Killing Procedures Ep 6 Eng Sub

  • 8 months ago
Hongkong drama
00:10Weren't you looking after her?
00:12You're teaching people to be heroes. How did she die?
00:16Are you blaming me now?
00:19Where were you when she was in trouble?
00:21Weren't you the one who abandoned her?
00:22You didn't do a good job at first, so I had to clean up your mess.
00:26Aren't you even going to thank me?
00:27Thank you? Why would I?
00:31I'm sorry, J.
00:33I saw her get killed.
00:34Shut up.
00:35I saw her get tied up...
00:37and slowly burn to death.
00:38Shut up! I told you to shut up!
00:40I told you to shut up!
00:42- She's so pitiful. - Stop talking.
00:44She wouldn't have died if it weren't for you.
00:45- You're the one... - Stop talking!
00:47I don't want to hear you...
00:56(Killing Procedures)
01:24Hello, 0810.
01:25This is your personal liaison, 9331.
01:27I'd like to remind you...
01:29that you have a meeting scheduled at 2:30pm.
01:31Please be on time...
01:48How much do you know...
01:51about table tennis?
01:53I've played it.
01:59Define "played it".
02:05I played it often for some time.
02:10Did you play on the school team?
02:16Did you play in an interschool competition?
02:17District tournament?
02:19Or have you ever been on the national team?
02:21Or did you do volunteer work at a nursing home...
02:25and play ball dribbling with the seniors before coming here?
02:29Then all your teammates died.
02:31So you quit. Is that what you meant by "played it"?
02:38When I ask you a question,
02:40you have to give me answers to my questions.
02:44"I've played it"...
02:47is not enough.
02:54I played it more often when I was in elementary school.
02:57I wasn't the best, but I wasn't the worst either.
02:59After I entered high school, I practiced track and field.
03:02I haven't played it since then.
03:04I never played in any serious matches.
03:09But now, I think I still know how to hold a racket.
03:15Today is the company's 15th anniversary.
03:17In the past, when there weren't many people in the company,
03:19we'd have a company trip every year or two.
03:22I mentioned it to Raymond a while ago.
03:24I said I wanted to hold a sports day this year.
03:32I want you to play table tennis.
03:37The reason we hold the doubles event on Sports Day...
03:40is because I want the employees...
03:42to have more opportunities to communicate.
03:44So as for your partner,
03:46it will be decided randomly by the computer.
03:50And your partner will be a senior employee.
03:54He's also an old friend of mine.
03:56His name is Green.
04:01What do you want me to do?
04:03Why don't you make it clear?
04:10This is a company secret.
04:13I can't tell you too much.
04:15I can only say that it's serious.
04:19In recent years,
04:21things that shouldn't have happened...
04:24have been happening in the company.
04:26And we've noticed that the frequency is increasing.
04:31There's a mole in the company.
04:35So in the past few months,
04:37the IT department has been using a lot of resources...
04:39to investigate all suspicious colleagues in the company.
04:42They have investigated you.
04:45And your friend at the part-time job.
04:49But they couldn't find the mole.
04:51So you think your friend is the mole?
04:57For a while,
04:59my friend had a lot of issues with the company.
05:02I don't know why, but he stopped asking questions.
05:05But I know he's not that forgetful.
05:10As a meticulous...
05:12and outstanding old-school hitman,
05:15not finding anything on his phone or computer...
05:19doesn't mean that he's innocent.
05:24A very meticulous and outstanding veteran hitman.
05:31Sir, you know you fired me, right?
05:34Why do you think I would risk my life...
05:36to play table tennis for you?
05:38Then do you think...
05:50Shouldn't she be fine?
05:53Jing taught her to charge forward.
05:56Agile Hitman, you taught her to run.
05:59She has learned so much,
06:01but still, she got killed.
06:04Isn't that strange?
06:07So you think what happened to Chloe...
06:09is related to Green?
06:12It's related to that mole.
