Sénégal: marche silencieuse contre report présidentielle

  • 7 months ago
Les Sénégalais sont appelés mardi après-midi à une marche silencieuse à Dakar pour protester contre le report de leur présidentielle et la prolongation du mandat du chef de l'Etat Macky Sall, objets d'un vaste mouvement d'indignation.

Le nouveau collectif Aar Sunu Election ("Protégeons notre élection"), qui revendique plusieurs dizaines d'organisations syndicales et de groupes citoyens et religieux, demande aux Sénégalais de se réunir à partir de 15H00 (locales et GMT) dans un quartier proche du centre de la capitale.

"Nous appelons tous les Sénégalais à venir de manière pacifique participer à cette marche silencieuse pour dire non au report des élections, pour dire non au prolongement du mandat du président Macky Sall", a dit lundi devant la presse Abdou Khafor Kandji au nom d'un des groupes qui forment Aar Sunu Election.

Cette marche aura lieu quatre jours après une contestation d'ampleur à travers le pays réprimée par les forces de sécurité.
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00:00 Senegalese are called on Tuesday afternoon to a silent march in Dakar to protest against
00:04 the postponement of their presidential election and the extension of the mandate of the head
00:07 of state, Makisal, subject to a vast movement of indignation.
00:10 The new collective Arsounou Elections, Protect Our Election, which calls on several dozen
00:16 trade union organizations and citizen and religious groups, asks Senegalese to meet
00:20 from 3 p.m. local and GMT, in a neighborhood near the center of the capital.
00:25 "We call on all Senegalese to come in a peaceful way to participate in this silent march
00:30 to say no to the postponement of elections, to say no to the extension of President Makisal's
00:34 mandate "said Monday in front of the Abdukafor Kandji press in the name of one of the groups
00:38 that form Arsounou Elections.
00:40 This march will take place four days after a massive protest across the country repressed
00:44 by security forces.
00:46 Three people were killed.
00:48 Many Senegalese wanted to respond to a call, to unidentified authors, broadcast on social
00:54 networks, but were prevented by police and gendarmes.
00:57 Authorities have maintained their doubt over the delivery of an authorization to demonstrate
01:02 on Tuesday.
01:03 They have banned many protests from the opposition in recent years.
01:07 Senegal has been at the forefront of one of the most serious political crises in recent
01:11 decades since the president announced the resumption of the presidential election on
01:14 February 3, three weeks after the deadline.
01:17 Its supporters at the National Assembly and those of Karim Waid, disqualified candidate,
01:22 then postponed the resumption of the election to December 15 and the presidency's maintenance
01:26 at its post until the taking of office of its successor, a priori therefore early 2025.
01:31 This last-minute change, exceptional in a country praised for its stability and its
01:36 democratic practices, raised the cries of "a coup d'état constitutionnel".
