• last year
ACORN Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: In his final endeavor, a dying filmmaker embarks on a journey to create his last masterpiece, only to find his world entangled with a sinister man-eating tree. What unfolds is a story of ambition, art, and the supernatural, masterfully scored by the talented Tyler Matthews.
00:00 So what do you do in the small slot I write and direct movies
00:03 Six months they told me I know you came in with a pitch
00:08 Do I get to hear it you're gonna how to weigh your last chance to make a movie a
00:14 fantasy Western
00:17 Strong female lead. I'm looking for something
00:20 Tell me girl. This is the town that guards the devil tree
00:25 I
00:27'm tired of asking tree
00:35 You
00:37 (gentle music)
00:39 (upbeat music)