Paytm Saga: RBI Governor Shatikanta Das' Take | NDTV Profit

  • 7 months ago
#PaytmSaga: Here's what RBI Governor #ShaktikantaDas had to say. #RBIPolicy


00:00 Let me put the record straight. Now, you said that worry about the system and all that.
00:09 There is no worry about the system at the moment. Here we are talking about a specific
00:14 institution, a specific payment bank. As the Deputy Governor has already, Deputy Governor
00:24 Swaminathan has already explained. He has provided several details. Similarly, I also
00:30 don't want to comment on a specific case. But in this context, I would like to make
00:37 some general observations, not with specific reference to Paytm as such, but some general
00:44 observations which includes all our regulated entities. So all our regulated entities does
00:50 not exclude Paytm. It is applicable to all the regulated entities.
00:56 And in fact, the advice is the camera should not focus on this because I have written so
01:08 many things. This is a private part, so the cameras can focus perhaps on my face. But
01:16 let me, thank you. I think that is very agile on his part. So let me focus on some, make
01:23 some general points. And I would like to, you know, make some, about six or seven points.
01:31 Now first is that over the last few years, as all of you are aware, we have significantly
01:38 deepened our supervisory systems approach and methods. Number two, our emphasis is always
01:48 on, as the Deputy Governor has pointed out, our emphasis is always on bilateral engagement
01:56 with the regulated entity. And in that engagement, we give focus on, and we are completely focused
02:09 on nudging the regulated entity to take corrective action. Let me rephrase it for you to make
02:17 note. Our emphasis is always on bilateral engagement with the regulated entities with
02:23 focus on nudging them for corrective action. And sufficient time is given for undertaking
02:31 such corrective action. The third point, when such constructive engagement which we undertake,
02:40 when that does not work, so when such constructive engagement does not work or when the regulated
02:47 entity does not take effective action, we go for imposing supervisory or business restrictions.
02:56 Number four, such restrictions which we impose are always proportionate to the gravity of
03:04 the situation. Please take note that such restrictions are proportionate to the gravity
03:10 of the situation. Number five, all our actions, being a responsible regulator, being a responsible
03:21 supervisor, all our actions are in the best interest of systemic stability and protection
03:29 of depositors or customers' interest. These aspects cannot be compromised. Individual
03:39 entities should be mindful of these aspects for their long-term success. Number six, over
03:50 the last few days, we have received a lot of queries, clarifications from various quarters,
03:58 including members of the public. You have raised a few questions today. So we have noted
04:05 all these questions and clarifications which have been sought from us. And based on that,
04:12 we will be issuing a FAQ sometime next week. So that should address all these questions
04:20 and clarifications which are being raised by you and which have been raised in the public
04:25 domain and raised bilaterally with us from various quarters. Number seven, finally, and
04:33 emphatically, let me stress and let me emphatically state that the Reserve Bank is and will continue
04:44 to encourage and support innovation and technology in the financial sector. Let there not be
04:51 any doubt about Reserve Bank's commitment to promote fintechs, to promote innovation,
04:58 to promote technology in the financial system.
05:01 [Music]
