've already killed 10 people.
00:26:34 Many of them you knew.
00:26:35 Juan and his family.
00:26:36 Tina and the little boy?
00:26:38 Moses Brown.
00:26:40 Oh, Mos.
00:26:43 Mousy Cook.
00:26:43 Jacob, as I said, they're very dangerous and violent people.
00:26:49 And I don't think we've got any other choice than to give them what they've asked for.
00:26:53 I agree.
00:26:54 But you know that, pay or not, we run the risk of never seeing the boy again.
00:27:00 I understand.
00:27:02 Well, follow the map until met.
00:27:06 That's easy.
00:27:06 I'll need food for a week, water for 10 days, three pack horses.
00:27:12 A good mule.
00:27:13 Waiting for you outside.
00:27:14 Martha, you didn't happen to think of my greeners, the double barrels?
00:27:20 Oh, you brought Betsy.
00:27:36 Pays to be careful.
00:27:38 Well, now let's see if I've forgotten anything.
00:27:41 Oh, I'll need a piece of clothing that the boy has worn recently.
00:27:45 Is?
00:27:49 Yes.
00:27:50 Hank, who picked the mule?
00:28:02 I did.
00:28:03 Pack it.
00:28:03 Yes, sir.
00:28:04 Don't forget the rest of the gifts.
00:28:06 No, sir.
00:28:07 Hello, Buck.
00:28:08 Oh, you old horse thief.
00:28:11 I thought you was dead for sure by now.
00:28:14 That'll be the day.
00:28:15 Think of taking a trip.
00:28:17 Well, a million dollars is a lot of money, Jacob.
00:28:19 I thought we might go with you.
00:28:20 In those?
00:28:21 Faster than a horse.
00:28:23 They'll go farther and last longer.
00:28:24 It's 1909, Jacob.
00:28:26 Being in my way is old fashioned.
00:28:28 Being in my way is old fashioned.
00:28:30 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:31 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:32 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:33 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:34 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:35 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:36 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:37 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:38 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:40 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:41 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:42 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:43 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:44 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:46 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:47 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:48 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:49 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:50 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:52 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:53 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:54 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:55 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:56 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:58 I'm not going to let you go.
00:28:59 I'm glad you decided to come along, son.
00:29:01 I am moved by your faith in someone you haven't seen
00:29:04 since he was 16 years old, Daddy.
00:29:09 Daddy?
00:29:10 Daddy.
00:29:11 Daddy.
00:29:16 Well, son, since you haven't learned
00:29:20 to respect your elders, it's time you
00:29:23 learned to respect your betters.
00:29:24 Oh!
00:29:28 If you weren't my father--
00:29:42 Go ahead.
00:29:42 I give you leave.
00:29:43 You're going with me.
00:29:49 I hope you can use that hog leg better than you can fight.
00:29:52 Does that suit you?
00:29:55 Daddy?
00:29:56 You can call me Father.
00:30:00 You can call me Jacob.
00:30:01 You can call me Jake.
00:30:02 You can call me a dirty son of a bitch.
00:30:05 But if you ever call me Daddy again, I'll finish this fight.
00:30:24 Tequina?
00:30:25 Senor?
00:30:25 Tell Sam Sharp knows I want to see him.
00:30:29 Tell him the same place as the last time,
00:30:30 and all he needs is his saddle.
00:30:32 Get yourself a good horse.
00:30:34 Oh, Tequina?
00:30:39 Si?
00:30:39 Bring a horse back.
00:30:40 Seguro, senor.
00:30:42 Where's your brother?
00:30:47 He ought to be here with you.
00:30:48 He'll be here.
00:30:50 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:54 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:30:58 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:02 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:06 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:10 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:14 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:18 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:22 [MUSIC PLAYING]
00:31:30 I tried to tell you about them horses, Jacob.
00:31:33 Now you take these here automobiles.
00:31:35 Jacob, this is your son, Michael.
00:31:37 Father, good to see you again.
00:31:40 He's a might skittish, isn't he, father?
00:31:42 [CHUCKLING]
00:31:44 The little fella's still alive, mother.
00:31:50 - Are you sure? - I saw him.
00:31:52 The kidnappers were in the Chilicote Flatlands,
00:31:54 20 miles from Cuyamay Pass, five hours ago.
00:31:57 Using the automobiles, I believe the rangers can get to the pass
00:32:00 long before the kidnappers and set a trap for them.
00:32:02 You want to chance it, mother?
00:32:05 Buck?
00:32:07 No matter what happens, I think they'll kill the boy sooner or later.
00:32:11 I've got the best riflemen in Texas with me.
00:32:13 That means in the world.
00:32:14 With luck, at say 200 yards, I think maybe we can kill every one of those animals
00:32:17 before they hear the shots that did it.
00:32:19 I think it's worth a gamble.
00:32:20 That's very daring.
00:32:23 Yes. Yes, I'll chance it.
00:32:26 What do you think, Jacob?
00:32:28 Suit yourself, Martha.
00:32:33 I was asking your opinion, Jacob.
00:32:41 No.
00:32:42 You made up your mind. You made your decision alone.
00:32:46 You live it alone.
00:32:48 I was wrong.
00:32:49 You haven't changed, have you, Jacob McCandles?
00:32:53 Not one bit.
00:32:55 Do it!
00:32:58 You still want me to take this box in?
00:33:05 Yes.
00:33:07 If they fail, it falls to you.
00:33:09 You coming along?
00:33:20 No. I'll go with them.
00:33:23 Doc, let's go.
00:33:36 [Music]
00:33:47 [Music]
00:33:59 [Music]
00:34:09 [Music]
00:34:28 [Music]
00:34:48 [Music]
00:34:58 [Music]
00:35:17 [Music]
00:35:27 [Music]
00:35:46 [Music]
00:35:54 I hear him.
00:36:14 [Birds chirping]
00:36:16 Sam?
00:36:22 Good morning, Jacob.
00:36:24 I dropped the saddle.
00:36:35 There's your horse.
00:36:37 Going hunting, Sam.
00:36:41 Hunting for what?
00:36:42 Men.
00:36:43 I don't hunt Apaches.
00:36:44 I don't hunt my own people. You remember that, Jacob.
00:36:48 They kidnapped my grandson, Sam.
