Mga senador, target na tapusin ang pagtalakay sa cha-cha sa Oktubre

  • 6 months ago
Mga senador, target na tapusin ang pagtalakay sa cha-cha sa Oktubre
00:00 The Senate's target is to discuss the Charter Change after October or possibly earlier.
00:05 If so, some senators have explained why it's better to have a plebiscite on the 2025 midterm elections.
00:13 Daniel Malastas has the details.
00:15 One of the senators' proposals in the next hearing of the resolution of both houses number 6
00:24 is to talk about public utilities.
00:26 Legal experts and big businessmen are invited to listen.
00:31 In the 1987 Constitution, what is our music?
00:34 We listen to the record and cassette tapes of 1987.
00:39 How do we communicate with each other?
00:41 We have a landline, right?
00:43 The world is different. We should adjust.
00:47 The timeline is already set for when the discussion will end.
00:51 Senator Sunny Angara thought that when October comes, the discussion on the issue will end.
00:57 But he can also do it earlier.
00:59 The senator also explained why it's better to have a plebiscite on the Charter Change in 2025 midterm elections.
01:06 That's why I want to have a plebiscite on the elections so that the candidates have an answer.
01:11 If they have a position on the Charter Change, they should stand on the table and explain it to the people.
01:19 This is why I am here, whether they are pro or against, to talk about it.
01:26 For me, that's what our democracy is all about.
01:31 But in the position of his fellow members of the Charter, the senator does not want to be the first to take this step.
01:38 And even if the Charter continues and the plans are implemented,
01:42 they are ready for any questions that may arise in the court.
01:46 How can I speak for 23 senators? I can only speak for Senator Angara, maybe Senate President Zubiri,
01:52 and Senate President Pro Templegarda because we filed the resolution.
01:55 We are listening to our resolution.
01:58 But we cannot assure that our fellow members will not amend it because that's part of the process.
02:03 It's not easy to get 18 votes in one election.
02:07 Among the candidates who are ranked among the low and high ranks,
02:11 former Senate President Franklin Delon was elected among the former fellow members of the Charter.
02:16 He will be able to study the restrictive economic provisions in the League of Laws tomorrow.
02:21 He should be open.
02:23 Daniel Manalastas for Pambansang TV in Bagong, Philippines.