06:16Whether that mole is Green or not,
06:19it's up to you to find out.
06:23I want to know who he meets,
06:24what he's hiding, and what he's conspiring.
06:29It seems like you really want your friend to be the mole.
06:33I really hope you believe me.
06:36I really don't want him to be the mole.
06:40But from the company's standpoint, I have no choice but to do so.
06:44We need to resolve this as soon as possible.
06:50Why me?
06:52Why not Jing?
06:57I think you'll get along better with Green.
07:01You two are so opinionated.
07:05Besides, I've already fired you.
07:09Do a good job on this.
07:11Keep Raymond quiet for me.
07:14Then I'll hire you back.
07:16But even if you use Sports Day as a smoke screen,
07:21do you think he'll fall into the trap so easily?
07:32Didn't you fall into the trap too?
07:47Everyone has their own obsession.
07:49You're obsessed with that intern.
07:52He's obsessed with table tennis.
07:56Although that's not his only obsession,
08:00I want to tell you this.
08:03He's indeed a very...
08:08obsessive person.
08:13(Japanese Gravure Model)
08:24Good morning.
08:26Are you Green?
08:28I'm J.
08:42Let me see your racket.
08:49This racket is a bit old.
08:53Let's see your serve.
09:11Why are you so nervous? It's just a game.
09:14Put the bag down first.
09:22Let's see your serve again.
09:24You should serve faster.
09:27- Do you know how to spin? - Underspin.
09:30Why are you telling me what kind of spin?
09:36Why did you hold it straight?
09:37I've always held it straight since I was a kid.
09:41There are world champions who hold their rackets straight.
09:43Are you a world champion? Let's play a few rounds.
10:23This is a round table.
10:27You're not very observant.
10:29You're playing doubles with me.
10:32Remember three things.
10:33First, serve diagonally.
10:36Second, don't hit the ball out of bounds or into the net.
10:39Third, don't get in my way when I catch the ball.
10:41That's it.
10:43"That's it."
10:45What does that mean?
10:46If you think I'm really bad,
10:47you can teach me, King of Table Tennis.
10:49This is not a table tennis class.
10:51Forget it then.
10:52I'm leaving. It's no fun.
10:55There are no shortcuts to playing table tennis.
10:56Even if I'm willing to teach you, you still need time to learn.
11:03Why are you so lucky not to get any assignments?
11:06I offended my boss, so this is my last month.
11:09I just didn't expect to be mocked for playing table tennis.
11:14Do you have a family, girlfriend, wife, or children?
11:17Do I need a background check to play table tennis?
11:22I lost all my relatives when I joined the industry.
11:25Did you do any sports?
11:27Track and field.
11:29Pick up the ball.
11:31I can't do as well as you when it comes to spinning.
11:33But I've trained a lot...
11:35in coordination and reflexes.
11:38I'll give you two minutes.
11:58So this is my doubles partner?
12:01Sports require muscle memory. Let's start.
12:08Wait a minute.
12:10What's its name?
12:12I still need to practice with it for a while.
12:13I want to know its name.
12:17What do you hate the most?
12:23"Company" serves.
12:39It doesn't make sense!
12:41How is this considered practice?
12:43How can I have so many balls when I'm playing against people?
12:46I want people, not machines.
12:49I'll play.
12:56There's no order. It's just like the company.
13:03I got it.
13:54Your partner?
14:06You can tell me if I can't ask!
14:15Move over.
14:16You're so troublesome.
14:35How long do you have to work?
14:39A month.
14:42What are you going to do next? Are you going to work on your own?
14:47The middleman has emigrated.
14:50I'll just take a break.
14:54Or I can work at a dessert shop.
15:01What's wrong?
15:03You don't have to be highly educated to deliver food, right?
15:05They'd hire me, right?
15:08You don't make a sound when you walk.
15:09Don't scare the customers.
15:12Go ahead and scare yourself, Mr. Lock.
