Energy CS Davis Chirchir should be impeached - Babu Owino

  • 7 months ago
Embakasi East MP Babu Owino says Energy CS Davis Chirchir should be impeached for not appearing before the Senate Energy Committee to answer questions over the gas explosion that killed 10 people in Embakasi.
00:00 Chair, number one, I am Babu Oino,
00:03 member for Mbakasi East constituency,
00:05 where the said tragedy took place.
00:08 Chair, I came here in the capacity of a member of parliament
00:13 representing the great people
00:15 of Mbakasi East constituency.
00:17 And chair, such a tragedy can befall
00:20 any member of parliament.
00:23 Chair, we were elected to represent
00:25 the interest of our people.
00:28 Today, it is about Mbakasi East constituency.
00:31 Tomorrow, we'll hear about another constituency.
00:34 And therefore, chair, the people passed on
00:37 in Mbakasi East constituency,
00:39 the numbers have gone to around 10.
00:41 The people who were injured,
00:43 chair, are over 300 in number with serious burns.
00:48 And we know, chair, that with the exposure of these burns,
00:54 our people risk getting infections
00:58 and losing water through dehydration,
01:01 and we may end up losing more lives.
01:04 Chair, I came here to get answers
01:08 from the cabinet secretary,
01:10 irrespective of our political parties,
01:14 because when we are here,
01:15 we are representing the interest of Kenyans.
01:19 And chair, it is an insult
01:22 under the doctrine of separation of powers.
01:24 Checks and balances.
01:26 For a cabinet secretary not to obey the orders,
01:31 the summons, the invitation given by this honorable senate.
01:36 And it is even a greater insult to you as the chair
01:41 that if the cabinet secretary cannot listen
01:45 to you as the chair,
01:46 what about other members of parliament?
01:49 What about other Kenyans?
01:51 And therefore, chair, the cabinet secretary
01:54 for energy, Mr. David Churchill,
01:57 has proven to be unreliable witness.
02:00 Who on the witness stand should be impeached?
02:06 When a witness is unreliable,
02:08 then impeachment of a witness must always follow.
02:12 Because, chair, the cabinet secretary
02:16 is both criminally culpable.
02:18 Why?
02:20 Because they did say that they did not
02:23 issue the license.
02:24 But the problem is,
02:26 because he owes the great people of Kenya
02:28 a duty of care and became negligent.
02:31 He ought to have followed up
02:34 and known that this company that is not issued
02:37 with a license to trade,
02:39 why is it proceeding to trade?
02:42 And he's also vicariously liable
02:45 under the law of thought.
02:48 And chair, our people are suffering.
02:50 I was just showing my senator and my secretary general
02:54 a photo of a young man, 14 year old,
02:57 who passed on yesterday.
02:58 If you look at those two photos,
03:00 chair, the bodies haven't been removed
03:04 from different hospitals,
03:05 released from different hospitals.
03:07 Bills are accumulating,
03:08 both in public hospitals and private hospitals.
03:12 Today, we've just organized for a prayer day
03:14 to pray for these victims.
03:16 And chair, it is really a big shame
03:19 if the cabinet secretary can leave this country, Kenya,
03:24 in this state, going to another country,
03:29 claiming that he wants to serve the interests of Kenyans
03:33 that he's serving, while Kenyans are already dead
03:36 and some are dying.
03:39 Who does he want to go and get those interests for
03:42 if Kenyans are all dead?
03:45 Which population will he have?
03:48 So chair, it is a really sad state of affair to be here,
03:53 just because a cabinet secretary
03:55 probably feels very important,
03:59 compared to other members here.
04:01 Meanwhile, he doesn't have a democratic responsibility
04:05 that is bestowed on us by the electorates.
04:09 Otherwise, thank you.
04:10 Otherwise, thank you.
04:11 (audience applauding)
