Winter Family Fitness at Great Wolf Lodge with Mask Chmerkovskiy

  • 8 months ago
As winter sets in, it’s a challenge for families to contend with countless days indoors with kids spending endless hours lost on video screens. Maks Chmerkovskiy of Dancing with the Stars is teaming up with Great Wolf Lodge to share unexpected, simple ways to help keep families active this winter. An internationally renowned dancer, Maks will provide insights on how to host an at home dance competition to get whole family up and moving. He’ll also talk about how his family uses game nights and cooking meals together to help avoid the winter blues. In addition, he’ll share how families can take the outdoors, inside at one of the nation’s largest waterpark resorts, where families can experience a number of different active adventures from rock-climbing and ropes courses to a family-friendly Adventure Training program. The goal, avoid cabin fever and develop family-friendly activities to get everyone moving while creating family bonding moments. For more information visit
00:00 Thank you to Great Wolf Lodge for sponsoring this segment.
00:04 Winter is a busy time of year when parents face the challenge of keeping kids active.
00:07 Well, it's time to put down those devices.
00:10 Brad talked with dancing superstar Max Chmielkowski, who is sharing some inspiration for family
00:16 fitness and fun this season.
00:21 Good morning, Max.
00:22 How are you this morning?
00:23 I'm very good.
00:24 Thanks for having me.
00:25 Well, I love that you're right here in our neck of woods and we're talking about a very
00:31 important thing, and that is, of course, getting the family up and moving around, especially
00:35 during the wintertime.
00:36 Absolutely.
00:37 No, I'm the guy.
00:40 Listen, I was always very outspoken about that and, you know, it's very public, my outspokenness.
00:49 But now that I'm a dad and been one for seven years and multiple kids at this point, all
00:57 boys, I mean, look, you know, my job nowadays is just to be the best parent I can be and,
01:03 you know, keeping my kids active for me and my wife and, you know, Peter and I, mentality
01:08 and where we come from and what is our lifestyle.
01:12 You know, that's very important to us.
01:13 I love it.
01:14 Well, let's talk about how parents can encourage their kids, of course, to start moving this
01:19 year and also the whole family.
01:21 Yeah, I mean, look, again, I'm not here to, you know, say this, do it this way.
01:28 I'm here to say this is how I do it, you know, and what worked for us was, you know, a relationship
01:33 with a place like Great Wolf Lodge.
01:35 You know, I was coming off pandemic and things were just starting to open, you know, and
01:41 I was having a four year old, five year old that was, you know, a boy that was for me
01:45 it was very important that we stay active and kind of, you know, start creating memories
01:50 and we started to have this father-son time, you know, he was getting excited about.
01:55 So, you know, Great Wolf Lodge became right away the thing that we would do together that
02:01 we look forward to doing together.
02:03 It's our favorite pastime, the father-son thing, just to create memories.
02:08 But also this is where he runs out all his energy, he's completely depleted, he's passed
02:13 out, he has memories for the next two months and can't wait for the next time to go.
02:18 So for us, it became Great Wolf Lodge, especially in colder season when outdoors aren't as available
02:26 maybe, this is perfect.
02:27 There's 20 nationally and in North America, so, you know, everybody can find one.
02:33 Oh my goodness, I'll tell you, that is a great place and a fun place.
02:36 Let's talk about, of course, mealtime.
02:39 That's a great time to get the family moving together, isn't it?
02:42 Yeah.
02:43 A meal time, like meal, like eating?
02:48 Yeah, around dinner time.
02:50 Absolutely.
02:51 I mean, for me, yeah, no, I mean, yeah, look, you know, I found myself, like I come from
02:55 that household.
02:56 For me, that was something that I kind of like my foundation for family starts with
03:02 this is when we eat together, this is when we, you know, put down our phones, have a
03:05 turn off the TV, kind of converse together.
03:08 You know, I'm here to say that it is not happening in my house.
03:12 It's not a scheduled thing.
03:14 Like we're eating most of the time, Peter and I eat standing up in the kitchen, like
03:18 really quickly between stops.
