• 8 months ago
Anthony Albanese has rejected a suggestion, made in light of Barnaby Joyce's alcohol-affected late-night mishap in Canberra, to introduce random alcohol and drug testing of MPs, senators and staff in the Federal Parliament.
00:00 And now I give the call to the Member for Warringah.
00:02 Thank you Mr Speaker. My question is to the Prime Minister.
00:05 Numerous workplaces in Australia have random alcohol and drug testing to help ensure a safe and respectful working environment.
00:14 Will you commit to legislating for random alcohol and drug testing of MPs, Senators and staff in the Federal Parliament
00:21 due to the apparent ongoing issues with too much alcohol consumption?
00:26 I give the call to the Prime Minister.
00:36 I thank the Member for Warringah for her question.
00:39 I recognise that it comes from a place of genuine concern.
00:45 There have been issues from time to time in the Parliament.
00:52 But one of the things about our jobs is we're accountable.
00:56 Every three years at least we go to the Australian people and we're accountable for what we say and what we do and how we act.
01:05 And that is a democratic process that is appropriate.
01:09 I would have thought that we are all responsible adults and we should act appropriately
01:17 out of respect for the people who vote to put us here.
01:21 It is a great privilege to be a Member of Parliament and many people try, not as many succeed.
01:29 I've had the privilege of being elected to this Parliament 10 times and every day, every day, I feel grateful and humbled
01:39 by representing the community where I've lived my whole life in the inner west of Sydney
01:46 and being able to occupy the extraordinary position of being Australia's 31st Prime Minister.
01:53 I don't want to see us be in a position where we say that we are unable to act like adults
02:03 and to have the suggestion which is made.
02:06 So I understand why she makes it, the Member for Warringah, but it is not something that I have supported.
02:13 I think that people need to act responsibly at all times.
02:19 To bear in mind the great privilege and honour that we have of being in this Chamber in the various positions that occur,
02:27 whether they be on the front bench of either side, whether they be backbench members or whether they be crossbench members as well.
02:34 So I thank the Member for Warringah for her question.
