Ang pinagkaiba ng tarot at oracle card

  • 6 months ago
Ang pinagkaiba ng tarot at oracle card
00:00 Even though long-term relationships are still separating,
00:05 how can you know if he's the one?
00:08 Let's find out the answer of our RRSP in this question.
00:12 Let's watch this.
00:13 How can you know if he's the one?
00:29 How can you know if he's the one?
00:31 I'm confused.
00:33 You'll know if he's the one because
00:37 the trials you've gone through,
00:41 positive or negative,
00:43 will be the last forever.
00:46 You'll feel comfortable with each other.
00:51 You'll always bump into each other.
00:53 Of course, you'll feel the spark of love.
00:58 You're sad, but you're still together.
01:02 You'll tease each other.
01:04 But it's okay to be disjointed.
01:06 You're always as one.
01:08 He matches your personality.
01:12 Even your flaws and his flaws complement each other.
01:18 If there's no "the two", "the three", "the four", he's the one.
01:22 Yes.
01:23 How about you? Do you have a boyfriend?
01:37 Looking forward?
01:38 No, I don't.
01:39 Like you, of course.
01:40 How was your husband's birthday celebration last week?
01:43 It was okay. I enjoyed it.
01:45 I'm happy.
01:46 But I'm so busy that we might not have Valentine's.
01:48 That shouldn't be a problem.
01:49 Find a way.
01:50 But we might have a date.
01:54 We're getting closer to our love life.
01:56 Or maybe we're just lucky.
01:58 Our love life is not that lucky this year.
02:00 It's good that we have someone with us today
02:03 who will give us the answer to those questions.
02:05 She's none other than Ms. Anna Santiago,
02:08 an intuitive life coach, a tarot and oracle card reader.
02:12 Good morning and welcome to Rise and Shine Philippines.
02:15 Good morning, Ms. Marie.
02:17 Good morning.
02:18 And Ms. Cheese.
02:19 It's nice to be here to give guidance
02:22 and to give you certain insight
02:26 on what's going on in your love life for this particular year
02:30 and what you can anticipate with this February.
02:34 When I read the script, I thought this part was exciting
02:37 because I'm ready to read it.
02:39 Before we start, what's the difference between a tarot and oracle card?
02:44 I have here two decks.
02:46 I have the tarot card, which is the rider way, the traditional tarot card.
02:51 The difference with this one is that with the oracle card,
02:54 the oracle card is more on images.
02:56 This two differs in the depth
02:59 on how you will give guidance.
03:02 With the tarot card, it's more on in-depth,
03:05 so for self-discovery.
03:07 Sometimes, we use this for seeking guidance on your own.
03:11 Actually, on my personal journey,
03:13 the tarot card was my tool to get guidance and insight.
03:18 What should I do?
03:20 What path should I take?
03:22 This is the one I will be using.
03:25 But if it's just messages and advice that you need on a day-to-day basis,
03:29 you can use oracle guidance.
03:31 It has images, but I intuitively channel the messages brought about by the certain images.
03:38 It's not just what you said.
03:42 For example, we have here the strength card.
03:45 So, it's just strength, literal strength.
03:47 No, the meaning of this certain strength card is more on being resilient, not giving up.
03:52 So, even though you have a lot of challenges that you're encountering,
03:56 it's time for you to strengthen, to have that inner strength within you.
04:00 So, it's not just about avoiding.
04:02 Yes.
04:03 It's really a guide.
04:04 Yes.
04:05 Ms. Anna, let's go straight to it.
04:06 What are the ways in which we can get our love life back on track this year?
04:11 Oh, wow.
04:12 So, for this particular reading, not everything will resonate with this type of reading
04:19 because reading is based on energies.
04:21 So, this certain energies, it can take place for 3 to 6 months.
04:27 I had clients before who couldn't analyze the meaning of the reading.
04:35 So, they came back to me a few months after telling me what happened or what might have taken place.
04:42 Because reading is like a weather forecast.
04:44 It gives you a certain insight on what you will be experiencing in the near future.
04:50 But the decision is still up to you if you will be taking the actions.
04:54 Because if you will not be taking the actions, then the outcome will not be accomplished.
04:59 It will not happen.
05:00 So, for this particular month, let's try to see what is the energies first
05:05 so that we know what the messages are for.
05:09 Because not everything will resonate with this particular reading.
05:14 So, the first card that I have, it has a censored because this is the world card.
05:19 So, it means it has a meaning.
05:20 Yes.
05:21 So, we have here the world card.
05:22 So, the common energy or the most common energy of the collective.
05:26 So, cycles.
05:28 We are encountering cycles.
05:29 So, recently then, we have the moon card.
05:34 So, the moon card.
05:35 Sorry, with the moon card as well.
05:37 So, this is clouded judgment.
05:39 Our judgment might have been clouded recently.
05:43 You encountered breakups, separations, especially with the celebrity.
05:47 Yes, with our faculty.
05:48 Yes, celebrity breakups that are happening recently.
05:52 So, that's why it's happening.
05:54 This is a completion of a certain cycle.
05:56 So, this is telling us that there are certain things that we needed to learn from every situation as mentioned earlier in the talk about moving forward.
