Government at advanced stage on plans to extend the SGR from Naivasha to Malaba

  • 6 months ago
Roads and Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen on Tuesday said the government is at an advanced stage on plans to extend the SGR line from Naivasha to Malaba and ultimately expand it beyond Uganda and Rwanda all the way to the Democratic Republic of Congo.
00:00 We make very good progress in so far as continuation of the SGR from where it is in Ayvashia to
00:07 Uganda and we are in very advanced talks with the Ugandan government. As I said earlier,
00:16 we are also in advanced stage in so far as working on a resource model and partnership
00:23 model with the government and private sector to make sure that we raise the resources to
00:30 complete the SGR to Malaba border and thereafter to our border to Uganda and from Uganda now to
00:39 Kampala and hopefully to Congo. But at the moment our effort is to make sure that we
00:45 commence the construction soon. You will be appraised of what we are doing in the fullness
00:51 of time but the progress is on and the journey of taking the SGR to Kenya-Uganda border and
00:58 eventually to Kampala is on.
00:59 For more information visit
01:01 Thank you for watching.
