L'Udinese a fait appel de la sanction reçue mardi d'un match à jouer à huis clos pour les insultes racistes proférées par certains de ses supporters contre Mike Maignan, samedi. Le club de Serie A, qui a depuis banni à vie cinq supporters, a été sanctionné après que le gardien français a été la cible de ces insultes pendant la première période de la défaite contre l'AC Milan (2-3).
00:00 First of all, I would like to express my personal and the club's regret for what happened on Saturday night
00:12 and once again express our closeness to the Milan-Magnan goalkeeper for what happened.
00:20 On regret the heavy penalty that was given to us by the sports judge
00:32 and it's a decision that we will talk about later, we will appeal.
00:40 In this sense, our feeling is that we have to defend what has been our history
00:51 and what we have always done as a club.
00:54 We are a club that has always made integration and multi-ethnicity its own mantra.
01:03 We have historically had players from all nations, from different nations.
01:11 We always have pink jerseys with many players of color
01:17 and we have never had any problems of any kind.
01:22 These players are always perfectly integrated in our club, in our territory, in the city, without any problem.
01:30 That's why it's important for us to defend our values a little bit,
01:36 since the multi-ethnic nature of Ludinese is an added value and this must remain so.