淡米尔小学的稀奇景象 印裔小朋友成舞狮新手

  • 7 months ago
八点最热报 | 柔佛巴西古当淡米尔小学,有一队由华人师傅所带领的纯印裔学生舞狮队。年纪小小的他们,舞起狮来似模似样,架势一点也不输其他人。这都得归功于每个星期一放学后,陈师傅就会来教导小朋友舞狮。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, we remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:03 In the report just now, we introduced you to the peacock lion created by Master Chen with a strong Indian color.
00:13 I believe you will also notice that those five peacock lions are all Indian children.
00:18 In fact, these Indian children are all from the same Tamil school.
00:22 Master Chen is the teacher who officially teaches Indian primary school students in the 50th generation.
00:27 It is precisely because of the inspiration of these children that Master Chen began to design peacock lions.
00:34 But why are there five lion teams in a Tamil primary school?
00:39 Let's listen to their story.
00:41 After school, the Tamil primary school in the ancient city of Brazil seems empty and cold.
00:47 But there is another movement in a small corner of the campus.
00:50 Children are wearing sportswear, a pair of two gathering in the corridor.
00:57 Standing in front of the upper and lower arms, the children behind bend their bodies and put their hands on the partner's waist.
01:04 Do you see the short legs? These Indian children are practicing martial arts.
01:10 The Lion Dance
01:15 The tiger sounds the sound of picking up the lion's head and dancing.
01:35 They are young, but they are very good at martial arts.
01:39 Their driving is no less than others.
01:41 This is due to the fact that every Monday after school, Master Chen will teach children martial arts.
01:46 Day by day, these children also gradually transformed from the audience into a newbie who can describe martial arts with the same words and words.
01:54 I want to watch YouTube and TikTok. I want to like it.
02:01 My brother is Dutch, and I am also Dutch.
02:07 That is shaking, that is the eye, close and open, and I like that floor.
02:14 Wearing a red T-shirt, the lion in the corridor is watching the students' every move.
02:19 The lion beats the drum and beats the beat. The lion personally demonstrates the action of Master Chen.
02:23 The reason why they will stay in the Tamil primary school is all because of the appearance of the students and parents.
02:29 My student is Indian, Indian compatriot.
02:32 Then he learned martial arts from me. After learning, he told me, "Coach, our school may need to set up a lion team. Can you go over and guide or do some advice?"
02:42 Because many children ask me, "Indian child, can I join later? I want to join."
02:47 They don't have transport to come here. So I thought, I discussed with Master Chen, he said, "But we do training at school."
02:57 Although teaching Indian children martial arts, Master Chen did not relax the standard and played a strict role.
03:04 He insisted on passing on the strict martial arts spirit to the children.
03:13 In teaching, Master Chen put in a lot of effort, not only to cooperate with the habits of Indian children, but also to change the steps.
03:20 So some of their steps are a bit different from our Chinese martial arts. The movements are similar, but some steps have been changed.
03:28 He also tried to use various teaching methods to overcome the obstacles brought by language.
03:33 When Indian primary schools propose to teach, the biggest problem is language communication.
03:37 We can't use our traditional math because it's hard for them to absorb.
03:41 So we improved it into a way that they can absorb to teach them.
03:46 For example, we can write a page for them in the ancient Chinese dictionary.
03:51 For the steps, we can draw pictures to show them how to walk.
03:56 After Master Chen's careful instruction, the children's performance after learning the martial arts is different.
04:04 The principal and parents all saw it.
04:07 This also made the principal, who decided to open a martial arts troupe in Tan Mir Primary School, feel very happy.
04:13 Even though the students don't interact with the Chinese students, even though they don't study in Chinese schools,
04:19 we give them the opportunity to learn something from Chinese culture, like lion dance.
04:26 They really like it, right? They are very active.
04:29 Even if I forget, they will tell me that they have class today, and they must go.
04:34 My kids play this at home every day, talking about this culture.
04:39 She is very active. She loves the activity.
04:42 If I have a chance, I will learn, but I am still very old already, so I don't have time to learn.
04:49 The principal saw many changes in the children's learning of martial arts.
04:53 But when he asked the children the reason for their learning of martial arts, he only had one simple answer.
04:59 I like lion dance.
05:02 I like lion dance.
05:05 It's so pure, there is no complicated reason.
05:08 The children may not know that they are using small bodies to move,
05:13 not only the lion head, but also the style and the shape of the Malaysian ethnic fusion.
05:18 [Music]
05:26 [Music]