00:36:52 I don't know what color they are.
00:36:54 And I don't care.
00:36:56 I have no gun.
00:37:02 Close or far?
00:37:05 Close. My eyes.
00:37:08 No good.
00:37:09 No good.
00:37:10 Me too.
00:37:22 [Music]
00:37:32 [Music]
00:37:42 [Music]
00:37:52 [Music]
00:38:02 [Music]
00:38:12 [Music]
00:38:22 [Music]
00:38:32 [Music]
00:38:42 [Music]
00:38:52 [Music]
00:38:56 Keep going!
00:38:58 Any sign of the kidnappers, son?
00:39:06 Couldn't see anything moving for miles.
00:39:08 Good. We must be ahead of them.
00:39:12 There's a narrow pass at the end of the valley.
00:39:14 I think it's a good place for us to trap them.
00:39:16 I'm for it.
00:39:21 Buck, not knowing where the kidnappers are, we can't chance that pass.
00:39:27 They're young fools.
00:39:29 And I'm an old one.
00:39:31 But we're gonna get that boy.
00:39:33 [Music]
00:39:43 [Music]
00:39:53 [Music]
00:40:03 [Music]
00:40:13 [Music]
00:40:17 We'll hide these machines up at the end of the canyon.
00:40:19 This is a good place for the ambush.
00:40:21 [Music]
00:40:37 [Gunshot]
00:40:39 Jump!
00:40:41 [Music]
00:40:53 Police!
00:40:55 [Music]
00:40:58 Stop these damn things!
00:41:00 Get out!
00:41:02 Take cover!
00:41:06 [Gunshots]
00:41:21 Good place for an ambush, all right.
00:41:23 And we're it.
00:41:25 [Gunshots]
00:41:50 What happened to that crazy bicycle?
00:41:52 I think he crashed into that canyon.
00:41:55 [Gunshots]
00:42:07 Buck, let's get him out of here.
00:42:09 Come on.
00:42:10 [Music]
00:42:31 [Gunshots]
00:42:39 [Music]
00:42:52 [Gunshots]
00:43:06 They've had enough, John.
00:43:09 They ain't gonna be able to follow us anymore.
00:43:11 Let's sting them a little more.
00:43:13 And they'll come through with the money.
00:43:15 [Gunshots]
00:43:17 [Music]
00:43:32 That crazy kid.
00:43:34 Yeah.
00:43:35 Horses!
00:43:36 Everybody get to them horses!
00:43:38 Move it!
00:43:39 [Music]
00:43:43 [Gunshots]
00:43:46 [Music]
00:43:54 Grab that kit!
00:43:56 [Music]
00:44:04 Stop! Let me down!
00:44:06 [Music]
00:44:14 Damn it, Pop.
00:44:15 The next time I tell you to tie that kid up, don't be worried about hurting him.
00:44:18 [Music]
00:44:47 [Music]
00:45:00 Get out of here, you.
00:45:02 [Music]
00:45:20 Buck.
00:45:21 [Music]
00:45:33 [Horses Whinny]
00:45:39 [Music]
00:45:57 A boy?
00:45:59 We don't know.
00:46:03 My son, Michael?
00:46:06 We don't know.
00:46:09 There was an explosion southeast of here.
00:46:19 Well, do you have any water?
00:46:23 No.
00:46:25 Well, I'll give you half of ours.
00:46:29 As soon as I can, I'll telegraph that you're walking in.
00:46:34 Going south is going to be some time before you get to a telegraph station.
00:46:37 I'm going to have to take one of your mounts, send for help. Some of my men are hurt bad.
00:46:41 No, I'll need them.
00:46:43 Anything else?
00:46:44 No.
00:46:47 Oh, you've been more than generous, Mr. McCandles.
00:46:52 I think so, Buck.
00:46:54 Fifteen years ago, I'd have killed you for risking my grandson's life.
00:46:59 If I find him dead, I'll still kill you.
00:47:04 You going along?
00:47:07 Now, the last time I asked you that question, you said no, and you said it in a loud and clear voice.
00:47:13 Now, I'm asking you a question. You coming along?
00:47:17 You're damn right I am, Father.
00:47:23 Throw a blanket on him.
00:47:25 I can ride without a blanket.
00:47:27 I'm not worried about your butt. It's his back.
00:47:33 Come on.
00:47:48 There's something down there. Is that it?
00:47:57 That's it.
00:47:59 Well, here, you take the mule down the long way. I don't want to lose him even by accident.
00:48:04 You go with him.
00:48:06 I'm going down there.
00:48:08 You'll go where you're told.
00:48:16 Do this, do that. I'll do as I damn well please.
00:48:20 You do what your father tells you.
00:48:22 Every time he tells you, you might come through this thing alive.
00:48:26 Maybe even save the boy's life.
00:48:29 Otherwise, you're going to get yourself killed.
00:48:33 Don't matter to me, but you'll probably get him killed too.
00:48:38 That does.
00:49:07 Oh, Father.
00:49:32 Am I glad to see you.
00:49:34 You ain't dead?
00:49:35 No.
00:49:36 No broken bones?
00:49:37 I don't think so.
00:49:39 Take off your glasses.
00:49:41 My what?
00:49:42 Your goggles.
00:49:50 That's for scaring me out of ten years of my life, which I can't spare.
00:49:55 I had to be still. I didn't know who was moving around up there.
00:49:59 You hurt?
00:50:01 No.
00:50:09 That's for risking my grandson's life.
00:50:11 You do that again and I'll break every bone in your body.
00:50:14 Father.
00:50:18 The next time...
00:50:21 Yeah?
00:50:23 The next time, I won't take off my goggles.
00:50:28 Whoa.
00:50:39 You all right?
00:50:42 Was.
00:50:44 For an old mule, he's got quite a kick, don't he?
00:50:47 I think he was using brass knuckles.
00:50:50 Better mount up before we lose him.
00:50:53 I wonder what the hell he has in store for us next.
00:51:41 You know, that's a dirty habit if you ask me.
00:51:44 No, he asked you.
00:51:49 Pa.
00:51:51 Yeah?
00:51:52 You need to wear glasses, do you?
00:51:55 Just to see with.
00:51:58 Pa.
