Seerat Un Nabi (SAWW) - The Life of Holy Prophet Muhammad SAWW - 10 Feb 2024 - ARY Qtv

  • 6 months ago
Seerat Un Nabi (S.A.W.W)

Host: Dr. Mehmood Ghaznavi

Islamic Scholar: Shujauddin Sheikh

#DrMehmoodGhaznavi #ShujauddinSheikh #SeeratUnNabiPBUH #ARYQtv

The words of Allah Ta'ala, the standard of his character and personality is far above that of any other creation. He possessed the best and noblest qualities of the perfect man and was like a jewel illuminating the dark environment with his radiant personality, ideal example and glorious message. Now based on these facts which we wholly and solely believe we are presenting this program for our Muslim as well as non-Muslim viewers to enlighten their lives with the light of the Seerah of Prophet Hazrat Muhammad PBUH.

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00:00 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
00:07 Alhamdulillahir Rabbil Alameen.
00:11 Wasalatu wasalamu ala khatiman nabiyyin.
00:15 Nazim-ul-Mutlam, Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
00:18 Programme Seeratun Nabi Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Alaihi Wasallam.
00:22 Dr. Mahmood Ghaznavi is here with us.
00:26 Please come with me, Mr. Shujaadeen Shaikh, our favorite religious scholar.
00:32 Dear viewers, as I am broadcasting from Karachi studio,
00:37 you must be watching this from some part of the world.
00:40 The weather in Karachi is fluctuating.
00:44 It is cold at night and hot during the day.
00:47 So here is a viral flu.
00:50 You can guess from the quality of my voice
00:53 that I am not sounding good.
00:56 And it is possible that this situation may arise in between.
01:00 So I am reciting the prophecy so that if you have any problem,
01:04 I can apologize in advance.
01:06 The previous programme we did was about the upbringing of children
01:09 because we are discussing the family system.
01:12 And the programme on upbringing of children was also from there
01:16 that when the relationship of the spouses will be established
01:19 after marriage,
01:21 then even then the Prophet (pbuh) has taught us prayers.
01:26 Because we think that marriage is only a pleasure.
01:29 It is not a pleasure, it is a pleasure too,
01:32 but marriage is actually a religious obligation.
01:35 Because Allah (swt) wants to spread His creation in this world
01:40 and wants to make life pass according to His own Shariah and method.
01:47 That is why the Prophet (pbuh) was sent with guidance
01:50 and the Prophet (pbuh) taught us.
01:52 So we were discussing this.
01:54 I will take a recap of the previous programme from Shuja Sahab.
01:57 Then we will move ahead.
01:59 So today we will discuss the upbringing of children.
02:02 Assalamu Alaikum.
02:03 [Shuja Sahab] Walaikum Assalam wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.
02:06 [Hassan Ilyas] How are you?
02:07 [Shuja Sahab] Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen.
02:09 [Hassan Ilyas] I have already told you my temperament.
02:12 May Allah forgive me.
02:13 [Shuja Sahab] May Allah give you health and well-being.
02:16 If you are suffering from any illness or any other condition,
02:19 may Allah give you health and well-being.
02:22 Doctor, JazakAllah Khairan.
02:24 Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
02:25 Allahumma Salli 'Ala Muhammadin wa 'Ala Aali Muhammadin wa Barik wa Sallim.
02:29 Rabbish Rahli Sadri wa Yassirili Amri.
02:31 Wahlu l-Uqdatan min Lisani, Yafqahum Qawli.
02:33 Wa Ja'alni Wazeeran min Ahli.
02:35 Ameen Ya Rabbil Alameen.
02:37 In the previous programme, we have discussed the relationship between spouses.
02:43 We have discussed the relationship between spouses in this jail.
02:46 We have discussed the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) in relation to marriage.
02:51 We have discussed the use of the word 'Libas' for Zaujain.
02:54 We have discussed the love and affection for each other.
02:57 We have discussed the fact that Satan wants to break the homes of the Prophet (PBUH)
03:00 and the Prophet (PBUH) wants to unite the homes of the Prophet (PBUH)
03:03 and we have to reject the words of Satan and accept the words of the Prophet (PBUH).
03:06 We have discussed this in the previous programme.
03:08 We can discuss many other things.
03:10 However, in the previous programme, we have started to talk about the upbringing of children.
03:14 And in the jail of upbringing of children, some basic things have come to our attention
03:17 that Allah has given us the command to worry about ourselves and our families.
03:22 In the Quran, in the 6th verse of Surah Tahrim, it is mentioned
03:25 Ya ayyuhal ladheena aamanoo qu anfusakum wa ahlikum naara
03:29 O you who have believed, save yourselves and your families from the fire of hell.
03:34 It is not enough to become pious alone.
03:36 It is necessary to worry about the families of your children and wives.
