प्रेसवार्ता को संबोधित करते हुए धीरेन्द्र कृष्ण शास्त्री

  • 6 months ago
प्रेसवार्ता को संबोधित करते हुए धीरेन्द्र कृष्ण शास्त्री
00:00 We cannot repay the contribution of the journalists of Chhatarpur and the print and electronic media for three lifetimes.
00:08 There is no doubt about it. It is a matter of great heart and we all have our own responsibility.
00:13 And you people don't take it in your mind that we love someone or we don't love someone.
00:17 All of us are equal for our father. We are not the father but we are your friends, teachers, brothers.
00:23 But for us all are equal. All five fingers are equal. And as long as we are alive, you will be ours.
00:31 We have faith in Hanumanji. You give us a chance to improve.
00:35 Guruji, you improve this and that. One day we will do this and die.
00:39 And you will also say with pride that we are fortunate.
00:43 [Background noise]
