Arthur and the Haunted Tree House Full Movie Watch Online 123Movies

  • 9 months ago


00:00 >> PBS Kids opens worlds of possibilities for all children,
00:03 thanks to PBS stations and viewers like you.
00:06 ♪ ♪
00:07 >> ♪ Every day when you're walking down the street ♪
00:11 ♪ Everybody that you meet ♪
00:13 ♪ Has an original point of view ♪
00:17 ♪ And I say, hey ♪
00:19 ♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪
00:21 ♪ If you could learn to work and play ♪
00:24 ♪ And get along with each other ♪
00:27 ♪ You got to listen to your heart, listen to the beat ♪
00:31 ♪ Listen to the rhythm, rhythm of the street ♪
00:33 ♪ Open up your eyes, open up your ears ♪
00:36 ♪ Get together and make things better ♪
00:38 ♪ By working together ♪
00:40 ♪ It's a simple message ♪
00:42 ♪ And it comes from the heart ♪
00:44 ♪ Oh, believe in yourself ♪
00:47 ♪ For that's the place to start ♪
00:49 ♪ Start to dancing ♪
00:50 ♪ Hey, hey ♪
00:51 ♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪
00:54 ♪ If you could learn to work and play ♪
00:57 ♪ And get along with each other ♪
00:59 ♪ Hey, what a wonderful kind of day ♪
01:02 ♪ Hey, what a wonderful kind of day ♪
01:04 ♪ Hey! ♪
01:05 >> Hey, D.W.!
01:09 Hey!
01:10 >> Whoa!
01:11 [glass shattering]
01:13 [upbeat music]
01:16 ♪ ♪
01:25 ♪ ♪
01:33 >> And they never found Doc.
01:48 Some say he's still out there,
01:52 hiding in the swamps, living off frogs and leeches,
01:56 his skin shriveled and yellow with an evil smile
01:59 plastered on his face, like this!
02:02 >> Ah!
02:03 >> [laughing]
02:05 >> Can we turn the lantern back on now?
02:08 >> Aw, come on!
02:10 It wasn't that scary.
02:12 >> Wait, you don't really have a cousin named Doc, do you?
02:16 >> Sure I do, but he lives in Miami, not a swamp.
02:20 He's a nutritionist.
02:22 >> Mm, what are you supposed to be again?
02:25 >> Candy Boy.
02:27 Candy Boy get angry when he no get candy.
02:30 Rawr!
02:32 But don't worry, Candy Boy is very happy this year.
02:36 He beat last Halloween's candy quota.
02:38 Oh, yeah!
02:41 Shh!
02:42 Did you hear something?
02:46 >> Uh-oh, maybe it was angry villagers, Frankenstein.
02:51 >> [laughing]
02:52 >> I'm not Frankenstein, I'm Frankentist.
02:56 >> That's a combination of Frankenstein and a dentist.
02:59 There it is again.
03:02 >> That's just the wind.
03:05 You sure are jumpy.
03:07 >> You didn't mix the sour gummy worms with the peanut clusters, did you?
03:11 That always makes me jumpy.
03:13 >> No.
03:14 >> So, what's up?
03:17 >> You wouldn't believe me if I told you.
03:20 >> Yes, I would.
03:21 >> Me too.
03:22 If it were me, I might not believe me.
03:25 But you, tell us.
03:27 >> It's this tree house.
03:29 It's haunted.
03:31 >> [laughing]
03:34 >> What?
03:35 >> No way.
03:36 >> Come on, this old thing.
03:37 >> I'm serious.
03:38 There's a ghost here.
03:41 She's angry.
03:43 And I think she's coming for us.
03:45 [music]
03:52 >> Arthur and the Haunted Tree House, part one.
03:56 [owl hooting]
04:00 [music]
04:04 >> Wait, back up.
04:05 What do you mean there's a ghost here?
04:08 >> Did you really see it?
04:10 >> Kind of.
04:11 >> What did it look like?
04:13 >> Man, you're so lucky.
04:15 I want to see a ghost.
04:16 >> No, you don't.
04:18 Anyway, I'm not sure I want to talk about it.
04:20 >> Oh, come on.
04:22 You can't just say you've seen a ghost and then not tell us about it.
04:26 >> [sigh]
04:29 Okay.
04:30 I guess it all started about a week ago.
04:34 I had just told Mom I wanted to have a Halloween sleepover in the tree house.
04:40 >> I don't know, Arthur.
04:41 I'm not sure it's safe to sleep up there.