03:41 Similarly, the hadith in which the Prophet (PBUH) said
03:47 It is a narration of Bukhari Sharif that
03:49 kullukum ra'een, each of you is a guardian, a guardian
03:54 and he will be questioned about his guardianship, those who will be under him.
04:00 If he is a father, he will be questioned about his children.
04:02 If he is a husband, he will be questioned about his wife.
04:04 If he is a master, he will be questioned about his servant.
04:06 If he is a ruler, he will be questioned about his subjects.
04:08 So, where a father has the responsibility of the care of his children
04:11 like food, clothing, shelter, food, drinking, health, education, etc.
04:15 At the same time, fulfilling the spiritual needs of the children
04:18 and making them aware of the religion of Allah
04:22 in connection with fulfilling the spiritual needs of his family
04:24 and trying to make them follow the religion becomes a father's responsibility.
04:28 Similarly, the mention of both mother and father is also mentioned in a blessed hadith.
04:32 The famous saying of the Prophet (pbuh) is blessed.
04:35 This is a hadith of Bukhari Sharif that every child is born on the basis of fitrah,
04:39 on the basis of Tauheed, on the basis of Islam.
04:42 His parents make him a Jew, Christian, and a Magus, i.e. a polytheist.
04:47 The first role is of the parents.
04:49 No matter how advanced technology and media have become,
04:52 the fitrah has increased a lot, there is no doubt about it.
04:54 But the first responsibility is of the parents.
04:56 And the role of both mother and father is important.
04:59 It is a division of the responsibility of the husband for the work outside
05:02 and the responsibility of the wife for the household chores.
05:05 However, both are responsible for the upbringing of the children.
05:09 In the same way, we were discussing in the previous program
05:13 that the upbringing of children is related to the birth of the child.
05:18 There are many teachings.
05:20 However, there are some teachings before the birth of the child.
05:24 Our issue is that the wedding plans of daughters and sons
05:29 are sometimes of 20 years or 10 years.
05:32 What do you mean by 20 years?
05:34 You must have seen that there are many insurance companies
05:37 that work on fraud and they get very attractive messages.
05:42 Today your doll is 4 years old.
05:44 You deposit this much money on interest.
05:47 You take this policy on interest.
05:49 So what will happen is that after 20 years, the doll will be 24 years old.
05:54 Or after 16 years, the doll will be 20 years old.
05:56 So you will need money for these rituals, for these expenses,
06:00 to fulfill these desires.
06:02 So take this much interest for the doll.
06:04 We will give you.
06:06 The one who is going to give money is this.
06:08 He has forgotten the provider.
06:10 We have faced the rest of the problems.
06:12 We have discussed this in detail.
06:14 The responsibility of the daughter's parents does not come from the expenses.
06:17 Allah has given this responsibility.
06:19 This is also a strange custom in our society.
06:22 Nowadays, people call from banks and ask for a credit card.
06:27 They ask for a loan.
06:29 I am sitting at home and I am being called to take a loan.
06:32 Why should I take a loan?
06:35 Take it because we need interest.
06:37 In the life of a common man,
06:40 you are trying to get the interest.
06:43 May Allah know what kind of Muslims we are.
06:48 We are insisting on what Allah has declared as war.
06:52 And this is being invited at home.
06:54 Yes, door to door.
06:56 May Allah have mercy.
06:58 So we have a 20-year plan.
07:00 A 10-year plan.
07:01 The mother says that she will find a beautiful bride for her son.
07:03 It takes 10 years.
07:05 The father says that there is a project.
07:07 A boy is needed for the daughter.
07:13 We say that he will be placed on order.
07:15 He will be out of a factory after 20 years.
07:17 He should have complete perfection in him.
07:19 A 10-year plan.
07:21 The relationship is decided.
07:23 The boutique will be of this kind.
07:25 The furniture will be of that kind.
07:27 The dance will be of that kind.
07:29 And the guests will be of that kind.
07:31 The preparations for the wedding.
07:33 The preparations for the world's futility.
07:35 We don't know this.
07:37 "Laqad kaana lakum fee rasoolillahi usbatun hasana"
07:40 What teachings has the Messenger of Allah given?
07:43 We are not making fun.
07:45 We have been talking about this for years.
07:47 And today we have come to this topic again.
07:49 We have spoken about it.
07:51 It is important to take care of this.
07:53 What teachings has the Messenger of Allah given?
07:56 This situation is going on in our society.
07:59 The wedding is being planned.
08:01 Everything in the world is included in our list.
08:05 It becomes a checklist.
08:07 Except that it is told that the relationship is being formed.
08:11 What are its religious aspects?
08:13 Yes, you have made a point.
08:15 What do we mean by religious aspects?
08:17 We arrange for the marriage in accordance with the Sunnah.
08:21 So, you should know what are the teachings of the Sunnah.
08:23 The Messenger of Allah's example is being told by the Holy Quran.
08:27 "Laqad kaana lakum fee rasoolillahi usbatun hasana"
08:30 So, we should take guidance from there.
