King Charles III Is Diagnosed With Cancer

  • 6 months ago
The Speaker of the UK Parliament made a short statement in the House of Commons on Monday following the announcement by royal officials that King Charles III has been diagnosed with a form of cancer and has begun treatment.
00:00 I wish to make a short statement. I know the whole house will wish to join me in expressing our sympathies
00:07 with his majesty the king following the news announcement this evening.
00:12 Our thoughts are of course with his majesty and his family and with all wish to send him
00:19 our very best wishes for the successful treatment and a speed recovery following tonight's news.
00:26 So the function of government requires the king to play his part in dealing with both approving
00:32 an enormous number of documents and giving effect to various different instruments from government
00:39 and through parliament. So the king will get on with that perfectly happily. I sense that if this
00:46 lasts for a particular amount of time that the king will find a way of reaching out from home
00:52 to continue the influence that he can doubtless bring to an enormous number of the projects that
00:59 he's trying to raise and support in the early years of his reign. What he can't do is go on
01:05 all these planned trips around the commonwealth and to the other realms.
