Obese To Beast In 10 Months | BRAND NEW ME

  • 7 months ago
A 20-year-old-man lost 104lbs in 10 months, going from obese to beast. ‘Lose weight’ and ‘go to the gym more’ – on 1 January 2018 Quantel Thomas made the same resolutions that so many vow to do at the start of a new year. But for Quantel, these weren’t just feelgood attempts he could give up by February. After being told by doctors he was at risk of diabetes, Quantel knew he had to make a change to his diet. He did far more than that: in under a year Quantel lost over 100lbs, going from 284lbs to 180lbs and transforming his body – including new six-pack and all – in the process. Perhaps even more astonishing is that Quantel did all of this without any formal fitness programme or a personal trainer. Going to the gym at least six days a week, Quantel can bench press 285lbs and deadlift up to 475lbs. Eventually he hopes to get into body building - he currently weighs 204lbs as he attempts to bulk up - and is currently studying Exercise Science at college with plans to become a personal trainer afterwards.

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/ flex_god187
/ quit.thomas


00:00 [MUSIC]
00:02 My heaviest was 303.
00:05 Everything felt heavy, constantly out of breath.
00:09 I actually went to the hospital.
00:10 Basically, they said I was pre-diabetic.
00:12 Just constant aches and pains.
00:14 You just don't feel good at all.
00:15 I didn't like being sad, man.
00:17 I really wanted to just get out that tunnel.
00:20 Had a total body transformation.
00:22 He don't even look the same.
00:23 I lost a total of 104 pounds in 10 months.
00:28 Let's go, get it up, get it up, get it up.
00:30 Be able to love myself.
00:31 That's the true ultimate milestone I'm trying to achieve to this day.
00:34 [MUSIC]
00:40 I just like to eat.
00:42 I was always hungry.
00:43 [SOUND]
00:44 I ate whatever I wanted.
00:45 Pizza Hut, let me get that whole thing.
00:48 Some chicken, let me get all the chicken.
00:50 I'm hungry for them, man.
00:51 Give me all of that.
00:53 I'm hungry.
00:53 [MUSIC]
00:55 The only sport I played was football ever since I was about eight or
00:59 nine years old.
01:00 Even back then, I was overweight.
01:03 So I went into freshman year out of shape.
01:08 They made us do running, all types of just cardio and just strenuous work.
01:13 But I had a seizure, didn't play sports after that, and
01:16 that's when all the weight started gaining.
01:18 Just gaining, gaining, gaining, and once I hit 18, reached 300 pounds.
01:24 [MUSIC]
01:27 There'll be days where I eat, I'll go to the bathroom mirror and
01:31 look at myself like, you fat boy, why you do that?
01:34 I really hated myself.
01:36 I let all this negativity just consume me.
01:41 I just didn't know how to deal with it.
01:43 >> By him staying by himself or
01:45 keep it to himself was affecting his livelihood.
01:49 [MUSIC]
01:53 >> Just constant aches and pains.
01:55 I actually went to the hospital, got a checkup, and they basically said, hey, man,
01:59 you gotta think about your health, man.
02:01 You're gaining 20 pounds each and every month, man.
02:04 So basically, they said I was pre-diabetic.
02:07 I was that close.
02:08 [MUSIC]
02:10 Nah, man, you just don't feel good at all.
02:13 What's wrong with you?
02:13 This is me talking to myself.
02:16 You really gonna let all these outside sources bring you this low to the point
02:23 where you're gonna end your existence?
02:26 [MUSIC]
02:28 And I didn't like being sad, man.
02:31 I really wanted to just get out that tunnel.
02:33 So I just started working out.
02:37 At first, it was just for attracting females.
02:39 I'm not even gonna lie to you, just like everybody.
02:41 Who wants to be with somebody that's not confident in themselves,
02:44 think they disgusting looking, they ugly?
02:47 People don't like hearing negativity about themselves.
02:49 You don't wanna hear confidence.
02:51 And for the longest time, that's what I've been trying to achieve.
02:53 [MUSIC]
02:57 One month in, I went from 284 to 255.
03:01 [MUSIC]
03:04 The first difference I seen was my face.
03:06 [MUSIC]
03:08 I went from no neck to all of a sudden, my face looking a little slimmer.
03:12 My whole body, I was like, wait a minute, I do look slimmer.
03:14 I know there's a difference.
03:16 As soon as I saw that, it just changed.
03:18 I lost a total of 104 pounds in ten months.
03:32 That feeling of getting the pump, that's one of the best feelings in the world.
03:35 Because when I say as a stress believer, trust and believe, man, I go hard.
03:42 Let's go, let's go, let's go, get it up, get it up, get it up, get it up, get it up,
03:47 get it up, get it up, get it up, there you go, there you go.
03:51 That's good, baby.
03:52 [MUSIC]
03:53 >> [LAUGH] >> That's good, man, that's good, that's
03:56 good.
03:57 I had a total body transformation, he don't even look the same.
04:00 I love his drive, man, he comes in here, kills the weights.
04:05 >> [LAUGH] Hey, man.
04:07 [LAUGH]
04:08 >> I would say the transformation's all mental.
04:11 It just goes so high, it's the biggest thing.
04:13 So I honestly just, I just grind each and every day,
04:17 I just wanna just feel good about myself.
04:19 [MUSIC]
04:21 >> [SOUND] Look at that.
04:24 [LAUGH]
04:26 >> He's much weight, he looks like a totally
04:29 different person.
04:31 And we look back at old pictures, and I'm just in awe of who he is today.
04:38 >> Wow, pull your shirt up.
04:41 Wow, son.
04:43 I'm so proud of you, son.
04:44 This is, that's crazy how much, how big of a difference.
04:49 You could almost put both legs in one leg.
04:52 >> I mean, who really does lose 100 pounds that fast?
04:58 His drive is like no other, I've never seen anything like it.
05:01 [MUSIC]
05:03 >> Go, drive it up, drive it up, drive it up.
05:07 >> Fitness is basically my passion.
05:10 Hopefully I become a personal trainer, maybe even something more than that.
05:14 >> Easy, man, easy, easy.
05:17 >> Easy, easy.
05:19 >> You're a beast.
05:21 >> I feel amazing.
05:22 It is so much better than how it was, cuz now I actually know I look good.
05:27 I feel good.
05:28 [MUSIC]
