Cardiff: the city of parks

  • 8 months ago
Cardiff is one of the greenest cities in the UK, thanks to the beautiful parks dotted around. From the iconic Bute park, to Roath Park and all the little ones maybe even near your house. Our parks is what makes Cardiff the city it is, so we’re looking at as many as we can today, and finding the beauty in every single one.


00:00 Where else to start our journey other than Bute Park? It's absolutely huge, over 130
00:07 acres. You can spend an entire day here exploring around and finding plenty of hidden gems.
00:12 There are gardens, wooded areas, the Taft flows right through the middle. There's so
00:16 much going on in this park and there's always something new to see. Plus, it's almost literally
00:20 a stone's throw from the city centre. Not many cities can say that.
00:26 What makes Bute Park quite so special is the massive number of so-called Champion Trees,
00:30 the biggest or tallest of its type in the UK or Ireland. Bute Park is home to more Champion
00:34 Trees than any other park anywhere across the British Isles, 41 in total. There's a
00:39 trail you can follow to spot every single one in the park, which takes you on a beautiful
00:42 little expedition across the gardens and the fields.
00:47 Bute Park in the summer is full of Cardiffians taking in the sun, relaxing on the grass and
00:52 throughout the year hosts a number of different events like festivals and shows. Bute Park
00:56 has got to be the jewel in Cardiff's Park crown.
01:03 Another park close to the city centre is here in Alexandra Gardens, smack bang in the middle
01:07 of the civic area, just behind City Hall. The park is home to warm memorials and the
01:11 beautiful dolphin adorned fountain in the centre. This relatively small park has so
01:15 much on offer, perfect for a lovely little stroll, especially in the summer with the
01:19 flowers all in bloom.
01:23 And then just around the corner from Alexandra Gardens you've got Gorseth Gardens, which
01:26 despite its small size has plenty of sculptures and statues and a great little walk just by
01:31 the town.
01:36 And of course here in Wroath Park it's a real fan favourite. It's got absolutely loads to
01:39 do, from kids parks to rowing boats on the lake and even a pristine rose garden. Wroath
01:43 Park is more than a park, it's a real full day out. The beautiful lake is also of course
01:47 home to the iconic lighthouse just behind me, which is on plenty of Cardiff postcards
01:51 and really one of the landmarks of our city. Fun fact, the lighthouse was built along with
01:56 a small boat on top to commemorate Captain Scott's trip to Antarctica, which set sail
02:00 from this very city.
02:03 There's even a glass greenhouse home to birds and insects and turtles, plenty of diverse
02:08 nature and just like Bute, it's home to a number of champion trees, 12 in total. You
02:12 don't get a much better duo than Wroath Park and Bute Park and Cardiff really is spoilt
02:17 for choice.
02:21 And then just outside the city centre, but no more than half an hour's walk or so, you've
02:24 got Victoria Park. This place is full of people in the summer with water parks, sports fields
02:29 and plenty of space. It might not have the diverse nature of some others, but the massive
02:32 green areas make this place a fantastic park for locals and people looking for a lovely
02:37 walk around.
02:40 All of the amazing parks here in Cardiff are staples of the city and make it such a fantastic
02:45 place to live. Green spaces just make a place nicer, don't they? And the embarrassment of
02:49 riches Cardiff has in all its parks is genuinely quite unique in a capital city. We're spoilt
02:54 for choice here in Cardiff, so get out there and love your parks.
02:57 James B. Watkins, here in Wroath Park.
02:59 [Waves crashing]