McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman Zur-En-Arrh Black Light Edition Entertainment Earth 2023 Excl

  • 7 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Batman Zur-En-Arrh Black Light Edition Entertainment Earth 2023 Excl


00:00 not only is he from another dimension but he's also in another color
00:04 here's a look at the McFarlane toys DC multiverse Batman from Xuronar black
00:08 light edition
00:11 some time ago Bruce Wayne took part in an isolation experiment overseen by dr.
00:36 Simon Hurt in which the psychiatrist gave Bruce the post-hypnotic phrase
00:40 Xuronar when hurt by Bruce years later the trigger phrase shatters his mind and
00:45 leaves him wandering Gotham City in a daze always ready with a backup plan
00:48 though Batman has previously developed the persona within himself a Batman
00:52 without Bruce Wayne and stitches together a new Batsu calling himself
00:56 Batman of Xuronar. While Batman has found he has no need for an alter ego let's
01:01 grab the tape measure and see how tall the Batman Xuronar black light edition
01:05 figure is this is a simple recasting in a slightly different color of plastic
01:09 from the earlier looked at Batman Xuronar don't worry we'll bring that
01:12 figure in in a second first I'd like to thank the folks over at McFarlane toys
01:16 that did come through and provide the sample of the black light edition Batman
01:18 Xuronar that we can have a look at this review this is a 2023 by the way
01:22 entertainment earth exclusive very limited to three thousand and ten pieces
01:26 the tape measure though tells us that Batman from Xuronar stands about seven
01:30 and a quarter inches in height or the figure is gonna be about eighteen and a
01:34 half centimeters tall comparing the differently colored caped crusader with
01:37 the earlier looked at Batman from Xuronar once again using still the same
01:41 mold sure but the original Batman Xuronar definitely had a much darker red
01:45 definitely different approached yellow and a much more darker purple it looks
01:49 to be again like they're using the same molds which is fine and good I love
01:52 still the original body and build of the Batman Xuronar still wish that actually
01:56 this head sculpt could find another light of day maybe use for another
01:59 Batman figure another comparison speaking of another Batman figure here's
02:02 also it looks like with the Batman from Nightfall and to free up a little bit of
02:06 space sliding over the original Xuronar Batman to bring in yet another
02:09 blacklight edition this was the blacklight edition infinite frontier
02:13 scarecrow if you are familiar with the things that came in clue with the
02:16 blacklight edition scarecrow you'll automatically be familiar then with the
02:19 things that come in clue with the blacklight edition of Batman from Xuronar
02:21 first the figure while not coming through with the scarecrow does come in
02:25 clue with his own unique trading card states down below that this is Batman
02:28 from Xuronar states also that this is the blacklight edition flipped around
02:32 the back though you're not gonna get a read up this time around but rather
02:34 instead a certificate of authenticity telling us is also as well that is a
02:38 limited run of 3010 pieces the one provided here happens to be p7 normally
02:44 though you'd get a numbered sequence out of that 3010 to go along with this card
02:48 you also get yourself a little standee the standee is one that we've always
02:52 gotten before when it comes to more of these higher-end figures and it's also
02:55 the ones that came also include with the movie maniac figures and that's just a
02:58 case of taking the card from Batman Xuronar and sliding it at the top you
03:01 got yourself a nice little display way of displaying the card the figure also
03:05 like I said comes in clue with this contraption setup it's a light source
03:09 that allows black light to shine down basically in two different places on the
03:12 figure itself it consists of parts first of all you get yourself a much large
03:16 display stand the same one that we in fact got included with the scarecrow it
03:20 does have one peg to the side that can plug into either one of Batman's boots
03:24 you only have one to choose from and then on the bottom of it there's also
03:27 two plugs to peg to peg holes on either side you get also these little clamp
03:31 pieces I may have not made this I may have made this mistake when we looked at
03:35 the scarecrow I won't make this make make this same mistake again if you look
03:39 at the bottom of these actually it lists it lists B if you look at the bottom
03:43 though of the display stand it lists the B right there on this side it actually
03:47 lists as A so when you're putting these in place even though they do have the
03:51 means to plug in place you really want to make sure that you're plugging B to B
