किडनी में क्रिएटिनिन का बढ़ना कई समस्याओं का कारण बन सकता है। ये एक तरह ये आपको किडनी डैमेज की ओर ले जा सकता है। इसकी वजह से आपकी किडनी का काम काज बिगड़ता है और फिर ये किडनी फेल्योर की ओर आपको ले जाता है। इससे आपके शरीर में कई सारे टॉक्सिक कंपाउंड जमा हो जाते हैं और धीमे-धीमे ये वेस्ट कंपाउंड्स आपके शरीर का नुकसान करने लगते हैं।
Increase in creatinine in the kidney can cause many problems. In a way, it can lead you towards kidney damage. Due to this, the functioning of your kidneys deteriorates and then it leads you towards kidney failure. Due to this, many toxic compounds get accumulated in your body and gradually these waste compounds start causing harm to your body.
#CreatinineBadhneKeLakshan, #CreatinineBadhneKeSymptoms, #HighCreatinineSymptomsTreatment,#CreatinineBadhneParKyaKre
Increase in creatinine in the kidney can cause many problems. In a way, it can lead you towards kidney damage. Due to this, the functioning of your kidneys deteriorates and then it leads you towards kidney failure. Due to this, many toxic compounds get accumulated in your body and gradually these waste compounds start causing harm to your body.
#CreatinineBadhneKeLakshan, #CreatinineBadhneKeSymptoms, #HighCreatinineSymptomsTreatment,#CreatinineBadhneParKyaKre
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