• last year
Both the 49ers and Chiefs are facing pressure to win the Super Bowl, but there is one that faces it more than the other.
00:00 Can the Niners not do against the Chiefs?
00:02 The Niners cannot fall behind at all the Niners have to either be within three
00:09 seven which would not be ideal, but they cannot be at a point where
00:14 We saw Baltimore where Spagnola is playing out of his mind
00:19 He's got corners and he can shut down any sort of primal passing game and he disguises things and he makes things very difficult
00:28 Lamar who was the MVP of the league?
00:30 Was like frozen. Yeah, no, he was couldn't do anything in that championship game. And I think
00:36 the 49ers have to
00:40 Not be in third and long but they got a they got a you know
00:47 I know it sounds simple but grant for the love of God just toss it to the left play do what Harbaugh does
00:54 Stop me until you can stop me. Don't get too smart. You have the best left tackle
00:59 you have a great blocking tight end run it down their throats and
01:02 Just control the ball make Kansas City lose a possession
01:07 Basically do what and here's the other thing that's so
01:11 If you're an optimistic guy
01:14 Kansas City's lost to
01:17 Green Bay already this year and Green Bay
01:20 was committed to running the ball during that game and
01:24 I know the the game was back and forth but Green Bay controlled the clock and Green Bay
01:29 Very much. So did it on the perimeter and the bills did the same thing?
01:34 the one of the reasons why the the 49ers lost
01:38 2019 is that they didn't run enough jet sweeps with
01:41 Debo, which when they did it was working for some reason they
01:46 Forgot to use their best play that Super Bowl and if they had just done that
01:53 Maybe four or five more times
01:55 The Chiefs would have lost a possession and I think that's the thing because I think the Chiefs right now are executing
02:02 Oh good
02:03 Is that what's more likely them not executing or you taking away a play or a possession to me?
02:11 Eat up the clock and take away a possession
02:14 Yeah
02:16 see a lot of I
02:19 Don't see I expect to see a lot of under center in this game
02:21 The Niners offensive line can't really compete with the Chiefs defensive line and whenever there's a clear disadvantage there
02:28 Kyle Shanahan usually puts Brock in the pistol or the shotgun and I expect to see a lot of quick passes
02:34 RPOs extended handoffs from my handoffs because why do more than that?
02:40 I think you could win that way just flipping the ball to the I mean
02:44 RPOs in general either hand off to McCaffrey or flip it to Debo Samuel on the on the outside like you're not gonna turn the
02:50 Ball over that way and you are gonna get big plays that way
02:53 Getting the ball to Brandon. I you can be way harder. He's going to get some of the best corners in the league
02:58 He you have to block it long enough for him to get open man
03:03 Just get the ball out of Brock Purdy's hands immediately and see how far you go with that
03:08 Because like the Ravens weren't doing that
03:11 It was Lamar Jackson hold it hold it hold it hold it make a play make a rushing lanes
03:15 Like like you said Brock has those lanes run because Lamar did he had clear rushing lanes. He just turned down and I don't know
03:22 Why?
03:24 Maybe he wanted to win a certain way, but to me when a wins a win, you're not getting any style points, right?
03:30 I mean he left a yard of a lot of yardage on that field
03:35 If you're the Ravens, you gotta be pulling your hair out because you look back on the film
03:39 There was no 110 10 yards around Lamar and when have we not seen him pick up 20 30 yards like that
03:46 May have done it once or twice
03:49 the whole game and they only ran the ball six times with their running backs, which was another crazy thing like
03:55 What was Baltimore thinking?
03:58 Well Todd Mulligan's not that good
04:01 yeah, you know, it's funny how when the the other thing that I
04:06 The other thing the 49ers can't do and I think Kyle needs to and maybe this will be the next subject with 24
04:12 Is that Kyle can't play tight Kyle's got to be going he can't get in his head. Keep things simple and
04:18 Do things that are your strength?
04:21 Don't get too cute. Don't overthink it do what has gotten you there
04:26 right, and and I think sometimes Kyle and big moments gets ultra conservative and it plays into the hands of the
04:35 defense and I think
04:37 he's gonna have to
04:39 Know when to do that and when like for example
04:42 You may want to drive down the field when you have 30 or 45 seconds
04:46 You did in the last Super Bowl and you did and you got a penalty unfortunately, but better clock management
04:52 that's a that's gonna be key because
04:54 Andy has a little bit of bad clock management as well
04:58 He gets bailed out by my homes
04:59 But Andy's got the same and he had the same issues
05:03 That Kyle had for the longest time as an Eagle coach if people may not remember that but and he was really bad at game
05:09 management
05:10 You know, it'd be really interesting if the Niners have another lead in this game
05:13 Everyone's gonna be thinking the same thing
05:17 It's kind of gonna do with this man
05:19 Three and we're all gonna be like no it doesn't matter what the lead is
05:26 I don't expect him to get 25 at any point but whatever they're up if they're up in this game people gonna be thinking the same
05:31 Thing so Kyle needs to like how are you gonna?
