• 2 days ago
Qirat o Tarjuma | Shan e Sehr | Shan e Ramazan 2025 | Special Transmission | Waseem Badami | ARY Digital

The Sehr transmission starts with the recitation of the Holy Quran along with its translation by “Qari Waheed Zafar Qasmi”.

#WaseemBadami #IqrarulHassan #Ramazan2025 #RamazanMubarak #ShaneRamazan #Shanesehr


00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:13In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, ever Merciful.
00:26Exalted is He Who has chosen for His servant the night,
00:39a night from the Sacred Mosque to the Most Exalted Mosque,
00:56Who has blessed us with His Presence, that we may show Him some of our signs.
01:20Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
01:36And We gave Moses the Scripture, and We made it a guidance for the Children of Israel,
02:01that you may not take other than Me as a guardian.
02:27The descendants of those whom We carried with Noah.
02:41Indeed, he was a grateful servant.
02:56And We decreed for the Children of Israel in the Scripture,
03:13that you may cause corruption in the land twice,
03:27and that you may not exceed a great exaltation.
03:44And when the first promise came to them,
04:04We sent against you Our servants,
04:56and it was a promise that was fulfilled.
05:11In the name of Allah, the most Gracious, ever Merciful.
05:18Exalted is He Who has chosen for His servant the night,
05:24a night from the Sacred Mosque to the Most Exalted Mosque,
05:30that we may show Him some of our signs.
05:35Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing.
05:39And We gave Moses the Scripture, and We made it a guidance for the Children of Israel,
05:45that you may not take other than Me as a guardian.
05:51And We gave Moses the Scripture, and We made it a guidance for the Children of Israel,
06:06And We gave Moses the Scripture, and We made it a guidance for the Children of Israel,
06:26And We gave Moses the Scripture, and We made it a guidance for the Children of Israel,
06:46Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillah.
07:46It is the fifteenth day, so it is the fifteenth Parah.
07:49It is Surah Bani Israel.
07:51The first verse of it has been recited.
07:53And we keep the discussion limited to the first verse.
07:56Which is a well-known verse.
07:58It is the verse of Mi'raj.
07:59It mentions the incident of Mi'raj.
08:01The title of this verse is also Subhanallazi.
08:04And whenever there is a revelation of Mi'raj,
08:07you must listen to this verse in reference to Mi'raj.
08:09In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, ever Merciful.
08:11Surah Bani Israel.
08:41The environment of which we blessed.
08:48And why did this happen?
08:50So that we can see some of our signs.
08:55Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
08:58Indeed, He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
09:02He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing.
09:09Before this, the mention of the Prophets came.
09:12The book of Moses.
09:14Before this, we gave the book to Moses.
09:16He was guided through the Bani Israel.
09:18With the insistence that no one except me should be their advocate.
09:21So later on,
09:23In Surah Bani Israel, the incidents of Bani Israel are also included.
