Let's waste life || Acharya Prashant

  • 7 months ago
00:00 The patriarchal society has placed such a great value on motherhood that women do not
00:08 feel bothered at all, harmed at all or ashamed at all.
00:14 Just wasting all their life running behind kids.
00:18 They feel they are doing something very honorable, very respectable, very valuable.
00:22 I'm not saying you should just pick the newborn and drop it somewhere and get rid of it.
00:27 But you should know very well that time spent on the newborn, time spent on child raising
00:33 is not a particularly great investment.
00:36 And you have limited time as a human being.
00:37 So even if your biology and your physical tendencies demand that you must have a kid,
00:43 please keep the number of kids to a minimum so that the wastage is minimized.
00:51 [MUSIC]