03:55 A to A so everything lines up appropriately see how there is these
03:59 sunken in grooves everything should be lined up that the sunken grooves will
04:03 then fit and sit flush with the little holding clips that will be on the side
04:07 to hold the supporting rods then take the of course the A matching up where's
04:11 the A right there A and A take the two snap them together now you got yourself
04:16 a display stand the reasoning why I make this correcting point is I think when we
04:19 looked at the scarecrow I had maybe put them in the wrong place and it had even
04:23 commented I think that in the standee it wasn't sitting completely flush if you
04:27 are matching up the letters as you should then it should sit a lot flatter
04:31 than probably what it was the case when we looked at the scarecrow with that in
04:35 place you also get yourself these metal poles the poles picking back up the
04:39 display center you know why I put it back down this holds on the side you're
04:42 gonna take the metal posts plug them in place that's on one side and I'll do the
04:46 exact same thing here on this side get all the way in there and then you get
04:50 this set up you also get yourself a couple of lamps a little lanterns here
04:55 that line that shine down it's basically permitting or projecting a black light
04:58 they do require button a button cell batteries those are the ones are already
05:02 been installed one thing I did though notice is with Batman from Zoran are his
05:06 didn't have it ones included now I don't know if it was just a case that this is
05:10 a p7 so it's basically it's a media press proof it wasn't gonna be part of
05:14 the original sequence of the 3010 maybe that was the reasoning why this one
05:18 didn't actually have batteries scarecrow had batteries so I ended up taking and
05:22 pillaging the batteries from scarecrow I first thought to myself well maybe
05:25 they're using the exact same Lance same lamps and actually they were so while I
05:29 did change the batteries over just to make sure that the colors were exactly
05:32 the same because of course I wouldn't want to have Batman for Zora are using
05:35 the ones from scarecrow if they were projecting a completely different black
05:38 light you know obviously wasn't the case because black lights can be shining the
05:41 exact same so these actually do have button cell batteries they plug in place
05:45 here you basically would have unscrewed the compartment here but the button cell
05:49 batteries in and then these clamp on the side see these little open clips here
05:53 you basically clamp on either side of the post the thing about the post those
05:57 if you have the lamp shining straight like this it's really hard to kind of
06:02 access the light source because the on and off switches right here to turn on
06:05 and off the lantern keep calling these lanterns basically you want to make sure
06:09 that when you are putting this in place you're putting them in in at least a
06:12 place where you can still access the light source of these below by the way
06:17 just turn it off for right now at least gonna plug it on to the side so
06:20 basically you're gonna take this clip you know clip it onto the post that
06:23 makes sense hope it makes sense you're gonna plug that in on one side spin
06:27 around the other side and if hopefully then you guys can see and it take the
06:30 other one and clip it in place also as well now not only can you clip it in
06:34 place you can also decide where you want to have it on the post so if you want to
06:38 have a little bit higher up you can do that you can also slide it down also as
06:40 well and of course these can angle up and down angle them ever so often do it
06:44 does result in these actually coming loose from the actual post but then
06:48 again you've got yourself a little like a little studio platform you can't
06:52 really have the figure facing so you can have it facing this way and put the
06:56 figure basically down I know we're kind of covering up the rest of batman's
06:59 accessories you can have it covering like this the only problem is of course
07:02 the light source is going to be shining this way so it's basically only going to
07:05 be shining say the sides of his shoulders and the back of his cape that's
07:08 not gonna be good for anyone rather though instead take the figure spin this
07:13 around just move all the other accessories out of the way for right now
07:15 spin this around and you really want to put ideally Batman facing with the lamp
07:19 with the lamps facing him so the spotlights are basically shining against
07:23 the figure I will of course turn these guys on so you guys can see what they
07:27 actually look like they're not as brightly illuminated as maybe you would
07:30 hope so I'll just get him switch these on it's sometimes a little harder
07:34 depending on what angle you have these to actually turn on and off the switch