08:32 Now, we are taking the topic of the upbringing of children.
08:35 We have mentioned that the etiquettes of the relationship of the wife should be told by the religion.
08:40 And the prayers for the relationship of the wife should also be told by the religion.
08:44 The Messenger of Allah has given us the teachings.
08:47 For example, when the relationship of the wife begins, then there is a prayer.
08:51 "Allahumma jannibana shaytaan, wa jannibi shaytaan maa razzaqutana"
08:55 "O Allah, protect us both, husband and wife, from the attacks of the devil."
09:00 "And grant us the sustenance of our children, so that we may be protected from the attacks of the devil."
09:05 This is a prayer at the beginning of the relationship.
09:08 The relationship is established.
09:10 The relationship is established.
09:14 Now, what is the prayer?
09:16 "Allahumma laa taj'al lish shaytaani fee maa razzaqutani naseeba"
09:20 "O Allah, grant me the sustenance of my children, so that I may not have any share of the devil."
09:24 Now, how beautiful is the word "Rizq"
09:26 It is used for children.
09:28 So, the prayer is at the beginning of the relationship of the wife and at the completion of the relationship.
09:33 When, as a result of this relationship, a woman will have a child, that is for later.
09:40 Today, the prayer is said, "O Mother!"
09:42 This is the matter of the beginning of parenting.
09:46 Then, you may remember that we had presented another thing in the previous program.
09:50 And that is, a child that will be born in the future,
09:55 the person who will become the father in his future,
10:00 the person who will become the father in his future,
10:03 he has the responsibility to choose a woman who is good for his marriage.
10:09 Such a woman should get her marriage, who is good, so that the children will be good.
10:14 So, the child that will be born in the future, today it has this right.
10:20 The Muhaddeseen have also explained this in light of the Hadith.
10:23 Now, we will go further.
10:24 You can guess how much teachings are being given before the birth of a child in the world.
10:28 All this is related to its upbringing and protection.
10:31 So, the thing you heard, that the prayer is at the time of the establishment of relationships,
10:36 the prayer is at the time of the completion of relationships,
10:39 and when the relationship is established, then the prayer and efforts for the search of a woman,
10:48 I have a suspicion, or a good suspicion, that 50% of the people will not know this.
10:55 I think they would have realized it today.
10:58 Because this makes the matter of marriage purely religious.
11:01 So, the matter is absolutely clear.
11:03 We will take a break and then we will talk.
11:05 We will take a break and then we will talk.
11:07 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu
11:09 Welcome back to the program 'Seeratun Nabi Sallallahu Alaihe Walaihi Wasallam'
11:13 I am your well-wisher.
11:14 The thing was that I was saying a sentence of objection,
11:17 that I don't know if I am mistaken or misunderstood,
11:21 that 50% of the people will not know this,
11:25 that the matter of marriage, which we interpret as singing and dancing,
11:30 and we interpret it as mere enjoyment,
11:33 that this is purely a religious obligation.
11:37 And I wanted to say that before taking a break,
11:41 that this is a part of religion,
11:43 and we have understood this in this program for years.
11:49 It is a temptation to try to get married in a mosque,
11:52 so that it feels like a marriage is taking place in Allah's house.
11:55 So, this is a part of religion.
11:57 This is the point to understand.
11:59 And it is a very simple thing.
12:00 In the blessed hadith, the Prophet (pbuh) said,
12:04 "When two spouses establish a relationship,
12:06 and fulfill their natural desires in a lawful manner,
12:10 then this is charity, this is a deed of good deeds."
12:13 The Prophet (pbuh) said, "O Messenger of Allah,
12:15 when a person fulfills his natural desires,
12:17 then this is a deed of good deeds."
12:19 And he said, "Tell me, if he fulfills his desires through haram,
12:22 through sin, then it will be a sin,
12:24 it will be a sin,
12:25 but when he fulfills it in a lawful manner,
12:27 then it is a deed of good deeds."
12:29 Not only will it be a sin,
12:31 but it will be an unforgivable sin.
12:34 This is a sin whose punishment is so terrible,
12:37 that if a person imagines it,
12:39 then he will be shocked.
12:42 Now, there is no discussion about the Islamic punishments.
12:45 Even then, neither is life safe, nor wealth,
12:48 nor honor, nor honor is safe.
12:51 What you are pointing out is that,
12:53 according to the teachings of Shariah,
12:56 if a man or woman commits adultery,
12:59 then it is a punishment of a hundred whips.
13:02 This is mentioned in Surah An-Nur.
13:05 A hundred whips. Can anyone tolerate this?
13:08 And this is mentioned in Surah An-Nur, verse 2.
13:10 Why is this?
13:11 So that the person gets a headache.
13:13 If he thinks ten times, he cannot do anything.
13:15 This is the place of worship.
13:17 So, if a man or woman commits adultery,
13:20 then it is a punishment of a hundred whips.
13:23 This is mentioned in Surah An-Nur, verse 2.