03:20 So, you know, we focus on their meal intake and the correct way of, you know, introducing
03:28 in the kind of food they eat more so than like a strict sit down schedule of meals.
03:34 Having said that, you know, this for a staycation opportunity or if you get out of the state
03:41 to go to a place like Gravel Fudge, the reason we love it is because this is a great get
03:46 a room, you know, and stay on property kind of situation outside of the water park.
03:52 You know, if you took your kids here, you know, the best part about it is that I can
03:56 have a dinner with my wife while he's out somewhere and we know that he's fine and good
04:01 and safe.
04:02 So, you know, from where's my wand?
04:07 Somebody give me my wand.
04:08 I have an amazing wand, by the way.
04:09 I love my wand, the part of the quest here.
04:12 You know exactly what I'm saying and if you don't know, you should come out and find out.
04:16 Look, you know, I sound like a salesman but I promise you I'm not.
04:20 I'm the guy that if it works for me, I want to grab everyone and shake them into like
04:25 this is the best thing ever.
04:26 You know what I mean?
04:27 So, I'm that personality you can really tell.
04:29 >> Oh my gosh.
04:30 All right, Max.
04:31 Two last questions for you.
04:32 One very quickly, what's been your favorite, of course, thing to do there at the, of course,
04:39 Whoop Lodge?
04:40 What's one of your fun things that you've been having?
04:44 >> So, you know, for me, as my mic fell off and I hope you can hear me because I think
04:51 you can and this doesn't affect you.
04:53 But for me personally, yesterday was the worst day of my parenting so far because yesterday
04:59 for the first time, I don't know if you could see in the back, those big, you know, big
05:03 stairs that you go up and it's the crazy tube dive whatever thing.
05:08 We always did it as a duo because he was always, you know, shy.
05:12 My firstborn, he's always not tall enough to go by himself.
05:16 Yesterday was the first day that he's finally made his 49 inches tall and I got his green
05:23 bracelet and he was out and somewhere in like a second right, he's like, "Papa, I think
05:27 I want to go by myself."
05:29 My heart broke.
05:31 Everybody heard it.
05:32 And then I walked my sorry butt back to this cabana and I was watching him be by himself.
05:39 So my first experience of watching my son go on his own happened here in Great Wolf
05:44 Lodge, Arizona.
05:45 I can't make this up.
05:46 Last night.
05:47 And so I'm not the same.
05:48 You got to give me a second, you know.
05:53 >> It's a great feeling as a parent.
05:54 Very quickly, what's on the horizon for you?
05:56 I know you're very busy.
05:57 What do you got coming up next?
06:00 >> Oh my God.
06:01 I'm excited.
06:02 This life has been a blessing, you know, besides the newborn that we have that's seven months
06:06 and it's incredible and I get to enjoy this life one more time.
06:11 You know, I'm very excited about coming out and flying out and finishing filming So You
06:16 Think You Can Dance, my big judging opportunity.
06:19 And I can't wait for everybody to see this new season because there's going to be some
06:23 serious dance talent.
06:24 I'm very proud of being part of that production.
06:28 So you know, a lot of things on the horizon.
06:32 Misspoke a lot of kids on the horizon, but that probably too, you know, I can't wait
06:36 to extend this family with PETA and you know, we're really enjoying life right now.
06:41 >> Max, that's awesome.
06:42 I'm so glad you were able to join us right in our own backyard.
06:46 It's really great.
06:47 We got information, of course, on about how you can enjoy the lodge and other
06:52 things that are on the horizon for yourself.
06:54 Thank you, buddy.
06:55 >> Thank you, Brad.
06:56 Thanks for having me.
06:57 >> Thank you, Great Wolf Lodge, for sponsoring that segment.
06:58 For more info, go to
06:58 [ Applause ]
06:59 >> Thank you, Brad.
07:00 Thanks for having me.
07:01 >> Thank you, Brad.
07:02 Thanks for having me.
07:03 >> Thank you, Brad.
07:04 Thanks for having me.
07:05 >> Thank you, Brad.
07:06 Thanks for having me.
07:06 [ Applause ]
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