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#sitaronkibaat #predictions #HumayunMehboob

Sitaron Ki Baat Humayun Ke Saath is a program on ARY Digital which come every Saturday at 11:00 AM & Sunday at 10:00 AM that tells us about the horoscope and the prediction for the entire week.

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#horoscope #HumayunMehboobPredictions #ARYHoroscopeShow

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00:00 (ARY Digital intro)
00:04 Peace be upon you, ladies and gentlemen.
00:06 I am Humayun Mehboob,
00:08 and I welcome you to the programme,
00:12 'Star Talks with Humayun Musaad' on ARY Digital.
00:15 Ladies and gentlemen,
00:18 your live calls and my answers will be according to Vedic Astrology.
00:26 (ARY Dialogue)
00:33 (ARY Dialogue)
00:42 (ARY Dialogue)
00:43 (ARY Dialogue)
00:47 Peace be upon you.
00:49 Peace be upon you.
00:52 (ARY Dialogue)
00:57 (ARY Dialogue)
01:05 (ARY Dialogue)
01:08 (ARY Dialogue)
01:11 (ARY Dialogue)
01:13 (ARY Dialogue)
01:29 If this is your horoscope,
01:33 I would say that you have had a very difficult time.
01:40 Since 2005, you have faced many challenges in your life.
01:51 And, by the way, Allah has been very kind to you.
01:55 Now, what challenge am I talking about?
01:58 The family life. Have you heard of it, ladies?
02:02 Yes, I have heard of it.
02:03 Yes, but one thing is very good in your horoscope.
02:09 Allah will always give you a good home, a place to eat and live.
02:18 But, there is a problem at one place.
02:21 I have been noticing that the system of Allah is very strange.
02:26 Right now, your…
02:31 Two, three.
02:35 I think that you are going to go on a spiritual visit very soon, ladies.
02:40 Now, what is a spiritual visit for Muslims?
02:44 It is Makkah, Madinah or Ziyarat-e-Muqaddisa.
02:48 It is becoming a time for you to go on those.
02:51 And, secondly, if Allah is kind to you,
02:57 you will get good news and good news from your children at home.
03:05 But, I will say one thing.
03:08 Take care of your health.
03:11 And, especially, your lower back has started to have problems.
03:16 But, if you are careful, Allah will be kind to you.
03:21 And, I will tell you one thing.
03:24 You should do this. Every week, you should take 100 grams of beans.
03:29 At least, you should put these two on the creation of the Lord of Glory.
03:36 And, do one thing.
03:38 Every week, when you do the Hussal,
03:42 you should…
03:43 Obviously, it is still winter and Karachi is turning around again.
03:51 You should put a few drops of blue in a bucket of water,
03:56 wash your feet with it,
03:58 recite Surah Al-Nas in your heart,
04:01 and then do the normal Hussal.
04:03 Do these two things and many of your problems will be solved.
04:06 And, to recite,
04:08 recite the first and last Durood five times,
04:10 and in between, recite 200-300 times.
04:13 In fact, recite 300 times.
04:15 Recite it in eight figures.
04:18 Recite Istighfar.
04:19 By the grace of Allah and by the blessings of my Lord,
04:23 you will not need anyone.
04:26 Thank you very much, Khatun.
04:28 Please, let us talk to the next caller.
04:30 Peace be upon you.
04:32 Peace be upon you too, ma'am.
04:34 I have a question about myself.
04:36 Yes, please state your date of birth.
04:38 7th October, 1995.
04:42 7th October, 1995.
04:45 And, what is your date of birth?
04:47 I was born at 2.30 in the afternoon.
04:51 2.30 in the afternoon.
04:52 And, where were you born?
04:54 I was born in Faisalabad.
04:56 Okay, in Faisalabad.
04:57 Give me a second, Khatun.
05:00 You were born in Faisalabad.
05:16 That is a very good horoscope.
05:19 Khatun, I think, and my Lord knows better,
05:32 that you will leave the country.