15:17Did the higher-ups force you to work this month?
15:24No, they think I'm useless.
15:28I thought they'd work you to the bones.
15:34But I was picked to play ball with someone.
15:38Darn it.
15:40Don't we sign up for Sports Day voluntarily?
15:45It was arranged by HR.
15:47He's probably worried that no one would sign up and it would look bad.
15:52You? Do you want to join?
15:56I didn't get picked.
16:00What do you play then?
16:03Table tennis doubles.
16:05I just happened to be paired with a senior employee called Green.
16:10Yes, he's not easy to get along with.
16:14He won't be nice to you.
16:16He's very strict.
16:20What's wrong? Do you know each other?
16:24Good that I don't.
16:26That guy is notoriously crazy.
16:29He's a privileged person.
16:31The company can't fire him...
16:32because he's the manager's buddy.
16:34He used to be in the Internal Affairs Department.
16:36Then he transferred to the Operations Team.
16:38But no one dares to assign him jobs.
16:41Because he killed someone.
16:44Who hasn't killed before?
16:47His own colleague.
16:52The mission record is at the bottom of the warehouse.
16:54I saw it with my own eyes.
16:56He killed his colleague. It's written in black and white.
17:04Darn it.
17:06Why is the company so mean? They're using me again.
17:09That's a separate matter.
17:11It's because the employee Sports Day is troublesome.
17:14But it's your own bad luck to get paired up with Green.
17:20Be careful.
17:22Avoid being in the same room alone with him.
17:28Just don't risk your life...
17:30over a lousy medal.
17:33Do you know this company...
17:50I know you don't want to talk about it.
17:52But have you talked to Jing about Chloe?
17:56He didn't talk to me.
17:58Jing applied for a long leave.
18:00It's the first time he's done so after years in the industry.
18:03I don't think he took it too well.
18:05- Do you support him? - Of course not.
18:08I don't know what happened that day.
18:11All I know is...
18:13you should ask him out and talk to him face-to-face.
18:15It's better for you.
18:17Don't you have any questions?
18:25Unless you're satisfied with the story.
18:30What story?
18:33The one you imagined.
18:44What have you been up to?
18:47What do you mean?
18:49You applied for leave.
18:54Have you seen the new season of "Parrotman"?
19:00Didn't they say the latest season is not good?
19:02Well, that's a matter of opinion.
19:05It also depends on whether you've read the book or not.
19:07It's hard to understand if you don't know the context.
19:10But I'm sure it's not terrible.
19:14What about you? I heard you resigned.
19:17I was "made to resign".
19:20Now, before I leave,
19:21I'm suddenly arranged to play table tennis doubles...
19:25on the same team with a weirdo.
19:27I play table tennis too.
19:29I'm also on the same team as a weirdo.
19:33The manager.
19:37Random pairing. Random, my foot.
19:40Maybe I'll play against you that day.
19:42Give me a break.
19:56There are things...
19:57I shouldn't tell you at work and in private.
19:59I don't want to remind you.
20:02I want you to keep feeling guilty.
20:04Because you're too self-centered.
20:07But I can't do it.
20:09Or maybe you're innocent in all of this.
20:12But do you still feel guilty?
20:13I'm not sure.
20:17In the past few years,
20:18lots of strange accidents have occurred in the Operations Team.
20:21The higher-ups are keeping it a secret.
20:23They think it's an inside job.
20:26Do you think Chloe's death is...
20:30Actually, I knew you would come to me.
20:34I really knew.
20:36Mole or no mole,
20:38her death is related to me.
20:43She told me herself.
20:45She wanted to do things on her own.
20:48She didn't want me to take her on the mission like a child.
20:52So you agreed to it?
20:54I thought if I gave her a simple mission,
20:56it would be fine.
20:59I lied to her too.
21:00I said I didn't follow her, but...
21:02Actually, I was on standby near the location.
21:07I really was.
21:09What happened in the end?
21:11What happened in the end?