04:43 What if someone rolls over and--
04:44 >> We're going to put a crate up there to block the opening.
04:47 >> Okay.
04:49 But how are you going to get your sleeping bags and stuff up there?
04:51 >> Already thought of that, too.
04:53 We hooked up a pulley.
04:54 It's really cool.
04:56 You can come out and see it later.
04:58 >> Did I hear someone say sleeping bags?
05:01 Are we going camping?
05:03 >> No, sweetie.
05:04 Arthur just wants to have a Halloween party at the tree house.
05:07 >> I want to come, too.
05:08 >> You can't, E.W.
05:10 I have something super scary for you.
05:12 Here, looking for the cereal?
05:14 >> Too scary?
05:17 Ha!
05:18 The only thing that scares me are octopodies.
05:21 And they're only at the beach.
05:23 So--
05:24 [screams]
05:25 >> [laughs]
05:26 I rest my case.
05:28 >> That was a dirty, rotten trick.
05:30 >> Arthur.
05:32 Sorry.
05:33 I was just trying to prepare her for Halloween.
05:38 >> Mom, please.
05:40 Can I have the sleepover?
05:42 >> Well, I have to check with your father, but I guess it's okay.
05:47 >> Yes!
05:48 I wasn't really scared by that cereal snake.
05:51 I was just acting.
05:53 >> You'll have a much better time at home anyway.
05:56 Your father and I are going out that night, but Grandma will be here.
05:59 Why don't you invite Bud over?
06:02 >> Okay.
06:05 >> I'm ten times braver than you.
06:08 >> Sure you are.
06:10 >> Ha!
06:11 Let's just see who's braver, Arthur Reed.
06:18 >> The next day after school, I went up to the attic to get some scary decorations for the treehouse.
06:40 That's the first time I saw it.
06:47 Ugh!
06:48 Where on earth did this come from?
06:53 Zelda.
06:56 I thought that maybe the doll had belonged to Mom or Dad, or maybe even Grandma Thora.
07:03 It's really old and spooky.
07:05 If it's okay, I'd love to use it for my sleepover.
07:11 Huh?
07:12 But it was just here a minute ago.
07:18 Maybe Pal ran off with it.
07:20 It'll turn up.
07:23 The next day after school, I took the decorations over to the treehouse.
07:31 >> Arthur.
07:34 Who's there?
07:41 Just the wind.
07:52 [Gasp]
07:57 It said, "This is my treehouse."
08:00 Right there, written in chalk.
08:04 I wiped it away.
08:06 >> Maybe it was just DW playing a trick on you.
08:09 >> She's not allowed to come up here alone.
08:12 And anyway, she can't write.
08:14 >> Well, neither can dolls.
08:16 >> Unless, of course, that doll isn't really a doll.
08:20 >> Oh, phony baloney.
08:22 You guys are jumping to conclusions.
08:24 >> Wait, it gets worse.
08:26 After I finished decorating, I didn't come back until earlier today.
08:33 I wanted to drop off some stuff before getting into costume and trick-or-treating.
08:39 I also thought someone might be playing a trick on me.
08:43 But I wasn't going to let it ruin my sleepover.
08:48 If you're trying to scare me, it's not going to work.
08:51 So you can just give up now.
09:03 >> Ah!
09:09 She was sitting right there.
09:13 >> No way.
09:15 >> Come on, you're making this up.
09:18 >> I'm not, I swear.
09:20 >> What did you do?
09:23 >> I dug a hole and buried her over by that rock.
09:30 >> But what if she comes back?
09:32 >> Guys, relax.
09:34 I'm sure there's a rational explanation.
09:37 >> That's true.
09:38 Maybe Zelda's an alien.
09:40 >> That's a rational explanation.
09:43 >> Well, whatever it is, I'm starting to think that this sleepover was a really bad idea.
09:49 >> Arthur!
09:54 >> Ah!
09:58 >> I knew this prom dress costume was scary.
10:04 >> It's just you.
10:06 >> Who were you expecting?
10:09 >> Muffy's not here yet?
10:11 >> Oh, man.
10:12 She's going to be so angry at me.
10:14 >> Why?
10:15 >> I was supposed to meet her at her place and then we were going to trick or treat at the fancy houses.
10:19 But I got stuck at this one apartment in our building.
10:22 It was actually kind of freaky.
10:25 >> Was there a doll there?
10:26 With a big head and one eye?
10:28 >> Huh?
10:29 No.
10:30 It was even scarier than that.
10:36 Every year the tenants in our building put up a list of apartments you can trick or treat at.