00:52:00 Mm-hmm?
00:52:03 They say that Ma booted you out 'cause you had a weakness for the ladies.
00:52:06 Is that true?
00:52:10 I mean, no offense, but I find that hard to believe.
00:52:15 What do you find hard to believe?
00:52:18 James.
00:52:20 Cut it out.
00:52:22 I mean, maybe before you got old, you was quite a lady...
00:52:25 [GRUNTS]
00:52:29 What's the matter with your leg?
00:52:31 Nothing.
00:52:32 You've been favoring it all day. What's the matter with it?
00:52:36 I got hit by some buckshot, that's all.
00:52:39 Take down your pants.
00:52:40 Are you on the level?
00:52:43 You gonna take down your pants or do I have to do it for you?
00:52:46 You and who else?
00:52:48 Dog.
00:52:49 [GRUNTS]
00:52:53 Boy, what a beautiful pattern.
00:52:55 He must have been real close to you.
00:52:58 Will you shut up? That's a deep one.
00:53:00 Sam, you know what he did?
00:53:02 Forgot the duck?
00:53:03 He stuck his butt up. That's what he did.
00:53:06 Boy, when you're in that kind of a gunfight, keep your butt down.
00:53:10 That's a thing to remember.
00:53:12 There's always some buster down the other side...
00:53:14 that's got enough of a sense of humor to shoot you there instead of in the head every time.
00:53:20 How about a shot of whiskey?
00:53:23 Yeah, where is it?
00:53:25 [SCREAMS]
00:53:32 [♪♪♪]
00:53:35 [♪♪♪]
00:53:38 [♪♪♪]
00:54:05 Is that them?
00:54:07 Yep.
00:54:08 Maybe eight hours ahead of us.
00:54:11 All of them?
00:54:12 Yep.
00:54:14 They're not trying to cover their tracks, that's for sure.
00:54:18 Sam, I got a hunch we're being followed.
00:54:21 Near or far?
00:54:23 Well, far, I feel it more than I know it.
00:54:27 I'll go see.
00:54:29 Where'd you get those saddles?
00:54:33 Condoms.
00:54:35 [CHUCKLES]
00:54:37 All right, you two, grab yourself a saddle.
00:54:40 Hurry it up.
00:54:42 Wouldn't want to lose you children.
00:54:45 [♪♪♪]
00:54:49 [♪♪♪]
00:54:52 We're being followed.
00:55:11 You were right.
00:55:12 How many?
00:55:13 Three or four.
00:55:14 You see 'em?
00:55:15 No, but I got close enough to hear 'em.
00:55:17 They're still a couple hours behind.
00:55:19 A couple hours.
00:55:20 You better cool off that horse, Sam.
00:55:22 We'll take a break here.
00:55:24 Give me a swig of that water.
00:55:34 Feed your horses first.
00:55:36 I'll take 'em.
00:55:39 [HORSE NEIGHS]
00:55:41 What kind of a gun is that you got hanging around your belly, Michael?
00:56:01 It's a Bergman, 1911.
00:56:03 1911?
00:56:05 It's only 1909.
00:56:07 Pre-production model, Father.
00:56:09 We own some stock.
00:56:10 Why is it so funny-shaped?
00:56:12 The shells load into a magazine, Father.
00:56:15 The magazine into the handle of the gun.
00:56:17 Gas-operated, you see.
00:56:19 Gas-operated?
00:56:20 It shoots real fast.
00:56:22 Well, Michael, can you shoot?
00:56:24 Proficiently, Father.
00:56:26 Well, as many times as you can before this hits the ground.
00:56:31 Like maybe once?
00:56:36 Well, Michael, you were supposed to shoot.
00:56:39 With this?
00:56:40 It's a gun, isn't it?
00:56:42 Well, yes, of course.
00:56:43 Well, shoot it.
00:56:44 But, Father...
00:56:46 Boy, you need a keeper.
00:56:56 Pa, I wouldn't come out just yet.
00:56:58 Sam, I want to offer my personal apologies.
00:57:01 You can get up now.
00:57:02 I'm not coming out.
00:57:04 Not till you say I can shoot back.
00:57:06 He fired his six shots.
00:57:08 Pa!
00:57:09 Stop, interrupt!
00:57:11 Put that thing away!
00:57:17 That damn mule!
00:57:21 If he busts up that box, Michael, you'll...
00:57:25 Ouch!
00:57:26 So you're used to the safety on this.
00:57:30 Being dry, you better help your father.
00:57:33 [whistling]
00:57:35 Father, I...
00:57:40 Proficient, eh?
00:57:42 Now, what was it you were trying to tell me?
00:57:58 That there were eight shots in that gun.
00:58:00 Oh, thanks.
00:58:02 Give me a hand here.
00:58:03 Father, there has been a misunderstanding.
00:58:07 When I said that I could shoot proficiently, I meant with this.
00:58:10 With that?
00:58:11 Yes, sir.
00:58:12 Make a target.
00:58:15 That tall tree there.
00:58:19 The edge of the small, broken branch.
00:58:21 Son, that's over 400 yards.
00:58:24 Nearer five.
00:58:25 Well, if you can shoot that far,
00:58:28 a quarter of a mile straight along the edge of my nose is a mountain buck.
00:58:32 Shoot it.
00:58:33 I don't kill to make a point, father.
00:58:36 Michael, there's two reasons to kill.
00:58:42 Survival and meat.
00:58:44 We need meat.
00:58:45 Oh, it's too late.
00:58:47 [gunshot]
00:58:56 That's good shooting.
00:58:58 Not bad.
00:59:00 Father, you want to try a shot?
00:59:03 Scope's set for 500 yards.
00:59:05 Son, I couldn't see that far.
00:59:08 Sam!
00:59:09 Give me a hand packing that mural.
00:59:14 Michael, let me see that handgun.
00:59:17 That sure is something.
00:59:23 [music]
00:59:25 Damn.
00:59:46 Something wrong, father?
00:59:47 Well, I can sleep cold,
00:59:50 eat raw meat, even raw fish,
00:59:52 but come evening, I sure miss my hot coffee.
00:59:55 Open me up a can of them peaches.
00:59:57 Hey, quite an improvement.
