Loose Women’s Kaye Adam shares ‘terrifying’ moment she went deaf during live broadcast

  • 7 months ago
Loose Women’s Kaye Adam shares ‘terrifying’ moment she went deaf during live broadcastLoose Women, ITV
00:00 But first, before the break, we showed you a clip of what happened
00:03 to me last Friday, just before we went on air.
00:05 I just completely lost my hearing in my right ear.
00:09 Just, boom, it went. Here you go, let's have a look.
00:15 Dickie, you're very... I mean, I'm hearing a tiny squeak.
00:18 I'm hearing...
00:21 ..nothing, really.
00:23 Hello?
00:24 -50 seconds. -I can't hear a thing.
00:26 Can you just point at me?
00:28 -It's got everything that you need. -I've gone deaf
00:31 in the last five minutes, by the way.
00:32 ..and it's destroyed it to what previous volume I had.
00:35 I just want to come on XM-SEDK.
00:38 Yeah, that is what you call a brave face.
00:41 -Yeah. -Yeah.
00:43 Because behind that, I mean, I was seriously panicking,
00:46 cos it just... I mean, I wear hearing aids, which is fine,
00:50 and I manage quite well. I've got this earpiece,
00:51 television earpiece, so I hear the lovely Dickie.
00:54 And then I hear you lot with the hearing aid,
00:57 which I sometimes switch off if I don't want to.
01:00 Speaking of it!
01:02 So, to completely go deaf in this year was...
01:05 I mean, I was terrified.
01:07 And then by the end of the programme,
01:08 the voice in my head was saying,
01:10 "There's something really wrong with you here, this is not right."
01:13 -And I thought... -I was so worried.
01:14 Because I am a drama queen, I thought the worst thing had happened.
01:18 And then, of course, that wasn't helped by the fact
01:20 that then she, when I come on, goes, "Go to A&E! Go to A&E!"
01:24 Did what I was told, eventually.
01:26 But I didn't want to go, it's that strange thing.
01:28 I didn't want to go, because I didn't want anything to be wrong,
01:30 I didn't want to discover.
01:32 The people in A&E at Glasgow Queen Elizabeth were amazing,
01:34 thank you so much.
01:36 Thank you so much.
01:38 -And are you all right? -Yeah, then...
01:40 Well, this is the embarrassing bit.
01:42 -All of the things. -It's not embarrassing.
01:43 I went to Boots, and you were amazing too,
01:46 who fitted me in for a quick audiogram,
01:48 because A&E couldn't.
01:50 It was earwax.
01:52 Oh!
