Mahfud MD akan Mundur dari Menko Polhukam

  • 8 months ago
Mahfud MD buka suara, soal wacana mundur dari jabatan Menko Polhukam, karena menjadi peserta pilpres 2024, hal tersebut disampai Mahfud pada Selasa malam. Mahfud mengatakan, pada saatnya nanti dirinya akan mundur dari posisi sebagai Menko Polhukam secara baik-baik, supaya tidak ada pertentangan dikemudian hari.


00:00 The third case of the Cahok Press, Mahfud MD,
00:02 has opened his mouth about his intention to withdraw from the position of the Chief Justice
00:06 because he is a member of the 2024 PIL Press.
00:08 Mahfud said that at the end of the night.
00:11 Mahfud said that at that time he would withdraw from his position as Chief Justice
00:16 in a good way so that there would be no conflict later on.
00:19 On that occasion, Mahfud also emphasized the importance of separating the public office
00:23 as a minister and as a Cahok Press.
00:26 Mahfud wanted to give an example to other officials so that they would not use the state facilities during the campaign.
00:32 I, at the right time, will definitely withdraw myself in a good way.
00:43 I also want to give an example.
00:45 If I become a presidential candidate,
00:49 I will still be in a dilemma whether I should use my position to benefit the state facilities or not.
00:57 I have been doing this for three months.
01:00 I have never used the state facilities.
01:03 I am a member of the PIL Press.
01:05 I am a member of the PIL Press.