01:00:00 I'll bet you could almost get that fancy gun out of that fancy holster
01:00:05 before some fast gentleman with an old-fashioned six-gun
01:00:08 blew a hole in you.
01:00:10 You know what I think?
01:00:12 A spring.
01:00:13 A spring at the bottom of the holster.
01:00:15 It might work.
01:00:18 Sure spent a lot of time with this thing.
01:00:21 Michael, do you really think that little Jake is still alive?
01:00:24 What did you call him?
01:00:26 He called him little Jake, father.
01:00:28 Mom insisted.
01:00:30 Well, I'll be damned.
01:00:32 You didn't know he was named after you, did you?
01:00:34 No, I didn't.
01:00:36 Well, I guess it's kind of hard to keep in touch.
01:00:38 I mean, you run out on your family that way.
01:00:40 You never hear that at home.
01:00:42 You're short on ears and long on mouth.
01:00:47 [phone ringing]
01:00:49 Well, you ever learn to count it, James?
01:00:52 Well, you sure are respectful of his feelings.
01:00:54 I'll say that for you.
01:00:56 Me?
01:00:57 He was right.
01:00:58 Yeah.
01:01:00 That's the trouble.
01:01:04 [phone ringing]
01:01:08 Oh, thanks.
01:01:11 What's the boy like, Michael?
01:01:15 He's like you and James, Pa.
01:01:17 Like me and James?
01:01:20 Still four or five of them?
01:01:29 Yep, but they haven't closed in yet.
01:01:31 They're being real quiet.
01:01:33 How close?
01:01:35 Maybe another hour.
01:01:37 There's one closer, though, right behind your head.
01:01:40 I don't know whether he's with them or not.
01:01:43 He sits his horse out there about 200 yards.
01:01:46 He waits.
01:01:48 He listens.
01:01:49 I wonder what he wants.
01:01:51 I could kill him, Jacob.
01:01:53 Real easy.
01:01:55 In cold blood?
01:01:57 Oh, you're squeamish, are you?
01:01:59 Well, between your brother's love of pretty toys
01:02:02 and your high moral tone,
01:02:04 I hope you don't get killed before this thing's over.
01:02:07 We'll wait.
01:02:08 You won't have to.
01:02:09 He's coming in.
01:02:12 James, come on.
01:02:14 Hello, the camp.
01:02:30 Can I come in?
01:02:32 Come on in.
01:02:34 And welcome.
01:02:37 [crickets chirping]
01:02:39 Well, I was hoping for a cup of coffee,
01:02:51 but you're running a cold camp here.
01:02:53 Yep.
01:02:55 How about a peach?
01:02:57 No, that hurts my teeth.
01:02:59 Well, I got hooked on these when I was a yonker.
01:03:02 Could never get my fill.
01:03:05 Now, hell, mister, you don't need that.
01:03:07 I'm not a damn fool.
01:03:09 I know you got three or four men out there watching me.
01:03:12 Can I move my hand?
01:03:14 Go ahead.
01:03:16 That's my bona fides.
01:03:22 Well, I hope that boy don't catch cold.
01:03:27 That would cause me great annoyance and displeasure.
01:03:31 Mister, that just scares the hell out of me,
01:03:34 the thought that you might be annoyed.
01:03:37 Glad to hear that.
01:03:39 Now, did you come here to give me a message
01:03:41 or just to pass the time of day?
01:03:44 From here, you go to Escondera.
01:03:46 You wait there till you hear from us.
01:03:48 You've been following us two, maybe three days.
01:03:52 Why did you wait so long?
01:03:54 I haven't been following you.
01:03:56 I've been waiting right here, just like the map says.
01:03:59 Oh?
01:04:01 Hey.
01:04:04 That the money?
01:04:06 Open her up. I'd like to look at it.
01:04:12 Help yourself.
01:04:19 Just as soon as you bring in the boy.
01:04:27 Who are you?
01:04:29 They say I work for the McCandles.
01:04:31 The boy mean anything to you?
01:04:33 Never laid eyes on him.
01:04:35 But I'm being paid to bring him back alive or you dead,
01:04:39 each and every one of you.
01:04:42 I'd rather bring the boy back. That's easier.
01:04:46 But when it comes right down to it,
01:04:48 it don't matter to me,
01:04:50 I'll earn my pay one way or the other.
01:04:54 Now, how about you?
01:04:57 Are you the big chief or one of the little Indians?
01:05:00 Oh, just a little Indian, just a messenger boy.
01:05:03 Well, you delivered the message, that's all.
01:05:06 There's more.
01:05:08 I'm in here alone. You've been followed like the think.
01:05:11 You best stay right on your toes.
01:05:13 You'll be real tough, real loose.
01:05:16 What you got in that box is too big to keep a secret.
01:05:19 And the thing is this.
01:05:21 You got to deliver that box to us.
01:05:23 You got to put it right in our hands.
01:05:25 You understand?
01:05:27 Good intentions won't buy you nothing but that boy's corpse.
01:05:30 It's just as simple as that.
01:05:33 Somebody takes that box away from you,
01:05:36 we won't be understanding, we won't wait, we won't try again.
01:05:40 I'll just send that boy's body back to you in a basket.
01:05:44 You understand?
01:05:49 Mister, I said, do you understand me?
01:05:53 I understand.
01:05:55 [music]
01:06:24 Jacob.
01:06:26 What's the matter?
01:06:31 I make big mistake.
01:06:34 In that stand of trees, there's two men.
01:06:39 Tell them, heard where we're going.
01:06:43 Kill 'em.
01:06:45 Dog, go with him.
01:06:47 [music]
01:06:56 Bring in the horses and get that stuff packed.
01:06:59 [music]
01:07:14 Yah!
01:07:16 [music]
01:07:40 Well?
01:07:42 I'm getting older.
01:07:44 You'll want it.
01:07:46 Damn.
01:07:48 Means they'll get us at Escondero for sure.
01:07:52 Escondero, where have I heard that name before?
01:07:54 Boomtown.
01:07:56 Oil.
01:07:58 [music]
01:08:22 Well, that cuts it.
01:08:24 Yeah, must be a celebration.
01:08:27 [music]
01:08:31 Now I'll be loaded with strangers.
01:08:34 [music]
01:09:03 [music]
01:09:06 Ain't this a little showy, Pa?