05:34 Close the deal if you're in that position
05:36 What's your four-minute offense gonna be like what's your second half offense gonna be like, how are you you have you?
05:43 You have this great running game. Are you gonna commit to it with a lead?
05:46 Are you gonna forget Debo forget McCaffrey that you've done this so many times because if you do it again
05:52 if
05:54 You blow another Super Bowl lead and lose
05:57 People aren't good people gonna say you're cursed
06:00 Cursed they went down
06:04 against the Rams
06:07 Without using DEMO Debo that year and Debo was the best offensive player
06:11 Was the best player
06:14 On that field and I saw McVay ride Cooper Cup all the way to a Super Bowl
06:21 Everyone knew was going to Cooper Cup. Guess what?
06:24 It still went to Cooper Cup and guess what more often than not good things happen if I'm Kyle
06:29 Man, I ride Christian McCaffrey and I ride Debo until
06:32 Till I can't anymore and you know what more often than not they delivered don't overthink it just just
06:41 Do what it says got you there. That would be my advice the 49ers and I know Kyle be like well
06:48 He was wide open, but if you don't go down with your best players
06:51 now
06:54 When I ever going to again
06:56 You said something earlier in the show. I agreed with
06:59 It's not gonna be a low-scoring game NFL doesn't want low-scoring Pro Bowl a pro Super Bowls
07:05 Niners defense really hasn't played well in a while
07:08 I mean its best gave up 31 to Detroit 33 to Baltimore and 29 to Arizona
07:15 They would have given up more to the Green Bay Packers if it wasn't for the rain for the rain agree
07:19 Seven points I agree with that. So now you got the Chiefs who haven't been scoring a ton of points
07:25 They've been running the ball a lot taking the air out of the ball, but it's my homes. It's a Super Bowl
07:30 I think it's gonna be a really high scoring game
07:32 I don't expect the Niners defense to put up much resistance and I think this is gonna come down to
07:36 Brock and McCaffrey and Kyle all those guys and
07:43 Good defense
07:45 Scored 30 plus on them. Yeah, and there were not very many
07:49 There are a lot of defensive holding penalties. There wasn't very little on offense. I was holding these
07:56 defenses back you have to remember the
07:58 the
08:00 the Super Bowl is
08:02 Brings in millions of people that typically do not watch one second of football and it's a showcase to the NFL
08:09 They want to have good ratings
08:12 They want to reap the benefits they want a 28 24 35 31 game to them. That's ideal
08:19 they do not want a 10 to 3 or 10 to 13 game and and that means that the offensive calls the
08:27 Defensive holding all that's gonna come into play a lot more this game. So to me
08:34 Whatever team gets up front is gonna have that advantage
08:40 You know what? I would do if I were the Chiefs quality control for the Chiefs right now. So
08:43 13 personnel get the Niners in that 5d line that five-man front and
08:48 Then go no huddle
08:52 Not hurry up, but know how to like you we're gonna stay in this personnel grouping all drive
08:56 And we're gonna do this a while and by the fourth quarter done
09:00 exhausted
09:02 What did Kyle say the key to the game was defensive line stamina?
09:05 Oh, yes the thing about the Chiefs is they exhaust you Patrick Mahomes extends every freaking play the plays last forever
09:13 By the end of the game, it's just we saw it in the Super Bowl four years ago. It's just you're done
09:18 You can't take any plays off because he's gonna do something. You're like, I didn't even know the ball was gonna go there
09:23 right, and so
09:25 Yeah, yeah
09:27 Like I said, the 49ers have the skill of possession not for their offense, but to protect their defense
09:33 the 49ers have to do the same thing on the other side is run the ball and
09:39 Take away a possession from the Chiefs. Yeah and
09:43 Hope to God that it's not tied or they're down by three or
09:49 They have to run out the clock because the Chiefs will run out the clock on them
09:52 They will scheme open a receiver
09:54 They will do something to put someone in conflict and they will bleed the clock whatever team can get the ball
10:01 Last and control and dictate. I think we'll either run out the clock or win the game, you know
10:06 It's a simple interesting to see if both team like both you could argue both defensive coordinator is gonna come out with the eight man box
10:12 Niners and she's like you can't let Pacheco Beach. You can't let Christian McCaffrey beats you. All right
10:17 Which quarterbacks gonna make you pay
10:21 And you'd think all my homes. Well Brock has much better weapons
10:25 But thing he does. Yeah, he does
10:30 player by better protection
10:32 If you go player by player, well, he has much better protection because they're tackles lead the league in holding
10:38 if
10:41 You go player by player grant. That's the other reason why they're favored is that this is a mismatch
10:47 Their fate they have better players on every level than the Chiefs with the exception of probably quarterback
10:55 Right and the exception of you know to me tight ends probably a wash but and all the other key marquee matchups
11:01 They've got better linebackers the Niners do they've got better offensive
11:06 Tackle, you know, they've got a better left tackle so to speak
11:09 I don't know offensive lineman altogether, but position wise you get my drift like do they have someone that's as just as good as I
11:15 You right now. No, they don't rice is a rookie and he'll get there eventually, but I would take Brandon I you go over rice
11:22 Would you right? Would you take would you take McCaffrey over Pacheco?