10:41 I know them all by heart.
10:43 There is Mrs. Parizo.
10:45 She always gives fruit.
10:49 Trick or treat!
10:53 >> There you go.
10:55 Prunes, sweetheart.
10:57 That's nature's candy.
10:59 >> Uh, thanks.
11:01 There's Mr. Bellamy.
11:05 He always does the old hand in a bowl of candy trick.
11:08 Trick or treat!
11:12 >> Oh, no!
11:13 It's a live hand in a bowl of candy!
11:19 And then Mr. Bellamy forgets that his hand is in the bowl.
11:22 >> Oh, you dropped some.
11:31 >> Then there are the Lancasters.
11:33 They always try to guess your costume and fail.
11:36 >> You're a fairy godmother.
11:38 >> A fancy lampshade.
11:40 >> Queen Isabella of Spain.
11:42 >> Oh, oh, the feudal system.
11:45 >> I'm a prom queen.
11:47 Thanks.
11:51 I only had one more apartment to hit.
11:54 Someone I'd never met before.
12:03 >> Yes?
12:04 >> Trick or treat!
12:06 >> Oh, is it Halloween already?
12:08 I completely forgot.
12:10 Come in, come in.
12:16 Excuse the mess.
12:17 I was just going through some old photos.
12:20 Sit, sit.
12:22 I have candy here somewhere.
12:33 >> What is that?
12:36 >> That, my dear, is a golem.
12:39 >> What's a golem?
12:41 >> A monster made from clay and then brought to life by a magic spell.
12:49 Oh, you don't believe me?
12:52 I took that picture myself.
12:54 But even without a photo, I would never forget the face of that hideous creature.
13:00 I'd tell you the story, but I shouldn't be frightening children like this.
13:09 I was a little girl just about your age.
13:13 We lived in a small town called Mindelplatz, not far from Prague.
13:21 There was a young man in the town who was a great violinist.
13:39 His music was so beautiful, it was said it could make dead plants grow.
13:50 Then one day, the violinist was in a terrible accident.
14:01 He was hit by a trolley car and all his fingers were broken.
14:08 They eventually healed, but he was no longer able to play the violin.
14:18 People rarely saw the violinist after that.
14:22 He stayed in his room reading ancient books about magic.
14:44 He grew bitter, angry at the world.
14:51 In one of his books, he learned how to make the golem.
15:12 And he brought him to life.
15:22 But the golem turned against him.
15:30 He couldn't control the creature.
15:39 No one could.
16:07 Wow! That's some story! How'd you escape?
16:13 Who's to say I did?
16:15 Huh?
16:17 Anyway, look what I found for you.
16:20 It's marzipan, a delicious almond paste.
16:25 Happy Halloween, my dear.
16:31 Right after I left the apartment, I noticed that somehow one of the woman's photographs had fallen into my Halloween bag.
16:38 So I went to return it.
16:43 But this time, a man answered the door.
16:46 Oh, hi. You must be Mr. Saperstein. Somehow this fell in my bag.
16:53 That's my little sister. She disappeared when we were children.
16:58 So that was her ghost?
17:06 I don't know. Maybe.
17:08 Why does everyone get to see a ghost except for me?
17:11 No offense, but I think her story was scarier than both of yours.
17:15 It's not a competition.
17:17 Can I borrow your phone?
17:19 I have to call Muffy. She'd already left by the time I got to her house.
17:25 I waited for 45 minutes!
17:28 I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I got held up at my building.
17:31 Well, where are you now?
17:33 The treehouse. Are you coming?
17:35 I'll be there in a little bit. I still have to hit the McNeil Mansion.
17:39 Well, hurry up. I can't wait to tell you what happened to me. You're never going to believe--
17:44 Hello? Francine? Are you there?
17:49 Oh, I'm out of juice. Bailey, can I borrow your phone?
17:54 Alas, I didn't bring mine, Miss Muffy. It didn't feel appropriate that the Mad Hatter would be carrying one.
18:02 Oh dear!
18:03 What happened?
18:05 We seem to have blown a tire.
18:11 Can you fix it?
18:12 Perhaps. Do you have any chewing gum?
18:15 Chewing gum? Me? Really, Bailey? You know me better than that.
18:21 I didn't think so. Then I'm afraid we're in a bit of a pickle.
18:26 Well, we have to do something. The McNeils give out chocolate truffles and pralines. It's the best house on my list.
18:34 Might I suggest walking, Miss Muffy?
18:38 Oh, I was afraid you were going to say that. These shoes are very pinchy.
