Calls for more support for teenage dads

  • 7 months ago
Teenage dads can face the challenges of stigma and isolation while also managing their own physical and psychological changes. And all the while, they're caring for a child. The number of young dads has risen and while they're still only a small percentage of the population, there are calls for more support for young parents to break the cycle of intergenerational disadvantage.


00:00 Anton Gower had just turned 19 when his partner Taylor fell pregnant with their son Eli.
00:07 It was a real big surprise for both of us, but a happy surprise.
00:13 Good job, whoa, big step.
00:16 But he felt the stigma of being a young dad.
00:19 Yeah, high five.
00:22 You can just tell what they're thinking, like, "Are you sure that's a good idea?" or "It
00:27 doesn't seem like he's making the right choice."
00:29 Can I have that one?
00:30 Anton has no regrets, but along with the joys of parenting, there have been challenges,
00:36 like finding somewhere to live and paying for essentials.
00:40 Sometimes we can't afford to pay power for the three months, so we have to set payment
00:45 plans, and that means we have to pay $100 a fortnight, which means less groceries.
00:51 The number of teenage parents has remained steady in recent years. Young parents are
00:56 more likely to live in regional areas than cities, and there's been a rise in the number
01:01 of young fathers.
01:03 While numbers are low, experts say support for young parents is crucial to break the
01:09 cycle of generational disadvantage.
01:12 If we don't support young parents to be really good at what they do and be able to really
01:17 support their child because they've got the education and they've got the services, then
01:22 that young child is going to be disadvantaged.
01:25 The Brave Foundation has started a program to mentor young dads.
01:30 They have faced stigma and isolation and judgement, and so it's been really important for them
01:35 to have access to a supporting person, a trusted guide who can walk alongside them and encourage
01:41 them in their parenting journey.
01:44 The organisation has helped Anton enrol in a teacher's aid course, a path he's hoping
01:49 will help him realise his dreams.
01:52 Just make sure he grows up having a good life. That's my goal.