01:09:08 I mean that big red box and all the guns out.
01:09:11 [music]
01:09:13 I hate secrets.
01:09:15 Never knew one to be kept.
01:09:17 They've all heard what's in that red box.
01:09:20 And they all want it.
01:09:22 What we're doing by this ostentious display is telling them they can't have it.
01:09:28 Hell, we may be saving some poor miscreant soul's life by doing this.
01:09:34 Maybe even our own.
01:09:37 Well, unpack the piggy bank and the rest of our gear.
01:09:40 Hey, Chamaco!
01:09:44 You haven't left the vials.
01:09:45 You know him?
01:09:47 [music]
01:09:56 When they fiesta in this town, they really fiesta.
01:10:01 What's the matter with you?
01:10:03 [music]
01:10:12 He's the one got away, Jacob.
01:10:14 Want me to get him?
01:10:15 No.
01:10:17 We'll keep an eye on him.
01:10:20 Probably a lot more.
01:10:22 Dog?
01:10:27 [groaning]
01:10:29 Feels like it's full of rocks.
01:10:30 I'm going to get me a big private room with a big soft bed.
01:10:33 One big room and one big bed for all of us.
01:10:36 No money doesn't grow on trees.
01:10:39 Give us a room.
01:10:41 The dog is all right, but we do not allow Indians.
01:10:44 He's with me.
01:10:45 No Indians.
01:10:47 [speaking in foreign language]
01:10:54 No Indians?
01:10:56 I'll sleep in the barn.
01:11:00 The Jacob McCandles?
01:11:01 That's right.
01:11:02 My apologies, Mr. McCandles.
01:11:03 I thought you was dead, sir.
01:11:06 Dead?
01:11:07 Next man says that to me, I'm going to shoot.
01:11:09 So help me.
01:11:10 [music]
01:11:34 Hurry it up.
01:11:36 Put it over there in the corner.
01:11:39 Oh, don't tell me it's that heavy.
01:11:41 It sure is.
01:11:43 I never knew money could weigh so much.
01:11:46 What time is it?
01:11:48 Can't believe I got two sons who don't own a watch.
01:11:51 There are windows to throw it out of.
01:11:53 Where's your dart?
01:11:54 Yep, 5 o'clock.
01:11:57 Take a look at Babylon.
01:12:02 They're going to have themselves a real party tonight.
01:12:07 I wish I could dance me a jig with a pretty lady.
01:12:10 Why not?
01:12:13 Oh, because of the box.
01:12:15 Yeah, and the men who followed us in.
01:12:18 We're walking into trouble.
01:12:20 What do you do when cockroaches get in the woodwork, Michael?
01:12:23 Smoke them out?
01:12:24 That's right.
01:12:26 Why not wait until they make a move?
01:12:28 Because waiting is good for them and bad for us.
01:12:31 You get impatient, nervy, careless.
01:12:33 Maybe dead.
01:12:35 I've seen it.
01:12:36 Besides, you two children haven't had the experience for that sort of thing.
01:12:41 And I don't have the patience.
01:12:43 So we're going to invite them here tonight.
01:12:45 Now, Father, I think that--
01:12:47 You think?
01:12:49 Michael, your thinking's already cost us some lives.
01:12:52 I intend to hang on to mine.
01:12:54 Your father got us this far because he knows what he's doing.
01:12:57 So for the next 24 hours, why don't you both just keep your mouths shut and listen to him?
01:13:03 That's more words than I've spoke since I've known you.
01:13:06 Gentlemen, agreed?
01:13:09 All right, Sam.
01:13:10 I want you to go down and take a look at the horses.
01:13:13 Make yourself seen around the stables.
01:13:16 And tonight, James, you go out and have yourself a real good time.
01:13:20 And when I leave this room, Michael, you'll be the sitting duck.
01:13:24 With only you between them and that box,
01:13:27 they'll think it's going to be like taking candy away from a baby.
01:13:30 Tonight, Sam, there's going to be a disturbance out on the street.
01:13:34 I want you to come over the roof and into the window.
01:13:38 But you tell him not to shoot me, not even by accident.
01:13:41 Yeah, remember--
01:13:42 I heard him.
01:13:43 Father, you know what you're letting yourself in for.
01:13:47 There's a little eight-year-old boy somewhere out there,
01:13:51 scared and lonely and probably wondering what's happened to his world.
01:13:56 We came here to find him and take him home, alive if possible.
01:14:02 That's what I intend to do.
01:14:05 He's right about one thing.
01:14:08 He'll be all alone down there.
01:14:10 No sweat.
01:14:13 All right, Sam, you better pick up another shotgun, a greener if possible.
01:14:19 Now, I'm going to take myself a nap.
01:14:22 You wake me up, 9 o'clock for sure.
01:14:26 Now, you two young fools be careful tonight,
01:14:29 because if you get yourself killed,
01:14:32 your mother'd never let me hear the end of it.
01:14:35 [music playing]
01:14:39 [music playing]
01:15:06 Por favor, amigo.
01:15:08 Pardon me.
01:15:22 Are you of these oil drillers?
01:15:24 Yep.
01:15:25 Well, could you tell me which one is the orneriest in your outfit?
01:15:30 Oh, that's easy.
01:15:31 Mr. Sweet.
01:15:33 That portly gentleman right over there with the beard.
01:15:36 Thank you.
01:15:41 Mr. Sweet?
01:15:48 Yes?
01:15:49 May I?
01:15:50 You shouldn't have done that.
01:15:56 You were right.
01:16:02 [music playing]
01:16:05 You're a little over-massed, aren't you?
01:16:18 Do you want some help?
01:16:19 No.
01:16:20 You better quit being unfriendly, mister.
01:16:26 [music playing]
01:16:29 Sam's made it, Pa.
01:16:35 Well, it's about time.
01:16:36 Hold it a minute, friend.
01:16:38 I think there's been a mistake.
01:16:40 Have you ever been to Nacogdoches?
01:16:43 Nacogdoches?
01:16:46 No?
01:16:47 Strange.
01:16:49 Pardon me.
01:16:51 [footsteps]
01:16:54 But I ain't never been to Nacogdoches.
01:17:01 Damn it, mister.