18:44 Well, if we're going to walk, we might as well take the shortcut.
18:49 You mean through the cemetery?
18:55 Sure. Why not?
18:59 Don't tell me you're afraid.
19:02 Bailey Carson Belvedere the Third afraid? I think not.
19:08 Good. Then we'll be there in a jiffy.
19:15 When we get to the McNeils, we'll call a taxi.
19:29 Gads! What was that?
19:33 Probably another raccoon.
19:39 You know, it's fine if you're scared.
19:42 I am. Thank you for your concern, Miss Muffy. But as I said, I'm absolutely--
19:47 Gads! That looked like a flying badger.
19:54 It's just an owl, Bailey.
19:56 Well, owls are very dangerous. If you're a small rodent.
20:02 Perhaps I am a little edgy. But why aren't you, Miss Muffy?
20:07 Last Halloween, before Francine and I went trick-or-treating, we dared each other to run through the cemetery.
20:22 You sure you want to do this?
20:24 Crosswires never back down from a dare.
20:27 Well, neither do Franskies.
20:41 We were both terrified. But we made it all the way. And well, it was super exciting.
20:54 Let's do it again.
21:04 After that, we did it four more times. So now this place doesn't scare me anymore.
21:12 To tell you the truth, I actually miss being a little scared. It made Halloween more fun.
21:20 Oh no! This dress is going to get ruined! Now that's scary! Come on!
21:27 I can barely see where I'm going!
21:30 We best take shelter, Miss Muffy. Over here.
21:41 My sentiments exactly. This evening is ruined!
21:46 I beg your pardon, Miss Muffy, but I didn't say anything.
21:51 You didn't? Then who?
22:03 Do you think we should go to my house? Even if there aren't any ghosts, this roof can leak.
22:09 What? No, we have to stay. I mean, just for a little bit longer?
22:15 Until the rain lets up?
22:21 What's that?
22:25 I bet it's the golem!
22:30 Hey, sorry I'm late.
22:33 What a night.
22:35 What are you supposed to be? A couch?
22:38 I'm Puffy McPuffmeister. He's a professional wrestler. He pins people with his squishy body.
22:45 You win, Uncle!
22:48 Sheesh, have I had a strange night.
22:51 You two? We were just talking about all the spooky things that have happened tonight.
22:56 Nothing spooky happened to me. Except someone gave me some brussel sprouts. Want some? They're actually delicious.
23:06 Ewww!
23:08 Well, my story is the spookiest. It all started when I went over to toilet paper Mr. Ratburn's house.
23:15 You what? You're in so much trouble! Are you nuts?
23:18 Calm down. I didn't actually do it. In fact, I never even wanted to do it.
23:24 But the tough customers always do a prank on Halloween. It's a tradition.
23:33 And I drew the short straw.
23:36 Oh man!
23:40 I mean, yippee!
23:53 But when I got to his house, I knew I couldn't go through with it.
23:58 I was just about to turn around when...
24:06 Was that you?
24:10 Nevermore what?
24:15 If you say nevermore one more time, I'm gonna pluck your feathers.
24:27 If you solve the puzzles within, countless treasures you shall win.
24:32 But if you enter and you fail, eternal doom shall prevail.
24:38 So mortal, do you dare to enter Mr. Ratburn's terrible lair?
24:47 The doom part didn't sound so good, but I did like the idea of countless treasures. Eh, it's worth a shot.
24:58 Nevermore!
25:14 Uh, Mr. Ratburn? That clock is wrong. It's only 8.15.
25:21 The note said to turn the lantern on.
25:27 So that's what I did.
25:32 All of a sudden, I noticed this puppet in the corner. And it opened one eye.
25:40 Wait, did this puppet have a baby's head? Was it called Zelda?
25:44 Um, no, it was some old guy. And I didn't ask him his name, but that creepy eye...
25:52 It was really, really creepy.
25:56 And then, I heard this beating sound, like a heart.
26:01 It wouldn't stop, and it kept getting louder, until finally...
26:07 That's it! You can keep the treasure! I'm outta here!
26:13 It was the scariest room I've ever been in.
26:17 Except maybe for math class.
26:19 Wait a minute. That scene you just described, that's from the Telltale Heart.
26:25 The what?
26:26 You know, the short story by Edgar Allan Poe.
26:30 Pinky, we've been studying them in class for the past two weeks. Haven't you been paying attention?
26:36 Um, no comment.
26:38 I thought it might be fun to read one aloud tonight.
