How to Look Younger: Inside-Out Approach to Youthful Appearance

  • 7 months ago
How to Look Younger: Inside-Out Approach to Youthful Appearance
Okay This is what you do Very, very important Start to find some new friends that are a lot older than you and just start hanging out with them and you're going to look a lot younger. But in all seriousness, there's really two viewpoints to look at when trying to, you know, look youthful The outside-in approach versus the inside-out approach: So many people are focused on trying to look younger from the outside in They're using all sorts of facial creams and different things are put on your face, like anti-wrinkle things, creams, lotions and all sorts of things, not to mention surgery and those things as well. But what about from the inside out? What are some things you can do to change your youthful appearance from the inside? Well let's start right at the most important thing And that would be something called age Advanced glycation and products That is a combination of sugar and protein that is bonded and stuck together These get stuck in the body, accumulate, make you look older and create all sorts of chronic inflammation and disease So if you were to take, I don't know, barbecued ribs, for example, you have sugar sauce on these ribs and they're heated, So heat tends to cause this chemical reaction to occur. And so there's a lot of different meals that we cook like meatloaf, for example And it can even be proteins in junk food, right? That's just processed; It's highly heated. But it can also be the amount of sugar that you're eating that goes into your own bloodstream and you have heat inside your body and it starts to interact with your own proteins You have something in your blood cells called hemoglobin
