McFarlane Dragons Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Hungarian Horntail

  • 6 months ago
McFarlane Dragons Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Hungarian Horntail


00:00 And there was the horntail at the other end of the enclosure crouched low over
00:04 her clutch of eggs her wings half furled her evil yellow eyes upon him a
00:08 monstrous scaly black lizard thrashing her spiked tail leaving yard-long gouge
00:13 marks in the hard ground. Here's a look at the brand-new McFarland toys. Dragons
00:18 Harry Potter's Hungarian Horntail.
00:22 [Music]
00:26 Harry returns for his fourth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
00:50 Wizardry along with his friends Ron and Hermione. There's a major upcoming
00:53 tournament between the three major schools of magic with one participant
00:57 selected from each school by the Goblet of Fire. When Harry's name is drawn even
01:00 though he's not eligible as the fourth player he must compete in the dangerous
01:04 contest. Next hint or not there's no way I'm putting some dragon egg underwater.
01:09 Before of course we get a closer look at the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
01:13 Hungarian Horntail. As you can already see I've got my tape measure prepped and
01:17 ready to measure off to the top of the dragon. Now this particular dragon is
01:21 going to be a little bit smaller than the recently looked at Lord of the Rings
01:24 Smaug. I guess what I really should do is measure to the top of its wing because
01:28 of course that is the highest point on the dragon and if that's the case you're
01:31 looking at the Hungarian Horntail being about seven inches in height or it's
01:35 going to be about 18 centimeters tall. Then for its wingspan which is the one
01:38 thing it's much greater in from one end of its wing if I can get the tape
01:42 measure out one one end of its wing to then the other the wingspan of the
01:45 horntail is 16 inches in width or it's gonna be about 40 inches wide. Speaking
01:52 of Smaug let's slide over the horntail and bring in the earlier looked at Lord
01:56 of the Rings Smaug. Now one thing obviously is while maybe the horntail is
02:00 lacking the size that Smaug did have. Smaug keep in mind as well was trying to
02:04 protect his treasure so he's a little bit more closer to his display stand. The
02:07 wingspan though of the horntail is much more predominantly featured here and
02:10 really gives you an idea of how much wings the smaller sized dragon actually
02:15 has. Having the horntail now front and center looking at the trading card that
02:18 comes in clear with the dragon. It does say Harry Potter although what it
02:21 doesn't say on the card at least is the Goblet of Fire. Don't worry they've
02:24 covered the territory at least by printing on the side of the placard and
02:27 then on the other side of the breathing dragon face you've got Hungarian
02:30 Horntail. The back of the cards does still say the same although there's a
02:35 paragraph read as well you can read for yourself just happens to be the same
02:37 thing I read the beginning of this review. Now usually when it comes these
02:40 trading cards you know me I like to put them in my trading card sheets but that
02:43 really only rules applies for when it comes to DC multiverse figures. Comic
02:47 based characters I like to really put them in the sheets. These kind of cards
02:50 though I really wish that they could have had a little standee something
02:52 similar for example like the movie Maniacs you know they all come with
02:55 little sort of standees I'm kind of just simulating it right now with my thumb
02:59 and my finger but if they gave a little standee and said say McFarlane dragons I
03:03 think it would be a nice way to showcase the card along with the dragon or if
03:07 they had made for example put slots somewhere on the display base we could
03:11 slot then the card in place it's again a nice way especially if you're one that
03:14 likes to collect the McFarlane dragon line a nice way of presenting the card
03:18 that goes along with the dragon. Even though you feel like you may be missing
03:21 some of the details about the dragon one thing at least that gets covered is the
03:24 territory of having the front placard telling you exactly the name of the
03:27 character. So we've got Harry Potter this time the Goblet of Fire and also as well
03:31 says Hungarian Horntail down below. I love the idea that they include these
03:34 placards so in case you have somebody that isn't as much of a an expert of
03:39 dragons as perhaps you that then walked in and saw your collection of dragons on
03:42 the shelf would then at least be able to look at the placard and know not only
03:46 the movie that it comes from but also the name of the dragon itself. I love the
03:50 way they've actually done this in a brighter yellow it pops really nicely
03:52 and gets the backdrop of a very otherwise dark gray display stand. Some
03:57 assembly was required when it came to Hungarian Horntail. A bit
04:01 of a tongue twister. They had to take the wings of course you had to attach them
04:04 in place. Always is the case when we get these dragons that putting the wings in
04:08 place there always seems to be a wing that never snaps properly in place. When
04:12 we looked at Spoud for example I think it was this one side that wasn't
04:15 connecting properly. Although pretty uniformed I mean the body fits quite
04:19 nicely to these wings and I thought really of all the dragons I've looked
04:22 at here on this channel these were the wings that snapped in the easiest. The