26:46 Hey, I bet the treasure was under a floorboard. That's where the thump-thump was coming from in the story.
26:52 You mean I was standing on top of candy all that time? Aw, man!
26:57 Well, look at it this way. At least nothing actually scary was going on.
27:02 Yeah, I guess you're right.
27:06 Ah! What is it?
27:08 I left my backpack with the toilet paper in it at Mr. Ratburn's house. Now he'll know what I was planning.
27:15 He could give me detention for life! I gotta get it back.
27:20 You know, this is a very weird Halloween.
27:23 I'll say. But you know something? I'm not afraid. Ghosts schmosts.
27:30 Neither am I. If we all stick together, we'll be just fine.
27:36 Let's get into our sleeping bags.
27:41 Did you giggle?
27:43 I didn't giggle.
27:45 You?
27:46 Uh-uh. It wasn't me.
27:49 Maybe it was a frog.
27:51 Do frogs giggle?
27:53 I don't know.
27:57 Okay, that wasn't a frog!
27:59 This treehouse is mine!
28:06 [Screaming]
28:20 [Laughing]
28:26 The looks on their faces!
28:41 And then we heard the voice!
28:43 It said, "This treehouse is mine."
28:47 It was clear as day!
28:49 Are you sure it wasn't just the wind? It was really howling a little while ago.
28:54 Uh-uh. It was Zelda. I know it was.
28:57 Poor Arthur. Afraid of a little doll.
29:03 Was it shaking its scary waddle?
29:08 D.W., this is serious. You would have been terrified out there.
29:12 Would not! Anyway, I guess we'll never know because you didn't invite me to your party.
29:19 You should be thanking me for not inviting you!
29:21 All right, all right. Settle down, you two.
29:25 Why don't I make us all some nice hot cocoa?
29:29 Can I use your bathroom? I got mud all over my prom dress.
29:32 I actually think it looks better now, but I borrowed it from Catherine.
29:36 Sure.
29:40 Hey, where's LaDonna?
29:43 I thought she was right behind you.
29:46 She was!
29:48 You don't think that's Zelda?
29:51 [Screaming]
29:55 Quick, quick! Close the door!
29:59 What happened?
30:01 I went back to get my backpack.
30:03 What? That's crazy!
30:05 But I had some of my favorite books with me. I wasn't about to let that doll get them.
30:10 Which she almost did.
30:14 No way!
30:17 When I went back to the tree house, I saw her sitting in the corner.
30:22 I snatched my bag and I ran towards your house.
30:25 Then I looked behind me and she was limping after me!
30:31 Wow, she's got one eye and a limp? Poor little doll!
30:38 Oh, you wouldn't be laughing if you'd seen her.
30:41 Anyway, that's when I tripped in the mud.
30:44 Could I borrow a sweatshirt or something?
30:47 Come on, I'll find you one of Mom's.
30:50 You don't want to wear one of Arthur's smelly old things.
30:57 [Thunder]
31:02 Was Arthur really, really scared?
31:05 Oh yeah, when he heard that voice he turned white as a powdered donut.
31:10 That's because I do such a good ghost impression.
31:14 This tree house is mine!
31:18 [Laughing]
31:25 I may only have one eye, but Zelda sees everything!
31:31 Shh, keep it down. Someone will hear you.
31:35 I think I've shown Arthur who the scaredy cat is now.
31:39 Thanks for the help.
31:41 Wait, I've saved the best part for last.
31:45 Arthur buried the doll after the last time he saw her, so I dug her up.
31:52 She looks even worse than before.
31:55 I know, pretty cool, huh?
31:57 Oh, I also brought back the other walkie-talkie.
31:59 What do you say we pull one last trick?
32:10 I just saw Zelda.
32:12 Where? In the house?
32:15 In your mom and dad's bedroom. With her friends.
32:18 She has friends? We're under attack!
32:21 Relax, her friends happen to be LaDonna, Bud and D.W.
32:25 They've been pranking us.
32:27 But that voice! How did--
32:30 I saw Bud with a walkie-talkie.
32:32 I bet they planted the other one in the tree house.
32:35 Wow, he sure does a good creepy baby ghost doll.
32:40 Of all the rotten tricks, I bet this was all D.W.'s idea.
32:45 I'll show her who's--
32:47 Wait, I've got a better plan.
32:49 Maybe it's time they got a taste of their own medicine.
33:01 Oh, it's just a cat.
33:03 It seems to have a collar. It's probably lost.
33:07 Perhaps there's an address on its tag.
33:09 Careful, Bailey! It looks very afraid.