21:13- Did she make a mistake? - She didn't.
21:17She completed the mission alone.
21:20But her escape route was blocked.
21:24I got there too late.
21:26She did it alone?
21:30She really did it alone.
21:35She did have some talent.
21:39She learned something from you too.
21:44But there was one thing I found strange.
21:47I did go with her to inspect the area a few days ago.
21:49But the route was blocked on the day of the mission.
21:52It's as if someone knew we were going on a mission that day.
21:55So you think there's a mole too?
21:57And there's something the higher-ups didn't tell us.
22:00In the past few years,
22:01the death rate of the Operations Team has increased.
22:04The company has to keep recruiting.
22:05It affects sales too.
22:07If you say no one is behind this,
22:10I don't believe you.
22:14But no matter what,
22:19her death was still my responsibility.
22:22It's a stupid mistake.
22:35Parrotman doesn't always succeed.
22:38Does he have to apply for leave even though he killed the big boss?
22:44You watched it.
22:52There's one thing I won't tell anyone.
22:57Don't watch Season Six.
22:59It's terrible.
23:00It's too late.
23:02I've already watched it.
23:22What's wrong with you?
23:23Combat attire.
23:26Why did you copy me?
23:28You're a professional. Copying you is a professional style.
23:31You didn't dress like this that day, did you?
23:55Bullet hole.
23:57Did you see that?
23:59My first shot almost hit his head.
24:04Who shoots at the head? You shoot in the body.
24:06Much bigger range.
24:08Jing said to shoot at the head.
24:09It is to break the mark of this person's existence.
24:13If he deserves to die, shoot him in the head.
24:16That way, what we're doing is meaningful.
24:19Okay, so does he deserve to die?
24:23Jing didn't say anything about this.
24:26And I didn't investigate.
24:28You're taught to be flexible, not endorse his every word.
24:33But shooting him in the head is more professional. It's better.
24:37Actually, this mission is much harder...
24:39than what you usually do.
24:41Can you compliment me?
24:45Good job!
24:48And then?
24:50Then it gets good.
24:53Then he drew his gun and I shot him in the body.
24:56After he fell, he wanted to shoot me again.
24:59But he missed it.
25:01I saw that he deserved to die.
25:02So I walked over and shot him a few more times.
25:06That sounds good.
25:09But what gun did he use?
25:12"Bang". What kind of gun is that?
25:15"Bang". What kind of gun is that?
25:16That's right. You're asking stupid questions.
25:18You won't get a share either.
25:21But I know we'd be in trouble if we shot each other like this.
25:24A bunch of people would surely charge at us.
25:27Then we won't be able to go to both escape routes.
25:28I'd already retreated immediately. I didn't even punch in.
25:31"What? You didn't punch in?"
25:34"You'll get in the way of other departments' work."
25:37- "You made it hard for me." - Eat dirt, Raymond.
25:39He's a good person.
25:41But he deserves to eat dirt.
25:56There's so much blood. Whose is it?
25:59Haven't you seen menstrual bleeding before?
26:02It's mine.
26:03Can't I bleed when I'm shot?
26:06I wanted to leave through this door.
26:08It opened when I inspected the surroundings.
26:10This door leads to the mountain.
26:11No one can catch me if I get out of here.
26:14But I don't know why I couldn't open it on the day of the mission.
26:22I died just like that.
26:26Did I make the wrong choice?
26:43You lack experience.
26:46But if this back door is really like you said,
26:50this is the only way out.
26:55Thank goodness.
26:57Otherwise, I'd think I died from my stupidity.
27:03I didn't expect that the useless homebody...
27:04would become successful one day.
27:17That's it. I'm leaving.
27:31K-pop is the best music in the world.
28:07What's going on?
29:05Jing, although I'm not sure...
29:06about the conspiracy you and the manager mentioned,
29:08I think...
29:09I want to know the truth...
29:11just as much as you do.