13:26 If a married man or woman commits adultery,
13:30 and there is a Shariah witness,
13:33 and the crime is proven,
13:35 then it is a punishment of a hundred whips.
13:37 And a hundred whips means,
13:38 hitting a stone to death.
13:40 Yes, and in English, it is called stoning to death.
13:44 If a stone is hit,
13:45 then how will the blood splatters?
13:47 Allah Akbar!
13:48 A person is left shaken.
13:50 This is the purpose.
13:51 Think ten times before doing this.
13:53 Actually, such a severe and terrifying sentence,
13:57 the purpose of such a terrifying punishment,
13:59 is not to oppress a person,
14:02 but to prevent a person from committing a crime.
14:06 So that a person does not commit a crime out of fear,
14:08 so that everyone's honor is protected,
14:10 the society is in good and good character.
14:14 And people, to avoid this evil,
14:17 start looking for legal work,
14:20 start turning to marriage.
14:22 This is a significant point.
14:24 I will come to this point again.
14:27 Somewhere the Shariah has given the order of Qisas,
14:29 the order to kill for the murderer.
14:31 Somewhere the Shariah has given the punishment of a thief and a dacoit.
14:35 Somewhere the Shariah has given the punishment of adultery.
14:38 What is the purpose?
14:39 So that people's life, people's wealth,
14:41 and people's honor is protected.
14:44 And the punishment of adultery,
14:46 in the sense of not being afraid,
14:47 is to prevent a person from committing a crime,
14:50 so that the caravan of the human race moves forward.
14:53 As a result of marriage,
14:55 children are born,
14:56 and the caravan of the human race moves forward.
14:59 As a result of adultery,
15:00 the society becomes a pile of filth,
15:02 and the caravan of the human race does not move forward.
15:05 So that life, wealth, honor,
15:08 and the human race is protected,
15:10 these are the wisdoms in these punishments.
15:12 Although Islam has given education,
15:15 training, society,
15:17 and many other commandments along with these punishments.
15:20 We should keep that in mind,
15:21 but we should not forget them.
15:23 And who are we?
15:24 We are the Ummah of the Prophet (pbuh)
15:27 and why have we been created?
15:29 The Holy Quran says in Surah Al-Imran,
15:31 Verse 110,
15:32 "You are the best of the Ummah.
15:34 "You have been sent out for the people,
15:36 "to enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong,
15:38 "and to believe in Allah.
15:39 "You are the best of the Ummah.
15:40 "You have been sent out for the people,
15:42 "to enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong,
15:44 "and to believe in Allah."
15:46 We should believe in Allah,
15:47 and worship Him,
15:49 and invite others to do good,
15:52 and avoid what is wrong,
15:53 and try to stop others.
15:55 We are the Ummah of the Prophet (pbuh)
15:57 that the Holy Quran says in Surah Al-Ma'idah,
15:59 "And cooperate with one another in righteousness and piety,
16:01 "and do not cooperate with one another in sin and transgression."
16:04 Cooperate with one another in righteousness and piety,
16:07 and do not cooperate with one another in sin and transgression.
16:10 We are the people who are commanded in Surah Al-Nisa,
16:13 Verse 135,
16:15 and Surah Al-Ma'idah,
16:16 Verse 8,
16:17 "Be the establishers of justice."
16:19 These are the words in one place.
16:20 Be the establishers of justice.
16:24 We are commanded to carry out justice,
16:26 to end oppression.
16:27 We should be the helpers of oppressors,
16:30 thieves, robbers, robbers, robbers,
16:34 murderers, drunkards, and crooks.
16:38 If a good society is established,
16:41 and people are peaceful,
16:43 then the environment will be good,
16:46 and there will be safety.
16:48 And in all these circumstances,
16:50 it is necessary that we should return to our essence,
16:53 and our essence is our religion.
16:55 Until we fulfill the requirements of our religion,
16:58 we will continue to be humiliated and humiliated.
17:01 This word is not good in your place,
17:03 but I have used it.
17:05 Because we are humiliated and humiliated,
17:07 we are not at peace,
17:09 and the reason for this is that we have ignored our religion.
17:12 So we were talking about the family system.
17:15 So, Inshallah, we will discuss this further.
17:18 It was about the upbringing of children,
17:20 and it was said that we should also pray for the relationship of the wife.
17:24 It is the right of the children,
17:25 the right of the future children.
17:27 And then if the children come into this world,
17:30 then the responsibility of their upbringing is included in the duties of the parents.
17:34 We were talking about that.
17:36 May Allah bless you.
17:38 We also spoke about this when a child was born in this world.
17:43 What is the first lesson that is given to them?
17:46 It is given in the ear.
17:48 The lesson of Tauheed,
17:49 Allahu Akbar,
17:50 I bear witness that there is no god but Allah,
17:52 The lesson of the Prophethood,
17:53 I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,
17:55 And to stand in obedience to Allah,
17:57 Come to prayer,
17:59 And the real concept of success is the real life and the hereafter.