33:13 Oh, not to worry, Miss Muffy. I'm very good with cats.
33:17 Sometimes I think they believe I'm one of them.
33:21 Here, little kitty. Don't be afraid.
33:27 Oh, dear! No! Not the trousers!
33:33 I think that one believed you were its scratching post.
33:37 Indeed.
33:40 This really hasn't been my night.
33:44 Oh, poor Bailey.
33:46 Here, have some of my candy.
33:54 I'm sure the rain will let up soon.
33:59 Miss Muffy, watch out! That crazed panther is advancing!
34:03 Shoo! Stop! You're a mean butler-scratcher!
34:08 Oh, stop it! You're getting hair all over my costume!
34:17 I give up. I guess I'll just be Alice after she met the Cheshire Cat.
34:27 My name is Inky Kruger. I live at 1428 Elm Street.
34:32 That's not far from here.
34:34 But it's in the opposite direction of the McNeil House.
34:38 Look! It stopped raining. Maybe she'll just find her own way home.
34:45 Miss Muffy, do you really want to just leave her here?
34:53 Fine. We'll drop her off. But let's hurry.
34:57 The McNeils turn off the chocolate fountain promptly at nine.
35:00 Can I have your hat?
35:03 In!
35:20 Are these decorations? Or is this house always like this?
35:25 Nevermore!
35:28 Let's get out of here. This place is weird.
35:32 Hey! Come back! Of course they're just decorations!
35:36 I don't actually live like this.
35:44 Eight fifteen and I've only had one trick-or-treater.
35:50 Maybe I did go a bit too far this year.
35:58 Oh dear! I'm caught!
36:25 Okay. It's all set.
36:28 Did you put the doll someplace he'll see it?
36:31 It's right on top of his bed and I left the door open. He can't miss it.
36:36 Wait for my signal and then start moaning.
36:39 What kind of a moan should I do?
36:41 The "I got a stomachache" moan? Or the "I can't find my hat" moan?
36:46 I don't know. Just do something spooky.
36:53 What are we watching?
36:55 The Curse of the Moomy. It's what those video games are based on.
37:00 Arthur, I'm chilly. Would you get me my blankie from upstairs? I left it in your room.
37:07 No!
37:09 Pretty pretty please with sugar on top?
37:11 There's one right here.
37:29 What did I miss?
37:30 The Moomy's about to scare that archaeologist.
37:33 This one is too edgy.
37:36 Look, I'll give you some of my Halloween candy if you just get me my blanket from upstairs.
37:43 How much candy? I'll do it.
37:45 No, it has to be Arthur.
37:48 After all, you're a guest.
37:52 Okay, but I want twelve pieces and I get to choose which ones.
37:58 Fine.
38:02 Ah-choo!
38:05 Oh, excuse me, I think I'm allergic to black and white movies.
38:16 Aaaaaah!
38:18 Aaaaaah!
38:27 Shouldn't we have heard a scream by now?
38:36 Here you go.
38:40 Was everything alright up there?
38:43 Uh-huh.
38:44 Are you sure?
38:46 Uh-huh.
38:49 Mmm, these chocolate clusters you got are delicious.
38:53 Here, Francine, Buster, have some.
38:57 Excuse me!
39:02 I need a tissue. Be right back.
39:11 Are you three up to something I should know about?
39:15 Us? Uh-oh.
39:24 The gate appears to be locked.
39:26 Locked?
39:27 They must have closed the cemetery while we were waiting out the rain.
39:31 What do we do?
39:35 It's not terribly high. I'll just lift you over.
39:55 Do you need any help?
39:57 No, no. In the butler academy I attended, we were trained for all sorts of...
40:04 ...eventualities.
40:07 Oh no! Your shoe!
40:13 Your jacket!
40:14 Although, I suppose it's impossible to prepare for a night like this.
40:28 Shall we forge on, Miss Muffy?
40:31 I'll pick my shoe up in the morning, if it hasn't been devoured by wild dogs.
41:00 Now that's a great zombie costume!
41:06 And what are you, a magician?
41:09 Um, kind of.
41:17 Inky!
41:30 I could have sworn I left it there.
41:33 You didn't see a backpack around here, did you?
41:36 Nevermore!
41:38 That's not very helpful.
41:41 Mr. Ratburn must have found it already. I'm doomed!
41:47 I wonder what the punishment is for planting the toilet paper at teacher's house.
41:55 All right, now who can solve this problem?
41:59 Binky?
42:03 No.
42:06 Is incorrect.