06:07 So, lessons have to be learned.
06:09 But for you to start a new cycle, new relationship, new opportunity, lessons have to be learned because you will be bringing all the old baggage if you don't complete the certain cycle.
06:20 This is the current energy.
06:21 Okay.
06:22 Then, for the blockages.
06:25 But can we be specific?
06:27 Because this is for the collective.
06:29 Since Fifi is here, we should know what the blockages are.
06:34 Our colleagues know about the love life.
06:36 That's just a joke.
06:38 You said something else earlier.
06:40 So, okay, sir.
06:41 Fifi, right?
06:42 Yes.
06:43 So, let's see.
06:44 What are the energies of the love life.
06:46 There, there's a question.
06:47 So, we have here the ace of swords.
06:50 So, there would be communication.
06:52 So, someone will be communicating to you or another thing, you have to be clear on your intention.
06:58 Same, what is your goal in having that certain relationship?
07:01 Because if you don't have a clear insight of what kind of relationship do you want to manifest into your reality, it's like buying a product.
07:09 So, you need to be specific.
07:11 You have to order it in the universe.
07:12 This is the partner that I like.
07:14 I like this kind of partner.
07:16 And you also have to embody that certain partner in your reality.
07:20 So, you have to communicate it with the universe.
07:22 What is the partner that you want to manifest into your reality?
07:26 He said had, so meaning there is already.
07:29 Is that correct?
07:30 Yes.
07:31 So, it's ongoing.
07:33 Wow.
07:34 Then, so, there would be an expression of love.
07:39 So, we have here the page of cups.
07:42 So, communication.
07:43 So, someone might be communicating a confession or renewal of love.
07:48 Okay, so, did he confess to you?
07:50 Renewal of love.
07:51 Oh, that's what you mean.
07:53 Are you an artist?
07:54 What is that?
07:55 Renewal of love.
07:58 So, renewal of love and also, be open to whatever possibilities on the horizon.
08:06 Don't be attached to a particular outcome.
08:09 Just let the things flow naturally.
08:12 Surrender.
08:13 Surrender and trust the process as always.
08:17 And guidance from the universe, coming from the Oracle card guidance.
08:22 Let's see what is the guidance for you.
08:25 Don't overthink.
08:26 Love the best.
08:28 So, there it is.
08:30 One more thing, with the Ace of Swords, because this is all about mind.
08:34 Yes.
08:35 So, my ring, you are an air sign.
08:37 Calm down, baby, calm down.
08:38 What did he say, baby?
08:39 Calm down.
08:40 Baby, calm down, that's the song.
08:41 I thought he was talking about me.
08:43 So, we have here the Oracle guidance, understanding.
08:46 So, when we say understanding, it means to say that it's time for you to understand the situation.
08:52 See the bigger picture on why things are currently happening.
08:55 Even if this is not the time frame that you want, it might not be the certain energy that you are wanting to manifest in the relationship.
09:03 See the bigger picture.
09:04 Everything happens for a reason, nothing is a coincidence.
09:07 It's either a blessing or a lesson for you.
09:09 There you go again.
09:11 There are different ways of love, right?
09:13 Yes.
09:14 How about the 50 years of PTV?
09:17 Of course, the employees here are so in love, so passionate with what they're doing in the network.
09:23 Correct.
09:24 Okay, so let's get one card.
09:26 There, someone jumped.
09:27 So, with the Queen of Cups, so more on nurturing.
09:31 So, for the 50 years of PTV, it's more on nurturing.
09:35 So, she nurtures the employees so that it will be flourishing.
09:40 And also, again, for everyone with the Queen of Cups, be open and ready for the different possibilities.
09:47 It's okay to love the people around us, but also learn to take care of yourself with the Queen of Cups.
09:54 Self-love, self-care is also advice for each and everyone.
09:59 Take care of your health.
10:00 Health is wealth.
10:02 Well, actually, it's very promising, right?
10:06 These kinds of advice are very promising because you manifest it, especially when you receive positivity towards it.
10:13 So, aside from this, you should always manifest the positivity, right?
10:18 Yes, keep a positive outlook in life because if we are dwelling in the negativity,
10:23 the energy that we are focusing on, that is what we attract because you are the energy that you attract.
10:31 Alright, for our Cardspeakers who want to have Tarot Card readings, where else can they find you?
10:37 Okay, so you can follow me in all my social media platforms.
10:41 I'm in TikTok, Instagram, Facebook page @officialsoultribeph for Tarot reading services.
10:48 Or you can approach me for coaching programs.
10:52 I do offer self-love, self-searching program, and self-empowerment programs
10:58 for those who are needing those written guidance the most.
11:01 So, message me at Coach Anna Santiago or you can go directly to my website
11:10 I think what's good about this, our RSP, is that we shouldn't invalidate our emotions when it comes to love.
11:15 Let's say cheesy, we cringe because love is human nature.
11:22 What's important to us is to love people and above all, love ourselves first.
11:28 Thank you so much, Ms. Anna Santiago.
11:30 So for you, for the Tarot reading this morning, I hope everyone will have a happy love life.
11:36 Thank you and stay safe.