05:36 You will marry someone who you will have to leave with,
05:42 or someone you will have to leave after marriage.
05:44 And, this is the second horoscope that I see,
05:49 where I see worldly happiness.
05:53 But, can I say something, if you don't mind?
05:56 Yes, please.
05:57 Keep your emotions under control.
06:02 People can exploit you.
06:05 People...
06:08 That's it, I think you have understood enough.
06:12 Secondly, God willing, it is God's will,
06:16 that you are able to leave the country.
06:26 And, God willing, you will marry someone
06:31 who you will have to leave after marriage,
06:37 and God willing, it is God's will,
06:40 that you will marry someone who you will have to leave after marriage,
06:44 and God willing, it is God's will.
06:46 And, God will bless you with sustenance.
06:49 Thank you very much, Khatun.
06:50 You have to do one thing.
06:52 Every week, give a handful of black lentils to a poor person,
06:58 and after the first and last Durood,
07:00 recite Surah Al-Fatiha seven times,
07:02 and then Surah Al-Ikhlas seven times,
07:04 and then recite Ayatul Kursi once,
07:06 and then pray for yourself to God.
07:09 Thank you very much.
07:10 Ladies and gentlemen, I will take a break.
07:12 I will be back after the break.
07:14 Humayun Mehboob welcomes you again on ARY TGTEL.
07:19 Please get the caller to speak.
07:23 Hello.
07:25 Peace be upon you.
07:27 Peace be upon you too, Khatun. Please go ahead.
07:30 I want to ask about myself.
07:32 Please do, and tell me your date of birth.
07:36 13th August.
07:38 You said 13th August.
07:41 1989.
07:43 1989. What is your date of birth?
07:48 I was born in Faisalabad between 1967 and 1986.
07:52 Okay. Faisalabad.
07:56 The second call is from Faisalabad.
08:00 Okay.
08:02 This, this. Okay.
08:08 Khatun, if I ask you that you had a lot of problems in your marriage,
08:15 would you agree with me?
08:19 Hello.
08:22 Hello. Oh, the line got disconnected.
08:26 Okay, I will tell you one thing.
08:30 May God bless you.
08:33 On the day of the week, you should give 100 grams of black lentils and 100 grams of black lentils.
08:43 But since you don't have any money,
08:45 you should give 100 grams of black lentils and 100 grams of black lentils to someone in the name of God.
08:52 Blue and, sorry, black, blue and white.
09:00 You can wear it for worship, for prayer,
09:03 but the problem is that when you wear white or black, your stomach will start to upset.
09:12 And some problems will start to arise.
09:16 Your health will also be a little disturbed.
09:19 You do one thing, first do this,
09:23 and second, Khatun, you have to do one thing.
09:26 On every Sunday, you should give a piece of jaggery to a poor person in the name of God.
09:33 And I will tell you a very easy wazifa.
09:36 First and last, the five times of Durood-e-Ibrahim.
09:40 In between, 100 times of complete Istaghfar, meaning,
09:44 (ARABIC)
09:49 100 times of the holy verse,
09:51 (ARABIC)
09:57 You will recite it 100 times.
09:59 (ARABIC)
10:03 Recite Surah Muzammil once and pray to God.
10:08 You will find a lot of ease in life.
10:12 Thank you very much, Khatun.
10:13 Please get the next caller to speak.
10:17 Hello?
10:18 Hello, yes, As-salamu alaykum, sir.
10:20 Yes, alaykum as-salam. Please go ahead, Khatun.
10:24 Yes, sir, I want to ask about my brother.
10:26 Yes, please tell me his date of birth.
10:28 Sir, 11th January 2003,
10:31 in Azad Kashmir, at 7.30 pm.
10:33 11th January 2003, at 7 pm, in Azad Kashmir.
10:38 7.30 pm.
10:40 Okay, 7.30 pm. And where was he born?
10:44 Sir, in Azad Kashmir.
10:45 No, Azad Kashmir, Muzaffarabad, Bagh, Poonch.
10:49 Bagh, Muzaffarabad, Azad Kashmir.