07:37 again we'll just turn it on this side as well and again really it's a kind of
07:42 hard to make this out in the in the brightness of the studio here I might
07:46 actually just cut the lights in a second so you guys can actually have to see how
07:49 this guy illuminates but again it's only gonna cover certain areas of the figure
07:52 kind of right around here right around here okay maybe we'll just cut the
07:55 lights you guys can see exactly what I mean and a quick cut later you can see
07:59 how everything looks illuminated with the lights fully turned off again it
08:02 does a better job obviously in the dark where you get the full chance and full
08:06 experience to kind of see how Batman from Xuronar illuminates it'll only
08:09 again illuminates kind of run on the sides here of the torso not as much
08:13 really on the lower legs certainly not as much for the head but again you can
08:16 always move these lamps around spotlighting in different sections of
08:20 the figure if you prefer welcome back to brightness let's go ahead and take Batman
08:24 off his display stand and we'll just kind of move the display stand off to
08:27 the side I've remembered of course make sure I turned off the spotlights I also
08:30 got myself a black light here so you guys can actually see as well that the
08:34 illumination for Batman works just as well if you have yourself a little small
08:37 black light that's also allowing me the chance to give you guys a closer up
08:40 inspection of just how well that illuminates on the figure I'll also be
08:44 bringing back in the earlier Batman Xuronar so you guys can see as well the
08:47 differences between the two I'm sure it's pretty much a night and day
08:49 difference although the colors really on this one it's just basically the same
08:53 colors just turned up a lot more it's as if this figure was basically colored
08:57 with highlighters rather than just the darker colors that we got from before
09:00 speaking of also figures from before the figure also comes in clue with what
09:03 seems to be the exact same accessories colored in a much brighter orange this
09:07 time around something that would make Negan very jealous he gets himself for
09:10 example a bat that has nails on the end of it unfortunately though by coloring
09:14 it all the same color of orange it loses the effect of really what is exactly
09:18 embedded into the wood itself it plugs into his hand although I did notice with
09:22 the hands lately on these McFarlane figures that they seem to be using a
09:26 harder plastic so I had a real harder time in fact to try to get these
09:29 actually to hold the weapons better I ended up heating the hand initially in
09:33 hot water and then once you know of course by the time that I hit record the
09:36 plastic is now since cooled but we're gonna go ahead and do our best to kind
09:40 of get this in his hand honestly if anything the problem is is usually just
09:44 the thumbs once you get it really around the thumbs the figure holds the bat fine
09:48 again he has the bat and he also does have the knife I'll get to the knife
09:52 more in a second I think the plastic blast I think the plastic may have even
09:56 cool too much we'll have to kind of go back and heat that hand again before we
09:59 jump the final looks take my word for it though the figure does have the means to
10:02 hold that weapons with both his hands speaking of his weapons seeing as it's
10:06 plural and all the figure also comes in clear with a knife the knife cast
10:09 basically in a very bland looking gray a much more brighter color of orange for
10:13 the handle but again with all of these the colors are pretty much just jacked
10:16 up brightens a lot brighter than the original figures accessories moving that
10:21 in over once again we'll bring back in Batman from Zoranar I'm sure you
10:24 probably have already asked this how come you have this guy on his display
10:27 stand the problem with the Batman from Zoranar unfortunately though and it had
10:30 to be my one of my favorite Batman's and McFarlane's team has put out is that the
10:34 ankles have started to develop looseness more on this ankle than this angle here
10:38 so I've just got the figure currently on a display stand we'll just take the
10:41 figure off the stand for right now bring the other Batman from Zoranar in so you
10:45 guys can see the differences between the two you know again like it's essentially
10:48 just this color just brightened a lot brighter I mean obviously the reds and
10:52 now been swapped for oranges the yellows are actually the thing that's the
10:55 closest in color the purples though are very different on scale of obviously got
10:59 a much darker purple here for the gloves a much brighter approach to the purple
11:03 on the new Batman from Zoranar but essentially like everything on the
11:06 figure is exactly the same capes are gonna be the same and even though really
