David Taylor Medium - A Demonstration of Mediumship

  • 8 months ago
Spiritual and psychic medium David Taylor at one of he Evenings of Clairvoyance.
00:00 (soft music)
00:02 Welcome to a demonstration of mediumship
00:05 with myself, David Taylor.
00:07 The footage you are about to witness
00:09 are extracts taken from a full evening of clairvoyance.
00:13 I hope you enjoy.
00:14 We're right at the back table here, all right?
00:21 This gentleman's telling me, he said,
00:22 "I'm up there and I want to chat to this lady."
00:25 All right?
00:26 So you're aware of the Jack in the spirit world, my love.
00:28 Yeah?
00:29 Yeah, that's fine.
00:30 It's not important that we didn't get the chance
00:33 to say goodbye, all right, my love.
00:35 What is important is the memories that we have together.
00:38 He's showing me clear this image of you
00:40 sitting on his knee as a young child, okay?
00:43 He says, "She will always be my little girl.
00:45 "Never forget that."
00:47 All right?
00:48 Can I also ask you to check for a link
00:50 with the month of July that he's giving to me?
00:53 'Cause he's saying, "Happy birthday in July."
00:55 Okay?
00:56 Now, if this is your birthday or it's round you,
00:57 I don't have a problem.
00:58 I just feel like it's just off from you, this.
01:01 All right?
01:01 He says, "Just so you know, I don't miss any of them.
01:04 "And I would not miss a single day in your life."
01:07 Who's also been talking about getting married, my love?
01:10 I'm not marrying you off, don't worry.
01:13 It's not a problem.
01:14 It's not a proposal.
01:15 I've got my missus up there, all right?
01:18 But I'm just aware of him chatting
01:20 about somebody getting married, okay?
01:22 So if you're not aware of it now,
01:23 I want you to watch for the invite to the wedding
01:26 and just watch where it does come to you, okay?
01:28 He says, "Tell her I will be there as well."
01:31 He is clearly showing me the photo that you have out of him
01:34 and that you do speak to him.
01:37 He says, "I hear everything that's said,
01:39 "and I love you too."
01:41 Now, my love, as he's come close to you,
01:43 he's actually just lent over
01:45 and giving you a wonderful kiss right on the forehead.
01:48 And I feel as though that was placed for him after he passed.
01:51 Does that make sense?
01:52 He says, "Tell her I got the kiss.
01:54 "Tell her I love her too."
01:57 Now, I'm gonna leave you with the love of this gentleman,
01:59 and I'm gonna leave you with that contact,
02:01 and I hope that's okay for you.
02:03 He says, "Tell her to blooming well smile," all right?
02:07 Tell her to blooming well smile when she thinks about me,
02:09 'cause it's important that you do that.
02:11 So I'm gonna leave you with that love,
02:13 and I will leave you
02:13 with this gentleman's wonderful character,
02:16 and I hope that's okay for you.
02:18 - And when he said about the knee thing,
02:20 sitting on his knee,
02:22 are you sit on his knee?
02:23 We weren't always that close,
02:24 but when I did sit on his knee,
02:26 he pulled out his teeth one time and he scared me to death.
02:29 And my dad told him off for it.
02:31 But yeah, I used to always sit on his knee.
02:33 And then when he said about the picture,
02:34 I've got a picture of my dad on top of my wardrobe.
02:37 And at night when I'm worrying about things,
02:39 I'll have a little word with him and stuff like that,
02:41 and he did bring that up.
02:43 So I was like, "Oh my God, I think this is coming through."
02:45 And I thought, I hope it is,
02:47 because it's my first time,
02:49 and it'd be nice to get something,
02:51 and I would like to go tomorrow.
02:53 It's a gig.
02:54 - He's talking about somebody on the earth as well,
02:57 being interested in motorbikes.
03:01 Does that make sense?
03:02 Now, he's laughing away, he says,
03:05 "Wouldn't wanna see you on one of them."
03:07 All right, and he's laughing as he says this to me.
03:09 I don't know if someone's been talking
03:11 about getting a scooter as well, please,
03:13 'cause he's referring specifically to a scooter, okay?
03:16 Now I want you to watch for this conversation
03:17 and just laugh at it, all right?
03:19 Because it's actually, what he's giving to me here
03:22 is it's a conversation where somebody's talking
03:25 about getting something like that
03:27 and using that as transport to get them
03:29 just from A to B, all right?
03:31 And it is to progress you forwards as well.
03:34 For information on future events, bookings,
03:43 or contact details, please visit the website.
03:46 And bye-bye.
03:48 (audience applauding)
03:51 (applause)
