Protesters clash with Vic. police at Midsumma Pride March

  • 7 months ago
One person has been arrested after a group of protestors clashed with police at a Pride March in Melbourne yesterday.


00:00 We saw paint thrown at police officers, protesters chanting anti-police slogans.
00:06 He's labelled the group an ugly rabble.
00:08 He says he has nothing but contempt for the protesters.
00:11 What he says was a premeditated move on the police.
00:15 One of the protesters we spoke to here yesterday said they were protesting the participation
00:20 of police in the march at all, given that the Pride movement started as a protest in
00:25 large parts against police brutality.
00:28 Midsomer's CEO said it was disappointing and the behaviours on both sides, the protesters
00:33 and the police yesterday, appeared to be escalating the clashes.
00:37 She says she'll be looking to have more conversations with those involved in the days ahead.
