Love Endures (2024) ep 26 english sub

  • 7 months ago
Love Endures (2024) ep 26 english sub
00:00 [Music]
00:02 [Music]
00:05 What do I know?
00:13 [Music]
00:16 [Music]
00:19 [Music]
00:37 [Music]
00:40 That night, the rain
00:53 was so scary.
00:56 I really didn't expect
00:59 that was the last time
01:01 I saw Yifei.
01:05 [Music]
01:08 Yingzi,
01:09 I'm leaving Hang Nian City.
01:13 If I didn't leave Hang Nian City,
01:15 Yifei wouldn't have been bullied.
01:17 I was the one who hurt her.
01:21 When she was in her most desperate state,
01:23 I wasn't there
01:25 to be with her.
01:28 [Music]
01:32 [Music]
01:36 [Music]
01:40 [Music]
02:08 [Music]
02:11 Yifei.
02:25 Yifei!
02:26 [Music]
02:30 [Music]
02:33 Yifei.
02:39 Yifei!
02:40 [Music]
02:43 Yifei.
02:46 [Music]
02:49 [Music]
02:52 I knew it was you.
03:02 When did you come back?
03:05 Why didn't you tell me?
03:08 Yingzi,
03:10 I didn't come back.
03:13 You didn't want me to leave.
03:16 [Music]
03:19 What do you mean?
03:21 [Music]
03:24 Be careful!
03:38 Yifei!
03:39 [Music]
03:43 [Music]
03:46 Yifei.
04:00 I only have you.
04:03 What are you doing?
04:07 It's a pity.
04:08 The box is 18 or 19 inches.
04:10 [Music]
04:13 Yingzi.
04:14 Yingzi.
04:15 [Music]
04:18 Yifei.
04:32 Yifei.
04:33 Yifei.
04:36 Yifei.
04:37 [Music]
04:40 [Music]
04:54 [Music]
04:57 [Music]
05:06 [Music]
05:22 [Music]
05:25 [Music]
05:28 You're awake.
05:53 You're awake.
05:54 Are you awake?
05:59 How do you feel?
06:01 Why are you here?
06:04 You drank too much yesterday.
06:11 You don't remember anything?
06:12 I have a headache.
06:16 I don't remember anything.
06:19 I drank too much.
06:21 No.
06:22 Why is Mr. Ding here?
06:25 It's me.
06:27 I asked him to come here to celebrate your birthday.
06:31 I'm so sorry.
06:33 I drank too much yesterday.
06:34 I don't remember anything.
06:35 It's my first birthday with you after I turned 18.
06:39 I'm so happy.
06:40 I'm drunk.
06:42 I can't drink much.
06:43 You're not drunk.
06:46 We thought you were drunk.
06:49 You're not drunk.
06:50 It's not that bad.
06:52 I'm sure I drank too much.
06:54 You really don't remember anything?
06:57 What did I do?
07:03 You danced on the sofa.
07:06 You didn't have to go to the concert.
07:07 Really?
07:08 It's so embarrassing.
07:11 You didn't remember you came to me.
07:13 I took you to see someone.
07:18 Who did you take me to see?
07:19 Guanchao and Yang Fan.
07:20 Right?
07:23 Why did he take Guanchao and Yang Fan?
07:25 Guanchao and Yang Fan went to the concert together.
07:28 What about them?
07:30 They went back.
07:31 Grandma can't live without them.
07:33 But how do I remember coming out of the concert yesterday?
07:43 I seem to be walking on the main road.
07:46 Did I go out?
07:47 Yes.
07:48 You insisted on singing on the road when you left.
07:51 And let Jiang Yi dance for you.
07:53 Am I so crazy when I'm drunk?
07:56 It's so embarrassing.
07:58 Did Jiang Yi jump?
08:00 Of course not.
08:01 I can't remember anything.
08:05 I'm so stupid.
08:06 I can't remember.
08:08 Forget it.
08:09 Okay.
08:10 Mingyu told me about yesterday's situation on the phone.
08:23 How is Lin Zi now?
08:24 She's awake.
08:27 But she's still the same.
08:29 So you've been stopping me today.
08:34 You don't want her to remember that girl.
