• l’année dernière
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⭐ Website: https://www.dimday.red

Dimday Red is a mid-apocalyptic tabletop role-playing game set in a bleak, socially fragmented world, where you can play as a mutant or a faction member, during the last 52 years of life on Earth. It expands on the Powered by the Apocalypse system with custom designed mechanics, meant to give the freedom to live your final days the way you choose!

Following an exhilarating year filled with loving support and valuable feedback from our community, Dimday Red is forging ahead, bigger and more mature, delving deeper into the darker realms of the Neu Bonn saga.

Earth's orbit has been perturbed, causing the planet to move closer to the sun over the past 47 years. The phenomenon was named Terrestrial Orbit Lapse, but it's commonly known as the Lapse. Scientists estimate that it will take about 52 years for the Earth to reach a point where life will no longer be sustainable.

The rising heat melted the pole glaciers sinking most of Europe and other parts of the world. As enormous waves of environmental refugees tried to reach safety, a new wave of colonization took place. Europe once more descended on Africa, forming the dominant Paneuropa.

Neu Bonn, the capital of Paneuropa, is divided by the Catharsis Wall into two main areas: the Center where the lower castes are forced to live and the Megastadt where the upper casts strive to maintain order.

The Fleisch District ranks as one of the Center's most impoverished and perilous areas, surpassed only by the Vermin District in its harshness. With an ever-growing, unsustainable population, scarce resources, and under the harsh authority of the Sol Syndicate, survival is a daily struggle for those who live there.

Cut off from Lych Avenue, the main lifeline for commerce in the Center, the people of Fleisch rely solely on contraband goods, most of which the Syndicate goons control. As a result, many choose to work for Sol in one way or another, making its forces numerically superior among the Four Syndicates, even if significantly under-equipped.

Two constructions stand out between the derelict buildings and makeshift huts. One is the Monojux arena, where people around the Center come to watch the bloodiest battles, as Fleisch has been the maker of champions for many years. The other is the Hochburg Slum, a towering monstrosity of architecture, in effect, a massive vertical favela.
00:00 I was born in this hellhole, with a curse to overshadow my every step.
00:13 Like everyone else here, I was born dead.
00:19 More than 150,000 souls are stacked on top of each other in the Hawkburg Tower.
00:27 It is our home, and our tomb.
00:32 We all share a common fate.
00:35 They say we have 52 years left before it gets too hot for anything to survive.
00:42 They say there's no hope.
00:45 And still, through the scorching heat, we each choose to live differently.
00:52 Some strive for power, and believe they will achieve it through the remnants of technology.
00:59 Some seek answers and meaning in the divine and its shady promises.
01:04 Some will go against everyone just because they are still alive and have nothing better
01:09 to do until they're not.
01:12 And some of us choose to find hope in love.
01:17 Foolish?
01:18 Probably.
01:19 But hope sets us free.
01:24 Even when everything around us burns.
01:27, and we're all just a part of it.
01:37 [Music]
01:44 [Music]