11:09 when you're looking at the two the eyes look for a second like they might be
11:12 sculpted differently just keep in mind again like they would have just dark add
11:15 in a darker shadowing around the eyes it is still my favorite Batman head sculpt
11:21 and I'm surprised to see that they have not yet used this head again with a
11:24 future release for Batman I thought we got one close enough with the Batman
11:27 from Nightfall but this one is still my favorite Batman head sculpt it just
11:31 looks the best from all the angles whether you like the brighter approach
11:34 to the Batman Zoranar from the the black light edition it's still one of the
11:37 best if not the best head sculpts we've gotten for Batman of course again when
11:41 it comes to the body he has again those wrinkles and he has again those little
11:44 stitch marks of course essentially he's stitching together his own suits so all
11:48 those stitch lines that maybe don't stand out as much I mean obviously when
11:53 you're comparing of the original from Batman Zoranar the stitches stood out a
11:56 lot easier because again you were dealing with much darker plastic because
11:59 the plastic is again so much brighter it's kind of harder to come make out the
12:03 stitches that he has in the actual suit but I guess it's a good-looking figure
12:06 overall flip the cape back so you can see even he has a completely differently
12:10 designed utility belt as well sporting some slightly smaller pockets looks like
12:15 he's got also himself like it almost looks for a second like he's got
12:18 himself a little clip there for a gun a couple of smaller pockets there also as
12:22 well just like again a really interesting don't write this guy off
12:25 just because again he's not a traditional looking Batman it's one of
12:27 the best again I feel that we've gotten from McFarlane's team now of course
12:31 being that they are using the same body in this one as the one that we looked at
12:34 before his articulation is also going to be the exact same Batman from Zoranar
12:38 the black light edition does have a ball joint so it allows the head to rotate
12:41 all the way around the head can look down and can look up and back and forth
12:46 as well as for the arms the arms do come out I will say though about the figure
12:50 is I've noticed a lot of the joints seem seem a little loose especially like the
12:54 ankles for example the hands maybe not this hand but this hand right over here
12:59 is a little loose some of the some of the tolerances by only really just
13:03 reusing this mold one more time I notice they've already starting to get really
13:06 loose on this figure so again like we've already looked at the head the upper
13:09 torso is going to be on a ball joint a little bit lower than that closer almost
13:13 to his utility belt the figure also has an abdomen ball joint there as well so
13:17 you can rotate it that of course all the way around rotation in the arms is
13:21 always present there and all these figures so of course Batman Zoranar does
13:23 also have that as well but yeah looseness unfortunately here for the
13:27 shoulders not as much looseness when it comes to really the swivel in the bicep
13:30 but really loose again elbows and this shouldn't really be the case one thing I
13:34 obviously can't overlook is the fact that right here you can see they've used
13:37 sculpted plastic for the shoulders the bicep but yet when you get to the
13:42 forearm I'm guessing they probably would have molded this in purple plastic and
13:45 did their best to try to match the yellow but obviously there's a place
13:49 where you can clearly see that one is a painted yellow one is a plastic yellow
13:52 and especially having to paint yellow over top of a dark plastic like purple
13:56 you know the yellow is never going to come across as good as it does with a
13:59 molded plastic next to it the figure does have also again swiveling in the
14:03 hands legs do split out once again on ratcheted joints you can take the legs
14:06 and move forward move them back a swivel at the top of the thigh double hinge on
14:10 the knee articulation well no articulation really for the boots ankles
14:14 though already starting to show looseness you can see on both sides right
14:17 here swiveling back and forth on the ankles toe articulation always present
14:21 on these figures but again a shame that this is from what I understand the only
14:25 other time we've gotten the Batman Zoran are mold and with this Batman already
14:29 developing looseness in his ankles I really it's a shame that of all the
14:33 Batman figures it has to be the one from Batman Zoran are that has already
14:36 started to develop looseness in his ankles I do like this one I also don't
14:40 like it as much maybe as the original one that we got before the charm of
14:43 course of this one and the charm of course the earlier looked at Scarecrow