29:12What I'm about to do can't be 100 percent risk-free,
29:14but it has to be 100 percent confidential.
29:16Because I don't know how many people are involved.
29:18But I could really use some help.
29:20And right now, you're the only person I can trust.
29:24Think about it and get back to me.
29:25(Killing Procedures)
29:28(Killing Procedures)
29:30You said it before.
29:31The hardest ball to catch is from a topspin.
29:34And also a no-spin.
29:37How do I know if my opponent is spinning or not?
29:40The racket gets stuck when it touches the ball.
29:43Obviously, the ball will get stronger.
29:47A lot of experts have their habitual gestures.
29:50It happens so quickly that it's up to how observant you are.
29:55I've never asked you this,
29:57but why do you love table tennis so much?
30:01Table tennis is a very violent sport.
30:07So it's fun?
30:11It's fun.
30:18I'll clear the table first.
30:29Aren't you unhappy with the company?
30:32Why did you join these boring sports?
30:36Because it's fun.
30:41It's annoying after all.
30:45They say people are the priority, but it's all about procedures.
30:49They put the cart before the horse.
30:51Sometimes, I think they're not working at all.
30:55But maybe I've been the King of Complaining for too long.
30:59I've offended too many people and I can't make friends.
31:02So subconsciously, I might want to meet other people...
31:06so they can listen to me whine.
31:12No one knows how bad it is here.
31:19By the way, I forgot who told me.
31:22You used to be the King of Complaining too.
31:25The company is so unhappy with you, but why are you doing okay?
31:28"King of Complaining"?
31:30Who said that? Paul?
31:33I forgot.
31:36What can they do to me?
31:38No matter how unhappy we are, we can't change each other.
31:43That's it?
31:46So you've never thought of doing something...
31:52to vent your anger?
31:56I just learned...
31:57not to work hard for reasonable expectations.
32:00Don't trust anyone.
32:03Because in the end,
32:04you'll realize that you're just a dog.
32:07Nothing makes sense.
32:13Hurry up. I'm almost done.
32:14What? Aren't you going to practice?
32:17I don't have time this afternoon. I did tell you.
32:21There's no time to practice if I don't train now.
32:42I'll be back soon. Just stay put.
32:51(Old Guy is off to get cakes. Watch out.)
34:13- Hello. - Do you have a booking, sir?
34:15- Yes. Schnieder. - Schnieder.
34:20And this is your room card.
34:22- All right. Thank you. - Thank you.
34:49(Taking big steps in the nature)
35:35Mounted Police Headquarters. I'm going to use your room.
35:36I don't agree.
35:39Who the heck are you, man?
35:43Okay, I agree now.
35:57Hello, mother.
36:00Yeah, I'm good. No, don't worry.
36:03There's a little work. My boss wants me to do it.
36:06It's okay. Yes, fine. Don't worry. It's alright.
36:19Substance E.
36:21Sub what?
36:22The Pakistani guy made a lot of unnecessary calls.
36:26But there's one call.
36:27The only call that sounded off.
36:29He mentioned a client...
36:31who needed to get rid of the target completely.
36:33So he'd need to use Substance E.
36:38He hung up after a few words.
36:40But I guess it was Green.
36:43And I looked into Substance E.
36:45It's a powerful industrial explosive newly launched overseas.
36:47Actually, it's banned in many countries too.
36:50What are they up to?
36:53I've investigated that Pakistani guy.
36:56He's just a proxy.
36:58The organization behind him...
37:00is influential in several countries.
37:01Both the police and the triads.
37:04But not us.
37:07I think Green is trying to establish a new power.
37:10He sold information to get rid of the company's hitmen...
37:15and weaken the company.
37:17I think there's something more to it.
37:18I don't think it's that simple.
37:21There might be more than one mole in our company.
37:25So until we find the evidence,
37:27we mustn't alert the enemies.
37:29Green is keeping everything well hidden.
37:32I'll try to get closer.