11:27 Yes, but Pacheco is
11:31 Really good. He's good, but he's not the offensive player of the league, right? No
11:36 Good for the Chiefs man. He's perfect for them because like the one thing you say like, okay McCaffrey is more explosive than Pacheco, right?
11:44 He's more explosive
11:45 Yeah, but Caffrey go for 80 yards, but but they don't need like my homes can go for 80 yards with his arm
11:50 So they just need a running back to keep him ahead of the chains, which he does so well
11:54 But yeah, I mean he's not McCaffrey
11:57 Agreed and the other thing that I wanted to mention
12:03 Where there yet is the the 24 the magic rule of 24? Yeah 24
12:10 every single time
12:13 Kyle has scored at least 24 points in
12:16 the playoffs
12:18 They have won every single game to me 24 is
12:22 The magic number for the 49ers because they're undefeated when they score 24 points and look at this season
12:29 Most of their games when they lose they only score
12:32 17
12:34 19
12:35 Like they scored, you know
12:38 That more 20 I forgot what the Green Bay Packers score was it was 27 24 something like that, right and then 31 34
12:47 against Detroit to me
12:49 They have to score at least the mindset should be erased for both teams
12:53 Actually, whoever can get to 24 is probably gonna win the game
12:56 That's the magic number is 24 because the 49ers then if you think about it will have three long
13:03 sustained drives where they've scored and a few goals
13:07 right, so that's that's typically enough and
13:11 Anything else is bonus, right? So they've got a score
13:16 That many in the Super Bowl or they lost they only scored 21 or 20
13:19 Right against the Rams. They did not score even I think was 20 maybe 20 17
13:26 I can't remember what it was, but was not 24 points
13:29 How are you gonna disagree with you man? I love you. I gotta disagree with you
13:33 I don't think 24 is getting it done in the Super Bowl. Oh
13:35 See, so so this is where we disagree that you are putting too much
13:40 You're put you think Patrick Mahomes can score more than 24 points and I'm telling you based off this season. They cannot
13:47 They can execute really well
13:49 But I think the final score will be the team that has 24 points
13:55 24 first is gonna win the game
13:58 What's the over-under on the game right now, you're right, it's right where you say, but I disagree with it
14:03 I think this is gonna be in the 30s just like last years and like you said
14:06 They don't want defense in the end in the in the Super Bowl. There's gonna be a lot of penalties
14:11 There's gonna be a lot of offense in this game. I think and I don't think 24 is getting it done
14:16 I think both teams are getting in the 30s. I don't trust another defense. So let me take that back
14:20 So this is where we can meet. I think the first team that gets to 24 first thing that 24
14:26 Okay, first thing that gets to 24 will win. Okay first thing that gets to 24 because
14:31 They will be able to dictate the rest of the game. Either the 49ers will go very run-heavy
14:37 right, and then they can be a little bit more aggressive on defense or
14:41 The 49ers are gonna be on their heels and the Chiefs can play really exotic coverages and put Brock in a bind
14:49 Yeah
14:53 Yeah, so you're picking the Niners I am I mean I
14:59 23
15:01 No
15:03 2417
15:05 2417
15:07 What about the Niners defense gives you that much confidence right now
15:11 Two things one that I know the rain game was an outlier, but they get enough
15:19 You know, they have this mini by week right where they're not struggling of going up against that
15:24 It gives Eric Armstead another week of quote-unquote rest
15:28 Typically them coming off
15:30 Has been good for them more often than not and I think there's such
15:36 hyper focus on them right now because they've been
15:40 Because the national media because everyone sees those plays where they weren't putting an effort that I think to a lot of 49er
15:48 Defensive players. This is like a legacy game. Like they need to put their stamp like we're a defensive team
15:55 Offensive team we're gonna go down swinging and to me
15:58 The Chiefs are not
16:01 What they were before this isn't the 2019 Chiefs they have two or three offensive weapons
16:08 Grant that they've been they've been shut out and and halves multiple times this year where they haven't scored at all
16:14 Think about in how insane that is when you have
16:17 Patrick Mahomes as your quarterback and you've been shut out more than three or four times including
16:24 The championship game on offense that means they have to execute
16:28 I'm just going by the numbers meaning that if it's not schemed up and executed correctly, they're not scoring
16:35 It's just like Kyle, right?