08:37 You've seen what she looks like.
08:40 You think telling her the truth is good for her.
08:43 But what's the result?
08:44 She forgot to say hello to Uncle Lan.
08:47 She forgot the gift we gave her for her birthday.
08:50 You two quarreled.
08:51 All these years,
08:53 as long as you mention Yifei,
08:54 that's what happened.
08:56 No wonder she was so sad by the beach that day.
08:58 Because she's been through what you've been through.
09:01 But she forgot.
09:03 More than once.
09:05 More than once.
09:06 Everyone feels bad about Yifei.
09:11 But she's different.
09:13 Yes.
09:14 She's the only one among us
09:16 who witnessed all this with her own eyes.
09:18 And she has to think about it over and over again.
09:24 So what happened that year?
09:33 [♪♪♪]
09:36 [♪♪♪]
09:39 [♪♪♪]
09:41 [♪♪♪]
09:47 [♪♪♪]
09:53 [♪♪♪]
09:59 [♪♪♪]
10:01 Is this how Jiang Yi really left?
10:27 [♪♪♪]
10:29 [♪♪♪]
10:36 [♪♪♪]
10:51 [♪♪♪]
10:53 Do you remember the swing we did for the first time?
11:03 We were only eight years old.
11:08 Everyone dared to do it.
11:10 Only Jiang Yi dared not do it.
11:12 In the end, she still went up.
11:15 You forced her to do it.
11:17 She cried in the end.
11:18 How timid she was when she grew up.
11:21 Besides, she was happy to play in the end.
11:24 She didn't even want to come down.
11:26 Now I think about it.
11:31 It was so good when I was a kid.
11:33 No worries.
11:35 But I always wanted to grow up at that time.
11:38 Now I know when I really grow up.
11:40 It was still good when I was a kid.
11:42 What's wrong?
11:44 You don't miss Jiang Yi anymore?
11:47 I don't miss him.
11:49 I just think that
11:53 when we go to England,
11:55 we have to eat fries with tomato.
11:57 Can he adapt?
11:59 You said that.
12:01 You still say you don't miss him.
12:03 What's the use of missing him?
12:09 I sent him a message,
12:10 he didn't reply me.
12:13 (Jiang Yi)
12:15 Why don't you reply me?
12:29 Fine, I won't answer you.
12:38 I'm glad that you're still alive.
12:40 I wish you can adapt soon
12:42 and live happily.
12:44 He...
12:56 Maybe he just doesn't know
12:58 how to face you.
13:00 After all, he was the one who left.
13:03 Yifei.
13:07 Do you think he will never ignore me?
13:09 Will we never see each other again?
13:12 Linzi.
13:14 Actually,
13:15 although some people have left,
13:18 as long as you keep thinking about him,
13:22 he will never leave.
13:24 Thank you, Yifei.
13:26 Let's play a game.
13:29 What game?
13:31 Close your eyes first.
13:36 Then,
13:37 think about the person you want to see the most.
13:40 Open your eyes slowly.
13:44 (Jiang Yi)
14:11 Son, come here.
14:13 Your father has been waiting for a long time
14:15 to buy these.
14:17 Yes.
14:18 This shop is very popular in the city.
14:21 Yes.
14:22 Try it.
14:23 Come on, try it.
14:24 Why don't you eat this?
14:28 What?
14:30 You don't eat fried fish and fries?
14:32 It's okay.
14:33 I can eat it myself.
14:34 And...
14:35 And...
14:36 And this.
14:37 This is spaghetti.
14:38 It tastes good.
14:40 Eat this.
14:41 Son, it's not that you don't eat spaghetti or fries.
14:43 You don't eat tomatoes.
14:44 I forgot.
14:49 Who said I didn't eat it?
14:50 Eat it.
14:54 Mom, I want to eat tomatoes.
15:07 No, I don't eat tomatoes.
15:10 If you don't eat tomatoes, I'll eat them.
15:12 I know.
15:17 You must still think about your old friends.
15:20 But no matter how good your relationship is,
15:23 everyone will have their own new life.
15:26 Yes.
15:29 Well, Jiang Yi,
15:31 the school application is about to start.
15:33 Your mother and I
15:35 helped you see a few shops before.
