• last year
CAREEM : La Première Licorne du Moyen-Orient

Fondée par Mudassir Sheikha et Magnus Olsson, cette appli a changé la donne.

️ Au départ, ils voulaient simplifier le transport des consultants au Moyen-Orient en créant une application B2B de covoiturage.

Mais en regardant uber, Mudassir a constaté que les voitures n'étaient pas fiables, qu'il n'y avait pas de support en arabe et que la marque était peu connue dans la région.

En 2012, Careem est né: service taxi local, en arabe, avec paiements régionaux.

‍✈️ Avec une focalisation sur le local, en formant les chauffeurs à la courtoisie arabe et en continuant à instaurer la confiance et la qualité du service.

L’application finit par atteindre une croissance fulgurante avec plus de 100 villes, 33M d'utilisateurs, et une acquisition par Uber pour 3.1 milliards.

Sources : Forbes, Business Insider

Pour plus de vidéos sur les start-up du moyen-orient, abonnez-vous à Omniscience.

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00:00 This Pakistani consultant found a golden opportunity that Burr missed
00:03 and turned it into a multi-billion dollar startup.
00:05 Mudassir Sheikha and Magnus Olsson are from Karim,
00:08 the main car rental app in the Middle East.
00:10 If you've ever been to Dubai, you've probably used it.
00:13 At first, he wanted to simplify the transportation of consultants in the Middle East
00:16 by creating a B2B car rental app.
00:18 Mudassir found that cars were not reliable,
00:20 that there was no support in Arabic, and that the brand was little known in the region.
00:23 In 2012, he launched with his co-founder Karim
00:26 a local taxi service for the Middle East.
00:27 In Arabic and with regional payment options,
00:30 this service was adapted to local needs.
00:31 While Burr was focusing on global expansion,
00:34 Karim concentrated his efforts at the local level
00:35 by training drivers with Arab courtesy
00:37 and by continuing to build confidence and quality of service.
00:40 The app has also focused on the economic and social well-being of drivers
00:44 and renamed them "Captains" to break the regional stigmatization surrounding the job.
00:47 Today, Karim is the familiar name of car rental services in the Middle East
00:51 and has spread to more than 100 cities in the region with more than 33 million users.
00:54 The startup was bought by Burr in 2019 for 3.1 billion dollars,
00:58 which makes it one of the first unicorns in the Middle East.
01:00 Anyway, now you know how