16:37 he doesn't have the thing that Brock has that my home doesn't have he's got all pro receivers and tight ends and
16:43 Mahomes doesn't he's got one Pro Bowl tight end who's on the decline and everyone else is a
16:50 Okay player. I
16:53 think what's so interesting about this cheese team is they've
16:55 sort of
16:58 Evolved into a running team. It's almost like
17:01 like
17:05 The end of the John Elway like all of a sudden it's like it is Mahomes team
17:10 But it's much more about Pacheco in the defense
17:13 They're like they're like the the Niners from four years ago
17:17 It's a defense and running team with a great quarterback a great quarterback and and it's trusty tight end
17:25 But other than that, they're kind of making it up as they go along and it's working for them now
17:30 But yeah, like if you want to stop this team, I guess you got to have a real plan for Pacheco
17:35 Otherwise you lose so grant the they played Miami in below
17:42 Windshield temperatures when Miami had a mass unit on defense
17:46 right, and then they played against Buffalo and they had a
17:51 Mass unit on defense and everyone was injured on Buffalo's team coming into that game
17:57 Granted they went on the road in Buffalo and granted that Mahomes was able to make plays
18:02 But it's not like it was pretty and he was gunning it out there and that wasn't the case either and frankly
18:08 If you watch that championship game
18:12 The Bravens made adjustments at halftime their defense that they pitched a shutout if the 49ers lose this game and their defense
18:19 Only gives up 17 points
18:22 That's on you Kyle. You didn't come to work
18:25 You didn't you did not put your offensive players in the best position and the 49ers. I'm just going by the numbers
18:33 They've typically when they've lost
18:37 It's always been on Kyle and the offense. It's never been on the defense. The defense has held its bargain
18:43 So it's been the 49ers on offense that haven't executed
18:46 Yeah, but in the Super Bowl four years ago, they also gave up 31. That's the thing like
18:52 last
18:54 31 but that was a
18:55 44 to the Chiefs in October of 2022
18:58 That team didn't have Tyreek
19:01 That team had Pacheco and freaking they do juice Smith Schuster
19:07 They had a few other but you they also had a very McKinnon that Jerick McKinnon man
19:12 game changer and
19:14 That's how so here's the other thing that they really miss McKinnon because who utilizes their third round third
19:22 Down back more than the Chiefs. I mean McKinnon was everything
19:26 They wanted McCaffrey to be a few years ago for them. Ironically, I
19:30 Mean, he's a great third down back. He can he made something out of nothing
19:35 He destroyed the 49ers during that when they played that week. That was a McKinnon game. I
19:40 Mean he scored like a 40 yard like what like it was a pitch or whatever it was mom
19:46 We've always known that Jerry McKinnon is
19:49 The MVP of the 40 of the Chiefs often he's a man just shut it down
19:54 I'm telling you is all about Pacheco
19:57 This is all about Pacheco when you ask the Niners like hey, so what makes this Chiefs run game good. They're like
20:04 Pacheco he's great. He runs really hard. No matter what like yeah, I would have to say so
20:11 He's really good. I've
20:14 Has the defensive effort been overblown or do you think that there's a level of embarrassment or they're just saying that to?
20:21 cover up a lack of talent grant
20:23 That's what's in my I don't know like I'm not there the vibe in the building because to me
20:32 It's a little bit of both I think there's talented as they were they've lost
20:36 Hufanga they lost a lot of their good tackling people. They lost a lot of they lost
20:41 Aziz they lost Ward they they don't have those players that were really good at getting down and dirty at the run game anymore. I
20:50 Think it's an effort thing. I think it's a talent thing. Maybe it's just me
20:57 Well to me though run defense's effort and you see which guys are willing to put the effort in like Samson
21:03 Ebicom was willing to put the effort in Cleland Farrell was willing to put the effort in
21:06 Chase young
21:10 Not so much. I don't understand how you could be at that stage and not put an effort like that has to be
21:17 Because I saw him give effort and he blew up a lot of plays and I'm like, where was this in the first half?
21:24 Like I know it's in you but it was crazy. He's only 24 years old like
21:29 He's still really young
21:32 But he's not what they thought they were getting at all
21:34 I showed you why Washington was able it shows you
21:38 why they got so much more for the other guy that went to the Bears versus
21:42 chase
21:46 You
21:48 (upbeat music)