18:02 It is a matter of success.
18:04 This is the first lesson.
18:06 The child has come out of the womb of the mother,
18:08 and the call to prayer will be made in the ear.
18:10 And it is good that the father himself does this.
18:12 The father should do it.
18:14 Now some people have put a tape machine,
18:16 that is, they put the call to prayer on the smartphone.
18:18 Oh, my brothers!
18:20 I think we should take a fatwa from the Muftis.
18:23 The call to prayer on the smartphone in the child's ear,
18:26 I do not know what the Muftis say,
18:28 whether it is right or not.
18:30 This is a different matter.
18:32 The Muftis will tell you that issue.
18:34 I ask myself,
18:35 Is it my responsibility to raise my children?
18:38 So why is this smartphone coming in the middle?
18:40 Yes, I am not at home,
18:41 I have to call, I will call.
18:43 Here the limit has been reached that we are sitting at home.
18:46 The father is in one room,
18:48 the son is in another room,
18:50 talking on the smartphone.
18:52 The mother is in one room,
18:53 the daughter is in another room,
18:54 talking on the smartphone.
18:55 And the limit has been reached,
18:57 that today a strange smart generation is coming in our market.
19:00 Smart generation is coming.
19:02 Smart phone generation.
19:03 So brothers and sisters are sitting together,
19:05 and talking to each other on text.
19:07 They do not like to see each other.
19:09 Inna lillah, inna lillah.
19:10 They do not like to see each other.
19:12 Allah Allah, Allah kufr.
19:13 Now values will not be destroyed,
19:15 values will not be destroyed,
19:17 so what will happen?
19:18 We have actually,
19:19 our environment,
19:20 I do not know where I saw it on the internet,
19:22 that there is a hotel,
19:24 they said in the restaurant,
19:26 that sir,
19:27 food will be served to the person,
19:29 who will first put the smartphone on the counter.
19:31 Really?
19:32 Yes, I saw it.
19:34 The waiter came,
19:36 and after coming he said to everyone,
19:38 if you have a smartphone, then take it out.
19:40 So everyone took it out,
19:41 and kept it on the tray,
19:42 and put a tag on it,
19:44 and took it to him,
19:45 and then he served the food.
19:46 Now until they give the mobile,
19:47 they do not serve food.
19:49 Because it is a good tradition.
19:50 No, the tradition is good,
19:51 but the reason is that
19:52 they will eat in 15 minutes,
19:54 and chat on the smartphone for an hour.
19:56 So they will occupy their seats,
19:58 and say, come on, eat,
20:00 and leave from here.
20:01 This is probably the reason.
20:02 So viewers,
20:03 we were talking about the upbringing of children,
20:07 Islam has given us a whole package for it,
20:12 that how the upbringing of children should be.
20:14 We will come back to talk about it,
20:15 Inshallah.
20:16 Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.
20:18 Welcome back.
20:19 After Nazeen Wattfe,
20:20 we will talk about the good deeds of the Prophet (pbuh)
20:24 Ok, this was happening,
20:25 that the children have come into this world,
20:28 the sons and daughters,
20:30 first they were given the call to prayer,
20:33 as if they were told that
20:35 they were born in a Muslim family.
20:37 Then on the seventh day,
20:39 they were given a very good name,
20:42 which will be in accordance with the guidance of the Prophet (pbuh)
20:45 Now this is also a big issue,
20:46 we have talked about this earlier,
20:47 how to name it.
20:48 Then they will be shaved their heads,
20:50 their hair will be cut,
20:52 and if Allah has given permission,
20:55 then on the seventh day,
20:56 they will be made to do their 'Aqeeqah',
20:57 this is Sunnah.
20:58 If they are not able to do the 'Aqeeqah'
21:00 due to their incapacity or helplessness,
21:02 then they can do it later also,
21:03 then it will be a 'Nafli' worship.
21:05 Now you have mentioned a lot of things,
21:07 Mashallah,
21:08 let's go ahead one by one.
21:10 So we have mentioned the call to prayer.
21:11 This is the beginning of Islam,
21:12 when they are born.
21:13 Mashallah, Mashallah.
21:14 What is interesting is that
21:16 Allah has created them in the form of Islam,
21:18 as it was presented in the Hadith.
21:20 We are just polishing it.
21:21 Yes, JazakAllah Khair.
21:22 So the first aspect of training is that
21:24 the child and the girl are born,
21:26 the call to prayer is arranged.
21:27 Try to do this yourself.
21:29 If you are out of the city,
21:31 then you can call your grandfather,
21:33 or uncle,
21:34 or if you have an elder brother,
21:35 then you can call him.
21:36 Try to do this yourself.
21:37 The people of the house should do it.
21:38 The people of the house should try.
21:39 After that,
21:40 there is the practice of giving a 'Ghutti'.
21:43 This is also a sign of the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh).