10:53 Okay.
10:54 Tell me one thing, is he a very merciful person?
11:14 Hello?
11:14 Yes, he is a little merciful.
11:17 A little, okay, he is a very merciful person.
11:20 He might be a little strict for his family,
11:22 but he is a very good neighbour for the world.
11:26 And secondly, there is one problem with him.
11:29 Whenever he does anything,
11:33 negative thoughts, negative thoughts,
11:35 start coming to his mind.
11:37 And he is a good person.
11:40 He has spent a very struggling time in his life.
11:46 But if Allah is merciful,
11:49 then God willing, from this year of 2024,
11:55 there is a very clear change in his life.
12:01 He might go out of the country.
12:03 He might get a better job.
12:09 But there is one problem with him.
12:12 Think about it.
12:14 It is his marriage.
12:16 He has more than one chance of getting married.
12:19 Listen to me, lady.
12:21 Hello, once again, I welcome you.
12:30 Ladies and gentlemen, I have a request.
12:32 I do this to you in every show.
12:34 I do it here as well, on my YouTube channel.
12:37 I am very grateful.
12:38 Look, I don't have any flaws in my mind.
12:41 I say this so that you don't have any flaws.
12:44 I am grateful to you.
12:46 I have made my YouTube channel,
12:51 which is called Humayun Mehboob Astrology,
12:54 only as an official channel.
12:58 You can find me on any other Facebook page.
13:01 Any Facebook page.
13:03 Any LinkedIn, Instagram.
13:07 May Allah bless you.
13:09 Messenger.
13:10 And especially TikTok.
13:13 All of them are made in my name.
13:16 I am saying that they are fake.
13:19 I didn't make them.
13:20 They are made to earn views and money.
13:24 May Allah bless them.
13:26 I am saddened by the fact that there are many YouTube channels
13:31 that put up my pictures.
13:33 Humayun said this, Humayun said that.
13:35 To spread rumors.
13:37 You should never listen to them.
13:40 You should only listen to my YouTube channel,
13:43 which is called Humayun Mehboob Astrology.
13:47 I don't do consultations.
13:48 It is only for ARY.
13:51 And apart from that,
13:52 I have only one office in Pakistan,
13:55 where I sit.
13:56 And that is Hotel Pearl Continental, Karachi.
14:00 PC Hotel, Karachi.
14:01 And the number there is 021-356-5501.
14:07 The other number is 021-356-55021.
14:13 So, from 3pm to 7pm,
14:16 you can take an appointment with my assistant for a private commercial consultation.
14:22 And those who call me from abroad,
14:24 I request them that when you...
14:26 Obviously, both are landline numbers.
14:28 There can be no change in this.
14:30 The mobile numbers that are put up are fake and fraud.
14:34 Don't go after these fraudsters who are running
14:37 Facebook, TikTok, etc.
14:41 So, tell my assistant to show Humayun Sahib on video
14:45 so that you and I can both be satisfied.
14:48 And there should be no suspicion of fraud.
14:51 I can see you and you can see me.
14:54 And on the YouTube channel,
14:55 obviously, you have your own flaws and limitations.
15:00 And I don't want the channel to have any problems because of me.
15:05 So, this is important. Take care of it.
15:08 Yes, please get the caller to speak.
15:11 Hello, As-salamu alaikum.
15:12 Yes, wa-alaikum-salam, ma'am. Please go ahead.
15:15 I want to know about my daughter.
15:18 It's been seven years and I don't have a child.
15:20 Please tell me her date of birth and time of birth.
15:23 It was 30 August 1995.
15:26 Please speak a little more slowly.
15:28 30 August 1995.
15:33 Time of birth?
15:35 She was born at 10 a.m. in Multan.
15:38 She was born at 10 a.m. in Multan.
15:41 Please give me a second, ma'am.
16:03 Your daughter is having a problem with her child.
16:08 But my heart and gut feeling is telling me, by the will of God,
16:13 and obviously, astrology is telling me,
16:15 that she is making her stronger.