01:17:02 I believe you.
01:17:03 [music playing]
01:17:12 You're next.
01:17:13 Please sit down, sir.
01:17:15 Thank you.
01:17:16 Say, I was looking at-- do I read right?
01:17:18 Oh, yes, sir.
01:17:19 Geno and Hatch Hours imported all the way from St. Louis.
01:17:23 The only one of its kind between Dallas and Mexico City.
01:17:28 I highly recommend it, sir.
01:17:30 Donde?
01:17:31 Over there.
01:17:33 Muchisimas gracias.
01:17:34 Pase.
01:17:35 [music playing]
01:17:46 [laughing]
01:17:48 Hey, how about it?
01:17:52 Let's get out of here.
01:17:53 After we finish this dance.
01:17:55 Yes, ma'am.
01:17:56 [singing in Spanish]
01:18:03 [singing in Spanish]
01:18:06 Oh, man.
01:18:19 They ought to have one of these in every barber shop in the world.
01:18:22 Bastante, maestro.
01:18:26 I'll be throwing them in a minute, mister.
01:18:28 Take your time, mister.
01:18:30 Man, I smell as sweet as lilies in the valley right now.
01:18:35 I'm in no hurry, friend.
01:18:36 You just take your time.
01:18:39 Machacho.
01:18:40 [speaking Spanish]
01:18:41 There's a cantina at the far edge of town named Sanchez.
01:18:50 You know it?
01:18:51 Si, señor.
01:18:52 You go there and buy me a bottle of tequila.
01:18:55 [speaking Spanish]
01:18:56 Don't worry about it.
01:18:57 [speaking Spanish]
01:18:59 Nowhere else, mind you.
01:19:00 Now, they have a brand special for me.
01:19:02 Now, that's what I want.
01:19:03 You go fetch it.
01:19:05 Si, señor.
01:19:06 Well, I guess I'm finished.
01:19:12 You stay right where you are.
01:19:15 Unless you want to hurry things, take your choice.
01:19:19 No hurry.
01:19:20 No hurry at all.
01:19:24 But I could use those clothes over there.
01:19:27 I'm getting a little cold.
01:19:28 You don't shut up and stay where you are,
01:19:31 you'll get a lot colder.
01:19:32 Here.
01:19:41 Protect yourself with this.
01:19:42 [music playing]
01:19:45 [door opening]
01:19:49 [door closing]
01:19:52 [music playing]
01:19:55 [footsteps]
01:19:58 [music playing]
01:20:26 [music playing]
01:20:29 Why didn't you buy me a drink now?
01:20:33 I thought we were leaving.
01:20:34 Later.
01:20:35 Hm.
01:20:36 Am I too heavy?
01:20:37 No, not at all.
01:20:38 Hey, you.
01:20:46 That fancy holster on.
01:20:48 Yeah, you.
01:20:49 You got my woman.
01:20:50 Sorry.
01:20:54 That's my woman.
01:20:57 All right, friend.
01:20:58 Hey, don't turn your back on me while I'm talking to you.
01:21:06 My apologies, sir.
01:21:07 If I have--
01:21:08 Shut up.
01:21:09 Yes, sir.
01:21:10 Well, you sure don't ral very easy, Sonny.
01:21:16 You know something?
01:21:18 You are a coward.
01:21:20 Yeah.
01:21:22 Yeah, you're a coward.
01:21:24 A live coward.
01:21:26 Now let's hear you say it.
01:21:28 All right.
01:21:30 I'm a coward.
01:21:32 Hey, I think I finally said something to ral the boy.
01:21:35 You sure did.
01:21:36 [gunshots]
01:21:39 [screaming]
01:21:43 [gunshot]
01:21:45 [screaming]
01:21:51 [growling]
01:21:54 Well, friend.
01:22:03 That's it.
01:22:05 No hard feelings.
01:22:07 [gunshot]
01:22:08 [screaming]
01:22:10 The hell there ain't.
01:22:20 Sam?
01:22:21 Anybody hurt?
01:22:28 What's the matter?
01:22:31 Shotgun blast broke the lock, Jacob.
01:22:34 Newspaper clippings.
01:22:36 I killed a man for newspaper clippings.
01:22:41 Where's the money, Father?
01:22:48 Where is it, Daddy?
01:22:50 You think I stole it?
01:22:52 You think I stole it, Michael?
01:22:55 Tell the Indian to go for a walk.
01:22:57 Go for a walk, Sam.
01:23:01 You sure, Jacob?
01:23:02 Sure. Take the dog with you.
01:23:04 Go with him, dog.
01:23:07 [door opens]
01:23:09 Now what?
01:23:20 Where's the money, Daddy?
01:23:22 You go to hell.
01:23:24 [gunshot]
01:23:27 [door opens]
01:23:29 James?
01:23:39 Now, boys, you know that's...
01:23:48 That's no way to treat your old daddy.
01:23:51 Jerks!
01:23:53 [grunting]
01:23:56 [grunting]
01:23:58 [thud]
01:24:25 Can I come in now?
01:24:28 Come on in.
01:24:30 Well, there ain't no money.
01:24:35 There never has been.
01:24:37 That's right. Never has been.
01:24:41 It was your mother's decision and mine...
01:24:44 that we take the boy and not pay for him.
01:24:48 My mother's decision?
01:24:49 I don't believe you.
01:24:51 There were seven McCandles people killed, one crippled.
01:24:55 Your own brother shot, maybe crippled, maybe even dead.
01:24:59 And my grandson kidnapped.
01:25:01 I ain't gonna pay him for that.
01:25:03 Neither's your mother.
01:25:05 Thought I knew her.
01:25:06 Not hardly.
01:25:07 Can't be done, Pa.
01:25:09 They'll kill little Jake for sure.
01:25:11 Not if we kill them first.
01:25:20 [thunder]
01:25:22 There you are, Jacob, just like new.
01:25:38 Quiet, dog.
01:25:44 [footsteps]
01:25:46 What are you snooping around for?
01:25:58 I ain't snooping.
01:26:00 I come to get you.
01:26:02 Well, your horses are saddled out and back, so let's go.
01:26:05 Where to?
01:26:06 I'll take you there. That's all you need to know.
01:26:09 Except if you don't have the money.