21:45 The Prophet of Allah (pbuh) has given a 'Ghutti',
21:48 which is called Tahniq in Arabic.
21:50 To Sayyidina Hassan,
21:51 Sayyidina Hussain (ra)
21:53 with dates in his mouth,
21:55 and a little of it,
21:56 with a 'La'ab',
21:57 put it in the mouth of the child,
21:59 put it under the tongue of the child.
22:01 This is the Sunnah of the Prophet of Allah.
22:03 What is to be understood from this is that
22:05 first of all,
22:06 that 'La'ab' will be of a pious man,
22:07 it will have its own effects,
22:08 and then it should be made to pray.
22:10 And if there is a pious man in the family,
22:12 it should be made to work.
22:13 Alhamdulillah.
22:14 This is also the work of Tahniq.
22:15 This also has an effect on a child.
22:19 On the seventh day,
22:20 there is one thing to do.
22:21 One is to name the child.
22:22 This was also discussed in the last program.
22:24 We discussed this in great detail.
22:25 This is the right of a child,
22:27 especially on its parents,
22:29 that it should be named well.
22:31 What are the good names?
22:32 We presented this in the mind of the Hadith Mubarak.
22:34 The Prophet (pbuh) said,
22:37 what are the best names?
22:38 Abdullah,
22:39 Abdur-Rahman,
22:40 in relation to the name of Allah.
22:42 Abdullah is the servant of Allah,
22:44 and Abdur-Rahman is the servant of Allah.
22:46 If someone wants to name his daughter,
22:48 as we discussed in the last program,
22:50 Amatun,
22:51 is the servant of Allah.
22:52 Amatullah is the servant of Allah.
22:54 Amatur-Rahman is the servant of Allah.
22:56 So, this is a good name.
22:57 In the same way,
22:58 the Prophet of Allah named his daughter,
23:01 Janab-e-Ibrahim.
23:02 His name was named by Ibrahim (pbuh)
23:04 and this is the name of the Prophet (pbuh)
23:06 in relation to the name of the Prophet (pbuh).
23:07 So, the names of the prophets are very beautiful.
23:09 In the same way,
23:10 the names of the companions are beautiful.
23:14 And if there was a name,
23:15 in the context of Jahiliyyah,
23:17 whose meaning was not correct,
23:19 then the Prophet of Allah changed that name.
23:22 This was also discussed in the last program.
23:24 So, what is the most important thing about names?
23:26 Keep a good name,
23:27 whose meaning and meaning we know.
23:30 So, keep it in relation to the name of Allah.
23:32 Keep the names of the prophets.
23:33 Take the names of the companions
23:35 and the names of the companions of the Ummah.
23:37 But the names should be those
23:39 whose meaning is known and whose meaning is good.
23:42 We have discussed this in great detail.
23:44 Some people put names and say that
23:46 we have taken it from the Quran.
23:48 So, taking it from the Quran does not mean
23:51 that you put the name of the thing in the Quran.
23:53 You can see the meaning of it there.
23:54 In what meanings has the Quran used that word or sentence?
23:59 Some people have put such terrible names
24:01 and said that they have put it from the Quran.
24:03 They are in the Quran.
24:05 But what is the meaning of them?
24:06 If they are told to you,
24:07 they cannot tell you.
24:09 I have heard such names.
24:11 People come to the Mufti's and say
24:13 that we have put this name.
24:14 They hold their ears and say,
24:16 "Tawba, tawba, believe in Allah,
24:18 what a name you have put."
24:19 We have put a rule in the name of uniqueness.
24:22 It should be unique.
24:24 We have discussed the difference between unique and unique.
24:26 We have discussed this in great detail.
24:28 I think we should stop him.
24:29 I am not going into details.
24:31 So, let us stop him.
24:32 It means that we should know the meaning and meaning.
24:34 On the seventh day,
24:35 we should also name the child.
24:37 On the seventh day, it is a fact.
24:38 If Allah has given a son,
24:40 then two animals, two goats,
24:42 goats should be presented in the way of Allah.
24:44 And if Allah has given a daughter,
24:45 then one goat or one goat should be presented.
24:47 Some people say that there is no authority.
24:49 I agree with this for a while,
24:51 provided that we do not spend money like water in other things.
24:57 There is no authority.
24:58 Smartphones are very expensive.
25:00 There is no authority that
25:01 there are long expenses on the occasion of marriage.
25:03 There is no authority that
25:05 expensive dresses are being sold.
25:07 There is no authority that
25:08 the car should be changed every three to four years.
25:12 Here, we do not see the authority.
25:14 When it comes to following the Sunnah of Allah's Prophet,
25:18 then we remember the authority.
25:20 Yes, if it is a matter of fact,
25:22 then it is a different matter.
25:24 You know that
25:25 Allah is giving us guests after a few months.
25:27 If we collect the precautions.
25:29 Then, a person can collect for that.