42:08 You get another F for class participation.
42:17 Aw, this is the worst Halloween ever.
42:25 Solve the puzzles in Ratburn's lair, and perhaps your punishment he will spare.
42:31 Anyway, you don't know Mr. Ratburn. I'm doomed!
42:40 Know him well, I think I do. Do what I say, and he will be merciful to you.
42:46 I'm not so sure.
42:48 Oh, just come inside already.
42:59 I'm telling you, I put her right there facing the door so he couldn't miss her.
43:09 See? The other walkie-talkie is still there.
43:12 Do you think Arthur knows we're up to something?
43:15 Maybe it was my moan. I should have done my "I don't want a bath" moan.
43:20 That one's the scariest.
43:23 Wait a second. What's that?
43:30 They look like little baby footprints.
43:35 Could they be Kate's?
43:37 Kate is downstairs with Grandma.
43:40 Hey guys!
43:41 Ah!
43:42 What's going on? You're missing the movie.
43:45 Just looking for tissues.
43:47 Thought I left my hat here.
43:49 Where did I put my candy?
44:00 I'll be right down. Just going to the bathroom.
44:11 That Mrs. Kruger is so nice. She just lent me a charger for my phone.
44:26 And this is the most delightful punch I've ever had.
44:30 Ooh, chocolate-covered strawberries. The goodies here are even better than the McNeels.
44:36 I never want to leave.
44:39 Luffy!
44:43 Hi Mr. and Mrs. Reed. What a great party!
44:47 I know, but what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at Arthur's sleepover in the treehouse?
44:52 It's a long story, but I'm heading over there right after this.
44:56 We'll give you a lift. We should be leaving soon anyway.
45:01 I love your costume, Mrs.
45:04 Saperstein. Ethel Saperstein. And I love yours.
45:09 You can't go wrong with Alice in Wonderland.
45:12 What's he dressed as?
45:14 My husband? He's a golem.
45:17 What's that?
45:20 Have a seat. I'll tell you a little story.
45:24 I was a little girl, just about your age.
45:28 We lived in a small town called Mindleplatz, not far from Prague.
45:39 I know, I know. Turn the lantern on.
45:51 Now what did Buster say? Oh yeah, under the floorboards.
46:00 Congratulations! You have solved the first puzzle.
46:04 A book? I was kind of hoping for some candy.
46:08 It's the collected works of Edgar Allan Poe, the annotated version. A treat for the mind.
46:16 I prefer treats for the belly.
46:18 But this treat also contains clues for solving the other puzzles.
46:23 Proceed to the next room.
46:36 Well, nothing in here but a brick wall.
46:46 Yikes! Mr. Ratburn has a really bad mouse problem.
46:51 Alas, I am trapped in this wine cellar forever, just like poor Fortunato.
46:57 In which classic Edgar Allan Poe story?
47:00 Oh, uh, The Gold Bug.
47:03 No.
47:05 Eleonora?
47:06 No.
47:07 The Pit and the Pendulum?
47:10 No! And it's pronounced Pendulum. Have you read any of the stories I've assigned?
47:15 Wait, is that you, Mr. Ratburn?
47:19 That toilet paper wasn't mine! Okay, it was mine, but I wasn't going to toilet paper your house!
47:24 Okay, I was going to toilet paper your house, but I couldn't go through with it!
47:28 Please, go give me detention for life!
47:34 I didn't do that either.
47:37 The Cask of Amontillado.
47:39 Huh?
47:40 That's the name of the story on which this room is based.
47:43 Had you answered correctly, you would have won a licorice skeleton.
47:48 Too bad. That looks really good.
47:52 Oh, you can have some anyway. I bought tons of candy and you were my only trick-or-treater.
47:57 Thanks!
48:01 Wow, kids don't know what they've missed. This place is really cool.
48:06 You really think so?
48:07 Yeah, in fact, it kind of makes me want to read all these stories.
48:12 Oh, I almost forgot.
48:17 I really wasn't going to do it. I swear.
48:23 I believe you, Binky. But if you must do a prank, try to find something a little safer for the environment.
48:31 Now, let me show you the rest of the house. I'm particularly proud of my Fall of the House of Usher room.
48:38 That wasn't very scary.
48:45 Yeah, the only scary part was when the big spider ate the guy's hat.
48:50 Huh? I don't remember that.
48:52 Oh, wait. I think I dreamed that part.
48:56 I think someone might be ready for bed.
49:02 Yeah, I should take you home, bud.
49:05 You can return the sweatshirt tomorrow. Sorry things didn't work out at the treehouse.