01:26:11 Or if I ain't back within 18 minutes from now.
01:26:15 Or if somebody tries to follow us to the meeting place.
01:26:18 Or tries to keep us from leaving after we get the money, we'll kill that little boy.
01:26:23 Well, I ain't gonna give you the money till I get the little boy.
01:26:26 Now, how you gonna do it?
01:26:28 We'll have a rifle on him.
01:26:30 With a real fine sharpshooter behind him.
01:26:33 For one of them fancy new telescopic sights.
01:26:36 From the time you set eyes on him until one hour after we've a moose, you won't know where our man is.
01:26:43 And we won't be able to tell him not to shoot, even if we were so inclined.
01:26:47 Something goes wrong, that little boy's dead.
01:26:50 Sure as shooting.
01:26:52 Well, uh, give us a couple of minutes to pull ourselves together.
01:26:58 Well, the front's being watched.
01:27:00 I'll be out in back myself.
01:27:04 [footsteps]
01:27:06 18 minutes, means they're close by.
01:27:13 James, give me back my watch. Don't you ever return things you borrow?
01:27:17 Full of pictures.
01:27:19 Yeah.
01:27:22 Michael, the sharpshooter's yours. Kill him.
01:27:26 How?
01:27:27 Well, get lucky.
01:27:29 Or better still, pray that I get lucky and make him miss the first shot.
01:27:32 I'll give you about ten seconds to see his powder flare, locate him, and keep him from shooting again.
01:27:40 Nothing to it.
01:27:43 Well, let's get going.
01:27:54 Where's the other one?
01:27:57 There's supposed to be four of them.
01:27:59 He's dead.
01:28:01 We had to pay a price to keep that box for you and your friends.
01:28:05 I was told to bring in all of you or none of you, so we could keep an eye on you, understand?
01:28:10 No loose ends.
01:28:12 Well, he's dead.
01:28:14 I want to see his body.
01:28:18 All right.
01:28:27 He's laid out with the rest of them, down at the jailhouse.
01:28:30 Jailhouse?
01:28:31 Right over there.
01:28:33 Jailhouse.
01:28:38 Come on, let's go see him. We haven't got all night.
01:28:41 Never mind.
01:28:43 It ain't important.
01:28:45 [music]
01:28:49 [music]
01:28:53 [music]
01:29:20 [music]
01:29:23 [music]
01:29:26 [music]
01:29:29 [music]
01:29:32 [music]
01:29:35 [music]
01:29:38 [music]
01:29:40 You judges are getting a little nervous, ain't you?
01:29:43 Let's go.
01:29:45 [music]
01:29:48 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:29:52 (thunder rumbling)
01:30:16 - Sam, wish it were a little lighter.
01:30:19 - Uh-huh.
01:30:21 - If it's for a grain right now, it'd be in our favor.
01:30:24 - Lightning might help.
01:30:26 - Might hurt too.
01:30:27 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:30:30 (thunder rumbling)
01:30:34 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:30:38 (thunder rumbling)
01:30:43 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:30:55 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:30:58 - Hey, what's that?
01:31:17 - Too late to do him any good.
01:31:19 There's another one inside.
01:31:22 - He's dead too, the knife watchman.
01:31:25 - Hey, you ain't looking too good.
01:31:26 Side of blood bother you or something?
01:31:28 - Only my own.
01:31:30 - Oh.
01:31:31 - Well, this is where everybody stops.
01:31:34 - Except you.
01:31:35 You take that box and along.
01:31:38 (thunder rumbling)
01:31:42 You'll be met at the other end.
01:31:44 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:31:47 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:31:51 - Well, Sam, they say the elk in Montana
01:31:58 are as big as buffalo this year.
01:32:01 You gotta go hunt 'em when this is over.
01:32:04 - I look forward to that.
01:32:07 - I wish they were a buffalo.
01:32:10 - Yeah.
01:32:13 Times change.
01:32:16 - Give me that mule.
01:32:17 (dog barks)
01:32:21 - James?
01:32:35 - I see him.
01:32:36 - Dog.
01:32:44 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:32:47 (gun fires)
01:32:53 (thunder rumbling)
01:32:59 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:33:03 (thunder rumbling)
01:33:22 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:33:26 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:33:38 (thunder rumbling)
01:33:41 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:33:47 (dramatic orchestral music)
01:33:50 (thunder rumbling)
01:33:53 - Good to see you made it.
01:34:19 - Yeah, we've had a full day.
01:34:22 (thud)
01:34:30 Guess he don't like anybody behind him.
01:34:35 Neither do I.
01:34:36 All right, that goes for you too, fatty.
01:34:46 You're out where I can see you.
01:34:47 (footsteps thudding)
01:34:51 You must figure I'm a real dangerous man.
01:35:00 - Will, come on down.
01:35:05 - I told you to move, fatty.
01:35:14 (dog growling)
01:35:17 - Dog.
01:35:20 - Get him off of me!
01:35:24 - Call your dog off!
01:35:27 - Get him away!
01:35:30 - Get him off of me!
01:35:34 - Let that dog go!
01:35:36 - Bane!
01:35:38 - I wouldn't do that.
01:35:42 - Call your dog off.
01:35:45 - Get him off!
01:35:45 - Dog.
01:35:46 Now call off yours.
01:35:54 - The box.
01:36:03 (footsteps thudding)
01:36:06 - Open it up.
01:36:25 - The boy.
01:36:28 - Will!
01:36:31 (suspenseful music)
01:36:34 - Today.
01:36:52 (dog growling)
01:36:54 - Open it up.
01:37:03 - Take that hood off.
01:37:07 Like to see what I'm buying.
01:37:08 (suspenseful music)
01:37:19 (suspenseful music)
01:37:22 - I just saw something in your eyes I don't like.
01:37:33 I saw a foolish thought.
01:37:36 You understand me.
01:37:39 Anything happens, anything at all,
01:37:42 your fault, my fault, nobody's fault,
01:37:44 my little brother will blow that kid's head right off
01:37:48 just as simple as that.
01:37:49 No matter who else gets killed, that boy dies.
01:37:53 The shotgun misses him, it don't matter,
01:37:55 you already know about the rifle on him.