25:31 If you ask with your heart,
25:32 that I have kept myself light in all other matters,
25:34 I have lightened my matters, then it is fine.
25:36 And if not,
25:37 then it is the Sunnah of Allah's Prophet that is left.
25:40 Malaik sahab, there is no duty.
25:42 So, is it a duty to eat and drink six times a day?
25:45 Is it a duty to make long plans for summer vacation and winter vacation?
25:51 We have kept ten pairs at one time.
25:54 Is it a duty?
25:55 I know that it will be bitter.
25:57 So, we never ask about this.
25:59 It is not a matter of Sunnah.
26:01 It is not a duty.
26:02 Allah is great.
26:03 So, if it is a genuine matter,
26:05 and there are extremely difficult circumstances,
26:07 then it is fine.
26:08 If you are not able to do it,
26:09 then it is not a matter of sin.
26:10 May Allah give you a charity.
26:12 If you have a son,
26:13 then one,
26:14 two animals,
26:15 two goats or goats,
26:16 and if you have a daughter,
26:17 then one.
26:18 Now, daughters get very worried about this.
26:20 What is this?
26:21 We have got only one goat.
26:23 Understand this too.
26:24 The first thing is that this is the teaching of Sunnah.
26:26 The real answer.
26:27 If you have accepted it,
26:28 then understand the wisdom.
26:29 So, the scholars explained it.
26:31 It is a very good thing.
26:32 Now, it will go from daughters to sons.
26:34 What?
26:35 That usually,
26:36 the chances of disobedience from daughters are less or not.
26:42 The chances of disobedience from daughters are less or not.
26:48 The chances of disobedience and corruption from sons are relatively more.
26:54 So, give a bigger charity in the way of Allah,
26:58 so that Allah protects it,
27:00 and it is saved from disobedience and corruption.
27:04 Is it clear?
27:05 I will repeat it again.
27:07 When it is said that daughters are happy,
27:10 and women are happy,
27:12 here too, men are killed.
27:16 So, it is a matter of understanding.
27:19 One is the Sunnah of Allah's Prophet.
27:21 Our real problem is that Sunnah.
27:23 Now, there is no harm in understanding after accepting it.
27:26 In this, no sons are degraded.
27:28 No, a big charity is given in the way of Allah for you.
27:31 And it will be explained to the daughter that
27:33 the chances of disobedience from sons are more,
27:36 so a bigger charity is given in the way of Allah.
27:38 Yes, then no one is a Sitaat.
27:40 And a son is born,
27:41 if he cannot do both,
27:42 then he should do one.
27:43 It is possible.
27:44 But, if you look at all the other matters,
27:46 you will see that there is no Sitaat.
27:48 Here, only Sitaat is remembered.
27:50 But, if someone does not have Sitaat,
27:52 then there is no sin.
27:54 And if the Sitaat is less,
27:56 then he cannot do both,
27:57 if he has a son,
27:58 then he should do one.
27:59 So, in the way of Allah,
28:00 this is a big charity.
28:01 Then, it is a matter of cleaning the hair of the child,
28:06 and the weight of the hair,
28:09 silver or silver coin,
28:11 in the way of Allah,
28:12 is a matter of charity.
28:13 So, the seventh day is very precious,
28:16 and there are many deeds in it,
28:17 which are related to the birth of a child,
28:20 which the Prophet of Allah (pbuh) has taught us.
28:23 This is a unique characteristic of Muslims,
28:25 that when there is a time of happiness,
28:27 they do not forget Allah.
28:29 The matter starts with the call to prayer.
28:30 They are being encouraged and prayed for.
28:32 They are being prayed for by giving the 'Ghutti'.
28:34 The animal is being slaughtered in the name of Allah.
28:36 And it will be presented in the way of Allah.
28:38 It will be presented to the servants of Allah.
28:40 No, distribute the meat among the poor,
28:42 eat it yourself,
28:43 and give it to the relatives.
28:44 In all these actions, Allah is being remembered.
28:47 Allah is being remembered with regard to the children.
28:50 And this is a matter of charity,
28:52 when the child is born.
28:53 Now, we will come to the matter of raising the child.
28:55 So many deeds have been told about the children,
28:58 when they are born.
28:59 So, the child is your responsibility for the rest of your life.
29:01 Now, you have to follow the commandments
29:03 that the Shariah has given to make him a servant of Allah.
29:07 Dear viewers, when our family system starts,
29:10 when the children get married,
29:12 all the worldly affairs are done.
29:15 When the children are born,
29:17 the human race moves forward.
29:19 Some happinesses are celebrated,
29:21 some happinesses are such that
29:24 one should recite 'Istighfar' on them.
29:27 There are songs, dances, and all kinds of things.
29:30 But, the thing that we discussed,
29:32 did we ever think about it?
29:33 Did we ever make sure that
29:35 the deeds that have to be done
29:37 in the week of the birth of this child,
29:39 we should be serious about them.
