Valentine's Day 2024: वैलेंटाइन वीक (Valentine Week) यानी प्यार भरे सप्ताह की शुरुआत हो चुकी है। यह जश्न 7 फरवरी से शुरू होकर 14 फरवरी तक मनाया जाता है। इस पूरे हफ्ते पार्टनर्स एक दूसरे के प्रति प्यार जताते हैं और बताते हैं कि वे उनके लिए कितने खास हैं ऐसे में आपको बताएंगे क़ि अविवाहित कपल रूम में एक साथ रुक सकते हैं या नहीं।
Valentine's Day 2024: Valentine Week i.e. the week full of love has started. This celebration starts from 7th February till 14th February. Throughout this week, the partners express their love for each other and tell how special they are to them, in such a situation we will tell you whether unmarried couples can stay together in the room or not.
#ValentineDay2024 #UnmarriedCouple
Valentine's Day 2024: Valentine Week i.e. the week full of love has started. This celebration starts from 7th February till 14th February. Throughout this week, the partners express their love for each other and tell how special they are to them, in such a situation we will tell you whether unmarried couples can stay together in the room or not.
#ValentineDay2024 #UnmarriedCouple