37:35Let's meet when I have an update.
37:37Don't talk over the phone.
37:39Green is guarding against you.
37:41If he wasn't sure you'd stay in the practice room,
37:44he wouldn't have taken such a conspicuous route...
37:45to meet the Pakistani guy.
37:46I'm not sure if he knows why you approached him.
37:49But be careful.
37:52You might be in more danger than you think.
37:56I know. Do you think I'm still a kid?
38:00You should be careful too.
38:28Hey, you in there.
38:29This is the Ministry of Labor.
38:31I highly suspect that someone is exploiting computer technicians.
38:53How can you be sure I'll be home?
38:55Where else would you go?
38:56I can go anywhere.
38:59Do you remember the last time you asked me if I was hiring?
39:02Did I?
39:03Actually, you didn't ask, but you sounded me out.
39:07Am I that bad at it?
39:09Anyway, remember Jennifer,
39:11the cashier?
39:17Are you going to make me stand here the whole time?
39:22It's a bit messy in here.
39:25Is someone visiting?
39:26- No, come in. - Can I?
39:39I've never seen a man's house so tidy.
39:45Take a look.
39:46When did you eat?
39:48- Around 7am. - Good.
39:55You'll be my guinea pig.
39:57This is chocolate cornflakes and cinnamon waffles.
40:01- Yes. - I'll come up with a name later.
40:03Put it here.
40:06Like I said, Jennifer is emigrating.
40:09So I'm recruiting.
40:10But I haven't started recruiting yet.
40:12It depends on you.
40:14Did your company ask you to stay?
40:19I don't think so.
40:23The boss keeps changing his mind.
40:26What about you? What do you think?
40:31- Shoot. - You...
40:33I'll get a new spoon.
40:34Or we won't be able to eat it until tomorrow morning.
40:38My gosh.
41:06I don't know how to play table tennis.
41:09I'm not athletic.
41:32That's not the point.
41:34Jennifer is emigrating.
41:37As the owner, I need to hire someone.
41:51I can't do it.
41:56I heard you talking about your company.
41:58- As a neighbor, I also think... - Yes.
42:03Yes, you're just a neighbor.
42:06You're just a neighbor.
42:16How much do you know about me?
42:19I'm not a computer technician. I just made that up.
42:25Chloe is right.
42:28You seem to be used to telling others what to do.
42:33Wait a minute.
42:34Did I not explain something clearly?
42:39No, you...
42:42You seem to have heard only a part of the story...
42:44and you act like you know everything.
42:48Why do you keep forcing people to take things from you?
42:51Why do you keep asking others to take things from you?
42:54Why do you keep telling others what to do? And then...
42:58What? Does that validate you?
43:00- Or what? - Okay.
43:04You're just in a bad mood.
43:06I've picked the wrong time.
43:09I'll get going.
43:12I'm sorry.
43:14I mean it.
43:17Excuse me, Mr. Somebody.
43:20That's right. I don't even know your last name.
43:22Excuse me, Mr. Somebody.
43:23If you don't like the food, do whatever you want with it.
43:37I'll hire someone next week.
43:39If you're not interested, you can ask Chloe.
43:41- See if she... - She's dead.
43:45You're not listening.
43:49Did you forget what she told you?
43:51If she doesn't perform well at work, she'll die.
43:54She's dead. Yes, she died.
43:56That's how our company is.
43:59If you don't want to die, go away.
44:00Don't knock on my door again.
44:02Don't do so many things, okay?
44:09I almost fell for your acting.
44:13Chloe, the company, and now she's dead?
44:19That's it.
44:33Chloe isn't really dead...
44:54I took a quick look at the room. You didn't take it out.
44:58That's right.
45:00I can wait if you want me to.
45:02It's just over an hour. I can wait.
45:05Think about it first.
46:48Jing, Green isn't the mole.
46:51He's a hitman who kills our colleagues.
46:54Those explosives, he's going to blow us up on Sports Day.