49:10 Huh? Oh, right. I'm just glad that spooky doll didn't show up again.
49:15 Me too.
49:17 Well, get home safe.
49:19 Don't forget your backpack.
49:29 Okay, all clear.
49:34 And you promised you didn't see any little muddy footprints in my room, right?
49:38 No, dear. Why?
49:40 No reason.
49:47 Good night, Grandma.
49:49 Good night, D.W.
49:56 What about Zelda? Where'd she go? Mom will be upset if she finds out she's missing.
50:02 We'll come back and look for her tomorrow.
50:04 I still don't understand how--
50:08 What's so funny? I didn't laugh.
50:11 I know what you did.
50:14 It's her! It's Zelda! She's come to life!
50:17 It was all D.W.'s idea, Zelda!
50:19 Calm down. I think I know what's going on.
50:26 You can't find me. I'm everywhere.
50:31 I'm stuck!
50:46 D.W.
50:50 Who's there?
50:52 Come play with me, D.W.
50:55 Me? Who's me?
50:58 I don't want to play with Arthur. I want to play with you.
51:07 I missed you, D.W.
51:10 Aaaaaah!
51:13 Yes!
51:17 Mommy! Mommy! Arthur put a creepy doll in my bed and scared me really bad!
51:22 It was the one who started it! She ruined my whole sleepover!
51:29 Hey guys! Why weren't you at the treehouse? I just came from there.
51:33 LaDonna, Bud and D.W. pranked us and made us think the treehouse was haunted.
51:37 We just pranked them back!
51:42 How was your Halloween?
51:43 Well, I never got to the McNeils, but I did wind up at this other house where they were having a party and had great treats.
51:51 Here, I took some pictures.
51:53 There's Bailey. He started dancing and wouldn't stop. I've never seen him have so much fun.
52:00 Those are some kooky guests I met.
52:03 There are the Rees.
52:04 Wait, wait, go back. That's the woman I was telling you about.
52:09 You mean the one who...
52:11 Oh, you know the Sapersteins? They're a hoot.
52:14 She told me they play this great trick on kids every Halloween.
52:18 Trick? What trick?
52:20 She tells this story about some monster called a Golem.
52:23 And then they pretend she's a little sister who vanished. It's really elaborate.
52:28 It sure is. Who would ever fall for that?
52:32 Hey guys, Mom and Dad said I have to cut the Halloween sleepover short.
52:37 I kind of scared D.W. a little too much.
52:40 So, truth?
52:47 Truth.
52:49 Alright. Good night, you two.
52:52 What is it, D.W.?
53:03 I'm still scared.
53:18 That was a pretty complicated trick you played on me.
53:21 I'm still trying to figure out how you did all that.
53:24 It wasn't so hard.
53:26 After you scared me with that fake snake in the cereal box, I called Bud.
53:30 A fake snake in a cereal box? Of all the rotten tricks!
53:35 Sure, I'll help you get him back.
53:38 We paid LaDonna 13 cents, an old candy cane, and some monster stickers to help us.
53:44 But I think she really did it for kicks.
53:48 She was the one who had the idea to scare you with that beat up old doll.
53:53 I knew you would want to decorate the tree house for your party, so we put Zelda near the Halloween stuff.
54:00 That was the whole plan, just to scare you in the attic.
54:06 But when I saw that you had taken Zelda with you, I decided we should keep going.
54:12 [music]
54:14 We put one walkie talkie on the tree house, and Bud had the other one.
54:26 Arthur...
54:38 Who's there?
54:41 [music]
54:43 Just the wind.
54:47 And then LaDonna wrote on the wall of the tree house in chalk.
54:57 And then she put the doll...
54:59 Okay, okay, I know the rest.
55:02 Well, this is one Halloween I'm sure going to remember.
55:06 Me too.
55:08 I would never let anything really scary happen to you.
55:12 I'd protect you. You know that, right?
55:15 Yeah, and I'd protect you too.
55:19 [laughing]
55:26 D.W.!
55:27 It wasn't me, I swear!
55:29 [laughing]
55:31 [gasp]
55:32 [laughing]
55:34 [screaming]
55:36 [laughing]
55:38 To watch more Arthur and play games with all the Elwit City friends, visit
55:53 You can find Arthur books and lots of other books too at your local library.
55:58 [music]
56:00 [music]
56:02 [music]
56:31 Like you, PBS Kids believes that all children have the potential and deserve the opportunity to succeed in school and in life.
56:39 (upbeat music)
