हमारे शरीर में दो किडनी होती है. यह काफी महत्वपूर्ण अंग होता है. लगातार काम करते रहने की वजह से इसकी सेहत का सही तरह ध्यान रखना चाहिए. दोनों में से अगर एक किडनी खराब हो जाती है तो इंसान जिंदा रह सकता है.
There are two kidneys in our body. This is a very important part. Due to continuous work, one should take proper care of one's health. If one of the two kidneys gets damaged then the person can remain alive.
#EkKidneyKhrabHoJayetoKyaKaren, #KyaKidneyRecoverHotaHai, #EkKdineyHoneSeKyaHotaHai,#EkKidneyParInsaanKabTakJindarehSaktaHai,#HowMuchTimeDidPersonLiveOnSingleKidney
There are two kidneys in our body. This is a very important part. Due to continuous work, one should take proper care of one's health. If one of the two kidneys gets damaged then the person can remain alive.
#EkKidneyKhrabHoJayetoKyaKaren, #KyaKidneyRecoverHotaHai, #EkKdineyHoneSeKyaHotaHai,#EkKidneyParInsaanKabTakJindarehSaktaHai,#HowMuchTimeDidPersonLiveOnSingleKidney