Unveiling the Truth: 14 Key Lessons from Genesis 2:7 on Being Human

  • 7 months ago
The importance of Genesis 2:7
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Today, we don't know what is to be human! How can I say this? Because we don't know what consciousness and mind are. Yet, that is what makes us human, they confer on us our cognitive and mental attributes. Amazingly, Genesis 2:7 gives us the clues we need to solve this enigma. It says, "(hu)man became a living soul." If you want the full story and the answers to all the queries below then get "Mind-Body Problem Solved." https://TheExplanation.com You can also watch the entire book online here, https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLVXMRd9z3XUmpMZYBhHby8BRItEWmfmWw

1. Why are Lord (Yahveh) singular and God (Elohim) plural?
2. Who is the Lord? What is the Lord’s relationship to the Higher Power?
Watch: https://youtu.be/rVJ5To0TC10?si=JLZOcBeMYhFdoQiy
3. What does formed mean? For instance, why doesn’t it say created?
Watch: https://youtu.be/eXAte2WwIZw?si=AchUmqrvZp27X-eL
4. Why from the dust? What’s the difference between dust and ground?
Watch: https://youtu.be/dd96zW_oTUw?si=857LhRVhIdZ0oISA
5. Why breathe into the nostrils? Why breathe at all? God could’ve used any method
Watch: https://youtu.be/PCyduivIGwM?si=LN3mzPwqvyk3ylY7
6. Did you know that breathed and breath are two different words in Hebrew? What does each mean? What is their relationship?
Watch: https://youtu.be/PCyduivIGwM?si=LN3mzPwqvyk3ylY7
7. The Hebrew says the breath of lives. It’s plural. What’s that all about? By the way, the Tree of Life is also the Tree of Lives. Again plural.
Watch: https://youtu.be/NogHdPs433A?si=0wY3zTfq5bKAIDpd

Buy the book Mind-Body Problem Solved which explains the what, how, and especially the WHY of human consciousness and mind and how to maximize their positive use. https://TheExplanation.com/mind

This video comes from https://TheExplanation.com
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