16:18 Your daughter will definitely have a child.
16:21 And if she has a child, it's possible that it will be a boy.
16:26 But the problem is that
16:29 if a pious person of God and a saint of God,
16:33 or if your daughter has a child,
16:37 then God will make ways for it.
16:40 God is very merciful.
16:41 When He wants to give someone respect,
16:44 He has to do the work, whether God wants to or not,
16:47 He will make a person get respect by making him say it.
16:51 Secondly, the precautions that you have to follow,
16:55 first of all, you have to tell your daughter,
17:02 that she is going through the stages of marriage,
17:05 so there should not be black or yellow on her body.
17:11 And if you live in the Multan division,
17:16 then do one thing,
17:20 if you travel a little from there,
17:23 go to Pakpattan,
17:25 and pray to Baba Fariduddin Ganj-e-Shakar,
17:27 at the shrine of Allah's mercy.
17:31 And if you live in Multan,
17:33 then go to Baba Zakariya Multani,
17:34 at the shrine of Allah's mercy,
17:36 and pray to Allah,
17:37 because they are the ones who have reached the destination of 'Fana fil-Allah'.
17:41 And if you go to Lahore,
17:43 then you can go to any shrine and pray to Allah.
17:49 You have to pray to God,
17:51 but I am sending you for a reason.
17:55 And do not wear black or yellow,
18:00 as I have said,
18:01 and on the weekdays,
18:02 the old people, the poor, the labourers,
18:06 they should feed eight poor people,
18:09 your daughter does not have a problem with money,
18:12 it is visible,
18:13 feed eight poor people.
18:17 This is the biggest charity,
18:19 and feed eight poor people,
18:21 and distribute a bag of biryani.
18:23 God willing, they will have children.
18:26 I will tell you a wadif.
18:27 The first and last Durood-e-Ibrahimi, 11 times,
18:30 and 101 times in between,
18:32 "Ya Musafiro, Ya Bariyo, Ya Khaliqo, Ya Salamo, Ya Rahmano, Ya Rahimo."
18:41 And 14 times, Surah Fatihah, 14 times, Surah Ikhlas,
18:47 14 times, Surah Kausar,
18:49 and once, read Ayat-ul-Kursi and ask for prayers from Allah.
18:53 Allah Almighty will give my daughter a child, God willing.
18:58 Ladies and gentlemen,
19:00 the time has come to end.
19:04 I just said that regarding social media,
19:07 only my YouTube channel is Humayun Mehboob Astrology,
19:10 everything else is fake.
19:11 When it is my turn, I will tell you.
19:14 And I have been hated by Facebook.
19:17 They promote fake and fake things.
19:21 Apart from that, the YouTube channel has a very good check and balance.
19:27 Secondly, I told you about my office.
19:29 I have an office in PC Hotel Karachi.
19:31 I receive a call from 3pm to 7pm.
19:35 After that, obviously, the office closes.
19:37 And since today is Sunday,
19:40 and tomorrow is Pir, the wedding day of Kashmir,
19:43 the office will be closed for two days.
19:45 On Sunday and Monday.
19:48 So, from Tuesday onwards, the office will be open.
19:55 And I will pray that Allah Almighty,
19:59 may my country, Pakistan, and the Pakistani nation,
20:03 may they do good to every beloved country of Pakistan.
20:08 And whoever wants bad for Pakistan,
20:12 or thinks badly, or has bad intentions,
20:15 may Allah Almighty make him a half-god, God willing,
20:19 and may he be with the generations.
20:21 And may he do good to my country,
20:23 may he do good to my holy and pure Pakistan.
20:25 And after that, may Allah do good to the entire Muslim Ummah.
20:30 The time of trials and tribulations is on our side.
20:35 May Allah grant us the strength to face them.
20:39 I will take your leave until next week.
20:43 God willing, I will meet you next week, in this place, on this channel,
20:46 and on this program.
20:48 Until then, thank you very much.
20:50 May Allah protect you.
20:52 May Allah protect you.
20:53 (Music)
