Akshay Kumar recently shared a video on the song 'Uncha Lamba Kad'. The actor's dance video has gone viral within minutes. Katrina Kaif has also reacted to the video.
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#unchalambakad #akshaykumar #kateinakaif #trending #jordan #BadeMiyanChoteMiyan #BadeMiyanChoteMiyanOnEid2024 #tigershroff #bollywood #ManushiChhillar #alayaf #sonakshisinha
00:00 Akshay Kumar and Tiger Shroff will soon be seen in the film Badi Mia Chote Mia.
00:11 Some time ago, Akshay Kumar shared a photo of the film's wrap-up party in Jordan.
00:15 Now after this, Akshay Kumar has shared another cool video with his fans.
00:19 In the video, Akshay Kumar is seen dancing on the song Ucha Lamba Kad.
00:23 Have a look at the viral video.
00:26 In the video, Akshay Kumar is seen doing the steps to the song Ucha Lamba Kad with choreographer
00:30 Bosco Matis.
00:32 Sharing the video, the choreographer wrote, "It is always a vibe working with Akshay Kumar,
00:36 sir.
00:37 And this is how we create it.
00:38 Ucha Lamba Kad."
00:39 Thanks so much for inspiring all of us to live healthy and laugh our way through even
00:44 in the toughest of times.
00:46 Love you sir.
00:47 Let us tell you that Welcome was released in the year 2007.
00:51 Katrina Kaif also worked with Akshay Kumar in this film.
00:55 Both the stars won people hearts by dancing spectacularly on the song Ucha Lamba Kad.
00:59 While recreating the song, Akshay Kumar also remembered Katrina from his moments.
01:05 He wrote in the comment section, "Too much fun that song was."
01:08 This video of Akshay Kumar has become viral in a very short time.
01:11 This video has more than 5 million views.
01:14 Along with this, in the comment section, people also praised the actor.
01:17 Thanks for watching.
01:19 [Music]