SAY ni DOK | Weight management

  • 8 months ago
SAY ni DOK | Weight management
00:00 [Philipino Newsreel Newsreel]
00:30 Good morning! I'm happy to be here with you.
00:34 Okay doctor, aside from eating, what is the main reason why a person is gaining or losing weight?
00:44 We notice that as we age, we become more thin.
00:53 When we age, our metabolism slows down.
00:59 There are what we call hormonal imbalances.
01:03 Especially in premenopausal men, we have what we call andropause age, the counterpart of menopausal.
01:15 So, there are hormones that are reduced, that is the reason why our metabolism slows down.
01:24 For young people, whose hormones are still normal, the intake and output are not the same.
01:34 They eat more, especially carbohydrates or rice.
01:42 We eat less rice, right?
01:45 If that's the case, maybe the physical activity will decrease, so the food won't burn.
01:54 That's right, because we love carbohydrates, we are Filipinos.
01:58 But doctor, how can we maintain the right weight?
02:01 What are the tips that you can give to our fellow Filipinos?
02:06 Okay, so let's go back to basics, what we call diet and exercise.
02:13 But now, in terms of diet, there are many diets that are trending.
02:18 And some of them are really working.
02:20 You know, intermittent fasting is trending right now.
02:28 Now, for intermittent fasting, those who are interested in intermittent fasting,
02:36 make sure that before you do intermittent fasting, you check your blood sugar,
02:42 that you are not diabetic or prediabetic.
02:45 Because if you do intermittent fasting, and you are prediabetic,
02:53 then your blood sugar might go up and that's not good.
03:00 You might get weak or die.
03:04 That's not good for your body.
03:07 Especially if you're going to lose weight for a long time.
03:12 Now, if you don't want to do intermittent fasting, especially if you have hyperacidity,
03:22 because instead of being helpful, it's more harmful,
03:26 maybe we should just reduce our calories.
03:29 What we call calorie counting, and breakfast is still trending.
03:36 Let's give our full meal.
03:40 So, you can eat one cup of rice,
03:43 and then for the food, don't count how big it is.
03:49 Because that full meal will last us for the whole day.
03:54 And most of the people who are on a diet,
03:58 maybe they are active or working.
04:01 Now, lunch.
04:03 After lunch, reduce the rice.
04:08 Make it half cup.
04:10 And change it so that we'll be full.
04:14 Add in additional vegetables.
04:18 Don't add too much rice.
04:20 Just enough for half cup of rice.
04:24 And if you're still hungry, just eat.
04:26 Maybe you'll just eat the vegetables and drink water.
04:30 Now, so that we won't be hungry for dinner, because we reduced the rice,
04:37 for snack,
04:39 have a snack.
04:41 But don't pay attention to the snack.
04:45 Maybe you can have crackers or slice of bread.
04:50 Just one.
04:52 And fruits.
04:54 Peanuts.
04:58 Those are the ones that are not too much for a snack.
05:03 And then, for dinner,
05:06 if you can,
05:08 if you don't have rice,
05:13 you can say, "Oh, Doc, how can I be full?"
05:16 Okay, we can shift to bread or pasta.
05:24 But still maintain at half cup.
05:27 And now, add in more vegetables and rice.
05:31 We also drink water or any liquid to make us full.
05:39 Because if we do that, it will be easier to burn before we sleep.
05:43 And we won't be able to sleep right after eating or sleeping.
05:48 We need to sleep at least two hours after eating.
05:55 So those who are late for dinner and are sleepy after dinner,
06:01 maybe it's better to have dinner early.
06:05 Maybe around 6 o'clock, between 6 to 7.
06:09 If you're not at home and you're still working,
06:12 maybe have dinner before going home.
06:15 Now, of course, we're used to seeing our family and talking at night.
06:24 Maybe you can join the dinner.
06:27 But don't have real food.
06:32 It's better to talk than eat.
06:35 So those are my tips.
06:37 Advice from Doc MJ, "Half rice, no extra rice."
06:41 Is there another way, Doctor, like non-surgical procedures?
06:46 Is there anything you can recommend?
06:49 Yes.
06:52 Because our problem is usually that our metabolism is slow
06:58 and we burn what we eat.
07:02 In our clinic, we induce an increase in metabolism.
07:07 And I'm sure you're very familiar with L-carnitine.
07:11 So we try to do IV L-carnitine.
07:14 On top of the many things that we include in the cocktail,
07:20 there are also vitamins.
07:23 We don't forget to take vitamins when we're on a diet
07:28 because we're trying to get rid of oral food.
07:31 So we replace intravenous with multivitamins,
07:37 plus L-carnitine and other ingredients that speed up metabolism.
07:43 So when we're eating, partying,
07:46 or having a meeting with delicious food,
07:49 that's what we do.
07:52 And it's usually done once a week.
07:55 Now, of course, when we're on a diet,
07:58 that has a goal.
08:00 Because we have a big stomach, a big arm, a big waist.
08:05 Sometimes, even if we're on a calorie-depletion diet,
08:12 we start with a big pear.
08:14 We're big, pear-shaped.
08:16 When we're on a diet, the calories are equally distributed.
08:21 We become small, but we're still pear-shaped.
08:25 So what we do is body scouting.
08:30 But rest assured, it's non-surgical.
08:34 You can do non-surgical, like mesotherapy.
08:40 That's injectable.
08:42 What we inject there is a soy derivative.
08:46 There are machines that are very good at doing body scouting,
08:51 like lipocryotherapy,
08:54 or ultralipo or ultracontour.
08:58 That's a technology that uses high-intensity focal ultrasound.
09:04 I'm sure you're very familiar with ultrasound cavitation.
09:11 There are degrees of fat dissolution.
09:16 Don't worry about the fat that's dissolved.
09:18 We excrete it, or it comes out through urination.
09:24 Okay, Dr. MJ, as a last question,
09:27 there are supplements that help you lose weight.
09:30 There are supplements that add weight.
09:33 Is this method safe for weight management?
09:39 Okay, sometimes it's really hard for people to start with that kind of regimen.
09:47 Don't forget that it has an exercise.
09:51 No matter what, you can go up and down the stairs,
09:54 or you can just walk around the block,
09:58 or you can go to the nearest grocery store,
10:03 or a bar, or whatever.
10:06 It's good to exercise while walking or running if possible.
10:11 Now, going back to your question on your diet,
10:15 dietary supplements,
10:18 we should be careful.
10:21 If possible, look at the content of your drink,
10:28 and ask the doctor if it's safe.
10:32 There are dietary pills that are very safe,
10:36 like chili or ginkgo biloba, or ginseng,
10:41 that really speed up the metabolism.
10:44 But of course, it's best to consult the doctor before drinking.
10:50 Alright, Dr. MJ, thank you very much.
10:53 But for our KRS-P,
10:55 Dr. MJ is a part of PTV.
10:59 Since the 50th anniversary of PTV,
11:02 we are inviting Dr. MJ to be a part of the activities here at PTV.
11:08 Thank you very much again, Doc, and let's be careful.
11:11 See you soon.