14:46 is the fact that they have the black light the black light doesn't really
14:49 honestly work as well as it maybe should because of course you're only getting a
14:52 very small lamp source I mean again like just to bring back around the display
14:55 base here you only getting basically like this much of a lamp this much of a
14:59 spotlight shining in certain selected areas on Batman of course you can always
15:03 move them up and down so you know mileage may vary as to how much
15:06 illumination you can actually get on the figure itself you know again it's a good
15:09 looking mold I'm glad to see if anything the mold has seen another light of day I
15:12 don't know if it's necessarily one that's really worth picking up unless
15:16 you're a big fan of getting kind of the specialty figures that McFarlane has been
15:19 churning out those variation figures there's a charm at least for that in the
15:23 sense that there's a figure that even if you don't plan to even really display
15:26 the figure at all with his spotlights even on the shelf it's a nice variation
15:30 to the original one we got before when it comes prime time to be displaying the
15:34 black light edition Batman from Zoran R you may not choose to have as much going
15:37 on as what I have going on right now in final looks just because again between
15:40 the spotlight setup and the trading card standee it makes the setup very busy
15:45 looking there's a lot going on at one point though I did have the black light
15:49 edition infinite frontier scarecrow with all the things that you're seeing right
15:52 now but I ran into the problem that every collector runs into the more
15:56 figures you get the less space you have on your shelf and you may choose instead
15:59 to sacrifice the spotlight setup in favor of just having the figure
16:03 displayed on the shelf on his own problems also with these is the fact
16:06 that obviously the batteries are gonna be draining I mean that's a no-brainer
16:09 but having button cell batteries work fine and good the problem with it is
16:13 though you can't always have them running and with the angle also of the
16:16 spotlights in some cases you may even have to hinge the light or even take the
16:20 light off completely to hit the switch as sometimes that swiveling bracket does
16:24 get in the way of things I do wish that they could have found a means that have
16:27 a button on the top of the spotlights rather than the switch on the back it
16:31 just would have made things a lot easier especially if you have like friends
16:34 company coming over and they want to see your figure collection they say hey what
16:37 how come that Batman's got spotlights all around them and then you have to
16:40 stop and try to find a way to get to the switch you might just end up pulling off
16:43 the spotlight in the process to turn it on to snap it back in place but what do
16:47 you guys think of these figures do you think that there are novelty that you're
16:50 not really all that interested in or do you kind of like the fun aspect of
16:53 taking figures we've gotten from before and finding a new way to present them I
16:57 will say from a certainly a standpoint of colors there's definitely a new way
17:00 to present them because they're a lot brighter than the earlier figures we
17:03 looked at from before maybe a lot more with the scarecrow the scarecrow went
17:07 from a very drastic coloring of more the kind of bland ground colors the Browns
17:11 and the Beige and stuff like that to the might brought brighter pinks the blues
17:14 and the greens Batman from Zoranar had to move a lot less in the way of color
17:18 contrast basically his colors are just the colors we got from before as if they
17:23 were colored with a highlighter instead big thank you once again though to the
17:26 folks over at McFarland toys that did provide the sample of the Batman from
17:29 Zoranar blacklight edition which once again is an entertainment earth 2023
17:33 exclusive and a very limited run of three thousand and ten pieces I wonder
17:38 why they decided to go with three thousand and ten rather than just the
17:41 straight solid three thousand scarecrow for example also was an entertainment
17:45 earth exclusive for 2023 but he was limited to three thousand copies
17:49 Zoranar beats him by ten if you guys enjoyed this video I want to hit with a
17:52 like if you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and you certainly
17:55 would like to stick around for more while we are wrapping up things
17:58 obviously for the Zoranar blacklight edition there is definitely gonna be
18:01 some more McFarland toys and definitely gonna be some more DC multiverse
18:03 reviews coming your way always in the pipeline so make sure you're keeping
18:06 your peepers peeled to this channel as always guys thanks for watching see you
18:09 guys next time
18:12 you
18:15 you
18:17 (logo thuds)