29:41 We should be serious about the 'Aqeeqah'
29:43 that is the reality.
29:44 Did we ever be serious about the reality?
29:46 When the child is born,
29:47 we immediately ask them to arrange the goats.
29:49 The first thing they should do is to arrange the goats.
29:51 We say that all the worldly affairs are done.
29:53 But, the goats are not arranged.
29:55 I am saying that the goats should be arranged.
29:57 Anything can be done,
29:58 as per the sacrifice.
29:59 If it is a cow,
30:00 then two parts will have to be given.
30:02 It can be a sheep, it can be a donkey.
30:04 It can be a goat too.
30:05 It cannot be a chicken.
30:06 It can be a goat too.
30:09 So, this arrangement is necessary
30:11 because this is the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)
30:13 and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)
30:15 is blessed.
30:16 Because the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)
30:18 is supported and commanded by Allah.
30:21 Yes, yes, absolutely.
30:23 And see, we believe in this.
30:25 It is a duty, it is a must,
30:29 it is a Sunnah, it is a Sunnah,
30:31 it is a Sunnah of the Mu'akkadah,
30:33 it is a Sunnah of the Mu'akkadah,
30:35 it is a Sunnah of the Mu'akkadah,
30:37 it is a Sunnah, it is a Sunnah,
30:39 it is a Sunnah, it is a Sunnah.
30:41 The distribution of the commandments
30:43 is absolutely clear.
30:44 We believe in this.
30:45 There is no doubt about this.
30:47 However, we are saying that
30:49 we want Allah to protect our children,
30:51 we want Allah to bless our children,
30:54 we want the blessings of the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH)
30:57 to be available in our homes,
30:59 we want the mercy of Allah to descend in our homes.
31:02 Then, people do not come here and argue much.
31:05 Then, it is the commandment of the Prophet (PBUH)
31:09 that whatever will come from the Prophet (PBUH),
31:11 we will act upon it.
31:13 This is enough.
31:15 What is the wisdom behind this?
31:17 What are the issues?
31:19 It is all left.
31:21 My Prophet (PBUH) did this,
31:23 I will do the same.
31:25 I say that asking for evidence is a matter of stupidity.
31:27 What is the evidence for this?
31:29 The Prophet (PBUH) did this,
31:31 it is proven,
31:33 my Master did this,
31:35 I will do the same.
31:37 A very nice sentence was said by a person,
31:39 I like it very much,
31:41 I will quote it as well.
31:43 When you have accepted the Essence,
31:45 then you should accept the Essence silently.
31:47 When you have accepted the Essence of Allah,
31:49 Allah gives you a hundred evidences,
31:51 you should recognize Allah.
31:53 Look at this Universe,
31:55 look at your Essence,
31:57 look at the colour of this flower,
31:59 look at the swimming of the fish,
32:01 look at the functioning of the body,
32:03 recognize that there is someone
32:05 who is running the system of existence,
32:07 that is Allah.
32:09 You have accepted the Essence,
32:11 now you should walk silently.
32:13 The Prophet (PBUH) said,
32:15 I am not truthful,
32:17 I am not trustworthy,
32:19 you did not make me do the Faisal,
32:21 you did not make me do the Hajar-e-Aswad,
32:23 and I am standing on the mountain,
32:25 there is an army coming from that direction,
32:27 will you accept it? Of course, I will.
32:29 You have accepted it,
32:31 and Allah has given you a life of 40 years,
32:33 according to Surah Yunus,
32:35 Ayat 16,
32:37 I have spent a long life before you,
32:39 I have spent a long life before you,
32:41 So in Surah Yunus, Ayat 16,
32:43 it is mentioned,
32:45 I have spent a long life before you,
32:47 so now you should accept the Essence.
32:49 Now what is the principle for us?
32:51 We have accepted Allah,
32:53 we have accepted the Prophet,
32:55 we have accepted the Essence,
32:57 and we do not need any argument,
32:59 we do not need any argument,
33:01 the question of argument does not arise.
33:03 We have accepted Iman,
33:05 the argument is over,
33:07 we have read the Kalima,
33:09 the argument is over.
33:11 Now we have to accept the command,
33:13 this is what Iman demands.
33:15 With this, we end our today's program,
33:17 Inshallah, we will continue this discussion
33:19 in the next program,
33:21 I will give the Hadith of today to Shuja Sahab,
33:23 and then we will leave.
33:25 The Prophet (pbuh) said,
33:27 "No father has ever given his children
33:29 more than the best education
33:31 and the best upbringing,
33:33 and no gift."
33:35 The Hadith is complete,
33:37 May Allah enable us to act.
33:39 Respected viewers,
33:41 with this Hadith, we end our today's program.
33:43 For the next program,
33:45 we will take leave of our guest,
33:47 Dr. Mahmood Ghaznavi and Shijratuddin Shaikh.
33:49 Allah is the Greatest.
33:51 Wa-Salamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barakatuhu.
