• 7 months ago


00:00 The AI is a very important part of the fourth industrial revolution.
00:06 The third industrial revolution was IT, computers,
00:12 the fourth industrial revolution is the presence of a large amount of information
00:18 and AI is now a way to transform this information into useful information for all areas of life.
00:27 AI also allows everyone to use it.
00:33 Before, one had to have the ability to program to deal with this amount of information.
00:39 How much do you invest in AI during this time and what are your goals?
00:44 We currently have more than 460 projects in the company,
00:49 currently only in the UAE and other countries,
00:52 that are specialized in AI. We have appointed a CEO for the AI sector in the company.
00:58 This is one of the major jobs, to coordinate between different departments in the applications of AI that we are doing.
01:05 Of course, the investments that will be available are tens, if not hundreds of millions,
01:11 in the next five years.
01:14 We not only provide AI that we use,
01:18 but we also provide these applications to all our clients,
01:22 from individuals, companies and governments.
01:26 How many clients did you have in 2023 and how many targets did you reach in the next period?
01:33 Especially since you started at a very large expansion in 2013.
01:38 In fact, the number of clients in the last statement was 165 million clients.
01:45 This is not only the clients we added in the last quarter,
01:49 which we will announce next week,
01:51 but also the clients of PPF Telecom,
01:54 which is located in Eastern Europe,
01:57 which we are about to acquire.
02:00 We are waiting for the final approval in the coming weeks.
02:04 I think we will reach 200 million.
02:08 We also have clients for Kareem,
02:12 for Starsplay,
02:15 and we will start talking about clients for the whole group.
02:18 There are clients in these companies,
02:21 in countries that we do not even work in the telecommunications sector,
02:24 only in these fields.
02:26 In terms of acquisitions, last year was PPF,
02:29 Telenor and many other companies.
02:32 We talked about acquisitions and expansions in the next period.
02:36 Where do you plan to go?
02:38 Do you plan to expand in Europe?
02:41 What are the areas in question?
02:43 We made a balance in the past year,
02:45 that we are the new acquisitions in Eastern Europe,
02:48 to diversify the currency reserve that we work in.
02:51 However, we look at all countries in the world,
02:54 as successful markets for us.
02:58 It depends on the companies that we look at,
03:03 how much their profits are,
03:06 and what is required to buy them.
03:08 There is no specific definition,
03:10 that the next acquisitions will be in Eastern Europe,
03:12 or Africa, or Asia.
03:14 We look at all of them equally.
03:16 The economic agenda must be strong,
03:19 to increase the value of the company and the contributors.
03:24 You said that there is a possibility of an increase in mobile payments,
03:28 as you are the biggest contributor.
03:30 After a while, this agreement was stopped.
03:33 What are the reasons behind this agreement?
03:35 Is it possible to get back to the previous agreement?
03:38 We are a mobile company.
03:41 We were the main partner in the agreement,
03:46 that got the license for mobile payments.
03:49 We are still the biggest contributor in mobile payments,
03:52 by 28%.
03:54 The idea was to get a bigger share,
03:59 but we are proud of our existence,
04:02 and we are a successful company.
04:04 In 2022, we increased the share,
04:11 and the agreements took a long time,
04:15 and the whole Saudi market moved,
04:17 and the mobile share became more expensive,
04:21 than the price we were offering at the time of the idea.
04:25 As I said, we have an economic agenda,
04:28 for all the acquisitions.
04:30 So, with the delay of the agreements,
04:34 and the change of the share price,
04:36 the time is not appropriate.
04:38 But is it possible to get back to the previous agreement?
04:40 Of course it is.
04:41 We are talking about investments in Arab countries.
04:44 Egypt called one of the biggest companies,
04:48 that is in charge of telecommunications.
04:49 There was a start of the fifth generation license,
04:52 which we saw in Egypt,
04:53 and it was issued to one of the companies.
04:55 What is your position on this license?
04:57 Will you get it soon?
05:00 What is your agreement with the Egyptian government?
05:02 We were the first company in Egypt,
05:04 to issue the third generation services,
05:06 and one of the first companies to issue the fourth generation services.
05:08 We hope to be in the fifth generation.
05:10 Of course, with the difficulties we are facing,
05:12 in the Egyptian economy at the moment,
05:14 there are still negotiations on the value of the license,
05:17 and what are the conditions and conditions of the license.
05:20 We hope to reach the results,
05:24 that will be useful for everyone in these negotiations.
05:28 In this case, we will come and tell the media in general,
05:32 that we have reached the results.
05:34 Are there negotiations or researches with the government,
05:36 to get the third generation license?
05:38 Of course, there are negotiations,
05:39 but as we said,
05:40 these negotiations must be carried out in all our investments,
05:42 to achieve the economic agenda.
05:44 What are the effects of the E-End Group,
05:46 because of the economic conditions in Egypt?
05:48 How bad are they?
05:49 Of course, when we look at the will of Egypt,
05:53 the E-End Group is about 5% less than the rest of the group.
06:01 Its impact was much stronger in 2022,
06:05 and in the first half of 2023,
06:08 but now the impact has become very low,
06:11 on the impact of the group as a whole.
06:13 The group has also invested in other investments,
06:16 other than telecommunications.
06:17 We have invested in the electric car charging,
06:19 we had a start to this plan.
06:21 Tell us more about this project,
06:23 where did you reach and what is your goal?
06:25 As we said, we are in the transition to a technology company,
06:28 as we said, we have a generous company,
06:30 like E-End Money,
06:31 or Cash in Egypt,
06:32 or Al Mahfiz,
06:34 or financial inclusion services,
06:36 Stars Play,
06:37 as entertainment services.
06:39 We have a lot of services.
06:41 We found that in the coming period,
06:43 a lot of people started to switch from regular cars,
06:46 to electric cars.
06:48 This is a technology service,
06:51 because we have the experience of connecting mobile stations,
06:55 in all parts of the country we work in.
06:58 Therefore, we have the artists who have to do it,
07:02 we have the ability to make applications,
07:05 and the accounting system for this service.
07:07 We have started this service in the UAE,
07:10 and I expect that we will expand it in other countries.
07:12 What countries will you expand it in?
07:14 We are still in the beginning,
07:19 but I imagine that in 2024 there will be a growth,
07:24 and we will announce in the coming period,
07:27 the size of the expected investments.
07:29 A quick question,
07:30 what is the distribution policy for the company's expansion?
07:33 The company's distribution, as we announced before,
07:36 is fixed at 80 Fils per year.
07:40 We will look at it in the coming period,
07:45 according to the investment opportunities.
07:48 But this is a minimum limit that we promised to the contributors in the past.