15:37 You can think about it later.
15:39 See which one you like.
15:41 You said
15:45 the domestic college entrance exam
15:49 should have come out, right?
15:52 Mom.
16:00 Mom.
16:02 Mom, I'll help you.
16:07 What is this?
16:08 The admission notice.
16:10 Give it to me.
16:11 Mom, take it.
16:12 Okay.
16:13 Beijing Media University admission notice.
16:16 Dear Huang Yuzhi,
16:17 you are great.
16:18 My daughter, come here.
16:21 Come here.
16:22 My daughter is great.
16:24 You are willing to go to Beijing.
16:28 Beijing is good.
16:29 There are a lot of food and fun.
16:31 You can also meet new classmates and new friends in college.
16:34 And it's so good to have a new environment.
16:36 Yes, yes.
16:38 Why are you a little unhappy?
16:41 You should mention Jiangyi.
16:46 My daughter.
16:49 I know you are still upset
16:53 about Jiangyi going abroad.
16:55 But I don't understand.
16:58 As long as we care about each other in our hearts,
17:00 the distance is not a problem.
17:02 Maybe after graduation,
17:03 you will be together again.
17:04 Mom, what are you talking about?
17:06 Yes, what are you talking about?
17:08 Okay, okay, okay.
17:09 Let's not talk about Jiangyi.
17:10 What about others?
17:11 Did others get the admission notice?
17:13 Yes.
17:15 Yifei went to the Central Dance Academy.
17:17 Ningyu went to Jiangzhou University.
17:19 Zhuang Yuan is great.
17:20 She went to Qingbei.
17:21 She is learning how to accept interviews at home.
17:24 I'm so happy.
17:28 These kids are great.
17:29 They all go to the school they want to go to.
17:32 How about this?
17:33 Call them home tomorrow.
17:35 I'll hold a celebration party for them.
17:37 Wait, wait, wait.
17:39 My daughter.
17:40 Did we miss one?
17:42 Yes.
17:45 Guanchao's admission notice hasn't been issued yet.
17:48 (China)
17:51 A bowl of wonton.
18:07 Sorry, we're closed.
18:08 Looks like I'm late.
18:10 (China)
18:13 It's you.
18:19 When did you come back?
18:37 A year ago.
18:40 (China)
18:41 I haven't had time to thank you for that.
18:47 You don't have to thank me.
18:49 I did it on my own.
18:50 How about you?
18:58 How have you been?
18:59 I went to a bar a while ago.
19:08 Where are you going?
19:09 My mom went out of town half a year ago.
19:13 Yifei.
19:18 Since your parents are not here,
19:20 you can follow me.
19:22 I'll take care of you.
19:23 What do you mean?
19:29 I'm in college now.
19:31 I can take care of myself.
19:33 I'm different now.
19:34 I'm fully capable of taking care of you.
19:37 (Yifei)
19:38 Hello?
19:39 What's wrong with Guanchao?
19:44 He didn't get the admission notice.
19:46 We can't reach him now.
19:48 We're worried about his dad.
19:49 Okay, don't worry.
19:51 I'll go to him now.
19:52 Is everything okay?
19:53 Sorry, I have to go now.
19:56 Okay, go ahead.
19:58 We have plenty of time.
20:00 Okay.
20:01 (Yifei)
20:03 (Yifei)
20:05 (Yifei)
20:06 Wow.
20:08 (Yifei)
20:10 (Yifei)
20:12 (Yifei)
20:14 (Yifei)
20:16 (Yifei)
20:18 (Yifei)
20:46 I guess
20:47 the third batch of admission notice has been sent.
20:51 You didn't receive it?
20:54 Dad,
20:58 can you hit me?
21:00 Get up.
21:13 Get up.
21:14 Get up.
21:17 Sit down.
21:22 Dad,
21:30 you don't blame me?
21:32 Guanchao has never been a college student.
21:37 I'm a worker.
21:40 Your grandpa is a worker too.
21:43 I thought about it.
21:44 I was too stubborn.
21:47 I can't blame you.
21:52 Shihua, right?
21:55 Yes.
21:56 There's also
21:58 301 on Building 3,
22:01 401, 402, 503.