04:26 wingspan of the dragon you can see is even bigger than the body. Some other
04:29 assembly was also required of course you have to take yourself the dragon and
04:32 attach it onto a very decorative looking detailed display base. While really not
04:37 having much in the way of color it certainly does have a really interesting
04:40 rock face to it. I had to take of course the bottom of the feet, not the
04:44 teeth, the feet. Taking the pegs and attaching them into the
04:47 provided holes. You'll see that these are the two that are attaching from the
04:51 feet. Then you'll see this little tiny peg down below here and one that's in
04:55 gray on the back. Those are some extra things that you have to also add to the
04:58 dragon like for example its golden egg. The golden egg is one thing it's trying
05:02 to protect while being chained up like this. The egg itself snapped fairly easy
05:06 in place and nicely molded here. I don't know if it's actually molded in
05:09 gold plastic or likely they probably would have gone in there and painted in
05:13 gold. Either way though it does certainly stand out and it stands a lot easier the
05:16 fact that they made the base as dark as of a gray as they actually did. The last
05:20 thing that had to be installed when it came to this dragon if you've seen the
05:23 film is it's chained up. The chain attaches onto the back with a pretty
05:28 consistently sculpted peg. I mean plugging that in place obviously if you
05:32 look at it from the top you can kind of very much there obviously see the set
05:35 section of the circle that's been plugged in place but then the actual
05:38 chain is a real metal chain. It attaches from the one end and then it loops
05:42 itself around the neck of the horntail. Now you could do one of two
05:46 things. You could do one of two things when it comes to attaching this is that
05:49 you can either feed this around the top of its body, the top of its spine
05:53 and then loop it around its neck that way but if you
05:56 want to make it a little bit more cleaner you can either attach it around
05:59 the neck and then put the dragon down or you can do what I did. I put the dragon
06:03 down first then I had to take the collar piece of the chain. I had to feed it
06:07 through its feet so basically I plugged it in here. I fed the chain through then
06:11 its open legs and then wrapped around the front chain or the loop of the chain
06:15 around the creature's neck. It fits in fairly easy although you have to kind of
06:19 get it around the spikes. Taking it off is almost just as difficult. In fact it
06:24 probably is a little bit more difficult because you're trying to do it the
06:26 opposite way around. I mean you're kind of working with the spikes when you're
06:29 putting it in place. Taking it off that not that I can really ever see myself
06:32 really wanting to take it off. You're gonna run into the problem of hitting
06:35 all these spikes along the way. I'm just gonna leave it in place. I mean it
06:38 doesn't tighten itself up at all. You can see the way the chain is basically just
06:41 attaching on two sides but at least it's gonna stay in place. I like the idea that
06:45 they at least decided to use this in metal rather than plastic. So it gives a
06:48 little bit of weight, it gives it a natural drape that chains would normally
06:51 be and it adds a little bit of extra pizzazz. Now you don't really even have
06:54 to have this display with the horntail. If you wanted to you could just
06:57 completely omit the chain and leave it off completely. The only thing it
07:00 unfortunately will leave is the back section here with an open hole. Unless
07:04 you wanted to you could also have just the chain draped on the ground
07:07 so it looks like the horntail has broken free. The detailing done here to the
07:11 horntail is fantastic. Even though I'm a bigger fan of creature wise of Smaug, I
07:16 think the dragon of the horntail has been better sculpted here from McFarlane's
07:20 team. I mean I could be a little bit biased by the idea as well that the
07:22 wingspan is a little bit more greater. There's a lot more interesting things
07:25 when you're looking at a dragon that has wingspans like this rather than wings
07:29 that are basically just draped across the ground. Smaug was interesting enough
07:32 but I think I like the actual dynamic pose that this one has a little bit
07:36 better. The wingspan for this particular dragon is quite a bit greater than its
07:40 body. The body for the horntail is generally really quite small as well as
07:44 the head. The head is actually one of the biggest things about the creature. It is
07:47 nicely sculpted although to go back and look at the movie again I feel like some
07:51 of the spikes on the top of the head are a little bit more of a whiter color than
07:55 the darker gray that we're getting here. Tiny little slit for eyes you can see as
07:59 well the top and bottom of the teeth and a very well sculpted and painted tongue
08:02 on the inside of its mouth. I think also as well the wings I mean again I'm not
08:06 gonna be a stickler too much of the detail but I think the wings are a little
08:09 bit darker as well in the movie. They come across and read a little bit more
08:12 here to brown but I think in the movie they're kind of more of a darker gray
08:15 but despite that I mean it's a really nice looking dragon. Again very much
08:19 smaller in size. This one doesn't have the articulation when we looked at Smaug
08:23 for example. Smaug has the articulation in the tail for one reason or another. I