01:37:57 That won't be as messy as a shotgun at three feet,
01:38:00 but that boy will be just as dead.
01:38:02 You understand me?
01:38:03 Say it.
01:38:08 - I understand.
01:38:10 - Now open it up.
01:38:15 (suspenseful music)
01:38:18 (suspenseful music)
01:38:21 (suspenseful music)
01:38:24 (suspenseful music)
01:38:27 - That's the stuff that dreams are made of.
01:38:52 (suspenseful music)
01:38:55 - What's a million dollars look like, John?
01:38:58 - Now you understand.
01:39:07 Anything goes wrong, anything at all,
01:39:09 your fault, my fault, nobody's fault, it don't matter.
01:39:13 I'm gonna blow your head off.
01:39:15 It's as simple as that.
01:39:17 - What'd he say?
01:39:19 I can't hear him.
01:39:21 - No matter what else happens,
01:39:23 no matter who gets killed, I'm gonna blow your head off.
01:39:27 - Something wrong, John?
01:39:31 - Kill the boy!
01:39:40 (gunshot)
01:39:43 - Dog!
01:39:44 (suspenseful music)
01:39:51 (gunshot)
01:39:53 - Come on, little Jake.
01:39:56 (gunshot)
01:39:59 - Run!
01:40:00 (gunshot)
01:40:03 - Give me that shot, you.
01:40:08 (gunshot)
01:40:14 (gunshot)
01:40:19 (suspenseful music)
01:40:22 - Will.
01:40:40 Will!
01:40:45 He's dead.
01:40:48 (suspenseful music)
01:40:51 I want a shotgun.
01:40:54 - Hurt?
01:41:01 - Yeah.
01:41:02 - Put your finger there.
01:41:07 (gunshot)
01:41:17 - You hurt?
01:41:18 - No.
01:41:19 I'm scared.
01:41:20 - So am I.
01:41:23 But don't let them know it.
01:41:26 (suspenseful music)
01:41:30 (gunshot)
01:41:43 (gunshot)
01:41:45 (suspenseful music)
01:41:50 (gasping)
01:41:57 (gunshot)
01:42:00 - Jake?
01:42:01 - Yes, sir?
01:42:02 - You ever fire a gun?
01:42:11 - No, sir.
01:42:13 - Well, use it if you have to.
01:42:15 - Yes, sir.
01:42:17 - Now, when I start firing,
01:42:18 you high-tail it out there and find James.
01:42:21 - Yes, sir.
01:42:22 (gunshot)
01:42:29 (gunshot)
01:42:33 (gunshot)
01:42:39 (grunting)
01:42:41 - Ready?
01:42:54 - Yes, sir.
01:42:56 - Go.
01:42:57 (gunshot)
01:42:59 Boys outside, kill him.
01:43:05 (suspenseful music)
01:43:08 (gunshot)
01:43:21 (gunshot)
01:43:25 - You hear that?
01:43:27 They got the boy.
01:43:29 - The hell they did.
01:43:30 That's my Derringer.
01:43:32 (suspenseful music)
01:43:35 - James, Uncle James.
01:43:41 (gunshots)
01:43:45 - Jake, get out of here.
01:43:50 Hide.
01:43:51 The stables.
01:43:52 - That sound like a Derringer?
01:44:00 (gunshot)
01:44:02 - I wouldn't.
01:44:22 - All strip.
01:44:25 (suspenseful music)
01:44:28 - Raise your hands.
01:44:35 - The other's broke.
01:44:38 - That'll do just fine.
01:44:41 Now turn around.
01:44:42 Real slow.
01:44:45 (gun cocks)
01:44:51 (suspenseful music)
01:44:54 - I hear you killed two good men in a fair fight tonight.
01:45:03 Is that right?
01:45:05 - No.
01:45:06 Three, counting you.
01:45:08 - Prove it.
01:45:10 (gunshots)
01:45:12 (suspenseful music)
01:45:15 (suspenseful music)
01:45:18 (suspenseful music)
01:45:21 (suspenseful music)
01:45:24 (suspenseful music)
01:45:27 (suspenseful music)
01:45:30 (suspenseful music)
01:45:33 (suspenseful music)
01:45:36 (suspenseful music)
01:45:41 (growling)
01:45:47 - That sound like a boy screaming?
01:46:02 - Wonder how he's gonna get it.
01:46:04 With a bullet or a machete like the Indian did.
01:46:08 (gunshot)
01:46:10 (grunting)
01:46:12 (suspenseful music)
01:46:31 (gunshot)
01:46:33 (grunting)
01:46:40 (gunshot)
01:46:50 (gunshot)
01:46:54 (suspenseful music)
01:46:58 (suspenseful music)
01:47:01 (grunting)
01:47:06 - I wouldn't.
01:47:19 (suspenseful music)
01:47:22 (suspenseful music)
01:47:25 (grunting)
01:47:31 - You come close, mister, but no cigar.
01:47:49 (gunshot)
01:47:53 (gunshots)
01:47:55 - Who are you?
01:48:04 - Jacob McCandles.
01:48:06 - I thought you was dead.
01:48:14 - Not hardly.
01:48:17 - Michael, that's the second time tonight you saved my life.
01:48:21 - The first time I was a little slow.
01:48:24 - You mean that?
01:48:26 - It was nothing.
01:48:27 Jacob here took care of that, didn't you?
01:48:29 - Yes, sir.
01:48:30 Sir?
01:48:31 - Yes, sir?
01:48:33 - Are you my grandfather?
01:48:35 - Yes, sir, I sure am.
01:48:37 - I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
01:48:43 - I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
01:48:45 (suspenseful music)
01:48:48 - James?
01:48:48 - Dad?
01:48:51 - Sounds better.
01:48:53 - Let's go home.
01:48:54 - Good idea.
01:48:59 (dramatic music)
01:49:03 (dramatic music)
01:49:06 (dramatic music)
01:49:09 (dramatic music)
01:49:12 (dramatic music)
01:49:14 (dramatic music)
01:49:17 (dramatic music)
01:49:20 (dramatic music)
01:49:23 (dramatic music)
01:49:25 (dramatic music)
01:49:28 (dramatic music)
01:49:31 (dramatic music)
01:49:34 (dramatic music)
01:49:37 [BLANK_AUDIO]