22:04 Hello, is there a delivery for Building 402?
22:06 Yes, Building 3, Building 402.
22:07 Guanchao.
22:08 Yes, Guanchao.
22:09 Guanchao from Guan Gong.
22:11 Guan from Guan Gong.
22:12 Chao from Ma Chao.
22:13 Dad, don't say that.
22:15 I'll prepare for it this year.
22:17 Delivery for Building 402.
22:18 Guanchao.
22:20 Guanchao,
22:25 congratulations on being admitted by Tianjin Sports College.
22:28 Dad, I was admitted.
22:32 I was admitted.
22:33 Guanchao,
22:36 congratulations on being admitted by Tianjin Sports College.
22:38 Who said there were no college students in our family?
22:40 You're a college student.
22:41 I'm a college student.
22:42 That's great. You're finally admitted.
22:44 Honey,
22:45 you're not a useless person.
22:47 Guanchao's favorite food.
22:53 This is Mingyu's favorite food.
22:55 Yifei's favorite food.
22:58 My daughter,
23:00 you can't buy so much of what you like.
23:02 You can't get it.
23:03 Isn't that a waste?
23:05 They're going to college soon.
23:08 They might not be able to eat it when they go out.
23:10 Give them more this time.
23:11 One meal is enough.
23:12 Come on.
23:13 Okay, okay.
23:14 Buy as much as you like.
23:15 I'll cook for you.
23:16 I'll try a few new dishes for you.
23:19 What do you think?
23:20 I'll help you.
23:21 Good boy.
23:22 Since my daughter got into college,
23:25 I've been watching you everywhere.
23:27 You're so good.
23:29 Come on.
23:34 (China Food)
23:36 Honey,
23:48 I think the fish eggs over there
23:50 have new fish.
23:52 Let's go buy some.
23:53 Let's buy some tomatoes first.
23:56 Why do you buy tomatoes?
23:59 I want to eat tomatoes today.
24:01 I want to eat tomato scrambled eggs.
24:02 Tomato beef brisket.
24:03 Tomato chicken.
24:04 Tomato pickled fish.
24:05 Tomato scrambled tomatoes.
24:07 What are you doing?
24:09 Are you addicted?
24:10 Anyway, the person who doesn't like tomatoes is gone.
24:13 I want to eat.
24:14 I want to eat.
24:15 I want to eat.
24:16 Give me your hand.
24:17 Okay, okay.
24:22 Look.
24:28 Your school is here.
24:29 My school is here.
24:30 It's too far.
24:31 It's okay.
24:32 It's only a dozen kilometers.
24:33 A dozen kilometers?
24:35 We can go around Hao Tian City.
24:37 Besides,
24:38 if you take the subway,
24:39 it will take more than an hour.
24:41 Don't worry.
24:42 No matter how far it is,
24:43 I will pick you up every day.
24:45 Forget it.
24:47 I think you still need to train.
24:48 Don't delay your business.
24:50 What?
24:51 I think it's business to see you.
24:55 Yifei,
25:00 look.
25:01 The Forbidden City is in the middle of our school.
25:04 Jingshan Park,
25:06 Nanlu Ancient Town,
25:07 and this ancient building
25:08 are also in the middle of our school.
25:10 Think about it.
25:11 We can go ice skating in the winter.
25:15 What to do in autumn?
25:17 In autumn, we go to Xiangshan to see maple leaves.
25:21 What about spring?
25:22 What do you want to do?
25:23 Spring?
25:24 Let's go to the park to row a boat in spring.
25:26 Okay.
25:29 Do you remember?
25:30 You danced a dance in primary school
25:32 and let us win a prize.
25:34 What's wrong?
25:35 The song is about the Forbidden City.
25:38 And I remember you won the first prize.
25:40 I remember my mom taught me to dance that song.
25:48 If they know I got into the ballet school,
25:55 will they be happy for me?
25:58 But
25:59 I don't know how to tell them.
26:03 Yifei,
26:10 no matter you are happy or not,
26:14 you can share it with me.
26:16 I will always be here.
26:18 Really.
26:23 I know.
26:26 Here.
26:27 This is for me?
26:34 Do you like it?
26:35 I will put it on for you.