08:27 don't even really know why they had to take the time to put articulation in the
08:30 tail but this one has more just a rubberized tail and you really can't
08:34 move it around even if really you did want to move it around I mean you'd only
08:37 ultimately be breaking up the sculpt of one consistent series of spikes
08:41 running all the way down to the bottom of the character's tail. I don't think it
08:44 necessarily needs any articulation at all but it has some really interesting
08:47 little holes and marks and things left behind things torn away from his from
08:52 its wings for example. It's really well painted but although again going back
08:56 and seeing the movie I think it's supposed to be a little bit darker than
08:59 the approach of the brown that they end up going with here. Despite that though
09:02 it is one dragon that I really am liking. I mean again I'm a little bit biased more
09:06 when it comes to these dragons that I like the wingspans out myself just
09:09 because they have a little more shelf appeal. Again to compare this with the
09:13 Smaug that we looked at before. Bring back in Smaug so you guys can see. You
09:17 know again by just the way he's supposed to be protecting his treasure would then
09:21 justify of course why the wings are down like this but I mean really then to look
09:24 at the two I just think these ones that have the wings out like this there's a
09:28 little bit more interesting stuff to look at. Not to say that Smaug is
09:31 slouching at all but I think between the two of the new dragons that we got here
09:35 from McFarlane's team I prefer I think Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
09:38 Hungarian Horntail over the earlier looked at Lord of the Rings Smaug. While
09:43 I do think that the Lord of the Rings Smaug was the more interesting of the
09:45 dragons on screen I think though as a release from McFarlane toys the
09:49 Hungarian Horntail has him beat. Maybe has something to do with the fact this one
09:52 does have a wingspan that's actually out. I mean if you really want to have
09:55 dragons on display aren't you really one that's gonna gravitate a little bit more
09:59 to having wings out as opposed to wings draping down like curtain drapes?
10:02 I mean Smaug obviously was protecting his treasure so it would justify why
10:06 that dragon had the wings posed the way that they did but honestly really
10:09 between the two this one does it a lot nicer by actually having the wings out
10:13 like this. It's a smaller in stature dragon of course but it does benefit
10:17 from having some decent coloring done to it. I don't know it's a hundred percent
10:19 accurate to the way it actually appears in Goblet of Fire but I think though it
10:23 was still nicely sculpted and very well painted. This one also benefits from
10:26 having a real metal chain something that you just can't simply replicate by using
10:30 in plastic. I mean yeah they could have easily just sculpted a permanently
10:33 molded chain that goes around the neck of the dragon then
10:37 attaches to the back of the actual display stand but you really can't again
10:41 replicate the weight the feel and just the way the drape of a natural real
10:44 metal chain. I'm glad to see that they actually use that. Now you don't have to
10:48 necessarily have this attached on to the dragon head if you wanted to you can
10:51 leave it off or you can also have it look like the dragon has broken free.
10:54 Still a nice release though from the folks over at McFarland toys. I was
10:57 actually trying to think of other movie dragons. Now of course they can always
11:00 just spin the series off and just do more fantasy characters that aren't
11:03 attached to necessarily a movie or TV series but if they want to stick to film
11:07 a couple of ones I was thinking of was Dragonheart. Sean Connery portraying
11:11 Draco in that movie. Love to see them do for example a Dragonheart. I was also
11:14 thinking Christian Bale's reign of fire. Two dragons from two different movies.
11:19 I would love to see them do for possibly even future McFarland dragon releases.
11:23 What other dragons from movies or TV series? I can't really think of many from
11:27 TV shows but ones from films what other ones would you guys like to see McFarland
11:32 tackle when it comes to his dragon property? Let me know down below in the
11:35 comment section. Speaking though of McFarland toys, once again I'd like to
11:38 send a big thank you to the folks over at McFarland toys that did provide the
11:40 sample of the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Hungarian horned tail. Of
11:46 course as always guys if you guys enjoyed this video I want to hit with a
11:48 like. You guys are loving the content you guys are seeing and you certainly do
11:51 want to stick around for more. I can't really promise unfortunately we will be
11:54 looking at any more dragons. I think we pretty much covered the territory there
11:57 but we definitely will be looking at some more McFarland toys. In fact if you
12:00 want to get your fix for it right now popping up the very end of this video
12:03 will also be a playlist until of course any new videos pop up on this channel.
12:07 You can always go back, you can always go back check out the content I've done
12:11 from before of all the movie maniacs of all the stuff everything that they ever
12:15 have done McFarland toys that is will be contained inside that playlist. Feel free
12:19 to give it a gander. As always guys thanks for watching see you guys next
12:22 time.
12:25 you
12:28 you
12:30 (explosion)