26:54 Yifei,
26:55 I like you.
27:03 I like you.
27:05 I like you.
27:07 I like you.
27:09 I like you.
27:11 I like you.
27:13 I like you.
27:15 I like you.
27:17 I like you.
27:19 I like you.
27:20 I like you.
27:22 I like you.
27:24 I like you.
27:26 I like you.
27:28 I like you.
27:30 I like you.
27:32 I like you.
27:34 I like you.
27:36 I like you.
27:38 I like you.
27:40 I like you.
27:42 I like you.
27:44 I like you.
27:47 I like you.
27:48 Yifei,
28:11 where are you going?
28:13 I will send you.
28:14 No, thanks.
28:15 I will go to my friend's house for dinner.
28:16 Who?
28:17 The crazy girl who got drunk and made trouble last time.
28:21 Or the stupid guy?
28:23 Don't say that about them.
28:27 Okay.
28:29 Go out and play.
28:31 Did you tell your dad about your college entrance exam?
28:35 What do you want?
28:38 I want to show you something.
28:40 What is it?
28:41 Don't you even recognize your dad's watch?
28:50 (The most beautiful thing in the world is the most beautiful thing in the world.)
28:53 Why did you bring me here?
29:14 Where is my dad?
29:16 Can you find him?
29:19 Yifei, let me ask you.
29:20 He left so cruelly that year.
29:24 Do you still want to see him?
29:27 Anyway,
29:29 he is also my dad.
29:32 Have you ever thought that if he didn't do this,
29:36 you wouldn't have had such a hard time?
29:38 You wouldn't be bullied by Ma Mingliang?
29:41 I don't think I'm suffering.
29:43 And I have a lot of good friends.
29:45 They have been helping me and taking care of me.
29:47 Helping you and taking care of you?
29:49 They are just having a good time.
29:51 Can they help you find your dad?
29:53 Can they give you a better life?
29:55 But I can do it all.
30:03 I will protect you and take care of you.
30:06 Just like before.
30:07 Just like before?
30:08 Hello, do you want to cut your hair?
30:20 What hair?
30:23 What are you doing?
30:27 Hello.
30:28 Don't brush.
30:29 Hello.
30:30 Don't brush.
30:31 Hello.
30:32 I want to ask.
30:34 Is that Blue Ice your husband?
30:37 Who are you?
30:38 Don't care who we are.
30:39 Answer me.
30:40 I have nothing to do with him.
30:45 That's right.
30:46 We are doing business with money.
30:48 He owes money to others.
30:50 Now he ran away.
30:51 We can only come to you.
30:53 I have no money.
30:56 If you have no money, we'll find it ourselves.
30:58 I told you I have no money.
31:01 What are you doing here?
31:03 Don't turn it over.
31:04 Don't move.
31:05 Don't move.
31:06 You can't go there.
31:11 I'll fight with you if you go.
31:13 What are you fighting for?
31:14 Mom, you can't take this money.
31:18 Don't move.
31:19 You can't take this money.
31:21 Let them take it.
31:22 This is your dance class tuition.
31:24 It's okay, mom. I won't pay.
31:26 You can take all this money.
31:31 Don't come again.
31:34 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
31:36 You don't have enough money.
31:43 Mom.
31:47 Go.
31:48 Mom.
31:49 Go.
31:54 I said go.
31:57 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:00 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:03 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:06 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:08 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:10 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:12 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:14 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:16 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:18 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:20 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:22 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:24 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:26 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:28 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:30 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:32 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:34 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:36 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:38 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:40 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:42 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:44 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:46 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:48 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:50 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:52 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:54 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:56 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
32:58 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:00 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:02 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:04 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:06 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:08 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:10 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:12 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:14 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:16 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:18 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:20 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:22 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:24 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:26 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:28 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:30 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:32 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:34 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:36 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:38 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:40 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:42 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:44 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:46 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:48 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:50 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:52 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:54 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:56 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
33:58 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:00 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:02 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:04 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:06 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:08 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:10 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:12 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:14 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:16 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:18 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:20 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:22 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:24 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:26 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:28 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:30 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:32 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:34 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:36 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:38 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:40 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:42 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:44 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:46 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:48 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:50 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:52 (I'm sorry, I can't help you.)
34:54 I told you it's none of your business.
34:56 From the moment they started to hurt me,
34:58 it's our business.
35:00 Be good.
35:02 What's your name?
35:22 Dai Wei.
35:24 Dai Wei.
35:26 Thank you.
35:28 Now I'm out and I have money.
35:42 I can help you with anything you want.
35:44 If you can help me find my dad,
35:48 I will definitely thank you.
35:50 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
35:52 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
35:54 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
35:56 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
35:58 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
36:00 How do I thank you?
36:02 I'm kidding.
36:10 Think about it.
36:12 What we've been through.
36:14 I don't need you to thank me.
36:16 Come on, Yifei.
36:18 Let's celebrate.
36:20 Celebrate that we
36:22 meet again.
36:26 I don't drink.
36:30 Then let's celebrate
36:32 that you got into a ballet school.
36:36 Okay?
36:38 Come on.
36:40 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
36:42 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
36:44 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
36:46 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
36:48 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
36:50 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
36:52 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
36:54 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
36:56 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
36:58 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:00 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:02 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:04 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:06 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:08 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:10 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:12 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:14 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:16 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:18 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:20 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:22 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:24 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:26 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:28 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:30 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:32 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:34 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:36 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:38 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:40 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:42 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:44 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:46 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:48 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:50 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:52 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:54 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:56 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
37:58 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:00 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:02 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:04 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:06 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:08 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:10 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:12 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:14 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:16 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:18 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:20 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:22 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:24 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:26 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:28 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:30 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:32 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:34 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:36 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:38 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:40 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:42 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:44 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:46 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:48 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:50 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:52 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:54 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:56 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
38:58 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:00 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:02 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:04 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:06 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:08 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:10 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:12 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:14 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:16 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:18 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:20 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:22 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:24 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:26 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:28 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:30 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:32 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:34 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:36 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:38 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:40 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:42 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:44 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:46 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:48 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:50 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:52 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:54 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:56 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
39:58 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:00 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:02 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:04 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:06 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:08 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:10 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:12 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:14 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:16 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:18 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:20 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:22 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:24 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:26 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:28 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:30 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:32 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:34 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:36 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:38 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:40 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:42 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:44 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:46 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:48 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:50 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:52 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:54 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:56 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
40:58 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:00 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:02 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:04 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:06 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:08 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:10 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:12 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:14 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:16 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:18 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:20 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:22 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:24 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:26 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:28 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:30 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:32 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:34 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:36 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:38 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:40 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:42 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:44 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:46 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:48 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:50 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:52 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:54 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:56 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
41:58 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
42:00 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
42:02 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
42:04 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
42:06 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
42:08 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
42:10 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
42:12 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
42:14 (Thank you for helping me find my dad.)
42:16 Who is it?
42:18 Who?
42:19 Let me do it.
42:20 Okay, Guanchao.
42:21 Let me do it.
42:22 You're so useless.
42:23 I want to tell Yifei.
42:28 Yifei, we're going to Beijing together.
42:31 I promise.
42:32 No matter where you are,
42:34 as long as you need me,
42:37 I'll be there for you at the first moment.
42:39 No matter what you've been through,
42:41 I want to be there with you.
42:44 (Applause)
42:46 (Cheering)
42:48 Okay.
42:49 It's time for our heroine.
42:51 Take it.
42:52 Take it.
42:53 Be quiet.
42:55 Let's listen to the heroine.
42:57 What's wrong?
43:05 Are you shy?
43:06 Are you shy?
43:08 Are you okay, Yifei?
43:11 (Yifei)
43:13 Yifei.
43:15 Lan Yifei.
43:38 What are you pretending?
43:39 Guanchao,
43:40 do you know you were wearing a green hat?
43:42 Are you crazy?
43:43 What did you say?
43:44 I have a photo.
43:45 If you don't believe me, look.
43:46 The photo is on the website.
43:47 Come and have a look.
43:48 Do you believe me?
43:49 Do you?
43:50 Do you?
43:51 Do you want a drink?
43:52 (Music)
43:59 (Music)
44:04 (Music)
44:08 (Music)
44:13 ♪ In the springtime ♪